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KEKING GRAND SEIKO right in its own home EDITION


>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot, etc
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz, etc
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, cock size, etc
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet, etc
>Wrist size or desired watch size

The previous based thread: >>18325618
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did you use the word propaganda on a fashion thread unironically?
yeah your brain is fried. Just enjoy the ride man. You're taking this too seriously.
why is the loom blue?
I accept your concession.
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>t. rolexlet

What style do you call this?
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This chick's fake tits are FUCKED.
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you're assuming that they're both straight and dudes don't take it up the ass. These people fuck
the average 4channer struggles to achieve this level of happiness in stupid innocuous things. It's extremely cringe, but at least he's cringe and happy
that guy's not happy at all. he's completely dead inside

what do we think about the new gucci clothes line
reddit "ironic" tier humor

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I can grow somewhat long sideburns, but they don't really flare out.
Mine look more like this.
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How to get these?

thoughts on the m65? specifically alpha industries m65 heritage one
last time I checked them out ages ago my annoyances were the sleeves were wide as fuck and since the velcro at the bottom only had a tiny patch you could not even secure it correctly and it would stay there, the hood is a meme and useless, and the fit was oversized as fuck but maybe I picked the wrong size, yet the arms were short still

is the m65 depricated? should I go for more functional clothing? the only good thing is the material is fucking dense as ass though so it would hold up

I saw they were on a steep ass sale and I missed it so I'm not gonna cop it anyway since I missed the dip and now I'm mad, but anyway
cringe, based?
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Military sizing takes getting used to, as others pointed out it's cut to be worn over other heavy clothing.
Short sleeves means you got a "short" or "regular" when you needed a "long".
The Velcro at the cuffs can be modified with a bigger tape, or just have someone sew buttons on like the earlier versions.
The hood in the collar is mainly for emergency use. There is a separate hood that buttons on (like the liner that >>18329354 mentions, you are buying a part of a system) and that hood is actually functional.
If you intend to just wear it for a look, you need to try them on and get one that fits the way you want, then make a note of that size.
Post your fit
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I love m65s but hate the stupid collar, not even tall enough to fold it
any options fur mich?

>According to the legend, ancient greek playwright aeschylus died when an Eagle mistook his bald head for a rock and dropped a turtle on him
That story is a metaphor for achieving enlightenment. He didn’t really die that way but rather it is as if to say he died when he realized how earth truly is.
Excuse me, mate were you there? No? Well, shut the fuck up then
you're bald lmao
>you're bald lmao

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Im thinking some YSL black leather boots and some raw denim with a relaxed fit but I’m not sure which brand will suffice. Also need a good blazer to match with.
>source is Liza Del Sierra and Sheena Shaw Bangmaid Pt 2
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That’s why I said I’d take some creative liberties. I think dark raw denim with some black boots would be more stylish. Same overall theme though.
I wish
>black henley
>grey distressed jeans
>black sport coat
>big buckle belt
>cowboy boots
kys tourist
The swinging nuts make it better

Hey guys in wanna do helltaker male cosplay and I need to find the sweater she wears here.
>this dumbass needs help finding a ribbed orange turtleneck sweater
embarrassing, honestly
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bro just a buy a turtleneck it's not that hard
Well it's probably difficult to find one with a matching set of pantyhose.

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I'm going to my first anime convention this weekend.
What should I wear to mog?
If you're thin, you'll mog 98% of the people there just by existing.
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i'm lean af, but what do i wear?
Bring some hand sanitizer
Haven't been to weeb events in a decade but back in the day when my GF at the time was a pretty major cosplayer.
Cybergoth, Goa Hippy (pic related), and stylish "scene" fashion was the popular stuff that girls seemed to be attracted too.
More important was to be very outgoing, gregarious and having some sort of gimmick. Something I always recommend is Poi, because chicks love that shit and they all have had a "poi" phase and they want to show off their skills. Grab say Spinballs off Amazon and just learn some basic poi skills (takes a few hours), then do those outside the convention and watch all the girlies come up and start talking and asking to try it out.

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Could I get away with wearing clothes from this brand as a northeastern european or would the local black community beat my ass for cultural appropriation?

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does the equivalent of this meme even currently exist for fa?

knowing fa has turned into mfa-r9k
>milsurp jacket
>loopwheel tshirt
>tudor watch
>iron hearts 555s
>thursday boots
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This board has a substantial contingent of 18 to 25ish zoomers. It's 50/50 elder zoomers and aging millennials. Which is essentially the same as it's always been.
Back in the day it was 18 to 25ish millennials and 30-40ish elder xers/xillenials. All the genxers are on /pol/ now. But the formerly younger cohort of millennials are now the literal oldfags on boards like effay.
There is something just so wretched about the rapidly ageing millenial mind.
i memoryholed the skinny low-crotch waddle pants. what a time to be alive. surely we've learned our lesson and aren't doing anything retarded today
That's kinda sad if people are really wasting their prime years on 4chan. COVID really fucked things up for the youth huh.
sounds like fa

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What are (you) buying?
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I got these.

Nothing. This was the worst Black Friday in recent history. 15% off? Fuck off.
finally also ended up buying some vintage watches. gonna order a generic steel mesh strap for the fossil murica once it comes in and i know the lug width
You getting ready for Sunday 5-a-side?

clean, reminds me of hedi at ysl rive gauche

wish the label was less wacky tho jokerman looking font

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How do I dress like this unironically?
For weddings and such formal events obviously
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How do I dress like this as a woman
Go watch some sweethearts on hbo
NTA I'm not gonna waste my time
Be tall sexy and youthful
Don’t be a fat cunt and don’t be a tranny (YWNBAW)
Anybody has the original high quality photoshoot pics and not the instagram pics?

Hoodie and Sweatshirt General
>Wyoming edition
without the text that would be actually pretty dope
nicest one I own is a gx1000 hoodie. it's some chinese 14oz pure cotton blank. I tried looking at other14oz chink blanks but none of them are the same.
My new favorite coding all day hoodie

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Yes or no?
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i am part of the team
Yeah, team scarves, soccer style, and Burberry...
The footy scran-ification of /fa/ must STOP. Delete this thread immediately and then make another one apologising.
Only if its cashmere and max 2 colors.
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Forgot pic

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