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Dark Academia was made for the refined, young gentleman. This is what you should be wearing. This needs to be a movement. Fine chaps wearing quality clothing made in Europe not hoodies and trackie bottoms made in the third world. Do better. Get smarter.
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>Dark Academia
look inside
90s british clothes
Yeah, but that's not a bad thing. It's basically, as I see it (I'm a Yank mutt), Sloane Ranger meets Oxbridge meets Harry Potter with a Goth inclination.
Nah he pops up on his sister's instagram every now and then
>thread is over 2 weeks old
>still no fit pic
damn op still seethe

Do you dress better then labor kid from 1912?
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no plastic shoes
no hip hugger pants
tees aren't paper thin
their belts aren't cheap corrected grain glued together bullshit
pants fit better
shirts aren't gay and slim
what's are those things in the buttonholes? they look like those flip tops on glass bottles.
that's what they look like to me too.
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oh yeah its all coming back to me now. that's exactly what they are. wearing those was a micro trend in the 50s then had a little revival in the 80s as well.

Women just dress trashy these days, and men can also dress a lot better, at least some do class it up. Very rarely do you see women with some actual fashion sense beyond just showing skin, MAYBE a nice dress, but I think it'd be ideal if everyone started dressing like cavalry officers.
It's fucking peak.
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Why are low tier men always obsessed with the stupidest shit
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This could be current fashion. It would be a hard sell in its totality but with the way the alt scene is headed right now it's not impossible to adopt certain aspects of French cavalry officers.
Right now the mainstream alt scene been making a gradual shift towards folk and country aesthetics and has been ramping up fast as of late... if this change bleads over into mainstream culture/fashion then this could open the floodgate to whole host of vintage/historical fashion movement intersecting with the mainstream like it has a view times in the past.
If you really wanna see this change then be the change.
>Only compliment people if they are wearing clothing which fits your vague and undefined cavalry vibe
>Live in a major westcoast American city so no one will judge you for the fucking insane way you dress
>Discuss and promote alt media which feeds into this folk old world look
>Promote this fashion through making and promoting media which has cool sexy men and women wearing this crap >associate these aesthetics with abstract ideals to garner interest in this style as movement which ingrains itself as a part of a person's identity and more than a style
There's a million in one ways aspects of this style and in general higher class fashion creep back in. The husser jacket especially a short dreased down one like pic related could easily be normalized brought into fashion though I think a Bocskai jacket (which looks similar to the husser) could even work since they're dark and neutral colored with smaller frills.
But stuff like the boots, gloves, sash, and the tight fitting nature of the garment would be an impossible sell to modern westerners since comfort is priortized over fashionability, especially in America.
balmain used to do shit vaguely like this

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I'm in the market for a new winter jacket. In the place I live I get a short, but cold below zero winter, some rain, some snow once in a while. So apart from the style, what materials should I be looking at (I want to spend some more money for something nice that would last me awhile).
For example - would a wool coat get fucked if it gets wet?
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>Any recs for when it's maybe 50 degrees and I don't need to layer it up
any wool thick enough to be weatherproof is gonna be too warm when its 50 out. waxed canvas or leather for that.
Doesn't even have to be weatherproof or wool just be dark gray and have texture to it
Thanks for the knowledge dump. Is there such thing as wearable wool jackets for the spring/summer? I know there's those tropical wool suits and in general that it can be woven to be lightweight, but won't that make it scratchy as fuck? I know it's retarded to be wanting to wear wool when it's hot out anyway, it's more for when the weather changes suddenly in shitholes like Maryland and you're stuck wearing a jacket.
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>Is there such thing as wearable wool jackets for the spring/summer?
felted wool that grants weatherproofness? no.
really thin knit wool that just insulates? yes they're nice to throw on in the evening after sun goes down. unwearable daytime when its hot out.
cotton is much better suited for this. what's your reason for wanting a wool garment in the first place? next time start with those reasons then extrapolate the best textile for the garment, your mentality is backwards.
oh didn't see this. thinner tweed jackets are wearable in spring and are textured and commonly come in gray. summer nah too hot for that shit. you want something non insulating.

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It's not a thong, just almost. Is it called Brazilian? Semi-thong? Something else?
Firm up or cover up
>loose ass flab ripples with every step
Her bikini is way too small for such a nasty ass
Its called cheeky lmao

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male piercings? /fa/ or /fa/g?
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oh no i have hideous troons saved to my pc to make fun of them
how will i ever recover from this bro's ;_;
You fill your life with the ugliness you want in it.
Hard to pull off and generally look very feminine. But you can look pretty effay
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scree ook
i dont see pooners often just regular troons
>t. other portland resident

Why do normies wear navigator glasses not aviator glasses?

Aviator glasses are more /fa/ imo
>why do people like different things than me?
You're not the center of the world, zoom zoom
Glaciers are better.

90% of my wardrobe consists of superhero t-shirts, but I feel like they are bordering on no longer being hipster ironic & alternatively fashionable.
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Past elementary school
I'm not a superhero fan but two similar superhero t-shirt designs are appealing to me: Captain America's shield on a blue t-shirt, and Flash's logo on a red t-shirt. It looks better if they're scratched.
Nobody on this board is going to make it
It just doesn’t make sense for any adult unless you worked for the company or have some other presentable connection to the brand you can talk about like that. Even then anything above Walmart/hot topic levels of graphics would look sharper (such as anything aforementioned as an employee only design)
It's mainly if I'm going to the shops on the weekend, to grab some dinner and maybe catch a movie.

I feel like I pair them well, not just with a pair of cargo shorts and joggers, but instead, I might wear a nice sports jacket with it, and some chinos with boots.

What are you wearing this fall?
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picked up some cheap rings & jewelry. tryna get a nice pair of tassel loafers & have been wearing patterned rayon short sleeve button-downs. going for that alt-grunge fuckboy shit.
ol costume jewelry in the club lookin ass
companies do this all the time now so they don't have to pay human meat models you can tell by the woke character of it or just run it through an app that detects AI generation
post fit
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>he doesn't 90s celebrity at the airport core

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ive observed a lot of trends and i think the black tee with jeans is timeless. if youre in good shape it will always look good regardless of race/gender.

White/light gray/miltary green tee and jeans is also a good option. you can also swap for other similar tops as a girl.
you can throw on a denim jacket or overshirt/flannel if its colder out.

I recommend brown boots/shoes, but white sneakers work as well.
Never wear black with blue jeans
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Based. Would look much better with a white, grey or Heather t.
Dude in back is effay
Dude in front looks just awful

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what happened to motocore? post more of these
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>bike license £1000
>effay bike £2500-£3500
>all while people in their 20-30s can't even afford a down payment on first house
Motocore was always just a meme aesthetic. You can't really have nice things in current economy.
>expensive things don't exist because the average person can't afford them
Idiot tourist, fashion is about experimentation. Building an outfit board and a look, is different than building practical everyday wear. You are the reason this board sucks and why we can't have motocore threads
I would actually like to see OP set. Has someone tried it and have pics?
if you tink 5grand is alot you ust be some dole scum underclass fuck. get off the universal credit/income based jobseekers and go gt a fuckng job. then go get a fucking city and guilds and work hrd you lazy fuck.

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I found something I want to buy on ebay but the seller isn't responding to my request for measurements
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This isn't your blog nor Twatter.
i found something rare i really liked on ebay and the seller had the package stolen from him at the usps facility (brooklyn or w/e, not surprised)

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are milsurp stores good places to go if you're kinda low budget and looking for decently made clothes or is this incel failed roof assassin core
There are some pretty good stuff, like boots and summer/winter gear, at these places if you take time to really look. There is a lot of shit there though, at least the ones i've been in. Really depends on what style you're going for.
depends on the milsurp store. does it actually sell surplus or is it one of those milsurp stores that sell low grade chinese knockoffs of military stuff? all my local ones became the latter, used to be good.
olive drab stuff is fine
anything camo is peak autism especially jackets. its cool to collect them and wear them once in a while but do NOT make that stuff your wardrobe staples lmao.

thoughts on the billowy jeans trend
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these both look awful because the jeans are relatively new and still too stiff for the look they truly want. i wouldn't even say these are billowy, nothing billowy about it, just wide garments sitting shittily

captcha: P004P
I'd love for her to take her dentures out and give me a gummer
Looks like shit and this whole trend is going to age poorly the same way it aged poorly in the 90s/2Ks

what type of fitting jeans look best paired with the picture?
Black slim straight jeans cuffed up so they sit at the top of the shaft of the boot
yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing with pic rel. it's been some time since I've made purchases, and everything seems to be baggy nowadays.
Levi’s dark wash 501s

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