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What is this outfit style called?
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She has a cock and a flat chest.
Same necklaces XD dumb fucking whore
>What is this outfit style called?
Casual dress.
where do I get a gf like this

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How do I fix my hair?
anal rape
everytime this picture gets posted people want to rape you
Dude, just get a "short sides and back" and grow some stubble
I won't get short sides because they don't compliment my head shape

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What are some ideal outfits that make them /fa/?
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No, they're borderline trannies.
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>No, they're borderline trannies.
No penis so no
Muscle mommies render /fa/ obsolete, they look better in a garbage bag than a regular woman in the best fit you can imagine


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How does one dress well while still remaining casual?
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>if you don't take care of your body and look like shit then clothing won't help much either.

Pic rel
>What's the equivalentvof this for men?
It is a man tho, an average Russian twink/femboy.
Why do npcs keep posting this as if Rick Owens was the god of fashion or something lmao. This is posted literally every day by braindead npcs it's hilarious how they believe it's so profound
textures, layering, patterns and silhouette is important. if you’re only focusing on colour and not thinking about the rest you can still look shit. id suggest if you ever wear something patterned don’t have it clash with another pattern, just one at a time so you don’t look busy. with textures wear ones that make sense together, eg lace+velvet, denim+corduroy, cotton goes with a lot but if you wear too much cotton with no variety you will look flat and like an npc. focus on two things that make a good outfit first then as you learn start experimenting with the other aspects. also it’s good to have a collection of basics that fit well for you to build outfits around and add statement pieces to, if it’s basic+fits well you will look good and not overdressed. if it’s basic+fits well+has a nice statement piece you will look good, not overdressed, and people will think you have taste.
>avoiding items deemed too formal in casual settings
Take this with a massive pinch of salt, most people think "too formal" is anything /fa/ in the slighest.
>Clothing should accentuate your stature, health and physique rather than being used as a cope to cover up flaws.
This in direct opposition to the fundamental principles of dressing well. If you don't look better, fitter, stronger in your clothes than you actually are, you're doing it extremely wrong.

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Not sure if this counts as /fa/ (jannies you're free to delete this if it doesn't) but I need a new wallet. My old leather one is falling apart and I need a wallet that's fashionable yet fancy. Any recommendations?
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too pricy
I have this wallet, Stingray and calf leather.
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search for something handmade on etsy
it's basically your only option if you don't want retarded branding
Been eyeing this for two years and recently copped.
looks like an amazon regret purchase lmao
just buy leather bro

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Good day, /fa/ggots.
>The Nike Air Max 95 Essential

Should I buy a pair?
dont listen to the hate. buy em
They look cool. What website are you looking at them on?
They are cool I would get them if I were you.
Geniune response
Thinly-veiled trolling persuading you to waste your money and to dress like a jackass

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How do bald guys manage to stay bald?

I can't imagine having to shave my head everyday because I'm lazy. Is there some kind of Nair shampoo to use?
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He looked great with long hair, god of onions Triple H is so fucking sad. He is a good booker though.
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Go on Amazon and look up 7-8 bladed rotary shaver. Changed my fuckin life for ~20-30 bucks.
Just do it every other day or 2 days max while you're in the shower, it takes like 5 minutes dude. Anything past that and you'll just take longer because more hair has grown. The sooner you take care of it the quicker the shave.
>He is a good booker though.
low quality bait

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If you ain't shaved with a Feather, you ain't shaved.
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I'm convinced feathers are too sharp and are designed for use with feather popular and the $200 stainless steel 3-piece razor they make, both are mild enough to cover up just how sharp feathers really are, I still nick myself with the first use on a fresh blade and then uses 2-6 are like butter.

I still haven't found a better twist to open alternative, this thing is indestructible and lightweight and I drop my razor in the shower a lot, i'm sure the solid chinesium ones would have shattered or bent the shaving head by now.
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i'm referring to the each individual hard plastic case having its own blade disposal slot
Yeah I used to have reddit taste too, then I tried Personna
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guys, im trying to shave everyday after years of doing fuck all and shaving once a week but for some reason even though I get a smooth shave after a week of not shaving, if I shave daily i never get that smooth and also get a shitload of nicks for some reason.
what gives?
using merkur 34c and picrel
>made in israel

I am really not a fragrance guy, but i really like the smell of Playboy King of the Game fragrance. Is there something similar in smell, but that lasts longer and i overall just better quality? Thanks.
I wouldn't recommend wearing a playboy frag, if anyone asks you, especially a female..

Yeah, it's PLAYBOY.


But for similar scents (and better quality) check out here:

Nothing is more chad than telling some barslut that you’re wearing 40 sprays of Playboy: King of the Game. Terrible advice desu.
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Naw, teen-boy tier. If you wanna be a chad without an expensive meme brand, then it has to be clubman.

Even Ash Williams from evil dead wears this juice.
Just go either with Aventus or Drakkar Noir
Im an eastern european. One time girl asked me if I use any fragramce and i told her playboy. She actually said something like "Oooh, very nicee" It may have been because she was into me, or maybe cause even playboy here is considered as something "status".

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How do I cope with brown eyes?
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Im a male
found the beadyoid
Black Sergeant Rachtman
The only man in this picture set that looks better with blue is the second to last.
t. blue eyed foid
And yet i'm obsessed with they femoids, Satans most vicious trick to erase my melanin
>Genesis 25:25
24 When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb.
25 The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau.

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Bring it back generation A.
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Too old. They're basically boomers at this point.
Too late. It's over for them. They will be known as the wasted generation. They wasted everything. Created nothing. Copied everything and stared at their phone 24/7.
beautifel lady come to mumbai
Too gay to pull it off.
They are all haggard and walled

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What's this haircut called? I want to get something like that, just a little bit shorter.
tiktok cool
Messy fringe, I strongly recommend to bring a pic, bc it could be interpreted different ways.

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big feet edition

prev. >>18083952
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>use shoes
ESL consoomer, begone.
How come nobody likes the reimagined 1s? I get that the sued ones look weird but, the yellow pair have really nice materials yet they’re in stock and on sale 3 months later
1906s were the shoe New Balance was pushing last year and the 1000 is the shoe for this year. If you wanna be on trend as backed by the labels, those are the shoes.

however the 998, 990 and the 574 are all potential good, but not as "trendy" options
Wahlburger logo
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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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Thanks for the response....I was merely window shopping...
Any thoughts on Danners for hiking (the ones with leather lining)
I have a pair
works fine for me I guess
They are the nice version of repros
How's the fit? Are they actually roomy or is it just looks?

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Why are most male fashion designers gay but few female designers lesbian?
Gay jews
Women are not as smart as men.
Because lesbians have 2 handicaps. First being a lesbian, and above all, being a woman. That combination is not conducive for creativity and occupational competence. It's a double whammy of mental illness.
because men reach higher heights; they occupy both the upper and lower echelons of intelligence and creativity while women are much more average

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