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The zillenial cusper is truly a wretched creature.

Marinated in a culture he would not be allowed to participate in, trapped between the post punk revival of his youth, the Mac demarco wavey garms facsimile of slacker of his adolescence and the indie sleaze "revival" (if indeed we can call this confected tiktok marketing ploy a revival of anything) of his slightly younger gen z compatriots he found himself never quite embodying a youth movement.

And what, then, can be said in terms of fashion of the zillenial as he follows his rapidly ageing millenial forebears into further cultural irrelevance. Without a patrimony of Japanese selvedge to fall back on, what will the effect of these so called 28 year old adults be on fashion? Is normcore the quintessential zillenial cusper fashion style?
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Is it alright if I call you daddy?
If you have to rely on a pension (we call it social security) to survive in your decrepit years, you have bigger problems than looking like a homo today. Zoomers will be all right though, they can manage ok now, despite their complaints.
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>Never post that sort of cringe shit in another one of my threads ever again, this is your only and final warning.
You play oldschool hardball, and I respect you for that.

I'm slightly older than the zillenial but was on the front lines at the beginning of this alleged fashion trend. Most hipsters and the subsequent normcores I knew were from wealthier or upper middle class families and received financial help from their parents. This stands in stark contrast to the people for which the fashion was originally intended-- you can't really think about fashion or participate in trends when you're busy, tired and poor.

So mainly this trend was try-hard. And gay.
Maybe. But Im not
>you can't really think about fashion or participate in trends when you're busy, tired and poor.
Poor people also care about how they look. It's just that fashion is classist, always have been and always will be.
A rich person wearing lidl clothes might be making a statement, a poor person wearing the same clothes is just wearing what they can't afford. You can't dress ironically poor if you're actually poor. This is just an example.

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Rate this homeboymode fit.
arent you 6'4 or something? kek

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Not counting implants or botox that is
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She's fat. Absolutely no definition in her ass and thighs. I'd still get her pregnant though.
Definitely, there is no need to pretend she's skinny or natural, it's not like it makes her ugly. She's just another product of modern medicine.
Im just gonna say it since we’re all thinking it:
Sex with women
didn't she prove evidence of her being natural since graduating high school?
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Which way, bro?
tiny logo over left nipple or dead center
Band shirt
Why do these tshirts say Eton, I don't think they even make tshirts
That's a logo.
I like patterned graphic t-shirts.

As someone who isn't very thin and also doesn't live in Japan, just how realistic is it to pull off tobi trousers?
Doesn't seem like this has reached fashion fags in Melbourne, Australia yet and I'm looking to get ahead of the curve.
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Das right
Japanese construction workers are cool. While American construction workers are dumbfuck low IQ slobs. Uniforms are based. Especially for school. Imagine the upskirts and all the thighs you'd get to ogle.
The only thing Melbourne is behind on compared to Sydney is Lebanese gang wars.
Get a grip mate, we're the cultural center of the country.
>xe doesn't know about the gold coast
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Bought a pair thanks to this thread.
Let's see how we go...

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Sambas or Gazelle?
I want something other than Adidas.
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russell moccasin or yuketen
Iron Rangers
No he's right, your sentence doesn't make sense. You want to choose between sambas or gazelles but you don't want adidas.
Adidas is for poorfags
these ones are hot

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Would wearing a school uniform in your 30s be weird, assuming you don't actually look 30, but could pass off as a high schooler or something. I really like the look.
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Outside of a cosplay or anime convention context, it's basically cosplaying in public, if you can get away with that then it's fine.
The issue is that the male school uniform looks much more formal and specifically Japanese. Keep in mind that in Japan your school uniform is considered formal clothing, to the the point that a student could be expected to wear it to a wedding or a funeral, similarly to a military uniform which is what they're based on. The female uniforms feel much more like normal clothes.

is it just me or is that a very high-waisted and long skirt?
It is, but you can easily change the measurements of the skirt and still have the same aesthetic. The male jacket is much more specific. Anything else is just a blazer or suit.
Forgot to say I'm a transager, I look like this btw

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hyperborea edition
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new cop
i couldnt find the vintage ones with the green lettering in my cunt but oh well
what do you guys coordinate with a pair like these?
There isn't that much difference between the 70s and the made in jp. The jps ones have less foam but feel more firm. The canvas is slimmer but seems a bit higher quality. They are slimmer profile too, the rubber sides don't go as high and I believe they fit similiar to moonstars since they are made in kurume.
You can get chuck 70s for like 50 bucks or a bit more. The JPs are only worth the price if you are in japan since no tax and the yen is weak right now.
There is also the 80s version in the jp made ones. Don't ask me about those ones, the only difference I see is the extra sidewall stitching.
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How do I actually know if I need new shoes? I've had these Repostos since fucking 10th grade and they seem to be fine, albeit worn pretty badly.
they look like shit
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Anybody have any tips on looking fake rich?

I'm talking fake glasses that look like real designer glasses, fake watches, etc
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>there's companies who'll make their fixed designs to your measurements. Those companies ill generally also offer the option to make clothes without any branding.
Good fit + no branding = custom made in most people's minds.
this is really good advice too especially with shirting. get all your shirts that way once you dial in the measurements the shirts will look a lot nicer than they cost you.
learn about textile it goes a long way.
rich guys don't just throw money at their clothes they also put thought into it and know what they're doing more than average.
for ready to wear garments just buy lightly used stuff. you can wear the same stuff as the rich guys for a lot less. just go for timeless styles and forego trends and no one will ever know you bought your clothes used. you can dress sharp as fuck on a mcdonalds income if you know what to buy and are smart about it.
also consider where you live and the social climate anon. for example on the west coast if you want to fraud old money rich or high earner not yet soon to be rich type techbro type rich you dress completely differently. the techbro guys don't dress up or wear fancy stuff at all its actually a lot of cargo jort mustard stain t shirt with video game logo.
If you are white, you wouldn't need to bother with this shit
I hate these niggers so much its unreal
To elaborate: there is a certain amount of social responsibility that goes with being extremely rich. Charitable works and bringing beauty and culture into the less fortunate classes lives be among them. These tech cunts dont do anything. They dont go out. They dont dress properly. They cant communicate. They dont build or donate to anything. They just hoard their shekels and sneer with their dockers sweatshirts and keen sandals outfits like theyre above it all as ahit everyones lives up with their amazing paradigm breaking apps or whatever the fuck. In reality they are failing to step into the reality of their social role and basically they need to rope

I need a hero...

can anyone identify this sweatshirt?
I think I could pull it off quite well.
Its a Fenty two tone "chauvin." Don't know the exact model but its a cotton/polyester blend. Very breathable.

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can we have a wallet/cardholder thread?

wallet/cardholder thread
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i wrapped a ranger band around three cards and use applepay for 99% of things. have not looked back
Anyone here have experience with this?
I'm buying it because it has a fox on it. BTW I'm a furry.
>I'm a furry
I love Montblanc. Probably the best leather from mainstream luxury brands simply due to the fact that they specialize in it. I've had some of their bags and they're all very nice, and not as gaudy as other brands are.

Of course, with mainstream luxury brands you'll be paying a heafty upcharge simply due to the brand name. Montblanc is no exception to that.

Although if you really want the highest quality leather goods, you wouldn't be buying from mainstream brands. You'd be buying from extremely niche botiques that are hard to order from and have unusually long delivery times.
i just need something leather with a coin pouch under $40 in europe

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When the FUCK did these get do popular?
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Where are the Von Dutch hats now?
Sir... A third bass pro shop hat has been sighted in the galleria dell'accademia in Florence...
i had one for years now people start buying them
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>verification not required
i want one in europe

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Fei Wang drawings edition

Previous: >>18227898



>Blogs: https://pastebin.com/ZjRtCQNQ

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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big fan of the jeans + v neck sweater + white top/t-shirt combo
thoughts on the dark cardigan with light blue shirt combo ?
Guy on the left is gonna sweat so hard
>Take Ivy
does anyone know if an oxbridge equivalent of take ivy exists?
i.e., something documenting the fashion of oxbridge students around the 60s

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I have $1500 to put towards starting a wardrobe from scratch. I am mid-30s, white-collar and want a mature menswear look

How would you spend $1.5k if you were building a menswear wardrobe from scratch?
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You're so obsessed with insulting people and being racist that you can't get over the idea of someone simply wanting to look nice
You're right and I'm sorry. Let me redeem myself, sir.

>How would you spend $1.5k if you were building a menswear wardrobe from scratch?
I'd buy 6 t shirts ($200), one shirt ($80), 3 jumpers ($250), 3 pair of pants ($300 to 400), 1 pair of shoes ($200), one coat ($350).
For these prices, i'd go with brands like Boggi Milano.
Discovering not wearing gaudy trash and taking it to larping as Netflix imagination of upper class millionaires wearing some mediocre and soulless stuff from what America considers luxury brands is most ridiculous fashion/social delulu of the decade. Meanwhile 99% of actual old money look like your alcoholic grandpa from Florida as they just don't care. And one would thing dark academia was bad.
This is it OP!

I was looking for motorcycling rain gear and discovered this.
Almost transparent, 100% waterproof pvc-like material. You can show off your stylish outfit even under a pouring rain, what not to like?
But I've never seen anyone IRL wearing these. People wear all kinds of dorky rain ponchos, and these certainly look better.
Why aren't these popular? Why is there no batemancore?
it looks goofy even for motorcycle riding and I'm gonna guess the price
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20 EUR for the jacket, 20 EUR for the pants.
> goofy
Not as goofy as hi-viz jackets that plenty of people wear.
>20 EUR for the jacket, 20 EUR for the pants.
huh, that's cheap, so I don't know maybe they aren't well known I mean I haven't heard about this
Hazmatcore is based don't listen to the peons here
Just wear actual protective gear, some leathers with pads on the spine and joints. I've crashed enough times that I wouldn't have functional knees, elbows or vertibrae if I wore something like that over a normal outfit. Really stupid.

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