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Why is womens fashion better than mens
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How do you know?
2000 dollar bag no cash in the purse
I would give everything I have, every single property, all of my money down to my very last cent, my home, even the clothes I'm wearing right now, just for the chance to lick her feet. Oh god, I wish I could at least suck on her toes, then I'd die happy
Just hire a high-end hooker. Much cheaper.
I once paid a popular Instagram fitness girl 2k to let me lick and kiss her feet for an hour. Best time of my entire life

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Literally, how the fuck you avoid this?
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Of course the vast majority of the mentally ill these days that can’t bring themselves to shower, I’m sure this does something to make a breeding ground for the fungus that makes you bald, as seen in goosewayne who was an alcoholic and wouldn’t take the Batman mask off for a year. Lack of vitamin d probably, using hair products that are 50% acrylates copolymer aka pure ground up plastic, using store bought deodorant instead of the all natural 5 minute craft recipe. It’s actually good and I’ve been using it for the last 5 years.
The only culture and media they've ever known has been black culture
The funny thing is zoomers will be the worst generation of all time as gen alpha will be completely different since people realized how bad everything is
Yea the zoomer hair is a combover.
That's millennials, not zoomers. Zoomers are a bunch of braindead consoomers who only eat goyslop. The whole vegan, keto, paleo, organic, OMAD trends were a millennial thing. Zoomers also still wear plastic clothes because they have no choice and they like consooming cheap disposable shit to keep up with the tik tok trends. They avoid cigarettes and alcohol because it's expensive and they are a bunch of broke shut ins who don't hang out with friends (from whom you pick up the habit of smoking) and don't go to pubs and bars. The "skin care" routines where they slather a dozen different products everyday that choke full of chemicals is half the reason why they're aging like shit, especially zoomer women who have been wearing makeup since childhood.

General inspo thread gonna dump some random stuff lets keep this board alive
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done 4 now
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That coat looks kino.

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>stares at you full of contempt
Italian army lieutenant?
why are low tier men so obsessed with uniforms

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I end up committing sudoku every time I shave
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Why are you so butthurt about my shaving routine?
I bet. A free blade, the only limitation being yourself.
Do you find the handle long enough, going to go feel out the 23c also.
>Do you find the handle long enough?
I have a razor with a handle that copies the HD handle from the 34c. It's plenty long imo but what works best for you comes down to personal preference. Typically longer handles are preferred for shaving body hair but some people swear by longer handles for their face razors.
Also instead of the 34c consider the Dovo Primo II it's made by merkur but with better quality chrome plating and a tweaked geometry that makes it a mild but efficient cutter. Easily available on Amazon for an extra $10 over the merkur
>the difference in the intermediary and top segments [the guard bar and head cap] are quite substantial between the DOVO and Merkur; the slope of the stretching surface on the DOVO guard bar is notably steeper (= pointing more closely to the line from the center of the head cap to the bottom center of the handle, for a reduction in the null/native angle of the blade to the skin), the bar itself much smoother, and the guard is now continuous – no more ‘fluting’ below the blade. The Merkur style has the ‘fluted’ straight comb with a bit less space between the guard bar’s top and the bottom of the cutting edge (the ‘gap’), and a standoff angle of the guard bar that is bit higher° relative to the handle axis than the DOVO, about ~5°. Furthermore, the chrome plating uniformity on the DOVO model is very much superior to the Merkur norms.

>The curvature of the top cap upon the DOVO model is a bit steeper. And the total space afforded for the passage of lather has been slightly increased upon the DOVO version (~0.2mm wider on PRIMO).

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psyllium fiber + bidet NOW
I'm well-endowed and need the support. When I go commando my junk gets twisted and stuck in all kinds of awkward uncomfortable positions as I move around. Like another anon said it's also way too visible without underwear to add an extra layer.
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Only ones I can do are satin boxers.


I think for the majority of men, getting a tan, darker eyebrows and wearing business casual will actually make you look like a suave gentleman chad.
Working out can add 1 point to your attractiveness, 2 or 3 if you start being obese. I don't mean becoming a /fit/ dinosaur tho, that looks like shit and destroys every fit. Only focus on legs if you are hardcorely into gay sex

A stubble can add 1 point if you have good beard genetics, a beard can add 2 points if you grow it to the perfect length tu balance your face

Height can add 3+ points but that you can't really choose so not really a hack

Overral business casual or generic Zara fits are the ones women seem to like the most. If you are going for literal teenage girls then dress whatever is trendy at the moment although why would you

what do you guys do with all these outfits? like if you work a trade besides going downtown everynow and then when would you wear these clothes?
>cant wear them hiking
>cant wear them to cooking class
>cant wear them to most hobbies because they'll get ruined
>cant wear them to most concerts
do you just walk around your city or go to a coffee shop and look mysterious? i'm talking about more higher end fashion here not grunge fashion like pic related
Take a rest, anon. Posting all day is not good for your mental health.
Why do people come to a dead fashion board just to not-so-subtly smugpost about how dumb they think fashion is? Is this the part where I go >working a trade and you start going on about how a REAL MAN doesn't like fashion etc etc then your thread archives in a few days with like four replies.
niggers here larp as celebrities with downtime that just go to buy a smoothie or something and get photographed by paparazzi
>>cant wear them hiking
I have clothes for sports/gym and hiking
>>cant wear them to cooking class
Cooking class? lmao
>>cant wear them to most hobbies because they'll get ruined
See point 1
>>cant wear them to most concerts
I barely go to concerts and when I do I just wear throwaway clothes
>do you just walk around your city or go to a coffee shop and look mysterious?
Sounds like you literally can't imagine people living without continuously getting dirty in some way
they secretly want someone to tell them the "truth" in such a way that it make him actually care about fashion

Looking for form fitting coats suitable for snow, but that dont look like i am going to work in an office

Some wool looks decent, but some looks too fluffy and I don't think it works well

What are your winter coats?
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Yes, most men here still wear skinny jeans and skintight stretch chinos.
SlaviDas Tri Poloski
Something more casual than a suit or a trenchcoat, but less casual than hideous down jackets. Something form fitting preferably
I'd wear a pea coat and layer more underneath if it's too cold. I was never a fan of heavier items and prefer layering. I live in Florida now so all my items I used for layering still have some value, while everything that was designed as a heavy single item for winter goes unused.
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I was looking for one as well since my old coat is in dire need of expensive repair. Ordered this here old military coat. I have some diy modifications in mind tho

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What product and techniques do I need to do my hair like this? I basically have the length
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What should I do with this? Preferably looking for something low-maintenance (blow-dry every morning, shampoo every other)

Not homosexual, but I am aware that I give this impression already and I frankly don't care that much.
Grow a beard
Lip filler, rhinoplasty, makeup, skin lightening, eye surgery
Arcadian Matte Paste
Stickmore Clay Fiber
Shear Revival Northern Lights

Reuzel Grooming Tonic
Stickmore Boost Tonic
Any sea-salt spray
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what hairtype is this?

You never lived through the 2000s, gtfo here zoomer ṕiece of shit

I'm going to get some maroon harem pants, fuck you, you can't stop me.
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Colorful is gay, dark muted colors is best.
Don't stand out, you narcissist.
You are wrong, and I will not come to your birthday party.
Who is this semen demon?
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A man

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What's the best alternative to jackets/blazers if you live in a hot climate?
white people dont live below the 40th parallel so move, if you arent white, you shouldnt wear "jackets/blazers"

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Why the FUCK are these so popular? Every swinger couple and sex worker I know has a his/hers pair, but this shit costs $100 just for one.
>paying $100 for undertrousers
Ningen, just get some merino wool its $25
You can get 4 pairs
You can get them for half off during their sale
swingers are trashy
versace is a trashy brand
do the math anon
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versace boxers are for men what victorias secret underwear is for women. sometimes you just want to wear something "nicer" to impress the woman youre about to plow, not that anyone here knows anything about plowing women. enjoy your 10+ year old stained holed hanes tidy whities
band design looks cool and gays wear them

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I bought a jacket and it's creaking a lot when i move... any way to get rid of the creaking?
You have to fart so you can cover that sound
Move less
no but you can make "sorry shouldn't have eaten that curry" jokes
What's it made of?

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