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is a good quality and/or designer wallet worth it? i lost mine and need a replacement
i lost my wallet a while ago and ever since ive just kept 2-3 cards wrapped in a rangerband as my 'wallet' and dont think ill go back to an actual wallet
I've lost my walled with all my shit countless times. I've stopped carrying wallets and now just have all my shit in my pockets. Not a single issue ever since
>is a designer wallet worth it?
NO especially not a leather one they are low low low quality, the bottom of the barrel.
info on how terrible they are here: https://www.youtube.com/@tanner.leatherstein
canvas and nylon designer wallets are fine but they will still be poorly constructed.

>is a good quality wallet worth it?
YES. get something from a small leatherworker. look around locally for a leatherworker failing that plebbit r/leatherclassifieds is unironically the best place to get good wallets if you don't want to pay an arm and a leg. post a commission with a pic of the type of wallet you want, say you want full lined + saddle stitched + handmade and say what kind of leather you want (my wallet's bridal leather, cxl is good, idk do some research) and someone will make it for you with minimal markup. you'll probably pay under 100, comparable wallets from a big brand will be like $500++ and designers just flat out won't make anything that high quality.
etsy is dogshit now too many fake chinese goods being sold as "hand made" because the website is poorly managed look it up.
ebay and such are alright.
if you're too lazy for that just look online for a wallet that meets all the criteria i just said.
>etsy is dogshit now
theres a ton of good stores/leatherworkers on there but also a lot of shady people pretending to be and selling chinese crap. research the store if buying there.
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anyways heres my wallet 17 years old never conditioned it or done any leather care to it and ive accidentally wound up swimming a few times with it in my pocket. bridal leather holds up. wouldn't rec it since the company got bought out and started outsourcing though.

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Hygiene/skincare General #10 post your summer routine edition

Previous >>18138981

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

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>Is it necessary to use sunscreen on days when I don't leave my house but I do go out to my garden for routine things like feeding my pets and stuff?
Sure buy a big bottle of banana boat spf 50+ for $8 or whatever cheap sunscreen people buy for the beach
I have clear skin but still want to invest in skincare, do i need to do skincare daily for good results, or can i do it twice a week?
>sorry if this is a retarded question
Well yeah, sunscreen, cleanser, moisturizer is a daily routine.
>thin cotton gloves
Oh, you can buy these at a pharmacy apparently.
Though I do like to read my phone in bed a bit, not sure how that will work.
new bread
new bread
new bread

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It's fucking impossible to find a proper fitting suit in a brick and mortar store
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>polyester anything
How does that sound fake? I have the exact same problem.
Still crazy to me that menswear places are STILL selling shitty slim suits with skinny lapels
I went to Men's Wearhouse last month to get an emergency suit for an interview, something cheap I would just return after
They literally did not sell anything but slim fit skinny lapel STRETCH suits
i'm glad that i'm not chronically online enough to understand what you are trying to communicate
kys retard

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When you're wearing a dress, how do you avoid your bottom jiggling visibly underneath it?
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Yes. You're mentally ill if you think a jiggly butt is unattractive
They're all American and Jewish?
The problem is Israel
the problematic people are majority jews who came here from the soviet union to escape "persecution" aka justice for the evil shit they did over there.
the rest are largely anglo traitors who sold out their own race to jews for money and comfortable lives as elites.
hard to blame them when all the jews in organized crime like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_Luciano were wholesale murdering anyone in the wasp elite who didn't sell out to the jew.
this thread took a weird turn.
hope you figure out what you need, op!

Is fashion going too far?
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i don't think there's anything less edgy you could do in today's modern climate. wow! an occult reference to cannibalism SO UNIQUE THIS HASN'T BEEN DONE TO DEATH!!
considering its been around for a while I don't think it will ever happen.
This iteration will seem cringe, but the whole "demonic/occult" schtick will continue.
speaking of is it even possible for low tier art student grade designers to make anything other than unwearable "art" slop garbage?
wow this is soo edgy. i'm blown away
y'all want to wear shit like this but not carry a gun
poser ass fag boys

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Where can I find Hawaiian shirts with good prints that arent polyester?
Trying to make fits similar to picrel
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Be warned, after starting to wear silk shirts in the summer you won't be able to go back to cotton. The comfort in the heat is unreal, they feel cool to the touch even when it's stupid hot. Rayon isn't terrible but I would definitely opt for silk.
What other (non-aloha) silk brands are good?
I only buy vintage because that's where I can find the loud patterns I want and unfortunately I am not going to share the brands I search for aa the pickings are already slim as it is.
There's like 20 people on /fa/ bud, we aren't coming for your aloha shirts like some new trend on reddit.
Sounds like something someone trying to steal my future cops would say.

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White bread edition.

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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You say that in every thread, you're becoming a pathetic avatarfag. It kind of sucks.
That's garbage.

I already have a Submariner. I literally just asked people's opinions, can you read?
I don't like those side ears.
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Why not the regular font?

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Especially when you meet russians overseas
Nike is banned from russia
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trash plastic shoes

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I want to go somewhere and be listened to and given actual recommendations about what to wear and how to wear it. Do I need to pay a gorillion dollars for a personal stylist or just shop at higher end stores?

I want to be asked questions about what kind of look I'm going for, and given serious recommendations about how to achieve that, in a way that will actually look good and fit me and not just in a "let me upsell you as much as possible" kind of way. Does this exist?
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My man are you autistic ?
Just buy quality vintage styles and try to make it look casual
Alright but from where? Are there any retailers that make vintage styles or if I want a vintage styled suit do I need to get that custom made? I'm willing to invest in a suit but I don't have $3k+ to drop
I like Etsy and Ebay for online shopping. Suits look best custom made but if that’s not in your budget then buying an inexpensive suit and having it tailored will look good too
Thanks anon. I can find some local shops and look for one or two suits off the rack that I like for 700-1k and get it tailored. Build out the casual wear from there. I bet if I went to locally owned places for suits they'd have good recommendations on casual wear.
If it’s in your budget just show the suit guy the kinds of casual clothes you like and he’ll make them for you

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what is the name of this style?
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>koroliov, hewitt or andras schiff
thanks for the rec
>immediately thinks of dick-sucking without provocation
You don't need to pretend to be straight any longer.
this poster doesn't know anything about music
without provocation? >>18187196 clearly exists, and is as homosexual as it gets.
tell me which piano daddy of yours i insulted to make you sob so profusely.
you are unable to discern appreciation for artistry from homoerotic feelings.
because you are gay.

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Discontinued: >>18182876

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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>Apple Tabac
there is no fucking mint in cool water dude, what the fuck are you smoking. cool water is crabapple, dihydromyercenol, lavender, and violet leaf.
bleu noir extreme - daily
bleu noir edt/edp - colder evenings/nights or all year
l'eau mixte, adg edt, bergamote 22 - hot weather
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rate the drip bros

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I am moving into a fully furnished apartment and I would like to make the living room a little more homely - presently it is quite bland. Ideally, I would prefer to avoid hanging things on the wall as I don't want to worry about losing my damage deposit or plastering/painting to cover the holes.

My first impression is that adding an area rug to the floor and some sort of small bookcase (small because I only have 15 books) left of the TV will make the area slightly more cozy. Given I am a student, I would prefer to decorate frugally, but I am certainly open to spending some money as well.

What would you do to the space?
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buy some frames and then find some prints.
google your way into finding a genre you like and then narrow it down and then browse. photos or paintings? time era? medium? and so on and so on. you don't need to explain it to like it. just "i like paintings of old cities" is enough or whatever.
I was thinking of getting those Japanese Futons for my new apartment. I’ve never liked being so high up while I sleep. Any thoughts?
If you get a Japanese futon, almost everyday you have to lift it up and hang it somewhere to air out or it will mold. Would you put it on tatami or just on the floor?
Yeah I get glare but it's an extremely bright TV. Glare reminds me to leave me house.
i have pic related and it always a good one

I want to make a punk style leather jacket
any pointers? Will probably use a "vegan" leather since I don't want to ruin an actual leather jacket
pic related is inspo but I think too over done
wear do you get, make band patches?
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wax a black denim jacket if you want to emulate the vibe of leather cheaply. probably too sweaty for shows unless its a vest tho.
I used to make these when I was a kid. As others have said, unlined denim is the easiest material to work with, and a good place to start with. You can get all the studs, spikes, grommets, and buckles or whatever you want on ebay. It's also a good place to look for inexpensive used leather jackets. A few tips: you can use the tip of a dart to poke holes for studs, and a coin to help press in the prongs. Anthing with a thick lining is a total bitch to work with, your best option is really just to cut it out before you start. Also, I've never tried to use artificial leather myself, but I've seen a lot of them as shows and they all look terrible. The stuff does not hold up at all, and always flakes and rips around the hardware. Something that used to be very cool but seems to have become less common lately was studded camouflage jackets, maybe consider going that route too. Finally, you'll probably be tempted to just go nuts with it at first because its fun, but slow down. Subtlety is an often overlooked virtue in alt fashion.
>You can get all the studs, spikes, grommets, and buckles or whatever you want on ebay.
denim's also an easy fabric to work with if you want to do it right and rivet all the hardware on instead of using the much shittier screw-on style attachment. the tools you need are cheap on amazon and ebay these days.
Get the merchant & mills “foreman” pattern. (I have posted the one I am making in the neofolk thread).

Make leather jacket.

The inside is only lined on the bit you can fold out as a lapel so there will be a raw edge but that’s fine because you can use bias and sew that on.

Try some simpler projects first and get very good at hand sewing or get good on a machine that can see leather.

My first project was a shirt and it was abysmal. You need to practice on simple things first.



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I'm pretty sure OP meant "make" as in decorate an existing jacket.

What are some casually acceptable mens wrist accessories? Does it ultimately come down to just watches? What am I supposed to do, wear a gay wristband?
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Nice try, but no straight guy in the history of the world ever called another guy a "bore."
What the fuck is a "gay wristband"
Stop being insecure and boring.
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Gotta wonder where they get fucking halberds for their photoshoots.

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Now I need help putting together a closet. I've posted before about my internship, but now I'll have some money to get some real stuff. Please help me out.
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Give it back, jamal.
lulu is polyester low rise garbage worn by slaves
Lulu is classless. It's the VW Beetle of clothing.
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I can't give you much feedback except that you look fabulous! Love that hair. Get some more dress shirts, perhaps a bowtie for very formal occasions.

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