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Pros and cons

Also what shoes would pair nicely
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>aladdin pants
go fuck yourself, achmed ishmael
They may or may not be made in Bangladesh
2012 called, they want their outfit back
show full feet pics
pros: a good colour combo, very 2010s, versatile, wont be ruined by a jacket or any other extra layer
cons: its basic and can be easily outshined by a more complicated or modern aesthetic
stick with the classic and get sneakers or red convers. a wallet chain would also do nicely

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Face it desu senpai, if you're not wearing Dockers, you're just wearing pants.
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it's beautiful because it isn't freaks with their tits cut off with foot long zipper scars and fake dicks stapled to "their" faces or rotting stinking holes carved into "their" crotches
bodily mutilation isn't fashionable and has never been might a s well wear crocs
you heard me fashion board denizen - "trans" "gender" is so last season it isn't even funny that's why chinos look fresh and go hard
everybody's sick to death of freaks and DEI hires we want some shit that look GOOD
post your little fit broski

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Bro shut the fuck up
>0 INT
I obviously had shut up as I posted what I had to say. Then you (a retard) had to respond. So now I respond. You see how you are to much of a downy to ever get what you want? That your goals face an impediment by your actions, unbeknownst to you every action you think brings you to a goal you want is actually you walking in the exact opposite direction? You are so out of touch even trying to reverse your methods would fail. Destined for failure and mediocrity, you will continue on. If the NPC level of consciousness your brain can produce can be considered a life.
We got a yapper!
I'm not a r*dditor (unlike you) so I don't speak in nubugmanmemes.
>this, so much this
>it's called being a decent human being
>just like marvel
This vernacular contributes to the entirety of your online posts. A sign of low INT and AST. Please refrain from posting on 4chan from now on.
You need jaw surgery (double jaw advancement) ASAP. Everything else is cope. Don't waste your time with "mewing" nonsense.
You could get it covered by insurance for sleep apnea or (sometimes) orthodontic issues.

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not enough
your sister is fucking china dick you dummy
No seriously, its 90s 2000s fashion model core

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i (m23) just thrifted these. i like them but they do feel a bit snug. any thoughts/suggestions?
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inseam is too short
got it, thanks
well then if you want to give off "choke me daddy" energy anyway those pants are a good pick
choke me daddy energy? 0_0
women love man ass

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>permanently damages your cheekflesh
heh, nothin personnel kid
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I think the soap is the hardest part to get right. It's hard to know which soap works for you, what kind of consistency you need to aim for, how to get there, how to keep it that way during the shave, what kind of brush to use, whether to soak it (and how long) or not, whether the water is too hard, does it provide enough lubrication or do you need a preshave gel/cream too, etc etc.

The only thing the razor and blades need to do, is cut hair and not skin, which is not too hard to figure out, honestly.

I would if I could.

lmao, spot on
Thats what happens when you buy cheap Chinese or antiquated shit

Just get the Henson basic razor. Have absolutely 0 issues with it and it leaves skin perfect. (ive only drawn blood a handful of times and didnt notice it with pain, only in the mirror.

>using any creams or bullshit toxic junk
All that chemical garbage is fucking up your skin. Just shave in the shower with hot water only. If you need it, use some coconut or olive oil or something like beef tallow soap.

I went from a Panasonic electric razor to it. Tht one would give a bit of redness at the jaw and ear area.
I like that shoe
t. feminine sissies with weak beards. shaving is a pain in the ass for any man that's actually hairy.
not them but what beard I do get is itchy, so I'm glad it's sparse and slow growth for me

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Purple is the color of my aura that means I'm superior to you since purple is the rarest aura
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>his chakras aren't blitzed up to his gills
red and yellow make orange
Did somebody shoop the faggot on the left's head onto that body?
no, it is a real screencap
one time when i was hooking up with this hot new ager chick she told me MY aura was purple

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good enough to scare men away?
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Just get fat.
If you took care of your rosacea and stopped trying to dress as frumpy as possible to hide your body and cleaned up your room some, you'd probably feel a lot better.
my coworker wore this long skirt + docs + high white socks combo the other week and it made me sexually excited
you look like the receptionist from Monsters Inc.
I find that kind of attire intriguing. My pervert mind wants to take off your shoes, peel away your socks and worship your feet before burrowing my way up that long skirt to chew a hole in your panties and eat you raw.

Is it /fa/m
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looks goofy in an image but you know it would be intimidating as hell in person.
It would be better if he was jacked or at least not fat.
Have you guys heard about MARVEL?
Why not a laser?
Subtle one-eye sign. Illuminatti confirmed.

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Following a few months of rather intensive training, I have found myself in a very unique position. Having started out as a rather portly fellow, I still bear the marks of my sedentary life. In short, I have put on some muscle, especially on my arms and shoulders, which I would like to “show off” so to speak. Now comes the issue, I am unable to wear slim fit shirts or other such apparel that hug the body due to my aforementioned residual fat, which is pooling especially around my stomach. Is there any way I can highlight these body parts? I was thinking of just wearing a fitted t-shirt with a wifebeater underneath that conceals my gyno nipples and love handles, but ofc just wearing a plain shirt isn’t /fa/ at all.
I’d welcome all advice - thanks in advance
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>being a fat fuck feels good
yeah but being bigger and stronger than everyone is a huge plus psychologically. if you don't know that feeling i can't even describe it for you but just know its very comfy
Boxers famously never do cardio
/fit/ says this, completely ignoring the fact that we live in a society ruled by LAW.
Lose weight.
Fat retard cope- post 1 rep maxes

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Reminder that if you can clearly see your scalp when your hair is wet, your hair is thinning, lots of small new hairs sprouting around the hairline or crown is a sign of recession.

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone that serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die in a few short years, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see a significant recovery on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.
5ar inhibitors are not dosage dependent, taking as little as as 0.2mg fin can reduce DHT by 68% while 5mg reduces by 72%. 0.5mg dut blocks up to 95% but its more expensive and harder to get prescribed.
Fin has been used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia for 30+ years, it's very well studied and is tolerated well in almost all men, however, there's a 1-2% risk of erectile issues in controlled studies.
These can be avoided by reducing dosage, spacing out dosage, or stopping the drug. The half life of fin is about 8 hours, adverse effects that persist after ceasing fin are not real and have no basis in reality.

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not sure about any effect on DHT but nicotine is a vasoconstrictant which is bad for you in general
I couldn't adapt and it left me with irreversable damage the same dosage you're using btw i do topical only now no sides.
>page 9
It is over. Finasteride lost.
this is a slow board
That and we've reached the post limit already.
Someone will need to create a new /balding/ general very soon.

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Were they effay? Seems like a whole generation of kids have been influenced a bit by their wardrobe.
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True to the '90s, they probably saw more commercials for The Matrix than actually had time or money to go see it.
they actually didn't see it but one of them had a ticket to see it on April 25th with a friend, but they were ashes by then
They didn't want to miss Hitler's bday
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And what about killing with frens? :)
this faggot looks like a chad why did he do it

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ignoring price tag, which brands currently have the absolute best leather? i'm mostly wondering about bags and wallets
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hey thanks. do you know anything about the leather quality of chrome hearts?
I don't know shit about purses, but just because "luxury" brands don't use something doesn't mean it isn't good. Shell is used in shoes because it's beautiful and supremely durable, and because it's expensive and shoes are the pinnacle of leatherworking so it's getting the most out of it. It's also used in watch straps and other high end leather goods. Lamb and goat are fine for gloves and such but they are in general much lower quality. As for tanneries, you're simply wrong, there are good tanneries pretty much everywhere, they all just specialize in different products.
I'll add on that horsehide in general is much better for bags, lower quality than shoes of course. Again, I don't know shit about purses. I think most of those are made out of plastic.
I just spent a lot of money on horse leather, was this stupid? (for a jacket)
Painted canvas bags from Louis Vuitton are superior to any leather t b h. Plus the monogram pattern looks amazing.

Dutch Bicycles?

Aee they /fa/?
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Sometimes, you see guys riding some "nice bikes" the same way some guys watched a few knife sharpening YouTube videos and then made (Japanese) knife sharpening a part of their self-expressive arsenal.
>Those bikes in OP's pic are women's bikes.
They're called utility bikes. Only america and a couple vassal states sperg out about having a bar to crush your nuts as you get on.

I see immigrants here in Texas riding both all the time.
Sweatie, it's a women's utility bicycle design. Like I said, men's bicycles have always had a horizontal rod in the middle, whether they are sports bikes or utility bikes for regular use. Women's bikes were introduced without the rod in middle to make it easier for them to ride the bike while wearing a skirt, and continue to be ladylike without having to raise their leg over the seat like a man to mount the bike and flash their panties. Just because Eurofag "men" use them now doesn't make it any less gay to ride such bikes as a man.
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BTW I bet American "men" use women's bicycles as well because they are too fat and inflexible to be able to raise their leg up and over the seat. Truly a pathetic age we live.
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Why are yuros so fucking gay

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>Tight pants or shorts that hug the ass
Is this the kryptonite of male fashion? Discuss, with examples or counter examples ideally.
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kryptonite as in "bad"? no. honestly it's super hot. more guys should wear slimmer pants and not be afraid of showing off their ass. great eye candy
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Tight pants and shorts are out though. It’s a baggy era now.
>t. seething asslet
who says? a lot of guys at my college wear tighter pants/shorts. honestly think it's coming back
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Embrace it

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