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Talk shit post fit edition
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Are we getting another one of these I want fit advice
These boots are really really nice my man
no this is the last waywt ever
new new

Discontinued: >>18241560

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It was actually me. Kenzo EDP has grown on me so I might come around to BI.
babycat is more suede than heavy leather like the TF one
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i do
salsa on the girl in pic
>barrister & mann fougere gothique

how good is this? It's cheap enough on amazon I might blind buy for the colder months as a works frag

>made in bangladesh
low quality
>made in italy by bangladeshis
high quality
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Gaudy immigrant tier
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Have to search a little bit
I check second hand stores but they often have outrageous prices since the people caught on with buying vintage. I go for an app in my country where you can sell your used stuff and search by material or by clothing piece. When I find something nice I discuss the price often I can get it down by 20-30%. But if it’s reasonable I just pay what they want. For men it’s still easy since most don’t know their clothes and what they are worth they just want to sell it quick. Women on the other hand think their used stuff is still worth new prices. Also I always pick the clothes up in person and pay by cash so I can try the stuff on and check the quality

Pic related is an handmade Italian silk shirt from Venice. It was pricey at 150€ but the quality is outstanding even more in real life and it has become one of my absolute fave’s
Got it from a vintage store

Another factor is when you buy from big chains like Zara. Go online and sort by material. They still have some nice materials like wool cashmere or silk. Mark your faves and wait till sale. They ain’t worth full price
hmm what would you improve my man ?
There will be no response to this. He just really wanted to call you an immigrant
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That’s sad man
Another vintage piece I bought is this navy blazer 100% virgin wool and a perfect basic piece

you guys shilled this meme so hard that zoomers are trying to cosplay it

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This guy recently admitted that he got the mullet-mustache combo because he saw a drag queen do it and thought it was cool
Lmao at this guys life
sorry for being dumb but is that idubbz or another one of these guys
Are you german?
nah. its methhead special actually. u wont pull it off if u arent one. same with crust punk

How do I voiceMAXX. Any advice appreciated. I sound like a beta and would like to be taken seriously and sound sexy for once.

Males only. Women don't need to voiceMAXX.
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That would make it funnier
Hey, not OP, but I've heard talking with your chest or stomach works. Idk know if it's true and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this.
Honestly singing helps. Stay in your low register and you'll flesh out your voice like working a muscle.
I spent too long trying to sound like xqc now i just sound retarded how fo i fix this
There's also a practice tool for singing called a "singing straw". It's like an exercise for your voice.

Most guys embrace the "Viking" look the moment they turn 30, but what options do those of us have who can't grow beards and have pretty boy features?
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That was 2015/2016. In 2013 the media had only just recently started pushing the race shit after occupy/tea party was complaining about the financial system and bailouts.
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BBC vaccination schedule, melanin receptor activation retains longevity, tightness and a full head of hair

your true form has yet to be achieved
>I'm 25 and haven't aged for years
That's because you're only 25, retard.
Lift weights, do indoor cardio, start a skin care routine, and avoid falling for the dyed hair meme. If you are graying let it happen.
It started in 2012 with Obama round 2 and OWS. After OWS race shit ramped up considerably. If you didn't notice in 2013 you were either too young, ignorant, or just not paying attention.

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What do you think about these shoes?
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i don't like the shape of those gats at all. pointy as fuck.
there are better cheap german army trainers especially in europe.
all black gats look way better with suede pic related. never buy them full smooth leather.

>all black leather sneakers
i have some all black pre-buyout greats royales (think common projects but chunkier) they're not necessarily hard to style but almost every time i'm wearing them the thought's in the back of my mind that a black moc or loafer would look way better. i usually wear them with 8.5-10" leg openings that cover most of the shoe. the one fit they work really good for and what i got them for is julian from trailer park boys core. looks really good with some vintage faded raw denim and a black tee if you have a good physique.

all black sneakers dont risk looking linecook core when there's visual texture. an example of an easy way to do that is paneling and putting multiple materials on the upper. do roadman innit shoes look like line cook shoes? not even slightly.
whats actually hard to pull off is all-smooth-leather sneakers.
if there isn't visual texture they rely 100% on silhouette and the visual apparentness of the quality of the leather to separate themselves.
As the other anon said, GATs look better when they are not 100% smooth leather.
It makes them look like bowling shoes.
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>and the visual apparentness of the quality of the leather to separate themselves.
and yes even though they might look the same on online product photos the difference between cheapass suede-covered-in-vinyl sneakers and full grain calfskin or w/e is visually apparent from like 10+ feet away even to people who have no idea. especially in natural sunlight and well lit areas. they also won't age or crease the same the plastic leather stuff looks bad when it creases the real leather looks good when it creases. that's what you're paying for. and better silhouette.
if you want gats get like, used or on sale maison margiela theyre really not that expensive and will last you like 5-10 yrs minimum or get something on the same tier as beckett simonons. they last 10x longer and look significantly better that entire time. vinyl leather realistically looks good for a few months not even a year lol. waste of money and plastic trash to poison the planet in the landfill. untermensch shoes.
>they also won't age or crease the same the plastic leather stuff looks bad when it creases the real leather looks good when it creases. that's what you're paying for. and better silhouette.
and a better visual texture you can see from a distance that people who have no idea the difference can easily tell because they simply reflect light better and the toebox stays smooth, keeps shape etc way better.
just buy gats

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Why do stylists absolutely refuse to show cropped jackets without a long ass untucked shirt under them? Nobody wears them like this but every single product photo with a cropped jacket is styled this way.
Can you show 10 examples from different stylists doing this ?seems like you are sperging out over nothing
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How come there's never any Sewing threads? I see you guys talk about the construction of clothes constantly but never discuss how they're made
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How do I get into sewing? I have some pants I'd like to hem and a lot of free time
DIY has the actual craftsman threads. The have sewing and leatherwork somewhat frequently
By a brother sewing machine
Dont forget
>why cant we bring this back (its a current fashion trend)
I want to start sewing pockets onto my jungmaven tanks using interesting fabrics. Thats about all I can contribute for now

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What's the most effay swimwear for men?
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Definetly not the jammers. If you're training speedos or briefs. Casually? Some short board shorts which are still somewhat aerodynamic and dont hold your swimm back.
Naked, full bush
Never understood this fingers pressed onto butt lines pose. Why, just why should you ever touch your butt?
Utterly based.
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Do you wear sunblock or a big ol' hat?
sunscreen. SPF30++++++++++ UVA+UVB
Anyone know of a manufacturer of high quality straw hats? I want one that looks like the One Piece hat but of great quality
korean sunscreen (sun stick)

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Nobody is posting up a new thread.
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niggers tongue my anoose
>19m fashion student
how does your dad feel about having a gay son?
rate others retard
Well I'm not gay, but he's very proud of me. We got Mexican food last night.

Why are so many women dyeing their hair this way recently? Almost every girl I know has it dyed this way, which celebrity are they emulating? Not that I'm complaining I actually think it looks good.
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Bruh where do you live where every girl has that money piece land?
probably a number of influencers
Damn the bitch on the right is very sexy, although I'm aware it's all makeup and filters
Reminds me of a Thai girl I was briefly dating a few years ago
>Reminds me of a Thai girl
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>Why are so many women dyeing their hair this way recently?
Because of Anime.

Is it worth investing in a nice cap like pic rel?

I've only ever bought cheap caps from places like Uniqlo, H&M etc.

I prefer minimal/no logos.
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The quality probably isn't any higher than a hat from Uniqlo desu. You're literally just paying for the barely visible logo that signals to anyone who sees it that you're a fag.
No. Caps are meant to be disposable. They will invariably get sweat stains and start to look ratty. I have a black carhartt cap and its the only hat i own thats aged gracefully. I also have a tropic multicam trucker hat that still looks alright but it started off looking insane so w/e. I just wear it with cut off flannels
Just be careful throwing money at a style that doesn't end up working on you. Same as any type of clothes I guess
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Where can I buy them, how much could I expect to pay for them and are they suitable for winter?
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what are you talking about? millenials de-popularized pleated pants and are known for skinny fit everything.
Legendary season
Grassy ass. Whenever I'd buy wranglers I basically have to buy relaxed fit cause the slim fits just murder me but it sucks having a real wrinkly belt line due to oversizing the waist
I'm convinced millennials and Asians have no idea what a gym looks like for this exact reason. Modern nonathletic wear pants are pure discomfort unless you have legs like a bird
seriously. If you buy modern pants size 36 and up the waist is the same circumference as the seat. They‘re literally making trousers for fridges that seemingly can‘t bent at the waist
Informale and casatlantic have trouser that can accommodate larger thighs. Bryceland is good for high end, Bronson‘s is decent quality for lower end clothing

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