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Tattoos and women that get tattoos are based. there i said it
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>tatoos are for scumbags
more like, faggots
except it's other way round
>t. german
Are eastern religious symbols the new trampstamp? or is it cleavage tats?
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It's really not, Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, West-Berlin are more traditional christian up to date, also more traditional in male and female relation.
While east germany was always progressive, socialistic if you will, women were similar as male in the work place thus very masculine, east germans are more atheistic, also less educated, etc. etc.
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reading about your vibrant and rich cultures right now
(this anon read the jpeg and seethed so hard they reported my post instead of replying LOLOLO)

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How do I pull it off without it becoming boring
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All black is what poor ethnics wear when they want to be taken serious

Fun fact: nobody will take them serious regardless

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Are Chuck Taylors /fa/?
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Fat lesbian sneakers
with barefoot shoes, very thin shoes... you need to use many muscles in your feet that contribute to the active support of your body and the maintenance of the arches
in simpler terms, barefoot = more defined arches
this also has nothing to do with drop, rather with the shape of the insole, which, in most cases, is higher under your arch to allow your foot to rest over it without your muscles having to work for it
in the off chance that you care about the details, here's a review http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2015.05.019
>Are Chuck Taylors /fa/?
I guess they are /fa since they have been popular for many decades, however they are not /fa to me, it's because of the gum toe-box and how quick they tear.
I don't like the front part of the jack purcells, to me it looks less like a smiling sneaker and more like the foreskin pulled back and the glans split slightly.
thats the best part. i love toecap shoes.

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you WILL wear the plastic and you WILL be happy
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neither am i. i've been shopping at blueowl since jay was running out of his apartment in 2009. the reddit denim board didn't exist until 2012.
why would you ever even look at low tier shit like this
way way way over priced and trash bin looking quality with outdated rick/fear of god ripoff scoop hem 2010s fits.
>55 to 95 USD for a t-shirt
might as well buy a loopwheel t-shirt if you want to spend more than 20 anywherebucks for a Fruit of the Loom 5-pack
most of those are loopwheel tees. the ones that aren't are on the same level of quality as the loopwheel stuff. have tried on all of them.
jay was one of the first people importing japanese loopwheel tees into the states. he doesn't stock bullshit in his store.
reigning champ's a slight step down in quality compared to the other stuff but they have a very athletic gymbro fit other high end brands don't do.
would you rather have 3 paper thin fear of god knockoff looking tees in 2024 with collars that get stretched out in 4 washes?
or a heavyweight loopwheel tee made of the best cotton in the world from warehouse & co comissioned from loopwheeler that will out live you?
the choice is obvious if you have >100iq person low time preference.

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Is it stylish or cringe?
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It's fine as long as it's kept up. You dye your hair and a week later it's faded and the roots are growing out
You gotta keep up with it and that's where most people get too lazy and fail
i have a bro who's a gigachad who got the 2015 lgbt version of the hitler youth hair for some fucking reason then dyed it blue and it was grim. tanked his SMV till he got rid of it. i think his gf broke up with him over it.
just don't live in the west. simple
Denotes mental illness.
Hot on attractive chicks.
Repulsive x10 on ugly bitches.
Based off how this post is written I can tell this is an internet addicted virgin >>18190733

For me, it's any tattoo.

They're cringe and don't increase your /fa/ness level.
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I hate men with tattoos more than women. Literally unstable and faggots.
Gotta love the chudster
Painted, not tattooed. Also fuck ancestors.
Extremely fucking gay on men, no exception. If you are a man and have just one tattoo, then you are a homosexual (keep coping tough dicksmoker). With women it depends if they are skinny/muscular and attractive.

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10 year palewave throwback edition

old: >>18144524
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Ahh yes everyone here loves that you started talking about cock on a sneaker thread
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Damn the 4s are dead. Sitting in stock
can we stopz w/ da 4 bashing? ;_;
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Are you gay? I think you’re gay

My friend got a tattoo on his arm with his birth date on it, like the one on the picture, and it's such a retarded concept I feel bad for him whenever I see it.

Worse thing is, I was there when he got it and couldn't help but watch as he ruined his arm with the tattoo.
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Being slim is perfectly healthy, gymcel.
If you aren't 6'+ you shouldn't be talking, you little skinny midget
nah i'm not a gymcel i'm a mma guy.
5'7, 4-6% bodyfat @ 120-135lbs and my forearms are bigger and have significantly more vascularity than that.
i can tell that's a soft bitch who does zero physical activity.
+10 ape index too so 99% chance my forearm muscles are longer than his (the shorter they are the more bulky they look)
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mfw haven't trained for 4 years and i'm still too fit for the navy body fat calculator and i have to do water displacement.

In the United States, nose piercings may have negative connotations. For example, in a 2006 survey done in the hospitality industry, 81% of hiring managers stated that piercings and tattoos affect their perception of the candidate negatively
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i always fuck that up good catch.
either way this bitch is about as white as charli xcx lmao
autism face blindness/10 in this thread
also for the record i'm only posting pics from the guy who pierced her's website (public) i'm not sharing any doxx before anyone spergs/reports. should be plainly obvious she's not white just looking at her.
these days, not being a serf-tier indian thats willing to work unpaid overtime is the negative connotation
I don't really like to see anyone with any piercing except on their earlobe. It just doesn't look good, and a lot of them also feel very unhygienic. Sorry if you keep your nose or lip piercing hygienic, but it will always have that impression.
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wild how they're trying to re-brand indian men as smart hard working tech guys who are good at math by making them the figureheads of all the big tech companies.
when reality is they average 78 iq, google makes them take a 4 month course on using the toilet and they're some of the most EVIL golems out there https://www.youtube.com/@KitbogaShow

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What designers or brands can I look to in order to find refined yet playful button-down shirts?
This shirt is an old Marc Jacobs. Love the panther print but incredibly rare and I'm finding it difficult to find anything that matches that style.
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those look horrible, like a fag
this is great tho, unique design but subtle
that shirt is not a button down. i like it but what kind of shirt are you actually trying to ask about? what's your budget?
Looks terrible and cheap and childish like a kid tryiing to play dress up with his goofy Walmart clothes. You know the shitty short sleeve version of what you're wearing Walmart sells
hahaha holy shit its dan flashes
Robert Graham

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what is a cologne that smells just like bleu chanel but cheaper?and preferably linear and lasts a long time
Versace Dylan Blue pour homme
I disagree that Dylan blue smells like BdC. Dylan blue is smokier and lacks that candied grapefruit that come off like synthetic apple.
IMO Dylan blue is better.
Why do low quality men live in NEET dumps like this?
I live like that and make above median wage for my state.
Isn't cologne that lasts longer just perfume?

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King in the north
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What are good Sun protecting clothes that are traditional and look good? How do I select a good thobe?
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keep telling it like it is anon
retard OP can make a new thread for his answer and try again or cope with his sunburnt ass waterhead.
I didn't ask for your faggot ass opinion.
>I didn't ask for your faggot ass opinion.
>What are good Sun protecting clothes that are traditional and look good? How do I select a good thobe?
but you did.
i have bedouin friends in the middle east i would have gladly asked for recommendations for you. i also already know off the top of my head where to purchase the best handmade authentic shemaghs you can get, they're cheap too. but you posted ai generated slop so you can just cope now or make a new thread and try again.
Samefag with no life lol

There's something funny about somebody wearing a hat inside
Only celebs look good in hats

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Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You mean BitterChad and reversocel.
Stop rewriting history faggot.
>Stop rewriting history faggot.
You mean like what you're trying (and failing) to do, bitter incel?
yeah it is, but it's just 11000 yen so acceptable I guess
>reddit spaccing
stfu faggot
what is the best shitter movement

for me it's the SW-200

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