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What is the most effay style of monk?

This is Buddhadasa from the thai forest tradition
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Tibetan monks are usually in this colour.

They have the most esoteric, and wide variety of practices involved weird magical ideas
which do you think is most effay?

Thai have strictest rules, and more rural and have medium complicated practices, Japanese soto zen have extreme minimalist meditation and philosophy, rinzai Japanese have the funny poems and sayings, Tibetan have very magical strange random traditions.
Tibetan monks
>weird magical ideas
such as?

1. please recommend matte face sunscreens, spf 50+
best when available in Europe

2. post your favorite facial sunscreen
I will use this daily until the day I die
why do Asians make everything from rice?
is it this shiny in real life?
it's the only thing they had for 10.000+ years.
No, not at all and she's not let anything absorb here

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I want a 90s futuristic look but it being subtle, you know, Matrix, 13th floor, Blade, Total Recall, 13 monkeys... You know

Is it doable? Post clothes
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And I'm out
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I asked a similar question some time ago, here's my thread on the archive
I know cyberpunk doesn't sound exactly like what you're asking for but it might fit a little bit

These aren't subtle, this is pure LARP, when you go this far you just look like an autist. the larp is actually BETTER when you tone it down a notch.

Take some inspo from 90s bicycle messengers, picrel. Unfortunately, the biggest thing that makes it cool is that they're actually doing something and have a reason to look the way they do. It's kind of just like regular somewhat functional 90s casual attire but with their bags and straps and radios.
Here's a gallery:

Try to ignore all the AIslop in the thread if you can. no pozzed pajeet algorithm can give you soulful inspo for a 90s look

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How fashionable is Bianca Censori?
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weißer als du mehmet
Hot, pretty and fashionable
Very kind too
Based and fashionable
Good looking girl, seems nice too.
She is smart and has a masters in architecture from the best school in her country. is this kanyes best girl yet?

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Which one of you is this.
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looks like she's just feeling thirsty for mayonnaise
Me. I'm the man in the photo.
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made me think of this iconic patrick little mogging
I knew it!!!
i saw this image before bed and then had a dream about it. in the dream the frog was actually a very autistic woman

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were their brand ever been considered "high class"
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I like Tommy's shirts. Is it high class? In third world it's considered something between (upper) middle class and (lower) high class.
Don't know shit about Calvin.
no, at best they were mall-core
calvin klein underwear yes.
high class brands are the ones you don't know the names of that cost more than you can afford
ITT: Hipsters

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Is it cringe to just wear t-shirts as a 30+ year old man?
It depends. If you're rich it's cool. If you're not rich, it's cringe.
i wear tees in the summer at 30+ but i have some rules i follow:
plain tees must be high quality and heavy weight. those modern "pre-worn in" "soft feel" tees every place has been selling the last 15yrs is unacceptable. vintage tees and blanks made that way are good.
graphic tees must be dye sublimated, embroidered, or airbrushed 1-off pieces. no low quality cheap looking shit. i'm more likely to commission a piece of art then get a shirt made of it than buy some bullshit at the store. graphic tees must have some kind of personal connection.

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male fashion is lolkeklmao
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These people aren't fashionable
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Moist makes me moist
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Look at that thick head of hair, just look at that. It's to die for. What voluminous, luscious locks.
Kinda gay considering how many women find him genuinely attractive
im norwood 0, used to have the same length hair, and all the other guys i'd run into irl with long hair were hiding really bad balding. part of the reason i buzzed my hair off is to flex the hairline.

Can we have a floss of toothpaste and general oral hygiene here?
every once in a while we have one about deodorants so I think it won't be completely off topic
>you are an adult, you no longer use the toothpaste that you shared with your entire family, right?
>rinse? which
>tongue scraper? specify and recommend
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On a somewhat related note wisdom teeth removal is a scam. I was told that I needed all four removed when I was 15. Never got it done. The ones in the back were partially erupted for a bit but as my jaw grew they eventually came in just fine. Been over ten years without any problems.
I hate dentists so much. Scam bitches

after eating is better, except you ate something acidic which softened the enamell.

so if you drink juice or eat alot of fruit for breakfast then its better to brush before.
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i honestly think that dentists or better Orthodontics have made quite big improvements the last decade or so, much better diagnostics 3d scans and xrays.
when i got braces all they had was a plaster mold and a 1950s x ray tube with anlog film.
or pic rel ASR, turns out instead of removing 4 teeth you can just take off 0,25mm per teeth and have enought space for braces.
i think i noticed that zoomers have much better aligned teeth than my late milenial age group, idk if its because they got much better or if things already got worse again in my age group.
According to my dentist, whom I've seen for 14 years now, since I was a teen:
>Brush. Manual is ok, but an electric is actually better.
>Any fluoride toothpaste is fine, mine tells me to generally avoid "whitening". I use Colgate total or Poridontax (non whitening)
>Brush, spit, rinse, then mouthwash, don't rinse after the mouthwash.
>Floss twice daily

No cavities, no problems. Top two wisdom teeth out in my mid 20s.

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>Wearing a beanie in the searing sun

Very effay

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post recent cops pickups and finds
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L to R

ss99 C.P. Company
C.P. Company
Lee X Issey Miyake set
Prada Suit
aw02 C.P. Company
C.P. Company
Sugarhill denim
rare graphis book
a house is not a home
Sulvam Sample coat from aw21(iirc the season correctly)
aw99 C.P. Company

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Is that really the same person? Hey went from Zyzz to Osama!

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I’ve always liked girls with big eyes, maybe even more than the classic “fierce” model-esque ones.
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>Are bug-eyed girls /fa/
Only if they aren't asian
>caked up whore
>will produce weak chinlet kids
>poo in the loo
I genuinely dislike it when women smile, the puffy half labia lip under their eyes is gross

Also it could be 40 years of women genuinely not enjoying my company or comments that when they smile in interactions it’s off putting because it’s an unfamiliar scenario
Most of what you say is bullshit but every now and then you hit the nail on the head so hard it's unbelievable

>Go to the mall
>Check the YSL heels and shoes
>Quality of the leather feels cheap almost zara-tier
>same for the metallic details
>Watch Rose Anvil Review of Balenciaga sneakers
>They're actually trash
What the fuck is happening, I thought they had GOOD or at least decent Quality.
Is "Haute Couture" just a meme after all?
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>haute couture
I just can't fucking stand having a giant logo let alone a name on my clothes. It restricts what you can buy, sure but why anyone would want to walk around with a big logo on themselves is beyond me.
>t. seething 25yo male stewardess
For real bro? No way, wow that’s crazy.
>an actual brick and mortar store
What if it’s in a mall that is constructed of bricks and mortar? In this case, would the clothes inside be of higher quality.
From the doumentary about Raf's first couture collection for Dior F/W2012:

Raf getting mad that one of the studio leads was in NYC for a client fitting:

The studio putting together the collection after the fittings for the runway show:

A bunch of interns staying overnight to pick apart+alter a beaded dress the night before the show:

Another short vid from Dior S/S2011, you can see how the pleating and beading are sent out to various specialists around Paris:
A longer documentary version:

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>hate culture
I thought you were different guys

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Get set and head to Ceda Evac

what does /fa/ think of Italian linen? worth the expense?
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thanks anon, they both certianly have some nice stuff
Solbiati linen is really fucking good. Same company as Loro Piana, but Solbiati isn't as "mainstream" of a name as Loro and the quality hasn't been diluted yet. Lots of companies use their linen, I have a Hugo linen sport coat from the 90s that's held up great.

It's hard to explain well but the linen doesn't feel like traditional Irish linen, it's slightly heavier and tougher, has a little more texture, not as flat. If Irish linen is silk this is more like tweed. Still breathes well in the summer but it has a touch more structure to it and doesn't wrinkle quite as easily.

If you're shopping on eBay, Poshmark, etc and see a linen sport coat with a Solbiati tag, grab it. They're normally pretty cheap because normies don't know the name like they do Loro, you won't see stealth wealth tiktoks name dropping it.
yeah i've also been getting those ads on insta
this guy again, why is it that every time shitaly is mentioned he spergs about chinese sweatshops, like anything you have wasn't made by bangladeshi children in a squalid slave shop in dhaka and then the label stitched on in england so it could say "made in england"
It's Irish linens that are heavier and tougher than the italian stuff, not the other way around. you're just comparing delavé linen to unwashed linens. delavé linen is a lot more common on rtw clothing so you just don't see the real hardy stuff very often except in bunches for mtm/bepsoke. I've seen linen from HFW and Dugdale and Holland & Sherry that feel like iron compared to solbiati.

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