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/g/ approved watches?
148 replies and 51 images omitted. Click here to view.
yellow light is much sovl every other casio has it
>posting a fake
Just get one of the Illuminator models and save yourself the money and trouble.
I had one of those. Great watch except for the shitty band.
Mine is -4-5s. That's v3ry good for an nh35

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Where can I find a coat like this? Does anyone know what it's called?
it's a civil war cavalry coat
Google cheap reproduction civil war coat
And thank you.

Is this short effay?
looks like something dalmer would wear
If your ass is this nice and toned you're damn right it is
why are you showing me naked mens asses

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Where to find this Adidas jacket
In your nearest refugee camp.
What's wrong with Adidas?

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What does /fa/ think about New Balances?
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I like the 574s, and the 991, 992, and 993s. But really only in the classic grey or black colorways. Not a fan of really any of the other models desu, except for maybe the CT300s
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i dislike them, the N is obnoxious.
To me, they are for picrel.
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I bought these and wear em as a man in my early 30s but they're uncomfortable as shit and if I walk around in em for too long I start limping
I wear the New Balance Fresh Foam X Hierro’s almost exclusively. Lots of different color ways. I like the little wing that comes off the back of sole. I’m phonefagging or I’d post some. I’ve had a bunch of them. I wear them sparingly until the get dirty and then I wreck them. Going back and looking at second hand dealers, I see one pair I had going for $480 and another going for $220. So comfy.
My feet are weird and wide and NB has fun with colour, I like them

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Can frosted tips ever be /fa/?
if you have darker features sure if you are a blue eyed cum skin no
Hey! Sugar gay!
They were in the '90s and '00s
Trends come and go and usually come back in style. I would experiment and give it a shot.
Thanks all!

ITT: things that give you the ick
Very crude and a touch incomplete if I may add too...
>things that give you the ick
most men's perfumes. you smell like a fucking candy store.

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Where do you buy your athletic wear?
Why do you keep posting this shit?
Why not? Where do you buy your athletic wear?

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Should a genZ wear leather jacket?
20 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
what i hear is the make-up culture of younger people is heavily influenced by trannies doing youtube tutorials.
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I miss the 90's. Women used to wear as little makeup as possible because they didn't want to look like whores. Now whore makeup is the default makeup.
Those two blondes are caked though.
I'm so confused why you think the gen of someone matters when wearing leather jacket. Yeah you can wear them.
because they know if they posted a pic and said
>would I PERSONALLY look good in a leather jacket?
the answer would be NO.
so they ask retard questions like this and then go drop $1100 on an aero bootlegger because we said yes a zoomer can wear a leather jacket.

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Any good books on fashion?
Anime avatar aside, I'd like to know, too, especially something that talks about the relations between fashion and classes

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Been trying to find the adidas pants on the left, the right one ''premium baggy adidas pants'' are the only ones I can find without the ''adidas'' text on the pants, is it the same one or am I missing something?

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Would you?
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Kanye has been hanging out with too many black Hebrews and Hoteps behind the scenes and honestly they are probably using him as a mouthpiece most likely Kanye has been seeing Louis Farrakhan who's in his 90s now but is still a big spiritual leader
I would compliment someone if I saw it in public. Wouldn’t wear it, my power level is already dangerously maxed
Is anyone gonna get theirs after the meltdown?
would I what? punch a bitch ass Nazi chud? yes
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could you imagine if hitler knew that 80 years after his death, that there would be a black man who hates jews that gives praise to his work.

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Thinking of buying these shorts
will people think im gay wearing these out?
They will think you're gay, but it's entirely unrelated to the shorts.
do people think your gay then
The only reason they look gay is because they're too long. Real men like to show off DAT THIGH MEAT!
Lol no
No gay person would ever wear such long-ass shorts
What is this, the 1990s?
You'll look like a dad
boring, plain, generic, normal, npc.

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Which pocket do you put your phone in and how is it oriented?

For me, it's front left pocket oriented with the screen facing my body (to protect the screen) upside down (so when I take my phone out, it's upright).
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I used to do front left since I'm left handed and my brain sort of defaults to putting stuff in the left pocket
But I started getting that hideous disgusting phone fade in my denim so now I exclusively put it in my back pocket
I'm actually totally inconsistent about how I put it in my pocket. But it is always the front right one, unless I'm wearing a jacket in which case it's always the inside pocket on the left side.
Front left, opposite side of my dominant side like how you should wear a watch.
Side cargo pocket.
Otherwise jacket.
same orientation as you. wallet and pocket knife in front right. keys on side right belt loop, chapstick either next to wallet or back right pocket.

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new boot goofin

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