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balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Reminder that if you can clearly see your scalp when your hair is wet, your hair is going!

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone that serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see a significant recovery on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.

Minoxidil (liquid and tabs) is a vasodialator that opens potassium channels and widens blood vessels bringing nutrients to your hair follicles, stimulating hair follicles into thickening, accelerating growth and elongating the growth phase. Min is taken with fin to restore your hair to it's original hairline, thickness and vigor when hair loss is caught early enough, (pre-NW2). Can be taken orally or topically.

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all symptoms of depression which he got from taking steroids (very common). everyone with PFS on this channel is a fucking indian or skinnyfat beta. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see a correlation with depression and those types!
this is one of the funniest things I've seen posted on 4chan
Why does he still have a NW1 and muscle then? I don't get it.
That's the only downside. You can make it to where it doesn't fall off during sex but if you ever get into a long lasting relationship with someone they're eventually going to question why your hair hasn't grown. If they really loved you, they'll stay with you knowing you wear a wig. I mean women are allowed to wear makeup.
yes but it's different for women because they're expected to wear makeup and they look ugly without it unless they're naturally beautiful and most women are not, men are not expected to do anything about their appearance, they're supposed to suffer

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Fei Wang drawings edition

Previous: >>18227898



>Blogs: https://pastebin.com/ZjRtCQNQ

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thoughts on the dark cardigan with light blue shirt combo ?
Guy on the left is gonna sweat so hard
>Take Ivy
does anyone know if an oxbridge equivalent of take ivy exists?
i.e., something documenting the fashion of oxbridge students around the 60s
>an actual penny in one loafer
>the flap on the other bent, probably in the course of some legendary caper
I kneel.
Not much thought required, light blue goes with everything. Even most other shades of blue.

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What's a good shampoo?
depends on ur hair bro
straight medium-thin
Just scrub with your hands and warm water.

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How do you prefer your sideburns?
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I've always loved jaw length sideburns, but not as thick as proper chops. Kinda straight or at a slight diagonal. I've worn them several times but ended up shaving them because they don't suit my face shape.
Aren't there any products for stimulating bear growth, maybe that could bridge that gap. I prefer just the muttons, my moustache looks bad
I've seen topic minoxidil recommended. I have the opposite problem so I wouldn't know.
long or extra long a.k.a normal
I sometimes do shorter than short, A.K.A. no sideburns.

sleep masks are /fa/
what sleep masks do you use?
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I actually live in an apartment with my mother but okay.
I unironically have >pic related
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>pic related
>doesn't post pic
>fucking idiot
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Pepe the Frog eyemask with adjustable eyelids for the discerning four-channer.
I use a silk one with cutouts for the eyes. It took me forever to find one that didn’t out too much pressure on my eyes.

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What -core is this
manlet core if Ive ever seen it
When will they learn?
Baldspot core. No one wears this shit unless their hair is thinning like Stephen King character.

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What kind of soap do you like?
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You don't need more.
For me? It's Dr. Bronners Unscented.
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Bars are best. I buy them from craft show hoes or at farmers markets and I use specific ones before occult rituals.
pre de provence sea salt soap

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Where do I start with techwear?
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wearing petrochemical products is cool. its hecking dystopian af. in the past people wore the products of the colonial exploitation of their time, furs etc. the most modern incarnation is the petrochem products. now we smother ourselves with oil. that being said i think its impractical to wear all synthetics and i get annoyed wearing them bc vvvvvvv

idk i'd rather wear some nice linen that dries fast and is breathable over a solid synthetic sheet that accumulates body oil, gets stinky, and doesnt breathe.

personally i really like the look of nylon and synthetics and i wear them occasionally, but sparingly. bc its annoying to have to constantly clean. if you want the sheen look of nylon or polyester you can even wear a tightly woven pima cotton garment of some kind. sunspel has a lot of stuff that actually looks synthetic but has the properties of natural materials that i like more

More like throat D amirite
You EDC an antique pistol?
i like how people who wear this think they're ubercool cyberspies but in reality they're just black people in flash mobs looting targets and walgreens

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Nice picture asshole
If you are not going to help me find my leather Armani pants. Then do not bother responding. Thanks, buddy.
Stupid iPleb

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I'm sick of people in /balding/ shilling medications. Instead of arguing about how to prevent it, what tips do you have to bald gracefully and styles that compliment it?

For me personally, I have pretty early MPB. I'm 20 and have been told multiple times by multiple people that my balding is pretty bad and getting worse, so I'm about to buzz it really short Right now I'm considering whether or not to grow a beard as well, as I have glasses and would wind up as a literal basedjak pretty quickly.
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you sound mentally ill and old lol. fuck off this is zoomer country
Reminder that the guy that makes all these threads about balding on /fa/ has a sissy fetish and jerks off to getting dudes to take fin and fantasizes about their dicks not working
Jesus christ is that bookfort? wtf happened to him??
>ecchi chad
Liking anime or pretending to like anime even ironically turns you into a söytranny
No matter how many layers of irony and cope you hide in, the tranime will come for your soul
i was on fin 6 months. my dick shrunk about 1.5" and i had erection issues for 5 years. the erection issues are somewhat better but the size never came back. and i went bald anyway : ( wasnt worth it..

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post pics you like and discuss
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best thread on the board rn
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aww man no more pics
it was good while it lasted

When did this cringe npc trend begin? we used to always tuck our pants into our socks going into the bush to keep ticks out because its functional but nowadays you see every basic white chick with leggings tucked into white tennis socks and it looks SO STUPID
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>immediately brings up sexual molestation through men
I’m really sorry for what happened to you i understand why you resent women
no im just not attracted to women who look and dress like they are mentally handicapped
I always assumed it’s because it adds thickness around the ankles and makes the leg silhouette look straighter and sleeker.
You niggers care too much what others wear while 90% of you look like absolute faggots and are built like twigs irl while wearing shit that died out in the 90's

This nigger saying he's not attracted to any women who dress like X as if any woman would even look your way you absolute retarded faggot, go back to brushing off the cum off your rick owens after you got railed by a homeless dude that dresses the same way most of you do
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>adds thickness around the ankle
...is that a good thing?

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Are they zesty or chud?
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What is it with you weirdos and your total unwillingness to just wear traditional shirts?
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chuds are zestiest

you can witness it hear how white men gossip all day about other people, twitters rebranding another good example that is mired in hysteria, whining, gossiip, attention seeking, self victimization, finger pointing and queen bees

same feminist bullshit preceded with the same framework has been augmented with an even bigger faggot to carry that torch, this decade so far has been defined by it
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haha polo shirt with a mandarin collar

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Is less more or is more more?
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Based anger maximalist
>concrete house with glass wall would cost no more than $100k to build
LMFAO you're delusional. Windows are extremely expensive as is installing huge ones on sliders. Concrete isn't too expensive but making it not garbage quality is.

The windows in that picture are probably in the $30k range.

Minimalism is the way to go. Your brain needs dead space to recover. These rooms look good in print because in a two dimensional space they add texture and interest in a picture. In the real world you can't focus on anything and it's just a pile of trash everywhere.

This looks good but generic "art" will never be good. It's impersonal.
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50sqm of windows (more than enough for a house) would be $9k + $650 delivery and $1500 for installation. 40mpa steel and fiber reinforced concrete is $350/sqm installed so $30k for a 1500 sqft house, plus plumbing, permits, electric, etc. would still be under $100k. Minimalist use these materials because they are cheap and long lasting but the land with the view is expensive
Making quantity into an aesthetic is completely retarded. You’re a total pleb if you particularly like either.
The only reason these houses look good is the forests surrounding them. Ditto for many minimalist urban spaces

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Do you dress above your financial status or below?
I just wear menswear which is neutral I guess
I don't flaunt anything like a faggot
Just enough so I can go out for drinks and flaunt my gaudy shit like >>18250471
Below. I hate buying clothes. My newest pants are 2 years old. Same with shirts, maybe more. I buy generic underwear by the bulk. I'm just here for the /wt/. Just wish mods would let us have it back in /g/ where it belongs.

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