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>fell for the Barbour meme
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Yeah, go ahead and DIY wax an unlined jacket. Have a great time. You'll have exactly the same experience as slipping a barbour on, for sure.
Don’t do this. The wax will bleed through and ruin your shirt.
What chore coat have you met that is unlined?
>If you're buying Barbour to stay warm in actual cold conditions, you're retarded.
True, they're quintessrntially british and it never really gets that cold in the UK.

NTA but every workwear brand that makes chore ciats also have unlined versions for warmer wheather.
There are definitely better wax coats out there but Barbour is a classic that is functional and basically never looks bad.

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Do you guys have two contrasting styles that you wear?

In summer I tend to wear somewhat trendier, baggier zoomer type clothes and in autumn and winter I tend to wear more classic men's wear stuff like button ups, leather jackets, regular fit jeans and boots
i have to wear collared shirts, trousers, and leather shoes at work. basically suits without the jackets and ties. when i am not work i dress much, much more casually.
Yes. You cant layer where I live so its hemp muscle tees and tanks with drawstring pants and birks in the summer. Fairly zoomery. Winter fall is just basic bitch white boi sweaters flannels jeans and boots but I mix in interesting statement pieces so Im not just generic and boring

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Post neofolk outfits and discuss the aesthetic in general
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I think it’s Swedish or Swiss surplus from the 40s/50s. You can find them all over the place. You can tell from the ass pockets. Very common and I’m pretty sure Americans pipedream have some Swedish ones in stock.
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OP here I've been into the music for years but never much into the fashion, I try to slowly implement neofolk traits into my wardrobe, /fa/ isn't a board I often visit so I'm not sure how neofolk threads in the past have been
[spoiler]am girl so I also dress in mori kei inspired stuff sometimes, it's hard to get a hold on Japanese mori brands because most of those are defunct thought I tend to prefer more masculine styles 80% of the time[/spoiler]
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Imagine Muumi with those clothes tho.
that scarf is pretty badass

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"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18244282
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new thread
I bought my fiancé a 10k engagement band. Is it only right that she saves to buy a seamaster for me?
>>Depends on the casio I suppose, because they do make models out of steel and titanium and other long lasting and "nice feeling" materials.
Show us one from 1965 then lmfao poorfag.
victims of marketing
white silicone strap for summer's end

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what do I tell my barber to get this haircut?
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That would be misleading as a reference pic because cloud uses a ton of product (gel, hairspray, etc.) to get that look. Here’s what his hair looks like without product (right side). Show that to your barber. It’s basically a layered medium length haircut. You’ll have to do the gelling and hairspraying at home.
>cloud uses a ton of product (gel, hairspray, etc.) to get that look. Here’s what his hair looks like without product (right side)
How do you know this? Do you know him personally? You fucking weeb
You must bring a picture to show them. There is no way around this.
Give me' the faggot '
Nomura confirmed it in an interview

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Is it a good fit or did it ruin the style of jeans forever (low waist, slim tapered legs. Basicly every jeans nowadays)
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Then leave. Nobody wants you here and there's nothing here for you.
Ageing milllenial jean advice
lol no
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post some better y2k jeans lil zoomie bro
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Take finasteride(or dutasteride) NOW!
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you already have a troon general. Keep your troon grooming there.
mad cuz ur bait was traashh lmao
>b-b-b--b-b--but you r-r-r--r-epl--plied...!!
yea to laugh at you LOLZA
go back to /fit/ and don't forget to double your creatine to make sure every last follicle on your head dies off
go back to /balding/ after you wipe the nipple discharge off from your keyboard with your limp, chemically castrated chode
>We do understand it though. quite well actually.
Not well enough apparently: >>18248137

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I'm one of those guys now
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Ask me how I know you like traps.

God damn Converse is for Zoomers and homos.
>God damn Converse is for Zoomers and homos.
bruh they were invented in 70s or something
>bruh they were invented in 70s or something
Kek, It goes way back. 1907 IIRC.
They were a early 20th century shoe made for playing backetball on hardwood courts. Anyone who wears them for daily use and walking around is a prole tbqh. They are meant for playing basketball in 1930 on a hardwood court. if that. If anything, they are actually most suitable for boating, because there is such a flimsy thin outer sole, its perfec for contouring the hull of a sail boat surface.
>muh feet hurt from chucks from walking in them every day all day
no shit, unless you have duck feet, then you are a prole so its a wash
Prole? Are you mixing up your generic insults? Nobody is confusing converse for formal wear.

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>2016: annual retail sales of $450 million
>2024: too broke to renew seanjohn.com domain name

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I'm back to school in 2 weeks at 25 with other people my age and realized I have no wardrobe because I was a sperg who always wore the same shitty clothes + covid online classes
how tf am I supposed to know what clothes to buy and wear?
help me anons, I need a new wardrobe!
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White sneakers, faded black jeans, assorted t-shirts, grey college crewneck. This was my uniform in college. I wore it more than any other outfit. Despite its basic simplicity, I was better dressed than 99% of other students. If you’re in pretty good shape, handsome, good hair, groomed, it is impossible to look bad in this.

Another good go to if you go to a preppier school is blue jeans with white sneakers or brown loafers and rugby.

Throw on a classic ball cap for either if you want. The only thing you have to figure out on your own is a winter jacket.
Also, pro-tip: all college girls want to fuck athletes and athletic men. If you’re fit, join a club sport and wear athleisure now and then.
Ageing milllenial coded advice... DO NOT TAKE.
Holy shit. NTA, but this is some pathetic cope, you’re likely a tranny. Imagine trying to argue that Millenials are the only ones that are into fitness
They want to fuck d1 athletes and rich white frat boys. Not random club sport losers.

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Rococo revival when?
you would need the top 10% to have 90% of the wealth and then wait 200 years for their great great grand children to have lived their entire lives in leisure where no one in anyone's family has worked for centuries, developed a hobby of partying at each others houses all day every day and the arms race to develop to the most extravagant house again
you have to go full-visual kei to pull this off

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Talk shit post fit edition
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Are we getting another one of these I want fit advice
These boots are really really nice my man
no this is the last waywt ever
new new

Discontinued: >>18241560

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It was actually me. Kenzo EDP has grown on me so I might come around to BI.
babycat is more suede than heavy leather like the TF one
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i do
salsa on the girl in pic
>barrister & mann fougere gothique

how good is this? It's cheap enough on amazon I might blind buy for the colder months as a works frag

>made in bangladesh
low quality
>made in italy by bangladeshis
high quality
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Gaudy immigrant tier
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Have to search a little bit
I check second hand stores but they often have outrageous prices since the people caught on with buying vintage. I go for an app in my country where you can sell your used stuff and search by material or by clothing piece. When I find something nice I discuss the price often I can get it down by 20-30%. But if it’s reasonable I just pay what they want. For men it’s still easy since most don’t know their clothes and what they are worth they just want to sell it quick. Women on the other hand think their used stuff is still worth new prices. Also I always pick the clothes up in person and pay by cash so I can try the stuff on and check the quality

Pic related is an handmade Italian silk shirt from Venice. It was pricey at 150€ but the quality is outstanding even more in real life and it has become one of my absolute fave’s
Got it from a vintage store

Another factor is when you buy from big chains like Zara. Go online and sort by material. They still have some nice materials like wool cashmere or silk. Mark your faves and wait till sale. They ain’t worth full price
hmm what would you improve my man ?
There will be no response to this. He just really wanted to call you an immigrant
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That’s sad man
Another vintage piece I bought is this navy blazer 100% virgin wool and a perfect basic piece

you guys shilled this meme so hard that zoomers are trying to cosplay it

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This guy recently admitted that he got the mullet-mustache combo because he saw a drag queen do it and thought it was cool
Lmao at this guys life
sorry for being dumb but is that idubbz or another one of these guys
Are you german?
nah. its methhead special actually. u wont pull it off if u arent one. same with crust punk

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