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It's autumn, time for a classic inspo thread. Post pictures that are inspiration for you this autumn.
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Good thread, here's a bump

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Sambas or Gazelle?
I want something other than Adidas.
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Iron Rangers
No he's right, your sentence doesn't make sense. You want to choose between sambas or gazelles but you don't want adidas.
Adidas is for poorfags
these ones are hot
Spezials. That's what I'm wearing

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where can I find a beanie like picrel. I like the thickness but I have a big head so any beanie that looks thick on normals looks thin on me.
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nice meme
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Have you used fucking Google lens?
That's not a beg24nanie that's a watch cap.
Just wear two beanies

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How to dress like a wealthy weaboo living in Tokyo?
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Daily reminder to aviod asian women >>202422705
Weren't most white guys living in Japan in the '80s and '90s businessmen from the US and Europe who lived there because of work?

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amiri ma-1 black
I wear picrel. Comfy for the most part but the soles are a little loose

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prev. >>18206414
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Trying to hide the obesity
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How is the quality of GANT chinos? They are somewhat on the pricier side (140€), but in the material description, they don't even mention the cotton being made from long-stable cotton like pima cotton. Are they just overpiced, a brand that lives more from the branding than the actual quality?
no, there isnt.
hope this helps, best way is just to lean into it. but if your qualitypilled definitely shop vintage options for track jackets are much better.
I didn't mean that particular one, just the style. I've got one from an unknown brand from the late 70s or early 70s and was wondering if there's a way to wear it without looking like I'm cosplaying that guy from gta.
>Is there a way to style a vintage tracksuit jacket without looking like a slav inmigrant?
you have to have phenotype that wouldn't be out of place in Poland of Russia. If you look southern european, you can wear it without the risk of looking like a slav.

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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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what about sandpaper and a thin chopstick
Use one of those cotton ear swabs and run it on the inside. The fibers should stick to anything sharp or raised in the eyelet
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Y'all need some motherfukin chisos god damnit

I have a pair of their dowler boots and a pair of their oxfords. pretty solid but my only point of comparison are the thursdays I bought before them. as >>18250178 said, the wait blows.

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Are they /fa/? I’m planning on getting one to match them with some of my outfits.
only ever seen women wear these.
they wear them so no one tries to talk to them
Like human horse blinders, eh?

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Does anyone here do that? I know it's cringe and not good for you, but it's one of the things in life that actually get me excited. I feel like it helps me be myself. I dont want to be woman just like the look.
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Brian Eno - musical genius, raging fag got mogged constantly by Bryan Ferry when he was in Roxy Music so rage quite and invented ambient/chillout music instead. so all in all a win
I get the invasive thoughts on occassion but I think I'd just settle for being an androgynous man. MMA is my saving grace. Combat sports is my main hobby in life and only source of sanity, so I couldn't ever do hormones.
I used to do it but I have a very masculine face and body and I just feel ugly when I do it now : (
>big nose, big chin, broad shoulders, 5’11
it was rly fun and made me feel pretty I want to do it again but ughhh
>Tranny threads everywhere
You're giving me the intrusive thoughts anons.
I once wore a shitty amazon maid dress for a bet and it sucked though.
His album "Here Come the Warm Jets" is one of the all time greats when it comes to a full album experience; would highly recommend.

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How do you prefer your sideburns?
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I've seen topic minoxidil recommended. I have the opposite problem so I wouldn't know.
long or extra long a.k.a normal
I sometimes do shorter than short, A.K.A. no sideburns.
Middle of the ears, give or take a fraction of an inch.
They are low class.
Rich people don’t get fades and the ones that do are usually hiding their weak temple points by shifting the focus on the quiff on top. It’s a silly looking haircut that is easy to do for most barbers. A real haircut requires skill that most don’t have.

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which city mecca of fashion paris or milan?
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seething thirdie detected
Milan easily, Paris doesn't even rank these days, it's a show city only... real designers increasingly don't even show there
Angloids will always hate the french no matter what even in fashion.
berlin and london more blacked than your pic

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Are these fits good enough to be the face of a billion dollar game that will last for a decade minimum
Seems kinda stupid to commit crimes in the company of someone with an ankle monitor on. Looks like rockstar went full retard. Also >>>/v/
The guy's shoes are wack
It should be replaced with nikes imo
Other wise its alright
nah slip ons are the good vans

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your image and what you appear to describe is that of a BUM, not the noble hobo
A hobo is a man who backpacks across the country taking on odd jobs and living frugally, not some filthy gibbering layabout who does nothing but bother those more civilized and respectable than him for money, expecting generosity and comfort from society whilst giving nothing back

you will not sully the honorable title of hobo
Dignity, basically.
A college education isn't "massive debt" and you can pay it off in a few years if you didn't totally fuck up.
Sorry I dont have any spare change on me
>you are wagecuck in a wagecagie with massive debt
I have neither a wagie job nor debt
>you are financing hobochads nonchalant lifestyle
hobochad doesn't take handouts

How do you feel about this?
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I've used this black diamond carabiner every day of my life since 2010.
I lost the master keys to my work building because the shitty carabiner broke and then they took away my other keys when they found out.
gay and retarded
Stick up their ass boomer core
>his keyring isn't rated for 27kN along the major axis
you fools are just asking for trouble

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I’ve ordered 3 pairs of shoes online recently and each pair became de-laminated where the sole separated from the upper (picrel for example) within months or even weeks of wearing. I thought I was having bad luck but now I’m wondering if it has to do with the temperature inside the delivery vehicles? It’s regularly 90-100 during the summers where I live so packages tend to be pretty hot upon receipt. Has anybody else experienced this? Maybe the show manufacturers are cutting corners with the adhesive process? For context the shoes I’ve had this happen with were
>new balance trail runners
>keen bostons
>adidas trail runners
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Usually they will have screws as well but they will still be glued
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>plastic coating instead of just dying black
dyes are expensive and takes time coatings are cheap and fast
i used to work in a bakery and this would happen to every pair of shoes within a few months. i think it was from a combination of constant moisture from the proof box, constant flour and sugar on them, and constantly going from walk-in freezer and fridge to pulling stuff out of a massive oven. the shoes would just start dissolving. anyways, it's probably your environment.

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