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I don't want femoids to talk to me
iPhone, always and forever
Nothing comes close
Want to know how i know youre a chink?
I'm not but go ahead
Doesn't look like an iPhone therefore it looks good

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>the kryptonite of everyone into "fashion"
Seriously, I see this Lululemon logo on a girl's ass and nothing matters
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She's 5'6", which is quite tall for a girl of pakistani descent like her. Unfortunately boobs aren't big at all.
Sir my wife is 5'8 but ideal female height is 5'10-6' with massive gigantic breasts which may kindly suffocate you
5'10. Don't know on her bra size because I don't buy her bras. Probably a B or C cup.

These are not me.
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>Probably a B or C cup
Oof, she should have at least ddds by that point to make it worth the feeding. Does she at least have a giggly squeezable belly?
>panders to fat people
you dumb faggots love to repeat this same shit no matter the brand, scroll through the website and you'd be hard pressed to find a single fat person

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I'm putting together a fit and I need your guys most schizo core bald with a mullet
>damn he really got that shit on fr fr
look. This is just sort of a bare bones idea but I need your strongest most powerful aura articles and accessories. Maybe a very small watch for my very fat wrist. Maybe a lambo with a gay porn bumper sticker on it. Like top shelf shit. Stay away with that weak ass hypebeast trash. I'm really out here pushing fashion forward.

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Seeing lots of leather jacket related threads lately. Let's make a leather jacket thread to post inspo, ask questions and get recs

What jackets does everyone own? Which ones do you have your eye on?
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That color (in leather especially) seems especially hard to pull off, you're gonna look like a raw denim red wing pinoy manlet rocking it until you finally break it in after wearing it every day for 10 years
lmao this is what manlets consider a fashion tip
What do you guys think? Coppernaut?
i tried a motorcyle jacket on in a store and my gf said I looked "goofy"
it's over. i really liked it too
im attractive though so I can pull off any colour

>raw denim red wing pinoy manlet
i have no idea what this even means, are you ok?

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pre-aging edition
old: >>18346899
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Onions basedboy basedbeans
*nollies into your thread*
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100 bucks for made in usa 990? Great deal. Great colorway too
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what are y'all's thoughts on these ones

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Are the styles from Take Ivy effay?
Enourmously so.
>Take Ivy
i didn't know this book, i'd feel gay owning it.
Yeah for their time.

The look awful for today though. Just see the picture lel.
Aside from maybe the pants length/cuffing, I'd say that you could take any fit from Take Ivy and look good today.
It's arguably the defining lookbook for Ivy/prep style. I wouldn't say you have to own it but you should at least consider having a few pictures as references if that's ever a style you'd want to emulate.

I was thinking of switching my jeans to some cool tech cargo pants, but I don't even know where to start
Most of the famous brands don't sell here, maybe I could get something outdoor like North Face or I don't fucking know, Alpha Industries? In my city there are mostly the cons00mer "luxury" brands (Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Boss... that kinda stuff) and stuff like H&M or Zara

Acronym is too expensive for me

t. Euro
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behind looks like hes wearing some obese old mans underwear
>tech pants for a shit load of money
>not buying milsurp with the same exact features for like $30 shipped

Got some French gendarmerie milsurp pants a few months ago. High-waisted, cargo pockets, angled and zipper front pockets, elastic taper at the ankles with zip and button closure at the bottoms, still a slim silhouette, roomie and easy to move in, cheap as hell. Even got a free patch that some Frenchie left in one of the pockets. They're awesome
More like antifa/incel terrorists wear. Who even thought this is a good look?
Why wouldn't anyone be able to afford cheap plastic shit?
He don't have one scenario where he need to be wearing all dat
>I don't even know where to start
Just look up a techwear guide from 2016 u fool

Suits look gay as balls and always have. Totally ridiculous look.
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frfr no cap

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It's fun having many styles of clothes to choose from, even though I tend to go through phases and neglect stuff..
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casual day, govt cut off my water and sewage line and has to bisect my house; carhartt xl+naked&famous jawnz
Seriously lol
This >>18387530 is the only fit in this thread that doesn't look ridiculous and it's super basic + body is doing 90% of the work
A shirt, pants and boots. A hat earlier when I was outside for awhile.
Why are you using a tablet to take a selfie?

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No matter what you do, you will never be as /fa/ as him
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Top doesn't look attractive though. He just looks like a brute
there's been studies that show women find receding temples more attractive than a perfect hairline. the only problem is once it starts it keeps going. men's sexual market value doesn't taper off until the mid 50's and its usually at its lowest in your 20's.
> just have perfect bone structure, nose, eyebrows, eyes, and facial hair
Oh ok
OK, tranny. He looks attractive to women and that's all that matters. Women don't want sois and troons.
Balding guys just have to take care of the rest of their bodies and they'll be fine. Sure, you have Cavill as an obvious answer but there are plenty more. You don't have to be a body builder type. Look at John Slattery (Roger Sterling on Madmen) for another recession example, or JK Simmons for a full hair loss one. Hell, even with thinning hair you have women who really like the aesthetic of Billy Bob Thornton or Steven Ogg. What's the common theme among them beyond generally not being ugly? Clean skin, dress well (for each given style, not even just in expensive suits), in shape, etc.

It does keep going but not necessarily quickly. I freaked out when I noticed a tiny bit of recession at 24. I figured that was it, beginning of the end. Always expected it since my grandfather is bald. Spent like a year going back and forth on whether I'd just commit to shaving or try pills. Almost ten years later and very little overall thinning and maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch lost on either side of my hairline. It's going, for sure, but super slow. If I'm lucky I'll just end up with a "mature hairline" but we'll see

Is it /fa/?
If you use more contemporary cuts and colors.
el negroide del ad campaign
Not quite the same, but I've worn a waterproof jacket that doesn't have a hood over a hoodie when it was raining. Otherwise I think you can do better. Just wear a normal sweater instead of a hoodie if you want to be warm and have the clothing pair well together.
Why are you like this? It's like you're so frail seeing a brown person sends you reeling in a tizzy.
Absolutely not. It genuinely looks like shit. In both examples the model would look much better without the hoodie underneath. In the first picture he's literally wearing a collared shirt under it. In the second, the blazer is a grasping attempt to not look like he rolled out of bed since everything else is comfortwear. Wearing a hoodie with a blazer just screams insecurity about dressing even slightly "formal" (even though a blazer isn't even formal) in a crowd of people wearing sweats. And on the opposite end, if the outfit is trending towards super casual then adding a blazer is a transparent attempt to look "above" how you're living.

There's a reason why it's so common among urban posers. They think anything that apes formality in the slightest is classy and fashionable. They really just don't know how to style when dressing up or down so they figure they found a cheat code

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What exactly makes a 'fit' look good?
What exactly helps clothes present better?
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that's a hinge profile right
brutal to look like that at 30
Miles and miles and miles.
I would add some
i can only imagine how much cock this woman has taken in her life
About as much as you?

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Which way, white man?
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it does take forever.
throw a tiny bit of bleach in every wash. or let them get medium wash the normal way then bleach them all at once. this will speed it up a lot. both those methods have different looking end results.

ya this. i just buy them dark and they'll eventually be light. over time you wind up with a rotation of both.

i like to fade them the old school way from dark wash, then some pairs i bleach a year or two in. its one of the only ways to get light wash from raws without them being covered in holes/patchwork by the time you get that far. ive seen asian rickshaw drivers pull it off with no bleach but gl.
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why poison those chinese rivers with barrels and barrels of indigo dye if you're just going to wash it out anyway?
i wish more brands did undyed stuff, stuff like those where the cotton itself has color to it, and natural dyes. i get why its a really niche thing, especially naturally dyed clothes because of how laborious it can be. but it should be less niche, i'd love to make my whole wardrobe free of chemical dyes, fixing agents etc.
but ya even synthetic indigo dyed in cotton is way way more eco friendly than 99% of clothes these days. look into the chemicals they use to get dye to stay in certain colors and fabrics.
Medium or light. Never dark.
I have all 3 and I choose which to wear depending on the shirt. Kind of a retarded question OP.

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Next weekend, I will paint the walls of my new apartment living room. Wanna go for the japandi style and colours. My only issue is that the centerpiece will be a large black leather couch.
Will beige/greige walls still work? Don't wanna go with boring white or black/darker colour on the wall as most dark japandi does. Or is there a brighter colour that goes well with a dark japandi theme.

Also, make living spaces thread.
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HNG which BCC episode is this?
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>370€ veneered particle board that comes unassembled.
It's like IKEA for the super rich.
This kind of stuff just makes you want to steal the design and build things yourself out of actual wood.
Anybody got some cottagecore style inspo that isn’t totally gay and feminine? I bought a small cape cod in upstate New York last year and it’s sitting in an acre and surrounded by lush gardens. It has real cottagecore vibes and I want to lean into that but I can’t find anything that I don’t think is totally gay. The girlfriend has decorated it somewhat but I don’t really intend to let her just go nuts and do whatever she wants.
Brother that shits inherently gay, you should have gotten a hunting cabin in maine or new hampshire

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27 y/o female (not a tranny, just genuinely autistic) here. what the fuck do i do with my hair, frens. my hands are clumsy enough that i can't put it into a ponytail very well, and i don't know how to braid
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Okay. I'm sorry for lying. Can you give me advice still?
1st thing you'll want to do is wash it
Dude learn how to fucking read, buzz your stupid ass hair and grow some designer length stubble holy shit
it gets these pics from reddit and spams them on /b/
its just a discord troon who shills against white men all day long
Bangs or bob, maybe even both

If you’re remotely attractive it is impossible to not attract the male gaze with these

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