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literally dont follow fashion show shit or models at all
but steinberg
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wow black poly shit on a skinny tall girl. never seen that before! WOW /rollseyes
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dont care about the clothes
i like her
her face pleases me
Watch this >>18252024 and tell me you don't start to like her
meh. bio foids are overrated and dime a dozen.
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>bio foids

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it's that time of the year again, the poll for the next 4chan cup is now open.

you can vote here

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I'm sick of people in /balding/ shilling medications. Instead of arguing about how to prevent it, what tips do you have to bald gracefully and styles that compliment it?

For me personally, I have pretty early MPB. I'm 20 and have been told multiple times by multiple people that my balding is pretty bad and getting worse, so I'm about to buzz it really short Right now I'm considering whether or not to grow a beard as well, as I have glasses and would wind up as a literal basedjak pretty quickly.
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>ecchi chad
Liking anime or pretending to like anime even ironically turns you into a söytranny
No matter how many layers of irony and cope you hide in, the tranime will come for your soul
i was on fin 6 months. my dick shrunk about 1.5" and i had erection issues for 5 years. the erection issues are somewhat better but the size never came back. and i went bald anyway : ( wasnt worth it..
For me it's the "fuck it". I also shave my balls the same length with the same trimmer.
Chad embrace is great for a buff man
I experienced the same thing. I kept thinking "it won't happen to me", but guess what? It did. I guess in the end it didn't really matter. Losing my hair meant I have no opportunities to use my broken penis. You get just one shot at life, don't ruin it for yourself like I did.

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>tfw you will never look this effay
It's all a cope
>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife at 25 because muh legacy meme
>Didn't know you have a 1/36 chance of autist son (and increasing every year)
>He is sever autist (you can't detect severe autism during pregnacy)
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive and destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet.
best thread on this entire website right now
Ive long since accepted Im never gonna be a pretty boy. Thats why finding your sense of fashion is so important instead of just copying random bullshit.

Also there needs to be more purple menswear. Aubergine is the patricians choice over navy
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>take a second and laugh at him for having skin that's the same color as poop.
Huh. thanks that guy is autistic and weird, I hope he gets his hands cut off

Why are models for brands like Brunello Cucinelli and Hermes young people when their clientele are mostly retirees and old people?
Because old people wish they were young, but you can't buy youth (yet)
If my grandma died, and I found that scarf clearing her house, I would never think it would be worth anything at all.
It's where you live. There are plenty of wealthy young people who wear expensive shit but they live in rich neighborhoods and only hang out with other rich people. Whereas in middle class areas, only older people have extra money to throw around, so that's what (You) see
It's trustfundies and insecure old people who want to relive their youth. You never wonder why you see so many face lifts in the country club? That being said, Burberry lost most of their audience and has been trying to find a new one for a while, especially since they brought on Daniel Lee.
so I guess its only because I am middle class lol

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he fresh?
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maybe if he was wearing cowboy boots
Jesus Joseph and marry what is wrong with faggots. Imagine the smell
The guy with poop color skin likes to think about and look at gay sex a lot.

i think you have a black cock fetish
couldn't be me

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Are these earrings for women only? Or could men rock them?

I've seen some men wear them but not much and i'm honestly curious about it.
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picrel should be wearing silver instead of gold
You have to have a pretty masculine look as a guy to rock earrings but you can pull it off and it can look good. Also the type of earrings matter. The ones in OP’s post look like a women’s pair. Particularly the bigger fat one that’s got that teardrop ass look. The shape of it looks like something someone’s mom would wear. If you’re a guy that is gonna wear hoops let them be understated. Diamond studs are easy to not look girly on a dude but they are legit fucking ugly as shit and flavorless imo. I think smaller, basic hoops are typically fine as long as you don’t have a real androgynous looking face as a dude.
This. Too often earrings on a man either look obnoxious/overstated or girly. Just bear in mind that they’re accessories and shouldn’t draw some ridiculous amount of attention. I’m with anon. Simple gold or silver hoops (but regular shaped ones) in whatever thickness you want could be good.
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idk i just wear one earring typically either a small 18k emerald hoop or an 18k drop earring
Multiple piercings. Pirate and gypsies and bohemian aesthetic. This is a look I like

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aviator style eyeglasses are actually underrated and a cool aesthetic even if they have a slight association with serial killers and pedofiles
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Incredibly based
What should I wear if I want to be ahead of the pack
That's why I wear them - cool association with creeps. I used to look like exactly like the chud meme but now I look like David Koresh with big aviator glasses and a permanent stubble "beard". There's something about the glasses which feels slightly retro and rebellious, like an 80s drug dealer or something. Represents a kino outsider status.
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based fellow schizoid loner

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I had social anxiety and I lost touch with all my school friends, now I feel better and look good but I find it daunting to go to social events on my own.
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"Socialising alone" is an oxymoron.
>you're not allowed to have fun and instead you have to build a fake personality to attract women
Fuck off numale.
Pro-tip: don’t go to “social events”. I mean, they’re fine but they’re just not that good for building relationships. As a man, the relationships you build are all about proximity and activity. Proximity is how you made friends when you were young. You just happened to be in the same class, live in the same neighborhood, whatever. That stuff happens organically. Basically, as an adult it’s just your family, neighbors, and coworkers. So on that note, spend time with family and neighbors and be willing to grab a drink with coworkers. As for activity, it’s literally a common doing. Men become friends with the men on their sports team, that they share a profession with, that they do business with, that have common hobbies. So the trick there obviously is to join orgs and go to events for your profession or business or whatever if you have one, but the better trick is to take up a sport, an art, or other hobby. Go to all the meetings. Get good at it. If you get good at something that has some social aspect, people will try to befriend you. That’s just how it is as a man. Interest goes a long way but it’s what you do that people really care about. Doing is the best way to suggest your personality to people after all. Looks and doing are basically all you have to really have to reel people in.

This is also how you meet women by the way. You just make sure the hobbies or whatever that you do also have women in them. This works a lot better than dating apps and cold approach, which is also fine but not optimal.
Its not supposed to be fake. Thats where you’re getting filtered. You need to genuinely enjoy life
Lots of bucket crabs in this thread, funny how this gen will probably live longer than anyone in history yet they insist on making those decades as agonizing as possible by having few to no social contacts outside whatever you get from the plinko machine that is the first years of your adolescence / young adulthood when you still barely know what the fuck is going on because you clearly either with the same friends for life (nobody will never move or fall out or leave your life, people just magically are born with the perfect life sequencing) or you are now Travis Bickle for the rest of your life. Make yourself do more of things that force you into situations with other people, and do them every day. Be the awkward person who says something to strangers when it pops into your head *even when it feels awkward and uncomfortable*. It is the only way and will require a lot but if you actually manage to become charismatic and comfortable in the ability of making friends / acquaintances on demand, you will be so far ahead of most people browsing this website it will be hard for you to even conceptualize. Why else do you think the demoralization is always about people's social life and relationships? It's because it's the one thing most tied to our general happiness as we get older.
Good post. We now return to your regularly scheduled demoralization (it's over)

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What are anons' thoughts on button down shirts?
They too much for an everyday thing or only for special events?
You prefer long sleeve or short sleeve?
How do you personally style them if you use them?
Have a couple but i'm kind of on the fence about them. Some patterns are just fine but others seem a bit too wonky or spaced out. Maybe i'm overthinking it.
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Nobody in the unfathomable expanse of infinite space and time that makes up our universe gives a shit but you
that's not a button down

you don't know what a button down is

If you don't care about the difference you don't have to worry about it because it means you're not rich enough to shop at stores where the employees will know the difference anyways.
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what this anon said >>18249539
and adding you really do need to pair classic fit shirts with high rise trousers that fit wide enough in the leg to have comparable visual volume.
if i wear a classic fit shirt with modern pants it looks retarded.
if i wear a classic fit shirt with some 13-17" rise wide fit trousers it looks amazing.
i'm a rather small guy (picture "asian physique" but i'm white) and i wear them all the time. despite the clothes fitting loose it puts emphasis on my true waist which is great for subtly signalling that i'm in better shape than all the other men everywhere i go.
and yes classic fit shirts do sometimes need tailoring in the body. loose isn't shapeless.

lol anon every man who's not a little boy over age 20 knows this stuff.
Keep doing your thing king. Pretty based.

I want to look like Niko Bellic.

How do I steal his look?
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OP hasn't even changed on the JOURNEY
that 12ga would put your flesh onto the floor faggot
Did you just assume I'm a boy you fucking bigot, I'm calling the feds on you for assault of my feelings
Only if I ask nicely
Yes and if my dog could lay eggs it would be an chicken
Still not a good look just doesn’t look good bro
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vEsTRGXwwU heres a real life niko bellic in the wild. Learn from him

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Post em
i like that chain style

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Redpill me on jewellery on men

What can you wear / should you wear in public?
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what does wanting to wear accessories have to do with hating society? thats some really weird projection
Want to ask some chain dudes a question. I live in a place with a lot of diversity and cultural enrichment so I dont always want to go out with the good shit on but still want the look. Anyone know a high quality option for a well plated gold over silver chain that wont fall to bits in a year?
I want DJI and Gus Villa pieces
I like Cubans but I like to wear my pieces 24/7 so I would go for something flexible like a Cuban or a figaro or a heavy link.
Very nice
Well the lifespan of the plating depends on how often you wear it and the amount of sweat etc. For good handmade plated go with Gus Villa Jewelry or Goldzenn
Solid unplated silver, go Luke Zion jewelry
You can get a very nice GP cuban from Gus for like 500-600 bucks and it'll look identical to a solid piece, just don't sleep in it or shower or it'll wear very fast.

Gold filled pieces can last very long but typically smell bad and have a darker "faker" color that's different to the darkness of high karat solid gold

Maybe go for a Miami Figaro from Gus plated in Rhodium for something that looks like white gold and has more durability than gold plating. It'll be in the mid hundreds region maybe high but under a thousand for a very nice look. If you want to go as cheap as possible it's easier but durability is less so I'd go with Gus and get a GP cuban or accept the look of silver and get a Luke Zion piece like his heavy cable chain series. Basically a heavy link style chain but the insides of the link are polished so it'll sparkle more
>what style do you prefer?
Cubans, getting a Japanese Kihei soon, 50g 18k. Also looking around for solid 18k gucci puff links. Most puff links are hollow sadly and rare to find a solid one in general, let alone one at a good price. Got very very lucky with mine only paying 1550 for the kind of weight and width it has. If you can afford it get a Byzantine or King's Chain.

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What -core is this
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City Macmaxxing
nothingcore with a hint of baldspot
Kyiv core

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Anybody have any tips on looking fake rich?

I'm talking fake glasses that look like real designer glasses, fake watches, etc
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also consider where you live and the social climate anon. for example on the west coast if you want to fraud old money rich or high earner not yet soon to be rich type techbro type rich you dress completely differently. the techbro guys don't dress up or wear fancy stuff at all its actually a lot of cargo jort mustard stain t shirt with video game logo.
If you are white, you wouldn't need to bother with this shit
I hate these niggers so much its unreal
To elaborate: there is a certain amount of social responsibility that goes with being extremely rich. Charitable works and bringing beauty and culture into the less fortunate classes lives be among them. These tech cunts dont do anything. They dont go out. They dont dress properly. They cant communicate. They dont build or donate to anything. They just hoard their shekels and sneer with their dockers sweatshirts and keen sandals outfits like theyre above it all as ahit everyones lives up with their amazing paradigm breaking apps or whatever the fuck. In reality they are failing to step into the reality of their social role and basically they need to rope
you can find guides on reddit

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