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ITT autism shoes
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Boy, you haven't even touched autism shoes
People in medieval days were autistic?
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shoe lifts
Robert Puny Jr. is such a joke.
Good to see that
Jesus fuck, at least TRY to hide it. At that point you may as well just wear high heels. It could not be MORE fucking obvious, it's like he's showboating how much of an insecure manlet he is.
You're better off just becoming a battledwarf like joe rogan than trying to be suave
you are really obsessed with forcing this meme about chukkas. you've been at it for a long time
>Chuckas are autistic
>Chelseas are faggotry

Which way white man?
i don't wear chukkas i wear desert boots
>inb4 same things
yes and no. all desert boots are chukkas but not all chukkas are desert boots
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