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Get any cool shirts lately? What are your go-to places to find vintage or unique tshirts?
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It's just a picture of a shirt for the thread you redditor
>have no personal taste
>out of tshirts of all things

and youre not the tranny redditor that would prob just post twit screencaps
Here's a real one. Damn these are not cheap
They sat for ages before the Grailed cartel and archivebeasts memed them into popularity. Fortunately China is here to save us and is producing fake ones.
I don't see too much of an issue with fake shirts desu

>full lips
>perfect hairline
>designer stubble
>equal facial thirds

I get that she is model tier, but he isn't really ugly.
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His eyes are the epitome of what people mean by "ugly eyes".
Those teeth are a sin just to have.
He's an actor. He keeps them like than on purpose.

more proof a strong chin is all you need as a man. I have seen actors with bug eyes, downward turned eyes, eyelid exposure, fucked up teeth, pockmarked skin, but NEVER did I ever saw someone with that weak jawline where the chin melts into their neck EVER.
He looks like Lovecrafts description of the residents of Innsmouth. Sickly and alien.

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Top tier:
Blonde/ash blonde perfect aryan faceshape
Mid tier:
Brunette aryan face shape
Low tier:
Anything with anglo, puffy round, mongolian admixture faceshape
Puke tier:
Splotchy bleach/dye job on brown women
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What’s up with all the fugly posts in this thread?
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No you
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Jacked dude called me big man at work. I made it bros.

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no corssdressers all black fits or bad mullets
fresh fits only please
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I envy your ability to wear the most bland and basic fits day in and out while still having the bizarrely misplaced pride/self confidence required to keep posting them.
This is a shot in the dark but are you gay?
all me btw
all me btw
Sex offender shirt
Never go full sex offender
Dude you look like you're about to tell your buddy not to come to school tomorrow
That shirt screams "Autistic" and the bad haircut doesn't help. You look like a transitioning twink.
Good fit but-- and I wasn't in the last thread-- bad tie. But I might just be biased, the exposure on your camera makes the colors almost read "Trans flag" y'know the pink and blue one. So I would swap that out if you don't want to get hit on by freaks.
Chad, you can come over and fuck my sister (I don't have a sister, but I do have a punching bag and beer)
Hate to say it but that tie is awful.

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Ever use this stuff? Just got some in the mail.
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I don't shower daily
deodorant is a jewish scam
Day two, no smell. Going strong.
Fpbp. Fuck the low IQ trash summer fags and reddit tourists shitting up this site.
ur dum

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Hygiene/skincare General #11

Previous >>18165643

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE

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>thin cotton gloves
>Oh, you can buy these at a pharmacy apparently.
>Though I do like to read my phone in bed a bit, not sure how that will work.
Digg around on eBay or AliExpress and you can find those thin ones people wear at night with the touchscreen material on the fingertips. Ive gotten them before. Fair warning they are probably in women's sizing so don't get smalls.
Interested in more natural products. Is Aleppo Soap good or just a meme?
Thanks, though I figured out a solution. I have a random pen in my basket that has little rubber touch-sensitive nub at the end, so I can use that.
It's a meme
if you want to use it on your body go ahead i guess but i wouldn't use it on your face and you will probably find it somewhat drying on your skin. Might help with some skin conditions i guess

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Why is his fit cooler than anything /fa/ can put together?
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Tapping into that drip and swag has always been cool. Mediterraneans and South Americans can lean into it further, but as a white guy, you really should have a good mirror at home.
Dude looks like such a fag lol
it's not unless you're mentally 5
like dsm 5? I looked that up, I think I'm in there...
>tank content: sugar

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/fa/'s thoughts on brutalmaxxing?
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you're a gay man or tranny though not a woman.
He went from a twink who fucks pussies, to a mutant lab experiment whose bussy gets probed by mad scientists.
Wrong. As a brutalmaxxer i got more opportunities to get laid. Stop grooming zoomers into your tranny fantasy.
Suddenly women say they want to be feminine and hate feminism in my presence. When i was a skinny beta bitchboi women switched to they masculine energy.
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The mistake here is making the gym and muscles your personality.
Being physically active is good for your body your soul and your confidence. If you do it for sports for women or men or because you want to look like an anime character is irrelevant. If you go boxing swimming or just pumping gym bro routines in the gym is irrelevant as long as you like doing it. But like everything you do it shouldn’t consume you or become your obsession. It should compliment you and add to your style your lifestyle and personality. Otherwise you are one of these people who got nothing else going for them and make being muscular or fit their whole being. A nice style a good body good food and healthy social life everything should add to your being and not take it. Also yes sex core is fun sometimes but if you are built as fuck drapey styles can accentuate your look without coming too strong
Sorry for the long rambling and btw the poor fella in the video really ruined his looks

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A thread for stupid questions that don't deserve their own threads (about threads)
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Buy long cream colored flat laces and rub them in the dirt some
Need tuxedo shoes. Rank these brands: corneliani, Giuseppe zanotti, Bally, dolce & gabbana

Add any shoemakers you think I should consider
John lobb
Crockett & Jones
unironically email them https://www.rickowens.eu/en/US/careers/contacts
and show them a pic of the boots and the laces and ask if they still have any extra laces for them. i've had better luck even with old shit than you'd imagine with higher end brands doing this. generally if they have the laces you'll probably get them. some brands have asked me for like proof of purchase but not too common desu. sometimes if i don't get a reply or the situation resolved but i think i can i'll message again a month later from a different email and talk to a different rep before giving up.

failing that look up if anyone makes reps of them or another shoe rick did with the same laces then email them. when emailing chinese people use very simple sentence structure and word choice because it IS going to probably be read by a non english speaker through auto translation software and its easy for messages to get lost in translation. its sort of an art.

failing failing that then failing that https://www.amazon.com/Private-Laces-Rick-Owens-Shoelaces/dp/B0CQLHK9TG?th=1
are these close enough? you can do the weathering to them yourself. other anon's method or art student method either works desu.
and if a rep seller has it just be like "can you include them in order if i buy xx item from your store" and generally they will. they generally cba to just ship out the laces and nothing else. throw em a bone if they have them.

Aluminium or leather for an attache case?
Paired with a suit. Prefer the metal but not sure if it looks weird.
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Aluminum would look a little outdated. Like the other guy said.
I have a leather briefcase that's kind of like this without the two vertical straps. I'm in finance.

No ones going to judge you (in a way that would impact you) for wearing a backpack though.
>Many professions still have folks carrying briefcases
This is false.
Differences in the prevalence of briefcases are probably more based on regional norms than different jobs. A blanket statement that nobody anywhere carries briefcases anymore is simply wrong.
I'm an attorney and use a black leather briefcase. Not in US though
I got myself a Filson Rugged Twill Original Briefcase for the office. Usually use it as a briefcase most of the time, in deep winter I use it as a messenger bag

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Which side are you on?
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Hey, I uses to work for the forest service too. There's a difference between pissing in the forest where it's expected, and pissing in a client's commercial orchard where you never know when some nosey spick is going to unexpectedly pop out of a row.
fair point
>caught dick skin and pubes in zipper
What are you, 5? Wear underwear.
Literally a rip open fly for sex.
i guess you forgot because you've been wearing women's panties for the last 10 years but men's underwear has a hole to stick your dick through and piss in the front.

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Post Half Life-2 core fashion
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Braindead video game tranny
Why are you so angry
I was more-so implying fashion that would fit with the aesthetic of the game
Would fit right in Lost Coast

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Haven't seen one in a while
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Even redditors moved away from this crap years ago. Just stop
What was so bad about it?
It's literally just cosplay
Dead trend, now you'll look like one of those guys with a mullet
>Translucent shades
What kind of fucking moron made this image? All glasses are transparent because you can see through them unless they have a mirrored finish. They're tinted.
I'm happy my culture is no longer used as a costume

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>buy puffy jacket like everyone else has had for 5+ years
>buy slim jeans that have been status quo for 15+ years
>wear rayban looking sunglasses that have been in style for 50+ years
>still look like generic dude
i don't know if this look would work anywhere else
For closet hipsters.
Stockholm style: be a Somali, Iraqi, or Balkan refugee roadman and drug dealer.
For millennials who are out of touch with what styles are relevant. Go for it

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