I wish Matt Gaetz would pay me "just because".
>>489108234those are nice even amounts he's spending
This is small potatoes, mountain jew. Are you afraid he might de-weaponize the DOJ against straight white men or something?
>>489108234who cares
>>489108234 Switzerland flag>pay mespeaking of Getting Paid:>https://rumble.com/v5riqh2https://rumble.com/v5riqh2
>>489108234>I wish Matt Gaetz would pay me "just because"If anything a payment history like this argues against muh 'human trafficking'. You dont make 15 payments of varying amounts to a hooker. This looks more like a long distance relationship, helping his 'gf' pay her bills.This is a retarded nothingburger, but cope harder
>>489108234>doesn't spam eggplant and wet droplet emojiis in his venmo notes to his friendsyou aren't venmo-ing right.
Is that really all they have lmao?Probably for his GF or something.Meanwhile hillary was participating in literal blood rituals and acid washing servers. lmaoIf trump lets gaetz go for this its a bad start already.