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balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Reminder that if you can clearly see your scalp when your hair is wet, your hair is going!

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone that serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see a significant recovery on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.

Minoxidil (liquid and tabs) is a vasodialator that opens potassium channels and widens blood vessels bringing nutrients to your hair follicles, stimulating hair follicles into thickening, accelerating growth and elongating the growth phase. Min is taken with fin to restore your hair to it's original hairline, thickness and vigor when hair loss is caught early enough, (pre-NW2). Can be taken orally or topically.

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the only side effect i've had since starting my new anxiety meds and Finn at the same time was an INCREASE in sex drive, significantly actually.
Wait until you get to the part of the video where he claims taking it for even a short time gave him the powers of Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four
He then accuses the doctors of "gaslighting" when they try to explain to him how that's impossible
Fin alone gave me an increase in sex drive, I can hardly go three days now without jerking it and I'm considering downloading dating apps again. Sucks, I'd actually like to have a lower sex drive.
i was on fin for 6 months. my dick shrunk about 1.5" and i had erection issues for 5 years after quitting it. the erection issues are somewhat better now but the size never came back. and i went bald anyway : ( wasnt worth it in my case..
you're like an autistic bot that has to spam PFS fud any time someone posts 3 positive things about fin in a row

Where do I get a long overcoat (not a trench, around 155cm) of acceptable quality for a good price?
Most colors are fine, black, navy, brown, even something more out there like bright red...
The best compromise I could find is SuitSupply MTM that ends up costing around €550, anywhere else I should look?
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The style ain’t mine but it’s timeless. A little bit of synthetic is alright to make a coat more durable and help it keeps it shape. But only 4% cashmere and 1200 bucks is way too much you can find a better coat for half the price with better material
I have a feeling european countries > burgerland when it comes to vintage wool coats.
Yea it seems so I often read here that it would come off Larpy to wear a coat or a Trenchcoat whereas here it’s not a big deal
when it comes to any piece of clothing that is the norm
God you're so ugly. Why are you even trying?

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how do you like to carry your everyday carry?
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Is it because of gypsies pickpocketing you or something? Why would you need a purse?
in the pockets of my work vest because i actually work instead of larping
>>inb4 a million fucking tiny things nobody would ever need
>>inb4 cash like a retarded boomer
>>inb4 black leather gloves, ski mask, rope, etc
>>inb4 keys on carabiner to LARP as a janitor
>>inb4 graffiti pens
>>inb4 zippo omg so cool and mysterious
ya got me :^(

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fatties seethe edition

prev >>18217655
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Don't. If you're a skinny woman and have a flabby ass, work your glutes, hip flexors and hamstrings more.
this is the gayest shit ever
nothing is artificial because everything comes from earth, anon
i still havent seen a convincing argument for why you shouldnt consume seed oils, either
what is your bmi?
19.8, which, I know, is still too high. I'm aiming for 17.7.

I was looking for motorcycling rain gear and discovered this.
Almost transparent, 100% waterproof pvc-like material. You can show off your stylish outfit even under a pouring rain, what not to like?
But I've never seen anyone IRL wearing these. People wear all kinds of dorky rain ponchos, and these certainly look better.
Why aren't these popular? Why is there no batemancore?
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Just wear actual protective gear, some leathers with pads on the spine and joints. I've crashed enough times that I wouldn't have functional knees, elbows or vertibrae if I wore something like that over a normal outfit. Really stupid.
Do you realize that these are intended to be worn over what you normally wear?
Actual protective gear tends to wet out even if it is "waterproof".
>Almost transparent, 100% waterproof pvc-like material. You can show off your stylish outfit even under a pouring rain, what not to like?
Is what I was refering to.
Most bikers are barely literate don't worry
You put on your riding leather jacket and riding jeans (at least CE AAA-rated, naturally), then you put on this rain gear — voila, you show off your cool riding gear without exposing yourself to rain.

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I tried a couple of Dockers. They were quiet expensive but the material quality was abysmal. It didn't took long and the materials developed pilling, which means, that they must have used low quality short stapled cotton.

So, I asked myself, why not to buy cheap chinos and get the same abysmal quality for less.

Has anyone some experience witch chinos from the brand NEXT?
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in my experience, chinos have a better fit than most jeans. They tend to have a higher frontal and back rise, which makes them sit more secure on your body, particularly when you kneel or squat your behind won't get exposed. Also the material is smoother and feels nice on your skin. Furthermore, with the right color, you can larp as a futuristic lapd officer without anyone noticing.
I know what you mean, but these 25€ chinos are great from my point of view and why concentrate on the 1% when 99% is a good fit, healthy body shape and handsome face?
i can't stand the shitty thin fabric that bunches up, it's something pajeets and autists with trekking shoes in the city wear
I have many pairs of Dockers and none of them have pilling. Sounds like a (you) issue. Stop washing your pants in the rock tumbler.
>I have many pairs of Dockers and none of them have pilling. Sounds like a (you) issue.
A few years ago Dockers introduced recycling cotton, it has shorter cotton fibres and is more prone to pilling. When did you buy your chinos from Dockers, do you know their model names?

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aviator style eyeglasses are actually underrated and a cool aesthetic even if they have a slight association with serial killers and pedofiles
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Was he onto something?
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Incredibly based
What should I wear if I want to be ahead of the pack
That's why I wear them - cool association with creeps. I used to look like exactly like the chud meme but now I look like David Koresh with big aviator glasses and a permanent stubble "beard". There's something about the glasses which feels slightly retro and rebellious, like an 80s drug dealer or something. Represents a kino outsider status.

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The zillenial cusper is truly a wretched creature.

Marinated in a culture he would not be allowed to participate in, trapped between the post punk revival of his youth, the Mac demarco wavey garms facsimile of slacker of his adolescence and the indie sleaze "revival" (if indeed we can call this confected tiktok marketing ploy a revival of anything) of his slightly younger gen z compatriots he found himself never quite embodying a youth movement.

And what, then, can be said in terms of fashion of the zillenial as he follows his rapidly ageing millenial forebears into further cultural irrelevance. Without a patrimony of Japanese selvedge to fall back on, what will the effect of these so called 28 year old adults be on fashion? Is normcore the quintessential zillenial cusper fashion style?
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Maybe. But Im not
>you can't really think about fashion or participate in trends when you're busy, tired and poor.
Poor people also care about how they look. It's just that fashion is classist, always have been and always will be.
A rich person wearing lidl clothes might be making a statement, a poor person wearing the same clothes is just wearing what they can't afford. You can't dress ironically poor if you're actually poor. This is just an example.
Normcore was definitely classist, it was all these new York city art people dressing like they shop at Walmart instead of whole foods. It's interesting that something like this became almost the default style for the last decade when it really started as a joke from the khole people.

The stuff he's describing was already kind of tired circa 2014 if we are being honest
not ugly and spiteful here so nothing op typed applies idk how he's struggling lmao. everything is literally free real estate in this generation

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is 24 too old to dress like tik tok zoomers (oversized shirts, baggy pants etc)
You should never dress like a moron, no matter your age.
Not even zoomers dress like that anymore
24 is a zoomer dumbass

>why yes, i wear a heavy shearling jacket this winter
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How much should one spend on a shearling long coat? Let's also say I want to defy conventions and wear it over a suit. What colors would match with that best?
fucking chad. mirin
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He could make it happen
Alright anon, no need to get so aggressive. Thank you for the advice, I think I will get one.
Sorry if that came across as aggressive, just wanted to be blunt about how warm they are

What are some pretty and functional older flip phones I can get to replace my shitty iphone? I wanna ditch the thing. All I need is SMS and phone calls. Everything else is not needed.
depends on your location
in the US older phones won't really work anymore because they're getting rid of 3g and 2g
so you're forced to use a new flip phone all of which are shit in comparison to what they used to be
I know plebbit is gay but have a look on the dumbphones subreddit
Im a eurofag so that's okay

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in b4 fag etc..idc.

i want to dress more feminely, but i dont want to be the stereotypical "femboy" thigh high, cat ear hoody thats not really my personality.
im more looking at dresses, maybe somewhat preppy/dark academia items that a guy* could wear but that are more feminine. any ideas/suggestions greatly appreciated so i avoid pic related..

*im not trans, im not a woman and im well aware of it.
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White man thread
curry eater thread*
I think you should be proud of being masculine and wear the mantle of your sex, but if you are set in your ways, korean men have a much more feminine style compared to americans. I'd start looking at their patterns of dress. Note they usually have a long and loose fitting top, pants are typically straight, not tight, but taking up a smaller profile, and tend to lean more bookish with long hair, middle parts, and round glasses to give a lot of space around the eyes. It works for them while not being overly macho and honestly pretty androgenous, maybe it will for you
dont make him a retard
if you wanna dress feminine it depends what exactly you want to wear. you gotta decide what length skirt you feel comfortable in, what colors you prefer, ect . what exactly do you mean by "more feminine"
Listen he's already made that call. I just think the honguls have a pretty good look that doesn't really lean into the masculinity angle. Doesn't work well though if you've got some muscle

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It's autumn, time for a classic inspo thread. Post pictures that are inspiration for you this autumn.
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Good thread, here's a bump

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Why the fuck does everything have to be blue, green, black or white these days? Bring back dark brown. Everything people wear is so dull and colorless.

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Sambas or Gazelle?
I want something other than Adidas.
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Iron Rangers
No he's right, your sentence doesn't make sense. You want to choose between sambas or gazelles but you don't want adidas.
Adidas is for poorfags
these ones are hot
Spezials. That's what I'm wearing

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