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pre-aging edition
old: >>18346899
67 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
i see.. it's probably a matter of finding a really good cobbler or something, i probably just dont have the charisma needed to navigate through that whole thing with like 60 year old men, good luck on your furry feet though anon lol
i mean I have made decent furpaw stuff that can be worn both indoors and outdoors.
is poshmark good for sneakerhunting?
I just use kijiji
ah thats canada only and it doesnt seem to have many of the brands I am looking for.

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Does he pull it off?
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looks rather striking. his legs look so good in those pants i can see why he went for it, but i think it's just a step too far. needs denim with less stretch, but i don't necessarily think he needs straight cut. skinny can work here.
anyway, top half is fantastic. that sweater and jacket combo are great. even like the cap ( thought it was wool from the front... back makes me think it's leather? in which case, a little too far into gay leather daddy territory. i say, fully realizing he's a gay leather daddy)
What is his cock count?
it must be triple digits
He could pull it off by taking it off one item at a time, and have an infinitely better fit than whatever the fuck that's supposed to be.

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Can someone please id this pique?
Maybe 90s or early 2000s
Too tough to say. Around 1996, every store that carried polos had something like this.

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Thoughts on Stridewise here? Been watching this dude since the beginning
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please tell me he's gay
everything about this photo (except the dog) gives me the ick and i'm not even a woman
fucking pink boots? with yellow laces? really? what the hell is this??
>Sugarcane 1955
These are the ones I was looking at last but I'll look into the others, too. Thanks for the buying advice
For years I thought he was gay but he mentioned getting some boots for his "girlfriend" in a video once

NTA but to add, if you do want a slimmer cut, also check out "western" cut jeans aka jeans that are heavily influenced by Wranglers.
Wrangler 13MWZ are dirt cheap and readily available, if that silhouette works for you there's plenty of options with better denim like Japanese Wrangler repros and Freenote Wilkes. Another option that's a sort of mashup between 1960s Levi's and western jeans is Indigofera Kain. The Kain has a relatively slim thigh but the leg opening is still 18inches, there's not much taper from the thigh down. I have to double-check the size chart but I think the hem is only half an inch slimmer than the knee. If you have large thighs, avoid Kain like the plague but if you're skinny and want a close fitting jean that isn't tapered and can still go over workboots, check them out.
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He's a professional fashion youtuber? He literally dresses like any 30something year old yuppie

Women should wear cat ears more. What are your thoughts regarding this? I think it would be a net positive for humanity. Being cute should be a woman's first priority.
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Start dressing more stylish. Crazy lady fuck the china dick. Go to the gym and have fun.
That looks retarded, anime has poisoned your mind
strong association with furfags and I despise them.
Too old.
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She looks so much better now that she's been dressing her age and doing the old Hollywood glamour thing.

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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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thats gay.
no you
i dont accept that
>The Chukka is a British invention you fucking spastic
It isn’t, you fucking braindead insect. It was the most common shape of shoes for centuries in southern and central Europe. It is the quintessential European shoe.
So what?

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Out of all the combatants in the Yugoslav Wars, the Bosnians had the best fits. Makes for great inspo.

Also impossible jacket to I.D.
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>Also impossible jacket to I.D.
There's a thread on an invite-only menswear forum dedicated to IDing jackets during this era, and the autists there have a good track record.
Literaly can’t figurecitvoutttt gelpppp
For a complicated answer see tutorial below

The way I got the answer is by counting the total number of up arrows and down arrows in each row from left to right.

Top row has 5 up and 3 down.
Middle row has 4 up and 3 down.
Bottom row has 3 up and ???

The final answer is (E) because the overall pattern must maintain a decreasing number of up arrows (by one increment only) while maintaining the same number of down arrows.

Not a bad thing in my opinion
apologies, not only did I get my calculation backward, the logic doesn't work either because the top row has 4 up!!! LOL

5 down 3 up (missed one, should be 4 up)
4 down 3 up
3 down ???
Bosnians need a unique arcane symbol

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Is there any possible way that gymcels can be effay?
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nta but hot. do you top?
>gym rat

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why wouldn't he be a top?
I agree with this. Most classically handsome, masculine men throughout history did not have obscenely thick thighs.

Looks like a high-end gay prostitute.

What jacket do you wear when it's below 20 degrees?
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All you need for a dog walk is a bathrobe, the winter coat for at home use
fine if you're walking down the street in 3 inches of snow. not fine if you go hiking or hunting or skiing or some shit.
I get off to it mind your own business
old woolrich down parka in olive
Nice snuggie bro
I will remember this insult, and carry the pain for the rest of my life

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>get mocked by normalfags for “wasting money”
>get mocked by richfags for not getting actually expensive designer stuff

Polo Ralph Lauren, Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein… There is no logical reason to buy brands like these
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Yeah, I agree on those and I'd add Margaret Howell. Their Japanese and Western products are fairly different stylistically but both are good. Good construction, great fabrics, extremely understated and wearable designs. I think the brand is mostly ignored by the west because they don't do any experimental attention grabbing designs to drum up hype and generally opt out of the whole luxury fashion game despite being a luxury brand.
Exactly. I buy RL on occasion because sometimes they put out unique stuff that just hits. Id never buy basics from them because you'd be paying a premium for mid quality at best
This is accurate
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>I don't know where people got the idea that "real" rich people buy whatever's on clearance at H&M but that has never been true.
It's the frugal boomer entrepreneurs who don't like to waste a penny or just like the humble lifestyle.

People like Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA. Hetty Green aka the witch of wall street.
>... no better then anyone else wearing converse and a champion hoodie in their 30's.
nothing wrong with either in your 30s or any age
don't think i've ever worn converse but certainly would, wish I still had my quarter-zip champion pullover

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Should I? I can't afford a Turkish transplant.
why it's gonna cost more long term
Fin and min is cheaper on an annual basis, I think I spend more on skincare shit than hair meds, like $80 annually.
Just as bad as fake tits
when I get bald, I'll start collecting hats.

Ignoring the obvious, I think they both look effay af

What's wrong with her hair
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would fry their hair with peroxide?
That'd why sabrina carpenter always wears wigs. Her real hair is super fucked up.
Black men like it that way, no?
it's not sporadically scattered about my bedroom and clogging up my shower drain

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ID on this style or these type of boots specifically?
I want to escape my life of tennis shoes and pants to teenagers.
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He's even doing it inside...

Fuck it I'm putting a scarf on my head immediately
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Nothing insecure about despising insincerity. The opposite actually.
>killed a nigger and was praised by society for it
>has a cute White GF
>Is in shape
No wonder ruggarel hates him lmao

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