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So I’d say I’m around 5% draftable due to certain conditions and my age
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You can't hand me a plastic fork without it ending up in the eye of the nearest drill instructor.
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I'm not draftable.
I know too much.
I'm not fighting for ZoG.
Far too old. Both rotator cuffs shot.
You guys have fun though.
I am kinda old but they will almost certainly try to draft me as I was once in, but I'm not fucking going, going the first time was a mistake.
Wouldn’t they leave you alone?
>25 years old
>250 pounds (not muscular just fat)
>Max Benchpress 175 pounds
>Testosterone 340 ng/dL
>Vision without glasses 20/50
>Diagnosed with Autism at a young age
>I’m probably on a list for saying very naughty things about NATO and the US government
Idk give it 2 weeks
did you see all the old grampa farts with missing limbs they drafted in ukraine? the goal is to get as many white men killed as possible. age and ability doesn't matter.
Joke's on you, I already serve in the Army.
I'm racist and unvaxxed
He already served
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draft all the illegals?
Very /fit/
Can speak Russian
But my teeth are fucked
Idk and it does not matter to me
If I go it’s faith and will either die or become something great
>Very capable but ugly
You are literally who they draft in the first round
I don't need to be drafted, i will voluntarily join to draft others.
I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic. I’m out of the race.
I don’t fear death. It is impossible to draft me.
Yeah but it didn't work the first time; are you illiterate or something?
People who are prior service are exempt. I don’t know why you’re insisting I read retard babble
0% unless they are desperate and guidelines change, in which case I'd still probably be able to get out of a draft legitimately.
>fucked knee and shoulder from sportsball
>bad eyesight
looks like I'll be staying home and banging all the zommerettes while the broccoli heads get meatified
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Based datamining thread, but if we're going off the
>They'll draft you regardless of what you believe or do based solely on your body

Exercise every day. Healthy weight. No mental health problems or physical health problems. Only problem is my eyesight, but glasses fix that mostly.
And nope, never fighting for the USA, or any army for that matter. I'm engaged in spiritual warfare and I'm not doing this gay "physical war" shit.
If it really got big prior service would be brought in as instructors, and they'd do that up until they needed to send the instructors into battle.

Im not getting drafted to fight my own people.

Im a Russian American and I wont kill my own people for rich jews in congress who are butthurt that Jewlenksyy is losing the war. Ukraine needs to lose the war gracefully so Trump can carve it up for Russia.

I would rather have Russia colonize the US then fight my own people/mutually assured destruction

These aren't goat farmers in the middle east, these are Euro asians heavily armed with soviet and advanced weaponry, we will get our asses kicked by Russia and NATO will lose.
>Whole family is over 26
Suck it zoomers
Yeah and i have preparing for this war since 2015
It’s probably my destiny and signs throughout my life have pointed to this

The army would take you in after they send you to fat camp. Nothing on your list is an explicit no-go except for the autism diagnosis, and that's easily remedied with an exception to policy.
>I’m probably on a list for saying very naughty things about NATO and the US government
Practically everyone that works for the government does that. The issue is if you go for a job that requires a top secret clearance and you actually have personal/business connections with a suspect or adversary nation.
I'm 35, not draftable

You realize if you bend metal it heats up right? If you have metal already near the melting point and you put it under immense stress (such as holding up floors on a building) it will twist and create enough heat to melt steel.
Go get a paper clip and bend it back and forth over and over while it touches your skin. You'll get burnt.

In a ideal world we should be trade partners/allies with Russia they fucking helped us in WW1 and the boxer rebellion why do we have to be enemies with Russia? Sure Putin is flawed but hes better than Biden or fucking Kamala Harris, Trump will actually end the conflict but this is Bidens butt fucked last ditch effort to start WW3
>I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic. I’m out of the race.
Same here, but I'm just not going to tell them so I can get discharged and collect 50K a year in disability money.

Ww3 is already in progress and isn’t driven by 3rd generation warfare elements like manpower and equipment

The US has not had to fight an organized uniformed army since fucking Korea in the 50s. We don't have the manpower/manufacturing production to drum up a draft. Were a volunteer army.
Maybe 30%. I have low muscle mass and i'm not a team player.
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Remember when pol used to do stuff like this:
I do...
.001%. I'm in my 40s, am far to stubborn to play Simon says, and through deep rooted misanthropy should not be trusted with a rifle with live ammo in my hands.
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50/50. 27, skelly but fit, boot camp would bulk the shit out of me. I doubt being on depression and anxiety meds years ago would clear me. I'd sign up if we converted to fascism and started to eradicate the degenerate post-modernists/marxists plaguing our society. Otherwise I dodge.
Im blind as a bat without my glasses, can't hold a rifle steady due to Rheumatoid Arthritis making all my joints sieze up, have a plethora of allergies that make me have sneezing fits from pollen, dust, and smoke, as well as my eyes swell up with gunk. I blame getting vaxxed as a child.
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I wish I lived in a nation worth defending.
fit and a bit muscular, not balding and overall good looking, I look 25 but I'm 34, how fucked am I?
>how fucked am I?
Watch out for rakes, brother.
What age? In a big war, it's not stopping at 25.
0% draftable and I have the paperwork to prove it. Have fun in the trenches.
All sources need to be double checked for every single post.
fat, old, have a bad back, hate everyone who isn't white founding stock, need multiple medications a day to function
enjoy storming the mosque, zoomies
If you get in the van, you're dead anyways. I'm not getting in the van.
Alcoholic with bone spurs here.
It actually never stopped at 25, the cut off to need to sign up and get to vote is 25. You're on the hook until 35 if you signed up.
Every retard thinks they can't be conscripted. Unless you're willing to kill your oppressors, then you're going to be digging those trenches.
I know. These retards seem to think their registration gets tossed in the trash the second they turn 26.
I can't dig a trench unless they pump me full of opiates and amphetamines and won't unless they give me a teenage comfort woman afterwards.
Doesn't matter. There are so many ways to be declared unfit for military service that there's really no reason to resist. Just go to wherever they tell you to report to and get yourself declared unfit for service and go home. The most you lose is an hour or two of your life.
Soooo fat

Soooo old

Can’t lift anything over 5 pounds (medically documented)

I don’t think I’d be of much use.
0%, certified schizo with the documents under my bed to prove it
I blame the goyslop
Ukraine goes up to like 65
>Unless you're willing to kill your oppressors
zogniggers get the rope, simple as.
I'm not draftable because I make it obvious to everyone I know that I will appropriate military hardware to commit acts of domestic terror.
I'm a 23 year old Single father with full custody who's an only child, what're my odds?
I'l will admit that I am a pussy boy coward, and I will run away
Due to the private ownership of firearms, 0%
I have vivid auditory hallucinations of traffic.
As someone who is watching a building getting demolished, those sparks are exactly how it looks when they use oxygen to burn through steel columns.
Kek, not very,
(also not dying in zog wars, so fuck off.)
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Probably 100%, I even volunteered for rapid deployment
you know you don't get the hardware until you're on the battlefield?
I'd say it's going to depend on the person who evaluates me so 50%. I do a lot of manual labor, I'm quite strong and healthy, but I am nearsighted and without my glasses I'd be pretty useless. Also, I have zero motivation, I don't believe this WEF agenda testing ground of a "country" is worth defending in its current state. Our government, media, healthcare and the entire tech industry has been so deeply subverted by globohomo that there's no saving this place for at least one generation.
They give you hardware to train with
Stage 4 kidney cancer but I wonder if going to war would be worth it just for the excitement of it. I often wonder if I would have what it takes to euthanize the conscription officer. Suicide by cop might be more fun than getting shipped over to some sand box or wheat field.
you know they just pick people up off the sidewalk and stuff them into a van, there isn't much evaluation
I'm not draftable because I'm fat, stupid, suicidal and extremely depressed
First time? Those are peace time standards boy. If they decide they need bodies, you'll lose all the hours of your life.
not always and not without guns trained on you. They've thought it all out already
>jet fuel melts paperclips
no shit buddy
you heard of apricot kernel?
No they haven't, or they would be drafting people now.
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I'm too retarded to be drafted(autism,dyspraxia)
Our army and police forces aren't even big enough to enforce a draft anymore. Not to mention how much of the ADF are straight up racist whites.
>In a ideal world we should be trade partners/allies with Russia
Check out this proposed intercontinental railway.
there isn't a war yet. In Ukraine they're drafting people and know all the tricks

anyone undesirable gets sent on the suicide mission, they'll be very happy to find a racist white man so they can send him to his death
Im 37 and out of shape. Probably not their ideal candidate. Im smart and have a degree in CS though. Apparently the average soldier in ukraine is 43.
I guess I'll have to improvise
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Pee pee poo poo, shit in my shoe, won't fight for a jew.
don't get picked up is the advice I'd give. Don't go to the supermarket
I will not be shooting the designated enemies, I will instead be shooting you.
you'll be getting droned by a chink
I will unironically defect to the chinks, that's how little I care for western globohomo. I'm just not gonna protect it.
about to lose my job + got no dependent family so I'm probably the first in line
Depends on who you ask.
I've met a 50 year-old Ukrainian veteran here in Lithuania, he had no military experience before 2022 but he received a notice to come to the nearest recruitment center in his city in Ukraine. They did quite a few tests both physical and psychological, including an IQ test. They questioned him and decided that his motivation is too low for a combat role so they assigned him with the role of a driver. He was dropping off fresh batches of soldiers into the battlefield and picking up the wounded before getting injured in an explosion himself. Then he was sent here for rehabilitation
me neither but there are perhaps 2 million drafted ukies and 500k drafted Russians and only one case of someone turning his guns on is masters so don't think you'll have the resolve or opportunity to
Lucky bastard, doing Judas work like that he shouldn't have got treated so well kek
>"I don't, so you don't."
Not gonna fight for kikes, and if they try to make me I will shoot them, they're just gonna have to cope with that, preferably by getting shot. I don't give a shit how slavfags react to drafts, they've spent centuries bending the knee to authority, it's expected of them.
You won't be shooting anyone then. You'll be surrounded by a mix of armed volunteers and conscripts that will blow your little fucking peanut brain out of your skull the second you start pointing your weapon in the direction of friendlies.
I am not even remotely Russian yet
I still refuse to fight Russia
They are not my enemy
If I already tried to enlist in the military and got denied, do I even have to worry about it?
>tons of scars
>long history of mental illness
>criminal record
Pretty sure I'm good. Never though being a braindead failure schizo would work out in the long run.
Not our problem, most of us are too retarded for the military to want, kek
>worry if the war is not going well
>absolutely worry
>absolutely worry
You take any meds or been hospitalized?
No but I'll do my part. And by part I mean impregnate as many latinas as possible to make up for all the zogbots blown to pieces
>Middle aged
I think my odds are pretty low. Until there are Russian tanks going down Penn avenue that is
No, I won't, because they screen you out if you prove you have violent intentions when armed. Different matter for slav countries because they don't give a fuck.
I know... UGH! I KNOW!! I'M SORRYYYY!!!

It's just I'm not gonna be a war slave is all!

That's what every dumbass thinks. I'd estimate less than 5% of the retards ITT that claim to be exempt from conscription will actually be exempt when the time comes.
Yes on both accounts. For once I don't mind the datamining. Cocktail of antipsychotics, antianxieties, antidepressants, and 2 commitments in asylums.
My knees wouldn't hold up to boot camp but I might be able to be an officer for like engineering at most
You have a good chance of being exempt, but it really depends on how bad the conflict gets.
Thanks for the reply. I imagine most of the schizos here feel and think the same regarding exemption. I've always wanted to perform military service but I don't hate Russians and I don't want to kill them. I wish it was a war against another nation, then I would gladly volunteer, but no, everything is fake and gay.
See you all on the frontlines.
Keep believing that. I look forward to your drone video.
Fight your own wars, jew. Be worthy of respect for once.
5’5” asthmatic manlet
Not very
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We're not participating anyways, but on the off-chance...
Since it is mandatory for every man to do military service here, i also would have been in the army, but i have been deemed 'unfit' and am prohibited to enter, due to my doctor certified autism. Apparently, they don't want to take risks with 'mentally unwell' people.

You're "draftable". But, in the induction process you may be excepted. For being physically unfit and such. But you still get called up.
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I've denounced jews and the talmud for about 25 years now.
Well I'm a PhD student in physics so they'll probably put me into a skinner box to cook up some devious ideas for them
I already volunteered to fight for Best Korea so good luck drafting me NATO fags.
They will just treat you like a common traitor and shoot you like a dog
I will put the draft officer's head on a pike outside my house to warn the rest.

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