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pic rel is your gf, but she's a slobby loser bitch who only dresses in oversize tees

what aesthetic would you make her over into?
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That's a man ain't it?
Micro bikini
Pigtails, underboob shirt, skirt, leg warmers, flip flops.
I think we’re all partial to a beatnik type of style plaid skirts and turtle necks are a must for cute brunette girls

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Did I get filtered by sagging? I see people to this day doing so.
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Probably because belts stab their fupa from below especially when they're sitting down. This is also why fatfucks should wear high rise pants. It looks more elegant and dignified, it's more flattering and makes you look not as fat, the belt won't keep poking your belly from below, and most of all no sagging.
i like the cute faces anon
Why are you behind a sagging-pants man??
>And dude wonders why I don't wanna go anywhere with him
Why don't you just tell him?

>i've been thinking about doing an intervention
Same question. Except not as a dramatic intervention, just like a normal person.

Either way, why would you keep hanging around someone that makes you miserable?

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>women's fashion
>no limits all colors of the rainbow variety
>men's fashion
>blue shirt
It's not fair is it?
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Once people are used to seeing you in button shirts, move on to casual button up shirts.
Or something like this with a Mandarin collar. It looks a lot more casual than regular button shirts.
This also fucks if you have the body to pull it off.
where can i buy things like this?
gay store

should i buy this? i'm not into yugioh
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Just make sure you keep two cards on you to draw
>i'm not into yugioh
That's why you should buy it, if anything. Never admit you know that it's pot of greed, you only got it because you thought it looked cool or whatever. Live the lie, brother. Yes, it's sick.
Wouldn't you get sick of explaining that to every yugioh fan you'll encounter?
so its effay, go it.

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Got all the shoes I need, but that one open spots bothering me, what do I fill it with?

No dress shoes plz I’m not a boomer and don’t work in an office
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fuck you nigger
Or, how about you KYS?
He's only wrong on the canvas sneaker thing.
Its missing a dad sneaker, something like the NB 2002r in gray.
Jim greens are cool, but he bought the wrong ones

For me chito vera is peak style, been looking more inspo similar to the way he dresses
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Consider this

Hey guys I don’t know which style suits me best? Youthful, preppy, or nonchalant style?
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what the actual fuckeroo is that pose
Fucking close your mouth you fucking faggot also you look the same in every fit, boring and ugly
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wat dat mouth do tho
imagine taking really gay photos of yourself, making an even gayer little photo collage, and then posting said collage to an Egyptian fitness enthusiast forum asking for opinions. Just imagine how gay that would be. I'm glad I'm not that gay.

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is this palewave? is palewave back? /fa/ invented palewave but the mainstream fashion stole it from us!
I hope so. I was too young and fashion-oblivious to experience palewave but it seems like it would fit me really well.
Miami vice invented palewave, babby.
the fuck are you talking about you stupid fucking dumbass, eat some turd and die brainlet
Palewave will comeback at some point down the line, but the seapunk revival is what’s coming back in full force atm.

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Who makes quality t-shirts for under $50. Pocket preferred but not required.
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Not sure if the quality holds up today but Bass had some good solid tees with pockets a while back. Looking at their site now though, looks like they only have shirts on clearance so might be going away with apparel.
American Giant


Dubble Works


Harvest & Mill

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I hate tshirts as a concept. Just a fabric sack with barely any shape or style to it. Literal slave attire.
The made in Italy maglieria stuff you find for 5 bucks at the local market on Thursday mornings. Unironically though.
Ask me how I know your body looks awful.

How much must one spend on plastic surgeries to go from 4-5/10 to 8-9/10?
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can someone explain to me why every woman getting plastic surgery ends up looking like a Kardashian?
unless if it's a hair/dental transplant or correction from an injury or defect/complication, plastic surgery is never /fa/
stick with your natural genetics
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You mean a teenager's facial fat distribution changed???

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Hiding his platform shoes under bell-bottoms is a genius idea. TC and RDJ should take note.
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Worst look at the Stupor Bowl eber.
Where to cop?
Has there ever been a less sexually attractive man in show business?
That's a 40 year old dude
That's Barack Obama, he's a famous rapper or something.

what do brothers and /fa/thers think when their women dress like this?
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it's funny that incels obsess so much over sex, that they think other people value their life basd on their sexuality as well

you didn't mention any other aspects of her life. what's her education, what's her career like? does she have good friends, does she have a good network? is she happy with her life?

these are all much more important questions rather than just having a gf/bf or getting married
why the fuck are all you city faggots flying over to states that are not full of city mutants?
Aren't you proud of your vibrancy and diversity?
There are endless amounts of city failures running to normal states because they are afraid of the urban youths and cant afford their shoebox and they still think calling someone a flyover is an insult.
>anons sister getting dick on the reg


who cares, just let her to her thing
>muh ejucashun muh jerb
None of that really matters you coom brained degenerate, if you can't connect with a single man and be faithful to him. Sex is the most intimate thing you'd be doing as a woman with a man. It's especially important for women to not be whores because it's easy for women to whore around. Even a below average woman can get 50 desperate coom brained degenerates like you to fuck her if she just said the word. Which is why it takes discipline and character for women to not be a whore. No real man likes a whore, because you can't trust whores. They'll betray you at any moment and destroy your family and especially the future of your children. Hell, you can't even trust those children to be yours and not some other man's who she was whoring around with. If you are fine with something like that, then you're a pathetic cuck with no self-respect.

Why is wearing smart casual daily is considered being uppity in America?
It's like everything beyond tshirt-shorts-hoodie is for royalties only.
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>You think people don't climb mountains or go camping in the desert?
Most of the deserts, mountains and forests are untouched. Only small sections of them actually get used.
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>You can use all of it
Sure, if you have the loicense to enter them. They won't let any faggot go into national parks. They are restricted areas to protect the wildlife, environment and natural resources. You can hike in forest areas and climb the mountains but only ones that the government allows you to and only using their trail. All those national park and empty deserts and forests are government property, not "public" property. You are not the government, even if they give you the illusion of voting for them. You can get imprisoned for trespassing and poaching if you trying to break into them.
>Sure, if you have the loicense to enter them. They won't let any faggot go into national parks. They are restricted areas to protect the wildlife, environment and natural resources. You can hike in forest areas and climb the mountains but only ones that the government allows you to and only using their trail.
That may be how it works in your shithole country but that's not how it works in the land of the free. National parks (and State parks, for that matter) in America are open to the public year round.

>You can get imprisoned for trespassing and poaching if you trying to break into them.
I can't believe people actually live in countries that do shit like this. Let me guess, British?

People not using all of them because there's so fucking many of them and most of the larger ones are extremely remote wilderness is not the same as
>you can't use it
If you want to spend a month hiking into the middle of a 10 million acre national park, you can. Most people don't because that's a huge commitment and even the fringes of national parks are wonderful wilderness areas, but if you want to then you can. It's there and available for people to use. If most people choose not to use it that's fine but that doesn't mean it stops existing.
Oh my god what the fuck are you dipshits talking about?????

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ya exactly the ones i fucked were more oldschool goth/raver types doing it for the aesthetic (i'm old)
gi jane 2, can't wait to see
uncanny valley
Like all things, a weakness can turn into a strength if you turn up the sexiness on everything else about you. You can see she puts a shit ton of work into her eye lashes, microneedles her eyebrows, and has a great natural looking make up, plus she dresses sexy.
This rule applies to men, though it is less pronounced
even supermodels cant pull it off. granted, bianca balti looks weird as fuck with hair as well

Were the 2000s really the last decade where people were the least conscious about their fashion choice (thus, the most "genuine")?
No -cores, fit charts, etc.
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To be realistc, thanks to the eternal loop of new -cores every week and rise of online shopping, it's easy to find whatever suits your taste.
You'd be hard pressed to find a roomier button down or a pair of high waisted pleated pants circa 2009, at least here in Europe. Won't buy anything not "generic" offline without going out of your way..
The thrift stores were still good for shit like that but you'd definitely stick out more, nowadays pretty much anything is acceptable.
Not to mention terrible hairstyles.
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Graphic tees were better then. I miss emo-lite chicks as well.
If you let a bunch of womanish faggots get to you while they passive aggressively taunt you like a pack of cackling women, then you are a weak bitch. Never let weakness take over your life. Weakness in any form is death. It kills your spirit and prevents you from reaching your full potential.

If there's nothing serious enough to fight back, then it's a nothing burger that you should just ignore and let the faggots continue being faggots. Eventually they'll either escalate it enough for you to have a reason to fight back, or they'll get bored and stop because you're not giving them the reaction they want. Demonic people feed on the suffering of others. Don't give them that satisfaction and you will be fine.
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Looking through random people's photo timelines on flickr is quite the time capsule.
Ikr? I do it every so often. You may even stumble upon fat tits!
Whenever I acquire old digital cameras with the SD card still inside I hope there's some pics still stored. I've gotten lucky every time that's the case.

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