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Was k-fed /fa/
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>not the original version with the anime girl getting fingered through her panties
It's at the end for some reason.
shut the FUCK up zoomer fucking shit. shouldn't you be trooning out or worshipping blacks?
This boring gif had boomers laughing their butts off back in the day.
Is the nigger slang too outdated for your negrifed zoomer ass?

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dc shill demoralization thread #483758923475
this thread was made by a full on loser who works in an office that spams 4chan all day funded by democrat superpac and blackrock money.
ignore and move on

Is the new Carhartt Detroit jacket shit? If so what are some good alternatives?

I'm looking for something tough and with good mobility. Filson jacket looks good but are more than 3 times the price of a Carhartt.
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So you are some dumb slave labor bitchboy lol? Sucks to suck. Can't belive people openly admit to being losers online nowadays
Is modern Filson that bad?
the imported filson stuff isn't bad or that different if its an old design. but being handmade in seattle with a semi open production floor was a big part of the appeal. now its same or higher prices and imported.
if tinduckdenim and ciano didn't exist filson would still have the best canvas jacket in the game even though its imported. but they do exist and cost the same as filson so... its just not what it used to be & you can get what filson used to be from other places. vintage stuff is some of the best jackets/bags/shirts/etc ever made.
my opinion is don't skip the imported stuff at the thrift store but don't pay full price for it.
Check out Round House. They're pretty comparable to Carhartt
forgot about roundhouse. seconded. over 100 year old brand with a lot of history too.

Should I?
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Yea if they’re comfortable. Use your own feet and judgement.
why are you stuck on timberland, just curious? most of their stuff is meh quality and looks awful. the only shoe id get from them is the "euro hiker" it is a pretty cool looking retro looking hiking boot
my last pair of timbs are comfortable and durable
Yes, but the wheat ones look the best IMO.
get something from an actual outdoors brand what even is that "basketball shoe larping as a hiking shoe" shit in OP?

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How do I become a fashionable man?
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become the liquor
Get Pinterest and any form of social media lmao, specifically TikTok or Instagram.

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What different styles should I go for as a man to get a girl of each of these different subcultures?
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Why are the Latinas called out as copy paste? All of them except the femcels, and perhaps the trad girls, belong to fairly homogenous styles.
the pic's caption is kinda useless. guys, what do these types say about the dude who's attracted to them?
What did he mean by this?
doomer- super long straight hair or mid length fluffy hair
trad girls- any short clean haircuts, if you decide to have facial hair keep it well groomed
femcels- I think any hair that enhances your features
cp latinas- buzz cuts or Edgar cuts
weeb-e girls- not too sure, anything that makes you good looking ig lmao
scene girls- same as doomers

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/fa/ or fag ?
Can be effay.
Is pic related?
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the creepy mohawk poster is back
So how do I make it effay?
that's just a mullet, retard

Lmao imagine opening a clothing store and calling it THE GAP

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I'm 33, I want to be comfy but look presentable. Is lululemon the ultimate red pill for sporty but still grown up fits or is there something better?
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Lululemon, bro? Who the actual fuck is that?
Why don't you grow up a little bit? It's time, son.
Stop shilling and buy an ad. Your company makes shitty overpriced tights for gym hoes and single moms
Won't wear the plastic wont eat the goybean oil
>wear plastic clothing from lululemon and get hated on
>wear plastic clothing from a company called Outlier and get called /fa/ as fuck

you ppl are retarded
>not being here for the /comfy/ guy generals
newfag detected

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This much hair comes out of my head when I do my weekly shampoo+con routine. This a lot? I brush daily, before and after work. Quaff hair bros, help. I can go into my routine later. Gotta finish getting ready to pick up my GF
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Post feet plz belly looks sexy
>that gut overhang
buddy you got bigger problems to worry about
Balding usually isn't losing a lot of hair. It's usually not growing lost hair back.
If you're losing a lot of hair, then you should see a doctor because that's a medical issue.

non hysterical answer:

that is totally normal. hair has breakage due to accidental rough treatment and other factors. it's usual to lose 50-100 strands a day:


if your hais is long, the issue is exacerbated. use a t shirt to pat your hair dry after you wash, no towels. do not comb when wet, and when you do comb, use a wide tooth comb, or boar bristle brush.
50-100 strands a day includes body hair, like on your arms, legs, pits, etc. If you are losing 50-100 strands a day from just your head, you are balding and you need to do something about it before you can't.

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>tfw fell for the meme

There is no way you unironially wear this all summer, its almost middle of the summer and its hellfire hot i sweat like a pig while everyone wear shorts and chill. I don't care im gettiong shorts, this is not feasible.

>inb4 some snowniggers
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Yea I don’t like h&m pants generally.
These are from last years collection. Linen shirts from Zara and h&m aren’t really worth it the linen is stiff and coarse. What really surprises me since the pants really feel like wearing a pijama
>Also very nice I just bought a blazer linen wool mix and it really helps to keep it looking crisp. Also a very very nice mix is silk wool and linen. I will buy myself a suit in that mix from suitsupply it really feels so nice and drapes fantastic

What ratios? I have a 100% linen unstructured blazer and the sleeves look like complete ass after a couple hours.
Linen pants look dumb. Linen wrinkles so easily, it's just a disgusting fabric for imbeciles

Japanese used to wear hemp which is extremely similar to linen
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I like my cheap linen pants a lot

Be nice guys!
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nigga doing that face from rick and morty
Imagine knowing what a Rick and Morty face is.
jaw surgery
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do you like black ops?
Joey ramonish

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as you know, photoaging occurs when ultraviolet radiation from the sun CLAPS your skin cells. with that being said, you do wear UPF 50+, right anon?
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>dermatologists recommend wearing sunscreen all year long even in winter
Is this reasonable or are they tripping? Do I really need to wear sunscreen when I'm covered from head to toe and only my face is sticking out?
>It's cancerous. It causes cancer.
shitskin problems. mineral sunscreen doesn't. and white people can use mineral sunscreen just fine. chemical mask sunscreen was invented to leave less white mask on shit-skin poo poo people. you'd have to be a retard to buy it as a white man.
probably shit tier. does it have a chemical mask? did you pay less than $20 for a tiny 2oz tube? shit tier.
>vitamin D supplement
Heh, nothin' personal kid
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>what is ozone
>what is living in a different climate than your ancestors evolved for

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how do you cope with the realization that if you are not /fit/ you will never be /fa/? If you look like pic related EVERYTHING on you will look good.
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You don't want that, retard. You want a V-taper. Over swolled obliques will make your torso look like a fridge. Just work on your lats and abs. Leave the obliques to roiding bodybuilders.
This is the best physique. Women like these kinds of bodies. This is how hunter gatherers looked like. Look up documentaries about Masai in Africa. Their diet is all animal foods, mostly raw milk and fresh blood. Some meat with raw organs. All of them are tall with very developed faces and with lean bodies.
and guess what, you get more attention than all the /fit/ fruit cakes im sure.

keep it up anon. you got a good head on your shoulders
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>you get more attention than all the /fit/ fruit cakes im sure.
>in my free time i can also cross-dress.

He didn't say who he was getting attention from, nor what kind

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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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terrible last and terrible fit
>Opinions on New Rocks?
The Best made Boots with that kinda style and design details for whatever that's worth
>Idk where this "white's are bad now" meme came from.
For me it was when a poster itt posted their baker Custom pair and the stitching was a mess and the guys at bakers said they stopped doing qc before shipping custom orders because the volume was just too high for them to deal with
Vietnam? Mexico? Some guy on the side of the road?

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