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/fa/ - Fashion

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ID on this style or these type of boots specifically?
I want to escape my life of tennis shoes and pants to teenagers.
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This guy is the worst
I'm not british. Also your class system is dogshit.
better than 99% of fits on this board
>nigga forgot to open image in new tab.

Jesus it's just a scarf and book.
>the fact that he carries a physical book in the tube without any bag with him, meaning he literally walks around all day showing off the fact that he's reading feminist literature
I can't believe just having and reading a book makes people like you seethe.

Which has better design/proportions/utility/etc?
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I like my Rolex Oyster Perpetual datejust because it looks very unassuming. Most people think its a walmart watch and I find that hilarious. Only had 1 guy who worked as a gas station attendant sus it out at the register.

If I want something flashy I wear one of my Seiko Presage series watches. The dial on them is a work of art.
Use to work with a guy who got a nice submariner, back during covid times where the only way to get one was knowing a guy and you still had to wait 12+ months. He knew a guy who knew a seller who hooked him up in a month. He told me if he could do it again he'd just get the Tudor for cheaper.
I could never, every part of the design just looks slightly off. Things are either too big or too small it just looks weird. The hands are simply atrocious.

cope if you must
barf inducing cringe. you can see how uncomfortable it looks in all the pics.
Tudor looks a little more refined IMO with the smaller ridges on the bezel, gilding, and red marker. However I would get a BB58 with a Master Chronometer movement instead of the regular Black Bay. I admit the hour hand is a little odd but it has grown on me over time.

Before I am accused of coping, I have no desire to own either of these watches.

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>Okayama Denim edition.

General discussion about all things denim, workwear, heritage and americana.

Previous: >>18361689
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show me your faded IH overdyed denim
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Nah I was being serious. Bottom shelf beer, oldies, dogs, and vidya are a perfect combo.
Snapped this yesterday. Most of 2 months and two washes in. Most of the contrast is stsrting to come in around the back pockets.
what IH fit is that?
How many sizes too big are those in the waist? You can see they are wrinkled up. All that high oz denim punching your gut under the belt must feel amazing @teamillfittingjeans

look, this shit don't work if you're in your 20's. You will look like an autist because the only way to get your torso to be 1/3 of your body is either tucking in your shirt (gay boomer) or wearing a small, cropped shirt (also gay, and uncomfortable). These days, the trend is wearing boxy shirts untucked with baggy jeans and sneakers. Also consider what your average person looks like, the physiognomy you'll have combined with a weird tucked in shirt will make you look like a fucking freak
literally nobody tucks in their shirt. If you tuck in your shirt around your friends literally the first thing they will say is "why is your shirt tucked in bro" and then laugh at you
So glad I'm like 10,000 years old so I can tuck my shirt in.
Holy shit you can fucking see over the fridge you giant freak
Just style the shirt and don't look like an autistic teen.
gay boomer

The place to actually discuss watches, free of avatarfagging drama, including bittercelposting, pics of food or drinks, or long-ass stories about your lives.
If kofe time posts, just ignore him. He's off his meds and can't control himself.
Keep that shit in /wt/.

>Your budget
>Preferred brand or manufacture
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot, etc
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz, etc
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, chronograph, etc
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet, etc
>Wrist size or desired watch size

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Is this a good watch? Why or why not?
contender for best watch award
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there are a lot of aftermarket strap options for the 40mm, not sure with the 36mm.

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I find it annoying how every woman wears leggings. Women have a plethora of clothing options to pick, yet, they go for the basic.
why do you spam the same shit on multiple boards?

What jacket do you wear when it's below 20 degrees?
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Just say you're an inbred christfaggot who thinks washing his ass is gay
a lot of soft hands itt
Post body
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Wool Peacoat or a Cashmere Double Breasted Merino Wool/Cashmere Topcoat. Its a lot warmer, looks better, and lasts longer than that synthetic garbage.

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will minoxidil help me grow eyebrows? My eyebrows are big but not that dark, I'd like to grow Colin Farrell/Liam Gallagher tier eyebrows
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ever heard of eyelashes?

but yeah op it will make everything more hairy, including ear hair, inside and out. make sure you check the inside of your ears once in a while and pluck them or theyll become really long and noticble if you have dark hair
it will grow longer brwos not more of them
You can use an eyebrow pencil to darken them in. You can find them in the women's section of most drug stores.

the worst part of having curly hair is you can never truly get the hair you want
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If it takes three pounds of hair product and a 2 hour long routine to make your “naturally curly” hair look curly, you don’t have naturally curly hair. You have naturally frizzy hair.
No, people with frizzy hair are usually people who treat their hair like straight hair and don't know/care they have curly hair. I used to be one of those types then simply stopped shampooing every damn day and using a narrow tooth comb and my hair is fine now.
Now you know why race mixing is bad. Race isn't just skin color. It fucks up your bloodline's aesthetics permanently by muddling up your phenotype with unsavory, conflicting traits, giving you a confused, incoherent aesthetic.
2025 and they still haven't invented a proper way to stop frizz
>people with frizzy hair are usually people who treat their hair like straight hair and don’t know/care they have curly hair
I’m sorry, but this is natural frizzy erasure.
Love to all my fellow frizzy bros out there, don’t let negroids try to convince you that you have their hair

How to get your girl to dress up like this?
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I wish my gf would dress like this
You're jealous your gf is not as effay or cute (you dont have one)
get a balkan turbofolk singer gf
need inspo

Should 40 year old women be allowed to dress like this?
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the clothes are not the problem here
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I don’t know how old this woman is but she has some very cool outfits.

y her legs all swolle and puffy like dat

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can't think of this as anything else than sperm buckets
This is so embarrassing at that age. When I was a teenager I had friends who's parents were teens in the 80s and they never matured past that. We used to call them "the party never ends". They were fucking embarrassing and would get wasted with us when we threw parties at their house. I dated a girl who's mom was like that. I remember one party her friends being like "omg you need to help your gf she's puking and you need to help her mom. She's puking upstairs". I was like no fuck that. You help her and I broke up with her a month later.

How would Chekists dress in 2025?
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Probably Gray man meme
love the uniform cap desu
They go hard af

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Gen Z(oy) killed fashion for good. It all looks like gay and shit now. Bravo broccoli faggots.
It's a good thing. Good fashion exists so you can stand out from the mass. (/fa/ is the epitome of the mass).
Good. Fashion is for consoomers. Now we can all go back to wearing clothes that are actually practical, functional, and say something about you as a person, your community, and nation, based on your culture and individual taste, and not what the fashionjew wants you to buy this season to fill his bottomless coin bag with more shekels.
if you actually care about fashion you'll learn to sew
nothing more effay than making your own clothes
Make your own trends..
Fashion died a long time ago, fren.

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>QOTT: What's your latest mod, and what's the next you have planned (if any)?
I finally got around to getting a second eyebrow piercing, next up is an erl bridge~
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Imagine a pig with tits
belly button
next i want back or hip dermals,, or a third lobe
man titty mod thread
who is this diva???
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got an eyebrow piercing done about 3 weeks ago, thinking of getting a hoop on my left ear ala Bourdain

Redpill me on tassel loafers. I really only see older people wear them but idk I think they look cute. Are they appropriate for guys in their mid 20s?
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Im getting penny loafera
Only Dr Shitter, Adrian Snaffles are appropriate for your 20s anon
i have seen a few young people styling them well in more casual fits. same kind of fits they use for chucky loafers. i think if you wanted to style them (not those obviously) for formal fits you probably could, but it's definitely more common for older guys to do that.
I own this pair and I much prefer them to the tassels.
I didn't like mine at first, but shockingly get more compliments than my cognac penny loafers. Mine are in oxblood so not a colour you see every day.

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