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I really wanna dress in all black tomorrow for the first time but im afraid of the looks i will definitely get. People already stare because im 6.4
I have worn all black for a decade, you get compliments everywhere you go and everyone stares but you get used to it. You literally just have to have the attitude of patrick bateman walking, ie just look pissed off at how superior you look
If people already stare at you then what are you worried about?

What is /fa/'s opinion on Balenciaga?
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High fashion is an actual scam lmao
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I like how this whole trend of "just make a normal trainer from the 90s/2000s but a little goofier" has become totally flanderized and all they do is basically just make the sole a little bigger every time
Balenciaga and co. are really comedians more than they are designers lmao
Denma may be a talented fashion designer and produce creative pieces. But that's not why he got hired. He got hired because he's a faggot (fact) jew (fact) who fucks little boys (probably fact)
This. He has that pedo look in his eyes and is probably jewish, but I think he grew up poor in georgia? So he is literally a caucasian. But then he lives in france so 1000% a fag
Why do all faggots have those twisted beady eyes? Is it all the drugs?

>late 80's, 90's and early 2000's suits looked like this
Especially Americans. Wtf was were people thinking
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Only WASP chads could pull it off. Shitalians like in the OP could only mire & cope
its the logical conclusion of the structured suit. you may not like it but it is.
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>Wtf was were people thinking
"This is not my beautiful house"
"This is not my beautiful wife"
"How did I get here?"
>Shitalians like in the OP
David Byrne is Scottish though.

Why is it that one of the most functional pieces of clothing is impossible to wear without seeming like a try hard fag? No one looks good with a hat, at least not any one who isn't rich, famous, or a chad.
Are hats truly relegated to the upper echelons of society?
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>No one looks good with a hat, at least not any one who isn't rich, famous,
Name one that isn't
> a chad.
That looks good. You can't.
>Are hats truly relegated to the upper echelons of society?
Nice clothes are for pretty not ugly like you
Is this a gay thing or a gay pedo thing?
gay thing
here it is with audio: https://files.catbox.moe/4cudm6.mp4
what kind of hats can you actually wear with shoulder length hair that won't look stupid
Literally anything, just wear a hat

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Whats the conservative aesthethic in your country?
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Is that a man?
Gayer than gay porn

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looks good

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My hair is super thin, dry and light, i can't do anything with it, it goes in random directions and i look fucking stupid
I've tried masks and oils and there were literally no changes at all, no even in texture or feel or anything
How do i fix it?
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vinegar rinse is legit (use apple cider vinegar diluted with water) but it's more for if you have mineral build up from hard water or scalp issues. Based on your pics and descriptions, you don't need it and can skip that advice.
doug's probably has a better hairline than you he looks norwood 0. this board's just populated by idiots that can't tell the difference between a receding hairline and a short midface but claim to be fashionable looksmaxers (lmao this board is tragic)
maybe just cut it short?
also your hair doesn't look abnormal or anything
Get a job doug, you are terminally balding

The perfect male haircut (Brad Pitt)
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that stupid face, looks like a 4/10 man wants to look like a 10/10 just by the merit of his haircut alone.
Post face
He looks good, not because of, but rather in spite of the hair.
That expression on his face says he is built for BBC.
Bale's haircut (and movie) is much better

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Is it over for me bros?

This seems to have happened very rapidly within just a few months, as far as I can tell anyway. It's all I can fucking notice when I look in the mirror and honestly, I'm getting so depressed. I'm an ugly dude but my hair has always been my best feature.

But I've also had an itchy scalp that comes and goes, alongside a burning sensation and pus-filled scabs. In fact you can even see some pink dots in the temples. So maybe it's some condition I need to get on top of now rather than later?

I just feel sick bros.
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Anyone know difference between oral tablets and topical treatments? I would rather just take a pill every day, having to put stuff in my hair twice a day seems like a pain in the ass
i take oral fin & min & at the least my hair seems to have stopped receding. I've always had thin & fine hair, but I look a lot better than my dad & grandpa at my age in the hair dept. It's at least given me more years with it.
with topical I felt the same way. I know there's not a chance in hell of me changing my morning routine to rub shit on my noggin.
are people still doing minoxidil and dermaroller? ive been out of the hair loss world for a while
its believable for 2 years
topical goes systemic the same as oral. if you are a non-responder to topical or just lazy then you should try oral. results will be better potentially but your risk of heart related side effects goes way up. i've been on both and found oral spikes my heart rate

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19m fashion student, wannabe rapper
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inspo and expression.
also find great brands, images, and music from these threads.
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Based schizo
Why tf do you want to look like a rotting corpse? Get help sis
Intimidating fella
10/10, dangerously based. I'd start instictively kneeling if I ever met the person that your pic envisions
Yee yee ass haircut
Fuck off Kanye, you're still cringe
Based mustachechad. Fashion, body shape and taste in women is mid tho
>why do you want to look like a rotting corpse?
I just want to be skinny and have my bones show, especially as I've started out from a higher weight
But that's gross and also really unhealthy. Seriously, the top right pic looks like a corpse found at Auschwitz, it's probably a literal anorexia patient

what aesthetic is this
Mongolian basket weaving lumberjack hunter core.
hes pretty based i wanna dress like that
Hyperborean Protonordic Barbarian
rape and pillage of evropa core

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I was at the second hand store again today and liked those dresses.

Should I get any of them? Transgirl obviously.
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So true.
Did you end up buying any
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Just this one.
post fit baby
This is what your mom wore to get pictures taken at Kmart in the 80s.

Despite how cool is it, it just looks so fucking evil and why?

My theory is that, it has to do with money. Fashion, specifically those runway fashion, is pretty much made for rich people. In order to participate in this activity (I'm not talking about just fashion in general but those so called "high" fashion) you have to be rich. And if you aren't rich? you're nothing but a fucking peasants to them.
Is my theory just a poor man yelling at the sky? Maybe? I don't know. But holy shit does this thing look so evil.
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it's rooted in multiple wicked forces at one: narcissism, capitalism, homosexuality, image > substance, arrogance, psychological manipulation tactics...
spot on.
Capitalism is wicked lol no
how dare you criticize capitalism like that
>Why do are my fee fees hurt
You are a retarded conservative

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ITT: Effay phone cases
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they are rarely have chiseled jawlines or popping cheekbones but always look so effortlessly good.
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Beh io sono al sud. Forse siccome qui siamo più simili ai balcani che al resto d'europa si fuma di più, non lo nego, forse anche per la maggiore disponibilità di sigarette di contrabbando? (Trovo davvsro molti pacchetti di contrabbando vuoti buttati per terra)
Però sì l'italia non è un paese noto per il fumo come la turchia.
Probably my favorite movie ever
Why does he always look like he is taking a massive shit?
I think it's a slavoid orc. They have no sense of aesthetics and the men are fantasy creatures.
Oh lawd cringe

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Rate these outfits. Who's doing it right? Who's cringe?
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They can't afford event space.
Can’t even see the shoes which IMO are 50% of the outfit, especially with a suit.
a bunch of non-whites just make me uncomfortable
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welcome to DEI each one of those brown people represents a white guy who was better qualified and worked harder than them his whole life who didn't get the job because brown people know they're inferior to us and have to make special rules to get ahead.
Those people are all self employed retard

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