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>look up "Korean" baggy trousers
>it's just normal fit trousers.

how can one wear some military shit without looking like some autistic wannabe?
be a jacked 6'5 chad
>have muscles
>actually wear it more than once. ironed, clean camo looks like shit.
>dont have the body of a teenager
>stand and move with confidence so you dont look like a psycho
>wear one piece of camo at a time
>dont wear dumb shit with visible kneepads
>dont overdo it (that means no camo jacket + cargo pants + bloused boots)

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tucked vs untucked collar points. which look do you prefer?
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Why? I don't wanna actually sweat into my sweatshirt. Unless I'm doing sports in it.
>here’s a real answer for you
that is gay
probably a pajeet or something
I prefer tucked. I used to like untucked when I was dumb and in high school, but as I grew up I realized that it looks too corny like some 70s disco bullshit.

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What's the minimum height to start being fashionable?
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Do I just give up at this point bros?
same and i'm 6' tall. if my legs were an inch longer i could buy pants off the shelf. life is suffering
It's basic fucking hygenine wtf it shouldn't be looked at as le based. Everyone is supposed to do resistance training, cardio, and flexibility training that's why they taught it to you in fucking PE what the fuck is wrong with you people? le based???
Nah, dude, at least you can get things shortened. I can't magically generate more fabric and sleeves are always short -- even tall sizes are fucking short because they're made for people who are 6'2",6'3", which isn't even fucking tall, although I will admit that 6'3" is the perfect height -- I know because I passed through it when I was in high school; manlets who have never been 6'3" don't know what they're missing.

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>he doesn't snap on his clothes

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Hygiene/skincare General #14 post your winter routine edition
Previous >>18267846

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

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I mean yeah but he also was in his early 20s there.
looks good but sandwich method (reduces irritation) should be:
>Moisturizer Gel (Aloe Vera)
>wait 20 mins
>Tretinoin 0.025%
>wait 20 mins
>Moisturizer Gel (Aloe Vera)
if you are not after sandwich method, most people moisturize after retinoid so:
>Tretinoin 0.025%
>wait 20 mins
>Moisturizer Gel (Aloe Vera)
idk either laser hair removal or your body has drawn the line

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they buy cheap fresh produce and put work to prepare them. which means they dont buy expensive slop/processed food
could be genetics too
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> (eg lipikar baume ap+m)
looking into this, gonna order that or the 250ml cerave bottle, cheers.
can you recommend me a sunscreen? ive been using the cerave sfp 30, should I just stick with it?

also, what are those skin devices that look like electric shavers?
im 35 but i just started caring about skin care. am i too late? is the damage already done?

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I'm tired of my neck and face freezing. How do I pick a good winter scarf?

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>Anon I just google’d the name of the brand you are wearing
>Did you seriously spend that much money on clothes? What is wrong with you?!

How do you reply without sounding mad?
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Anon that outfit is $8000 from Balenciaga
Modern 4chan loser mindset is thinking this bitch has any right to judge you. You’re all fucking gay so you don’t get it but the opinion of normalfags DOES NOT MATTER. Like holy shit did you all forget that nobody knows more about this shit than you???
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i don't spend much on clothes ($15-$25 shirts. $20-$60 jeans) but i spend big on accessories. My boots cost $160 though
I got it on sale.
and other “sales” and “thrift” posters:

This is what you sound like

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What wallet do you guys use? I've been using a thick trifold for years but I really only need to carry ~3-5 cards at a time plus the occasional bill. All the "pop up wallets" seem like a meme, the only popular wallet I've really seen that looks practical, small, and leather is the bellroy slim sleeve (picrel) but I'm worried the leather might be too thin to be of decent quality at all.
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Only real niggas use thick as fuck Japanese leather trucker wallets
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some cheap front pocket non-folding wallet I found on amazon that didn't look retarded
I bought mine on etsy because apparently all the ones u can buy from big companies are garbage quality. I like it a lot actually, very simple and no BS, just about 1cm thick with 4 cards and like 3 bills (a bit more when it was new, but it's squished down now). I messaged the guy on instagram to ask for a specific leather that I saw on there and payed with paypal.
They don't make a leather one but I like the slimfold brand. I've been using the "original tyvek" design for years without getting any rips or tears or issues, and I like the way it can find into fourths. https://www.slimfoldwallet.com/collections/thin-wallet

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Riddle me this. How does one casual-ize a racer fit? Also, without repping too many brands or anything, lack of logos. Like say some country looking type shi, like fishing type or something, but not overdoing it? Maybe with some washed out colors and stuff. Is there any name for a style like that out there or not? Kind of like what your stereotypical fishing, beer drinking, game watching, country boomer wears.
rednecks don't wear fireproof racing suits retard
they wear curved bill hats, sunglasses, and sometimes good fitted clothing like these racer dudes tho. they be wearing chevy logos n shi too just like them
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I don't wear the firesuit stuff I have a few vintage sweatshirts from the 90s/00s that I think can work as casual. Doin it for Dale
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Also I want to add, part of the whole racing aesthetic for clothing is the sponsors and especially in NASCAR's case, it's Americana. I love that southern country style aesthetic that NASCAR is so intertwined with. If you wear a racing item with a sponsor like Goodwrench or Bass Pro Shops, I don't think people are gonna think you are sponsored or trying to promote them lol. It's just a visual aesthetic.

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>my shirt is plastic but my soul is not
Why do npcs feel the need of spamming the board with their whining about plastic? The anti plastic schizophrenia has to be treated as spam at this point, npcs literally can't help themselves but to mention it in every single thread
hey it's the plastic lover who replies to every thread about how much he loves plastic and hates schizophrenics
If anything, NPCs don't give a shit about plastic.
I'm more concerned with how skinny those lapels are.

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What clothes do sumo wrestlers wear when they are not training?
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Too fat to fit into tiny Japanese cars.
It would not do to have the champions of Japan's sport drive around in a Cadillac or some burger soccer mom's SUV.
>surpassing body builders or power lifters
Idk about that man. Their strength is used differently. Sumo wrestlers do very poorly in American Football training exercises because they just don't have much endurance.
They're not even that fat. As fat as the average white person in their 40's and older.
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When you become a sekitori (means you're in one of the top two divisions - Makuuchi or Juryo) you're allowed to:
>buy a car and drive
>get married
>move out of the stable (communal home where rikishi (sumo wrestlers) live)
>sign autographs for money
>wear a colorful belt during tournaments (usually they're just tan)
This documentary does a good job of explaining: https://youtu.be/0HRETrpBw28?si=5rI9Q33xZBtG5-fM
Or you can just go be a champion in a different country

previous >>18290443


>Blogs: https://pastebin.com/ZjRtCQNQ
>Brands: https://pastebin.com/Sb54Bsri (take a look b4 asking "what brand has good xyz")
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>incorporating ties into my daily workwear
On Mondays
>into my daily *work*wear
Does the sperging out have to take place at work? I'm working from home for years, but like you I feel the need dress up a notch above the usual slob style sometimes. I wake up at 6AM on a Saturday, put on a shirt, odd jacket and cotton pants, have breakfast by myself at some place that opens early, then go cafe/library hopping reading a book and maybe do groceries. It's easier to do that than hoping your floor gets desensitized to how you dress.

Outside of work the "business and executives wear suits all day" dress code segmenting doesn't exist. Thanks to that, people looking at you have the choice of wondering whether you're just a WASP running errands or just autistic, instead of being sure of the latter.
don't. leave the fancier shit for fancier situations. you sound like you don't fit in and would easily be the first for downsizing if you keep it up
Okay, that's good advice. I do see some management here dress nicer, but none of us working pleb engineers do. My fits aren't too formal, I keep my ocbd's unironed and have copied most of them straight from the Kamakura catalogues.

These are my only clothes. I dress like this at work and also when I go out for any reason.

>wether you're a WASP running errands or just autistic.
No one is going to think I'm WASP, I have a large block head, am short, and very bushy blonde eyebrows. When I think of WASP, I imagine very tall, dark haired, gracile phenotype with thin hair. Maybe I'm wrong though. also live in Chicago, not New England.

Thanks for the advice. I really like this job. It's one of America's premiere defense contractors, so I am a bit disappointed that the average person doesn't dress as seriously, but it could just be the fact that it is software.

Is this a Garfield joke?
>favorite JPress OCBD has a few snagged loop threads hanging off the sleeve
Not like this.... wasn't even a year.

General inspo thread gonna dump some random stuff lets keep this board alive
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This thread is some of the most boring shit i have ever seen
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W2c this

How old is too old to wear band t shirts or have the dark and emo look before you become this guy?
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As a man you might be able to push it to 25 if you look very youthful, with top tier hair and skin genitics and healthy lifestyle. There are other alt styles that are more forgiving for male aging, but emo is not one of them.
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I'd like to see this guy go emo next.
Past the mid to late 20's wearing band shirts is doable if you're attending a show or a related event. But if you're gonna go full whatever music-based style everyday, you better have the lifestyle and personality to match or you're gonna come across as an eternal manchild who peaked in highschool.
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You should definitely wear this out in public, OP
Plus emo is inherently childish. Most goths i know just wear normal(albeit mostly black) t shirts and jeans with the occasional band t shirt

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