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Marbling Owns edition

Last: https://warosu.org/fa/thread/18175530
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You dress like an extra in a comedy film from like 10 years ago
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anyone have either the round house cowboy original fits or the round house relaxed fit?
if you do, any way you could measure the front and rear rise for me? or if you want to be a king measure the whole thing then link me what measuring guide you used?
>made in usa
>usa upland cotton (the cheap stuff but ~still~)
>100+ year history
>$60 or $30 for factory seconds
thinking these will be my next beater jeans after this current pair of wrangler-danglers. that or some vintage wranglers/blue bells/rustlers.
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no size chart but it looks pretty decent.
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Are you the poster that's always hunting for high rise jeans?
I saw these earlier today and thought of you
I think you can get any of the denim fabrics they offer in that cut
I want to know what BRUTAL is

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Idk no one ever approaches me besides girls telling me I’m pretty or just complimenting anything, but how do I dress to catch the male eye more? (Ignore how scary I look I was doing that purposely)
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Okay well uhhhh, I’ve never done any of those things beside steak when I was 8 so ima take it this means change my wardrobe
Not gonna lie the only negress I could go for is one of those baptists from the deep south who think trannies are possessed by demons. I can't get with an uncle Tom, if you can't even be faithful to your race how could you be faithful to me?
Uhh not sure what this has to do with upgrading my fashion sense but okay! :)
you ate steak when you were 8? Unforgivable

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was he effay?

How to grow beard? Just a short , stubble beard
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Rub lots of urea and fertilizers on your face every morning AFTER your morning poop (this is important or else it won't work).
Does anyone have suggestions for this type of facial hair for me, I don’t want to look old and I have super straight hair. There’s pretty much like one hairstyle that I’m okay with for it but I’d like better
The suggestions I am looking for are HAIRCUTS I can get with this facial hair (I am retarded and forgot to mention)
Dermaroller. Thank me later.
It grows by itself retard

boots and shorts. does it ever work? how to pull it off
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It sure does
It works because he’s in shape and his clothes always fit well
Yes but Docs are cringe
>doc sharten

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what's your usual headwear?
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7/10 rankings
Found the one person in fa that may know how to dress themselves
For me it's the Sugar Land Space Cowboys
Yeah I mostly agree with that
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Last one 404'd
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You're a pretty good drawer. Getting the perspective right even when doodling is not bad at all.
Thank you but don't compare me to furniture again
All grids can be posted in a grid thread
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No way you carry that much shit.
Cry about it.
>No way you carry that much shit.
I have a bag for the cams and the book
You know I needs my cash and keys yo

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About early to mid-sixties in Western world was an epitome of style both in fashion and industrial design.
Unfortunately it was followed the most goofiest eras of all time - the seventies (except for movies).

I blame those smelly hippies.
I too was born in le wrong generation
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The 60s remind me of Roger Moore so much

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Get any cool shirts lately? What are your go-to places to find vintage or unique tshirts?
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It's just a picture of a shirt for the thread you redditor
>have no personal taste
>out of tshirts of all things

and youre not the tranny redditor that would prob just post twit screencaps
Here's a real one. Damn these are not cheap
They sat for ages before the Grailed cartel and archivebeasts memed them into popularity. Fortunately China is here to save us and is producing fake ones.
I don't see too much of an issue with fake shirts desu

>full lips
>perfect hairline
>designer stubble
>equal facial thirds

I get that she is model tier, but he isn't really ugly.
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His eyes are the epitome of what people mean by "ugly eyes".
Those teeth are a sin just to have.
He's an actor. He keeps them like than on purpose.

more proof a strong chin is all you need as a man. I have seen actors with bug eyes, downward turned eyes, eyelid exposure, fucked up teeth, pockmarked skin, but NEVER did I ever saw someone with that weak jawline where the chin melts into their neck EVER.
He looks like Lovecrafts description of the residents of Innsmouth. Sickly and alien.

What does /fa/ think about chain necklaces?
I feel like they're one of the only ways to spice up a summer outfit as a man.

It's hard to have an outfit in the summer as a man and look good in it if you're skinny, but chains are about the only way I can think of to kinda level the playing field just a little bit.
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Also if you most know turbo virgin since your IQ is too low since you are bad at solving things intuitive to most that have average IQs spell check is changing npc to no . Plus ant extras is because my bitch uses small keyboard settings. But those are all obvious typos. How you would spot an esl newfag is if they say something in an odd way that differs from how native English speakers would say it not spelling newfag
You're English is shit. Hit the books, Pablo.
I'm not arguing with you until you start typing like a native speaker.
what type of chain and what length is generally recommended for an every day wear? something that doesn't stand out too much but accents an outfit nicely.
3-4mm, 22 inch gold rope chain. You're welcome
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Only acceptable option. Anyhing gold or bigger is flashy and feminine

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would like to have one. what are your recommendations as far as quality of construction/leather and how to spot crap
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You shut the fuck up stupid nigger bitch piece of shit before I kill you motherfucker
this its a very good color but 99% of them you see on the street are cheap garbo so it gets associated with that sort of thing.
dude at the weed store i shop at has a very pornographic to look at horsehide one otherwise most of the times i've encountered them in the wild have been shit jackets worn by dudes who don't know leather.

unironically good advice.
Sizing should be numerical like 34, 36, 38, 40 etc. Jackets in alphabetical sizing S, M, L may not be fitted as they need to fit a variety of people within those sizes.

Avoid terms like "Genuine leather" "Real leather" etc.. these are very low quality and most of the time are constructed of artificially bonded leather.

Hardware like zippers should be branded and YKK is about the lowest tier you should consider buying.

If possible try it on first, even if you are looking at buying a used example, go to the store and try on the brand new one before you buy it.
there's different levels to ykk. lampo's the only zip thats objectively better than ykk's excella line imo the rest is apples and oranges. people like to say riri is better but they're wrong. to be fair i haven't had much stuff with opti zips as i'm american.
It's all about tallon and gripper zippers
>B-but they haven't been made in 50 years and the japs stockpiled any that were left
Then buy japshit
No the new made tallon zippers made by ykk don't count

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Which is the more effay Olympic athlete uniform, Canada or USA?
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No it doesn't. It is trashy looking goyslop and you know it.
The USA one makes them look like they are pit stop workers. Canada one makes them look like a star.
>Canada one makes them look like a star.
retarded take
It looks like a child's pajamas.
Why do you think so?

Could you show me some pajamas that look similar? I'm not sure I agree.

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Top tier:
Blonde/ash blonde perfect aryan faceshape
Mid tier:
Brunette aryan face shape
Low tier:
Anything with anglo, puffy round, mongolian admixture faceshape
Puke tier:
Splotchy bleach/dye job on brown women
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What’s up with all the fugly posts in this thread?
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No you
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Jacked dude called me big man at work. I made it bros.

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