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as you know, photoaging occurs when ultraviolet radiation from the sun CLAPS your skin cells. with that being said, you do wear UPF 50+, right anon?
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>dermatologists recommend wearing sunscreen all year long even in winter
Is this reasonable or are they tripping? Do I really need to wear sunscreen when I'm covered from head to toe and only my face is sticking out?
>It's cancerous. It causes cancer.
shitskin problems. mineral sunscreen doesn't. and white people can use mineral sunscreen just fine. chemical mask sunscreen was invented to leave less white mask on shit-skin poo poo people. you'd have to be a retard to buy it as a white man.
probably shit tier. does it have a chemical mask? did you pay less than $20 for a tiny 2oz tube? shit tier.
>vitamin D supplement
Heh, nothin' personal kid
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>what is ozone
>what is living in a different climate than your ancestors evolved for

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how do you cope with the realization that if you are not /fit/ you will never be /fa/? If you look like pic related EVERYTHING on you will look good.
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You don't want that, retard. You want a V-taper. Over swolled obliques will make your torso look like a fridge. Just work on your lats and abs. Leave the obliques to roiding bodybuilders.
This is the best physique. Women like these kinds of bodies. This is how hunter gatherers looked like. Look up documentaries about Masai in Africa. Their diet is all animal foods, mostly raw milk and fresh blood. Some meat with raw organs. All of them are tall with very developed faces and with lean bodies.
and guess what, you get more attention than all the /fit/ fruit cakes im sure.

keep it up anon. you got a good head on your shoulders
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>you get more attention than all the /fit/ fruit cakes im sure.
>in my free time i can also cross-dress.

He didn't say who he was getting attention from, nor what kind

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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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terrible last and terrible fit
>Opinions on New Rocks?
The Best made Boots with that kinda style and design details for whatever that's worth
>Idk where this "white's are bad now" meme came from.
For me it was when a poster itt posted their baker Custom pair and the stitching was a mess and the guys at bakers said they stopped doing qc before shipping custom orders because the volume was just too high for them to deal with
Vietnam? Mexico? Some guy on the side of the road?

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how come bras come in different cup sizes but boxers don't come in diffrent crotch sizes?
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bras are supportive. boxers are not.
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when will the merkin or the codpiece go back in style?
serious question.
Haven't you heard the story about the astronaut condom sizing?

They were given sizes Small, Medium, and Large to pick from. Every single one selected Large. So they had to rename them.

Bras are relatively rigid and thick compared to boxers, which typically have a few % of spandex/etc even.
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hear the story about indian condom sizing? snort.

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How the FUCK do I get my hair to grow faster? I’m trying to Griffithmaxx for fuck’s sake. Give me your most effective, most esoteric, most arcane tips for growing hair quickly NOW.
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this nigga is batmaxxing
is there anything to DECREASE body hair? I have to spend like 20 minutes daily trimming different parts of my body to stay on top of things
set yourself on fire
Take estrogen and wear women’s clothing
Braindead tranime pedo

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Does your gf match your outfit?
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>nobody starts at 100k and you'd be lucky to even get hired as a jr. at all these days. The meme pay for software is over and that bubble popped years ago.
can't into leetcode and just got into software coz you thought it was good pay huh.
he’s right, when i finished my bachelors i got a dozen offers from boomer corps like banks and retail, all in the neighborhood of $75k. wasn’t until i got a masters that recruiters started calling from the “magnificent seven” and offering six figures.
fakeGF is a good plan.
not wotrth it to look like a giant faggot imo
And that was under trump not biden back when there were jobs everywhere

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"professional dryclean only"

what the fuck is even this ?
What's wrong with water ? Water is dangerous ? Water is gonna destroy my pants ?

"ummm actually yes, you should use chemical stuff instead, also don't forget to wear a mask and gloves while using it if you want to do it yourself, or just pay like 7 euros for washing one piece of clothing"

FUCK dry cleaning, this is a scam, my pants will be washed with WATER
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i guess it could be dyed with something that doesn't play friendly with brighteners just use a really simple ass soap like dr bronners.
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No, not that pattern, just other linen shirts from them (solid colors) say gentle cold machine wash. The blue one with that weird white pattern says dry-clean only no-hand-wash. I guess it's actually just different colored linen threads woven together. Here's a pic of the close-up + instructions.

Yeah I'll hand-wash just the bottom part that I was thinking of hemming off anyway just in case the dyes fuck up or something.

Instructions translated:
* Dry clean
* Do not bleach
* Do not machine or hand wash
* Do not machine dry

The other solid-color one oddly says do NOT dry clean on it oddly enough.

I bought both at the same time from the same physical store/brand/country of origen (here)/etc and both are linen,just the other has all threads the same color ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You do realize "dry cleaning" still uses water right? Surely you're not that retarded
i mean it could be dyed with indigo. worst case the blue fades out a little. just be sure to use a brightener free soap and you should be fine.

if it is indigo, could it dye the white threads and cause it to lose the pattern and become all murky? I stained my white shoes wearing raw denim in the rain before. I guess even if that happens it could still look good, just different, more uniform.

Do these thicker cotton t-shirts get hot during the summer unlike conventional t-shirts?
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>A marketing meme made up to sell people cheap, undesirable plastic clothing made from old water bottles.
bro you can just look at mountaineering records by year and see when polyester started getting introduced to the market. same for rubber sole tennis shoes (which were superior for mountain climbing than old timey hobnail boots)
you know its mostly because of synthetic clothes why grandma's can summit everest no problem these days right?
opposite day tier post. you're so close to getting it but then you mix up the properties of natural and synthetic fibers and make a case for why coolmax is so good without knowing it.
what's your deep lore?
i'm trying to figure out why so many of you guys exist. did you just throw on one generic weave winter weight polyester shirt, sweat in it, and decide REE POLYESTER BAD? have you ever worn a polyester mesh before? were you even using the right garment for its intended use case? what about coolmax? do you even know the gsm of the poly shirts you based your opinion on?
i know its just a tiktok and /pol/ trend to blindly hate synthetic stemming from lol tier misunderstandings of rightful concerns with microplastics (touching it won't estrogenize you lmao its the clothes getting into the food supply after being discarded you actually have to worry about)

>Humans evolved the ability to sweat over millions of years in order to cool ourselves down
>removing that sweat with hydrophobic plastic clothing to keep our bodies dry is stupid
wearing natural hydrophilic fibers removes the sweat and absorbs it into the garment where it can't evaporate.
coolmax polyester was invented to allow the natural sweat evaporation process to happen when you have clothes on.
did you pass chemistry in high school? serious.
i think the only issue with polyesther clothes is if that shit's in your underwear and traps the heat and gets it directly on your balls. of course i think this extended to people thinking that goes to all clothes when it really doesn't; it's all shit that washes off in a shower if it does somehow
synthetics suck ass for underwear. wool and silk are king. cotton too but only because no one makes 120-140gsm wool underwear anymore most brands start thicker because they get too many durability complaints from actual thin wool.
same with socks but synthetic socks have their place: goated for short term high activity stuff like the gym where you can swap them for a fresh pair of something else after. and silk has durability issues in socks tends to fair better blended.
They will feel hotter than the thinner shirts, naturally. Anyone telling you you can't get hot in cotton is wrong. Obviously the thicker the material, the less breathability it has, and this is even true for very breathable materials like cotton or lycocel.

Other factors like the knit/weave of the material also come into play. For example, Ventile is a type of cotton that is woven so tight that it becomes waterproof when it swells up slightly. This also means that it isn't as breathable as normal cotton weaves.

Anyway a mid-weight cotton t-shirt probably isn't going to become unbearable if you wear it during the summer but your mileage may vary. I would not go for a heavyweight version though.

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Are G shocks fa? Also do you like this one better?
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I'm getting this purple one next and there is nothing.. I repeat NOTHING that you square and casioak /fa/gs can do about it. the best g shocks are the really bright and gaudy ones or the y2k looking ones like the MTGM900 or forgotten future series.
>The Explorer is fucking ugly and is the worst piece of shit Rolex ever made. Get some taste.

it's literally the most versatile watch to wear...
My money, not yours
just a rule of thumb some round ones are sick but you have to have taste to decipher. there's hardly any bad squares.
yes that's true

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I have a noob question about fashion. What's the consensus on the color of the soles (on basically all shoes above sneakers and such)? For example the pic, the bottom has one color that's darker than the color of the shoe itself while the top has two lighter colors. Does it matter? Would the top style be considered a more casual color combination choice than the bottom? I've seen both styles on all ranges of shoes and all price-tags.
You should stick to dark soles if you're wanting to dress up. Otherwise it's just preference.
Colour has nothing to do with it. Yes, the top chukkas would be considered more casual, since they are soled with natural rubber crepe. Back in the day, it used to be considered a hiking boot sole material. And for a long time, it was only possible to get natural rubber crepe in that off white colour. Materials, materials, materials.

t. shoe maker and designer
That's retarded, COLOR has everything to do with it. Nobody is inspecting the material of your soles but they can easily see if it's black or not black. Black is formal, not black is casual.
A lot of things go into whether or not something is considered more casual, things like silhouette, details, texture, colour. The top ones here are way more casual. In general, yes, a contrasting sole is very casual but one which is closer to the colour of the shoe is not. Even if the top ones had a darker sole, they’d still be a more casual boot just because of the style.

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Wow, those look like some kind of cartoon shoes, especially when paired with those light wash mom jeans.
They look alright I guess, but calling them boots is a stretch desu.
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I have,

I like the trainer / boot aesthetic, go well with either baggy or boot cut jeans
They good for walking about on hard ground I find and just generally comfortable.
they're not that durable or waterproof on top, had these for a year and the fabric is fraying a lot.
If this guy disagrees with your taste, you're doing pretty well.

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>Naked sleeping is disgusting. Imagine sweating directly into your bed sheet and blanket and smearing your dick discharge and asshole onto them
If you wake up without a huge green stain in your bed you ain't slept right.
Oh no Anon from 4chan doesnt approve of the way I sleep! I must adhere to your word, oh all knowing wise Anon! Please if you can muster up the strength, forgive me!
>they're for preventing your mattress from getting dirty
idk i sleep on a shikibuton it lets me use the same room as a bedroom and an office doubling the effective floor space. i think sleeping on the same mattress as long as people do is gross i replace my shiki every few years cause they're cheap.
>That's disgusting, especially if you sleep next to someone. I don't want to get smeared in your nasty discharges every night
personal problem ig every girl i've lived with slept in panties or naked and liked to cuddle naked. i don't precum out of my dick when i sleep so its no big deal.
>get sweaty
>fall asleep naked
you can just tell its creative writing because the obvious situation didn't come to his mind.

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The former Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin is single-handedly to thank for resurgence of glamour skinny. Thanks to her, huge bottoms and "plus-size" in general are a thing of the past. Thank you Sanna!
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>Sanna Marine
>literal nobody
Perhaps you're jealous of her because deep down you know that YWNBAW, especially an /fa/ one like her.
Literal nobody that only your faggot ass bumped
she did a big mistake selling her country out to NATO. now she sits in the front row all smiley, when she could have made history aiding in diplomacy with russia and help towards peace.
eat traintrack rocks op
marin a cute

i love how delusional vatniks are
She posts a lot of foot content on her instagram

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Got my wife pic related but no way she will wear it out to the beach. Can I buy a tankini or bandeau for over the top, or a halter top to go under it like an aerobics outfit, or is layering swimsuits peak retardation? Lmk

Also, is wearing board shorts an inverted bell curve, reserved for teens and 60+yo, or can a 40yo wear them? Post effay trunks for men that are age appropriate, preferably trunks that can be worn outside of beach/poolside settings.

Lastly, are speedos ever acceptable? In what situations? In what countries?
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actually kinda based
>visible areola edge
God i fantasize about my exes wearing microkinis around the house. Thick bush sticking out
based retard
this thread is like a feverdream

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You'll never own a Patek and you'll be happy edition.


Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

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Shut up and get in your egg car
For clothes there are hundreds of them spread all over Europe.
For watches I'll just mention Vulcain, Aquastar, Fears, Yema, Squale, Unimatic and Duckworth Prestex.
I'm not wearing anything that says duckworth on it lmao
Explain why seiko is bad without talking like a virgin

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