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What do we think of dumb-dumb over here?
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I for one and looking forward to buying bulldozer boots like picrel
he loves the attention from collection where he tries to make a "buzz" but when he can 100% make kino. look at 360 show for example
Another good example of how for a white guy to succeed in a field he has to actually be skilled, unlike so many of these label heads who are appointed just for being a "rapper" which we all know is just racial coding.

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Do you agree?
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There exist many tailors that come to you/your workplace. They have 30-60 minutes to take all relevant measurements/fittings and then leave again.
Your suit from Kiton or Brioni will also need to get adjusted by a tailor in their stores btw., which also takes time.
Stop posting when you are a moron that has no clue about anything.

Shit like this happens, but can be fixed easily even if you don't have warranty.
Their suits are in the end still mass produced chink shit, but still a lot better than many other mainstream brands for that price.

>I think it's supposed to be ranked by absolute quality, not taking into account price, so Hugo Boss's price is ignored

Yes, but Hugo Boss is still objectively worse in the current year than suitsupply. Boss suits are glued together an barely better than entry-level wool suits for ~200€ you can buy from C&A here in Germany.
I have a few Boss Jackets in my closet I like, which I bought second hand for pennies, but I would never pay the full price for them.
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That's the old Purple Label. The new stuff is either made in Italy or even Peru. I've got a few pieces from them and the old stuff is definitely better. The modern stuff has polyester mixed in and is just not as well made.
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Brioni gets a bad rap these days, they're still excellent. As are Isaia, he just doesn't like them because they're specifically for slightly younger, slim people. The middle ground Zegna stuff (not Sport but not Couture either) is perfectly fine, always solid without being incredible. Etro is actually a really nice brand that's considerably less expensive than many of the ones above it but is well made, good materials and always does something different. Far too interesting and charismatic for GG to like.
reminder the guy who runs this is a 5' tall jeet. Or was it the malaysian? Why is it every suit larp youtuber is some 3rd world grift?
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can you try not overpaying for shit like a retard and having personal style. you look like a fucking robot wearing this shit

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What makes him atractive ?
women want a man who will literally kill them
t. virgin
Does anyone else think tattoos make people look white trash or like loosers
not taking the surface modification into account, 5/10

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What is this type of fit called
slut puppet
pure SEX

a purse that looks like big booby (from some angles)
i think it would make a lot of money

Opinions about:
Clothes types
Clothes sizes

No specifics. No "my creed aventus fragrance" or "look at my Mercedes watch".
Only general thoughts about how, when, why things should be worn/used.
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Ugly to beautiful
Praying your internet goes out today so you can take a much needed break from whatever media has mindbroken you makeupschizo
Just fooling around that's all. More importantly I want people to talk to me about various topics, and I don't like being ignored.
Don't tell the police ok? I'm probably on thin ice right now.
Clothes types
>functional work clothing is all you need
Clothes sizes
>slightly oversized but not baggy, nothing skinny fit
<faggy except watches
>either buzz it or cheapest skin fade from local turks, everything else is gay
>cut them once a month
>gay except watches, piercings may work if ur goth but not otherwise

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What the fuck is going on with zoomers and balding?? This kid is like 16
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I was baking like that too at 16, it didn’t stop til I got groomed into taking estrogen
Which is why I said stop jerking off. Coomers are low on testosterone and high on DHT.
Are you saying that androgenic alopecia is due to jerking off and not jerking off cures it? Second question, are you retarded?
Zoomers are the lowest test generation in history, it's weird that they are balding in such numbers

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What kind of soap do you like?
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Bars are best. I buy them from craft show hoes or at farmers markets and I use specific ones before occult rituals.
pre de provence sea salt soap
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My choice.
Olive oil soap. Nothing else. For your hair too.
>pure-castile bar soap
>coconut oil, palm oil, hemp oil, jojoba oil
what a joke
I will never ever buy anything sold by a "dr"

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Thrift shop finds.

Post your lastest cop and where you got

Random swift shop in brooklyn
Stitch density is really nice. Single piece of leather, not scraps. Hardware looks good. Looks thick but also supple. Really nice find anon
Cost on jacket? Color? White balance is confusing my eye
$180 and it's dark brown
Solid cop congrats

I mean, sometimes how do you even know if it's actually "vintage" and authentic? And what if it isn't actually vintage? How does pricing work then? Do people just pull the price out of thin air? It sure seems like that. I need to get to the bottom of this bulllshit
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I remember I saw a $175 shirt for sale at the flea market. I bought the same one on ebay for $40. Tempted to go back to the booth to see if it's still there and call out the faggot who runs it. I hate fashion resellers so much. Such jewish behavior.
its really is stupid, fags refuse to actually sell there clothes and sit on them for ages because they believe its worth more than it is. with vintage tees the price range is so varied but id say never spend more than 80. but with hard work and dedication you could go to goodwill and get it for 3.99
I sell stuff like this, I get them from the charity shop I work at for around £1 for a few then bat at around £50 before gradually taking the price down. Old t-shirts feel different but if something looks old and is not a well known brand I call it vintage and list it at like £10
to be fair, people are just trying to make a living. game is game
You should've sold them on grailed and if the shit look cool enough, u could easily listed them at a hundred. shit's whild

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Are they /fa/? I’m planning on getting one to match them with some of my outfits.
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they wear them so no one tries to talk to them
Like human horse blinders, eh?
right. also the gays or feminine and weak, materialistic and fake
>buying electronics for /fa/shion
To me they seem like the least effay headphones you could buy. >>18251123 either that or very effeminate men.

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will growing my hair long when its thinning but then using a beanie work better than buzz and beanie to hide that im balding?
also what are some good beanies iguess
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Based Sulek, faggy Pool
sam is such a bro fr. too bad Jacob didn't make it : /
I think the gym is fine, but there are sus amount of them at gyms that cloaked.I started doing workouts just because it feels good.but I would never get to the point were I develop a narcissistic obsession with improving myself to the point I'm never satisfied. The Internet, media and caveman fanfics did this and that is ultimate truthpill.
lmao wtf happened to this cuck
i wouldnt giveaf about hair if i had that chin dog. looks like omar shariff

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especially the slightly heavier ones or is it just a hype?
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did you know he is actually korean? japanese really have zero masculine men lol

CP could stand for Chino Pants, SJ could be Samurai Jeans, and 42 could be the model #
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they're significantly better, last significantly longer, the fabric looks much nicer and its noticeable from a distance in both how it reflects light and creases. if you have to wear business casual its necessary in order to distinguish yourself from an office dork pajeet/redditor.

kinda its just math i've always gotten it right. not sure how i feel about super heavy weight chinos though. kinda contradictory to their purpose. chinos should be like 7-12oz. any more they no longer really feel like chinos to me anymore.

a vontade / 2tuck marine co. chino trousers picrel. 18" rear rise on the small, they come in navy too. excellent cut tried them on prly will cop a pair or both next spring cause i don't wear chinos in the winter.
>I need a chino that has a high backrise and moreover
I asked at an onlineshop for the backrise length for size W34xL32 and their answer was 33cm. I can't rule out they made an error, but 33cm for the back rise of this size is ridiculously short. For comparison, Levis 501 of the same size has a back rise of 40cm and uniqlo's slim fit chinos are same or even 41cm. How are you even supposed to cover your behind with such a short back rise?
>chinos should be like 7-12oz
who is selling chinos at approximately 12oz? I am in search of heavy chinos, but not exotically heavy.

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Assuming these types of clothes weren't related to cosplay, could they ever be considered stylish or timeless? Why or why not?
Tifa's design can pass as real clothes if we remove the gloves but Aerith, idk

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I have $1500 to put towards starting a wardrobe from scratch. I am mid-30s, white-collar and want a mature menswear look

How would you spend $1.5k if you were building a menswear wardrobe from scratch?
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>shirts (I assume you mean t shirts)
Merz Schwannen, Loopwheeler, Studio d'artisan

Slightly cheaper: bronson mfg

Underwear: Stafford 100 cotton boxers. I've tried many types of 100 cotton underwear, these are the best.
LL bean
id do the same thing since tiktok blew up, i would continue to regular the thrift stores and swap meets on days off and half the time leave the store with horny zoomies. what? the clothes? lmao never really mattered just take care of your face, body, and manner of speak
I would recommend against trying to create a mature menswear wardrobe from scratch on $1500 in one go

Spend that money on very solid simple items, meanwhile do research on boots and jackets and save for great versions of those

Thrift a lot to learn what works without spending tons
You have to figure out what you actually want which will take time. Start by visiting all your local stores and seeing what you like and don't like. Don't online shop when you don't know what you want.

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