Do these looking stupid? Just got them delivered and I didn't realize they looked like that st the back. Is this even wearable? lol
>>18388717I wore them today and it felt wrong. luckily I don't think too many people saw me. looks like I'll be returning them. I'm fuckin through buying shoes online.
>>18388062Yes they look stupid, and that's because you are asking.Get a solid pair of cowboy boots, something nice but used, from facebook or something. If you cannot wear cowboy boots in stride, you are a fag, if you can bear it until you do not care anymore, you can wear anything, and the cowboy boots will grow on you.Do what I said and you'll look incredible.
Post hot bitches dress good
>>18389588fuck OPyou first
>>18389589That is a minor
>>18390118So what
Can you rock grillz as a whyboi?
>>18389405objectively speaking it doesn't have the same visual contrast as it does against black skin, nor compliment the skin tone as well.i think grills look the weirdest on asians. but i haven't seen an indian with grills yet. they look terrible on women too even black girls.
Not only can you, you must.
grills and gauges are low class.
>>18389405No.>but why doe?Because I decided?>& u r?Dat nigga. Pause.
2025 new year/new you editionpost thinspo, post/discuss your ideal body, be thinspobe polite but don't be an idiot eitherno concern trollingprev >>18339583
do I need to worry about how much fat i'm getting in my diet? almost always winds up being under 10g per day and I don't want to mess up my hormones. male btw
>>18389734Try to reach 20 grams a day by including nuts, avocado, seeds and fish to your diet.Personally, I appreciate the effects fat has in my body: my skin is usually very dry but it gets better when I eat good fats (fried shit gives me acne).
>>18389734patrician thinspo couple.just try to eat some omega-3s, healthy fat is important for vitamin absorption and brain function. 10 g is ultra low fat and some shit durianrider would prescribe, you could def stand to up that to closer to 30 g.
I've picked this mahogany/burgundy colour for my shoes and belt, sort of like picrel. It's a great colour but I'm having a hard time finding other products that match them. How do you match your leathers?
>>18389832Nice for a clown.
>>18389893you sound like you just don't have the confidence to pull that look off.
>>18389737Throw them in the trash and buy color 8 shell cordovan instead.
>>18389910Good taste.
Always felt like anything outside of standard brown or black shouldnt be matched. its a statement piece. wear it in a more plain outfit just to add something
My friend offered me a free (military owned and operated) gym that I'm allowed to use, but I love my long (shoulder length) hair and my stubble, which I'll have to give up to be able to use itI think I look like a gremlin without long hair but the women in my life prefer it. I work out fine by myself, I have a pull up bar and calisthenics rings but are the free weights, sauna and swimming pool worth the hit to my self identity
What a fake "dilemma." Stop bothering people with this stupid shit.
>>18387089Is it not a dilemma cause the answer is that obvious? Cause I can't see it
>>18387009you shouldn't change yourself to fit in a shitty crowd like thatalso they're going to touch you inappropriately in the sauna if you go there
>>18387410not if you touch them innapropriately first
I don't believe this story. so all guests on the base have to shave their head before they can use the gym? bullshit.
Did you know that anchor is a gay pride symbol?
*chrip* *chrip* *chrip*
Your style says a lot about you. How do you represent yourself?
>>18389383what does it say about you?
I think we should kill all ugly and stupid people.I volunteer to be first.
>>18389432I dress trad/prep/ivy, mostly. Work out, eat and drink healthy, and wear well-fitting clothes, and you are set.
>>18389383its just camera focal length anon.if you're a zoomer trying to look good on social media or god forbid trying to use dating apps the best thing you can do to put yourself ahead of the pack is- never post selfie cam pictures of yourself. - if you need to fake a selfie cam pic use a webcam and crop it. - only post pictures from cell phones if they're candids taken from the back facing camera from a decent distance.- get a real camera and a tripod and take all the pics you post that way. you don't even need an expensive dslr a cheap point and shoot is way better than anything in a phone due to focal length limitations from the form factor.cell phones also use a lot of post processing and ai shit to try to make up for the shitty focal length. you can get better shots out of a cell phone using third party apps than the default camera app on a lot of phones. just knowing this stuff during the peak of online dating before all the apps went paid and got nerfed used to get me daily pussy. and i'm not even that great looking just kinda normal.
Can anyone recommend or had any luck with cheaper repros (not the ones for 500bucks) of officer Ks coat from bladerunner?I'm sure this was done to death years ago but ive only recently had a look and think it could work well as a general winter coat. Im medium height muscular build. The coat and outfit in the movie seem fairly neutral and adaptable. Am i wrong about that?If not, which repros in a more affordable bracket ( up to 200) on etsy/ebay are actually decent quality, if any?Would appreciate any help on this
>>18387581not that anon but bulgarian officer coat (not the wool one)
>>18387581Get any shearling lined sheepskin or leather coat.
>>18387469That looks dorky. OPs is dorky too but only if you've seen or know of the movie. What you posted is still going to give the ick because it looks militant.
>>18389091I agree, partially. I think the movie coat is dorky regardless, though.
>>18389036Been looking for a coat just like this that lean was wearing. Any idea of one that doesn’t have the fur collar?
Why don’t men have the equivalent of a bra for their lower parts? We have bulges too so why are we forced to bind our boys in plastic bags with no room
>>18386409There are options that have a lot more ballroom
>>18381406I bought a pack of Hanes boxer briefs, they came with a two pack sample of ones with a dick pouch. Feels amazing every time I wear them. Will probably buy a pack of them next time I wear through all my old ones if they still sell them.
Still not switching from loose boxers
>>18385834>he wears polyester spermkillers
>>18388704>his gonads aren’t strong enough to stand up against plastic-based fabrics>>18387244No one’s making you, though ‘regular’ boxers do seem to be vanishingly rare as far as I can tell from browsing around. It seems that boxer-briefs have taken over considerably in comparison to boxers or briefs. Strangely enough though I recently saw an ad for “loose leg boxer-briefs”, which seem to be another entry on the boxer-to-briefs spectrum between boxers and boxer-briefs.
Thoughts on Hey Dudes?
>>18388864This looks like something an h1b Indian working in the Bay Area would wear.
>>18388864Florida Dilf shoesthey come with a lunch time bud light and a solid credit score
the thad is the only good model they have, and when they discontinued the maya pattern I liked I switched to sanuk
>>18388864Hideous. Absolutely hideous and I felt a pair in a store and they feel like foam and air and nothingness I wouldn't spend more than $10 on a pair but they're so ugly I don't know who is even wearing them
abominable, get a pair of boat shoes or driving mocs instead.
Happy 2025 everyone
>>18356463you have no taste, are you south asian?
>>18357053russian zoomers taste
I really like and want to make these images, but I'm too stupid to do it, I don't know photoshop or editing anything
>>18387492>download chart template>open preferred editing software, e.g. gimp, photoshop, etc (i used firealpaca)>in editing software, click 'open' (under 'files' tab) and select the template image from your files>template image will open in the software>now, under 'files', (depending on which software you are using) there will be an 'import' option or sometimes a 'open as a new layer' option>click>select your effay image from your files that you want to put in the chart>repeat until satisfied with chart>save image as png, compress using software if necessary>post to chart thread>profit
>>18387492Only things you need to know in photoshop is Ctrl+V to paste the images, Ctrl+T to resize them and "Files > Save As" to save.
Why do all shoes have heel slippage these days?Am i just deformed? Does it get better if you pay more?
>>18389713What’s your IQ?
>>18389719I dont know
>>18389713Are you buying the right size? Even if a shoe has heel slippage initially it will typically resolve after a break-in period. The exception would be some laceless shoes like loafers where a bit of heel slippage is hard to avoid.
What's a nice affordable CWU bomber jacket in a blue tone lighter than dark navy? Only one I can find is this Schott one and one from Carhartt WIP. I don't know which one would be better quality wise.
Is there anything gayer than people trying to look old money? FAGS
>>18388770>>18389613As if zoomer retards know the difference. To them anything that's not nigger joggers, hoodies, jeans and t-shirt, is muh old money. Wear a basic plain button up shirt in lighters shades, chinos and dress shoes and they'll call it old money, when it's just basic men's wear across the world. You'll see even Asian and Indian street food vendors, manual laborers and tuk tuk drivers wearing something like that. Indian men especially wear such clothes because there are still tons of tailors here on every street and even in neighborhoods, so it's easy for Indians to get clothes tailored to their proportions (especially the overweight ones) for cheap. Button up shirts and dress pants are also seen as more "adult" and mature here. So grown men with jobs (not the gay MNC corporate jobs) wear button up shirts and dress pants, while t-shirt and jeans are for children and college kids. You'll be seen as a manchild if you keep wearing t-shirts and jeans too much past your 20's.
>>18389605i knew a guy who wasn't rich but from a private school boy sort of background.he reckoned that rich people are sort of... (not in his words) super, they just do sensible things all the right and exercise so they feel good and don't miss time off of school at work and they do reasonably well at school or work and just consistently do right things all their life where right is things that build wealth.they're not making brilliant moves, just good ones consistently.
>>18389647Yep. The difference between losers, people stuck in dead end jobs, and rich people is the level of discipline, especially the ones who become rich from rags. It's all about being organized and making the right decisions not just at major cross roads in your life, but every little point in day to day life. It's about having good habits, routine, mindset, and self-control. What separates successful people and the normie cattle the most is routine. All rich and successful people organize their life into a mostly fixed routine that is efficient for them, so that they don't waste time, effort AND money on unnecessary things.