Post your jewelry. Rings, chains, bracelets, pendants earrings. Gold, silver, platinum and gemstones only, no fake shit.
>>18389986Yeah I remember that. looks amazing, what kind of premium did it have?>>18389987It’s 105 grams so pretty noticeable. Its not unbearable but you do notice it all day and it gets annoying. Unless you are a jogger I’d avoid going bigger than this
>>1839028515% because of connections, so used premiums, solid at 52.5g
>>18390800roughly 6.5mm wide and like 2.5mm thick on the profileThe flip toggle lock is excellent
>>18390800Very nice. The linx 22k domestic francos have like a 19-21% premium depending on the day, thats the cheapest I’ve found, even hrc has like 25-33% on peruvian/italian.
>>18390196Not necessarily. The mass-produced crap is easy to spot. You need to filter the results to US only, and buy a used quality piece. Any scratches can easily be polished away. I've found amazing pieces on Facebook marketplace too, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're experienced and able to test your items accurately. eBay is great because they will take the buyers side 9.9/10 times if you need to return it.
what are you getting for the spring wardrobe?
Let me guess... you *need* more?
>>18389524I have one of their short sleeve shirts. Its dish-rag cotton but that's fine for what it is. The feel is what Zara is good at. But I only buy 100% biodegradable stuff now anyway and just checked, theres still is a lot of blending in their their line >>18389058 >I do not own a single article of clothing that is not made of 100% linen, wool, or cotton with the exception of a leather jacket (wool lining).I'm going this way too. just thrifted my first pair of wool pants, along with a 70/30 silk cotton blend.
>>18390859>buying blends
>>18389313>report presenting biggest fast fashion brands>report also mentioning how clothes are worn a lot fewer times before being thrown away>"uhm sweaty, actually, they dont say that those specific brands are the ones worn so few times"lack of critical thinking
>>18390951>People wear fast fashion less often than 15 years ago>Nowadays, clothing is worn only 7 to 10 times before being thrown away — a decline of more than 35% in just 15 years. >This highlights the rise of fast fashion, and underscores the importance of adopting more sustainable shopping habits to lessen our environmental footprint.Is there a reading comprehension course you could take as an adult to help you with being able to partake in online discourse?
>>18390931It is what it is friendo
Anyone who's into actually looking good on this board?
Is this /fa/?
>>18390331You are so close to realizing how all clothes are costumes we put on. Masks we wear to show off status, emotions etc.
>>18390329Sounds like you're throwing a tantrum on an anime forum.How about take a break from 4chan instead of getting upset.
>>18390351she would look like a fertile goddess without the dick
>>18390351Why make her tiddies bounce when you can instead get an excelent underboob sight while you are on the verge of passing out after choking on her cock for far too long ?
Not the same but here is a better version
why are they like this
>>18385517>beer bellygrim
>>18382579Because women care what men do. Men do not care what women do (for the most part). Men care what other men do as this is linked to social and professional trust. You don't want to deal with some faggot in business or trust some faggot in politics. For women, they already start with a low trust default so the fashion choices matter less (it just adds to the preexisting pile of being a woman). I know your postmodernist mush brain wants to question the objectivity of this but it's the reality.
>>18382620hrt is just the out of frame tits, when people think someone's skin actually became more feminine by hrt it's really that they got better at makeup and skincare as they larp more hours outside than before the pills. it's still a dude in a dress. i forgot the name for it but it's like that story with the bullet holes on ww2 planes
>>18382579posting on /fa/ knowing nothing about fashion lol. maybe stop asking idiotic questions and make assumptions and just read a bit instead? women literally fought for the right to wear men's clothes. also women are more progressive and men are more conservative in general. if you dress feminine, men will be the first ones to laugh at you.In the 1850's, women's rights activist, Amelia Bloomer, started to shake things up. She advocated for women to ditch the tight corsets and heavy petticoats worn under their skirts. Initially inspired from Turkish dress, the wide lose fitting pants worn under a knee length skirt, were aptly named the "Bloomer".literally what i found clicking on the first link
Where can I cop a nice French chore coat like a Mont St Michel but that doesn't cost so muchIt's a simple workwear jacket, it has no business being that expensive
>>18390877I think I bought a muji shirt at 711 in Japan. It’s a nice shirt.
>>18390550Sew it on your own, pussy. Get some good twill or canvas fabric and make your own work coat. It's not hard, especially a chore coat which is pretty simple and basic. A basic sewing machine is like 80 dollars. Spend another 20-30 dollars and you can get a twin needle attachment and flat seam folder attachment and you can stitch all those flat felled seams pretty easily.
>>18390641"give me your most punchable model"
>>18391023based motivator pushing NPCs to learn new skills
>>18390671Does she have autism? She's got the weirdest mannerisms ever.
Why do the most basic, versatile footwear make fa zoomers seethe so badly. Truly SAD!
>>18390340>>18390531>a statement>multiple times a day>the literal best selling, most common sneaker from 1910 to 1996you retards will say whatever bullshit to get a (you)
>>18390769You think that Chuck Taylors were the most popular shoe in the 90s (despite all kids wearing Nikes) and the company still went bankrupt?
>>18390796sorry i got the years slightly wrong.1988-1990 af1's and superstars passed up converse for most sold sneakers. converse has pretty much been a top 3 selling sneaker up until around 2017. only falling to 4th/5th position a few times. still they have been one of the best selling sneakers for a century and still are.
I prefer Vans and New Balance but I also like Chucks. I will probably wear all three until I die.
>>18390836That day is coming quickly if I see you wearing Chuck’s in public, Conversetranny.
What is your most expensive piece of clothing you own?
>>18389733My $180 True Religion Rope Stitch Ricky jeans. It's a shame because I often don't see fit to wear them. In the off chance that I do, I pair them with my Osiris D3s and a black T-Shirt/Hoodie.
I dont consider watches, socks or underwear fashion
>>18390958Watches are a fashion accessory. No watch needs to be more than a couple of dozen bucks in this day and age. Maybe a few 100 bucks for a mechanical watch. Beyond that you're simply paying for the brand name and the unnecessary bells and whistles an manual labor of making "muh handcrafted time piece", thereby making it a status and aesthetic symbol, which is fashion.
>>18389733My technically most expensive items (parka, shoes and boots) I've got for free (gift) or bought on sale. Msrp would be around 7-900 each.
>>18390963Engineering isn't fashionable.
Do I need to be Italian to look so effortlessly /fa/?
>>18390989For what? You'll look weird wearing that out in the streets. Tux is a party wear.
>>18389038Short answer: Yes.
>>18390997Please think before you post anon.
>>18389049Looks awful.
>>18390110drop a YExVarg neovolk collab
just got refunded for the couple hh-01s i ordered. i didn't request that. they just refunded it. you aren't getting your hh-01 sorry.
>>18390899I didn't get any refunds, keep coping retard
>>18390910you will get one within a few days. retard. or maybe you think you are special moron.
>>18390110HH Brother
Recommend some good hairstyles for me
>>18386787buzz. you are balding bad bro sorry. that shit is WISPY
>>18390918Uh no. I just have a big forehead.
>>18386787Grow it longer and do this.
>>18386787Just cut your hair. Nothing else needed.
is the mommy sausage effay?
>>18389146no, but my wife thinks so, she's got at least fucking 6 of them
>>18389146I prefer the term "duvet jacket"
>>18389146it is women can literally wear anything
>>18389146Why can’t men dress like this? Looks comfy as hell
i specially love the suits men wore that time with the colorful patterned shirts and the flared pants, sadly i only see women or lanky twinks wearing flared pants nowadays, would it be cringe if a regular 20yr old zoomie wore 70's clothes?
>>18390634but what about something more casual like jeans with a bit of flare, boots and a big collared shirt with blazer? i just wanna look like john travolta without looking like im going to a halloween party.
I've had boomers compliment me on my fits saying that I look 70's, even just wearing just a tshirt/jeans/boots, >>18390617 has it right for the most part but there's a few things I'd add>high rise jeans are a MUST>if its not a chunky knit, tuck that shit>double denim whenever you can>cowboy boots >HAIR, midlength minimum, no fades hereThese are rules that'll work if you're either a musclebound chad or a turbo twink, but generally tucking in your shirt into highrise jeans with some tony lamas will get boomers saying you look cool and after that you've won the game
>>18390725>i just wanna look like john travolta without looking like im going to a halloween partyUnless you're dressing like pic related, you'll be fine
As far as suits go, I would just do high waist straight legged pants and not bellbottoms. I think it’s the bellbottoms are what make the silhouette more costumey, because it’s more of an artistic take on wide legged pants. But high wasted pants without some sort of suit or jacket, idk it’s pretty incomplete to me.
the trick to 70s fashion is being thin and effeminate. twinkmaxing. boots with heels, cropped jacket, tight pants or t-shirt, unbuttoned shirt, cropped t-shirt, short shorts etc