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How do you rest your teeth? I recently realised my jawline, which is normally 7/10, looks way better when I put my incisors on top of each other like right. It looks bigger. Should I make this permanent?
And yes, I am autistic and retarded as fuck
that's called an overbite OP
I think if u put teeth on top of each other like that you put pressure and damage it slowly. Also I got bruxism.
Shhh don’t tell them, OP
you have an overbite. did your dentist not tell you?
Overbite. The left is your jaw's resting position. If you try to do right all day your jaw will get tired and ache because it's not in its proper resting position. You get even damage it that way.
those are not teeth in the picture, btw
Is frotting effay?
For a moment I was like 'oh fuck'
But it's definitely the healthy one
And my jaw is normally aligned too, somewhere in the LE to OR range
Ngl, an underbite would be more effay
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I am afraid you are a case of irreparable retardation, o-pee.
If you mean you have teeth like picrel, get invisalign
Nothing for your smoothbrain I'm afraid
Left is a thousand times cuter.
Yeah, but that's just your opinion
Studies have shown...
Oh fuck I'm just as retarded as OP
It's also my opinion. Left is way better.
Neither is correct. Your resting teeth should be somewhere between the two with a small gap between them. If they touch at all, they should just barely touch.
left also looks like 10 years younger. right's teeth on left pic might be an upgrade, dunno
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OP doesn't have an overbite. He has a deepbite.

An overbite has abnormal forward protrusion of the top teeth, which OP does not have. His top and bottom row sit flush against each other and sit very deep.
Yes but what do I do about it? Invisalign and >>18368978 is a bit expensive and I'm looking for other options if I can help it
deep bite is tough, i have it myself
orthodontists can try to do a camouflage treatment but the only thing that solves this is jaw surgery with years of braces before and after.

if you don't suffer, like real pain, struggling to chew or breathe, just learn to like yourself the way you are.

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