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are milsurp stores good places to go if you're kinda low budget and looking for decently made clothes or is this incel failed roof assassin core
There are some pretty good stuff, like boots and summer/winter gear, at these places if you take time to really look. There is a lot of shit there though, at least the ones i've been in. Really depends on what style you're going for.
depends on the milsurp store. does it actually sell surplus or is it one of those milsurp stores that sell low grade chinese knockoffs of military stuff? all my local ones became the latter, used to be good.
olive drab stuff is fine
anything camo is peak autism especially jackets. its cool to collect them and wear them once in a while but do NOT make that stuff your wardrobe staples lmao.

thoughts on the billowy jeans trend
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these both look awful because the jeans are relatively new and still too stiff for the look they truly want. i wouldn't even say these are billowy, nothing billowy about it, just wide garments sitting shittily

captcha: P004P
I'd love for her to take her dentures out and give me a gummer
Looks like shit and this whole trend is going to age poorly the same way it aged poorly in the 90s/2Ks

what type of fitting jeans look best paired with the picture?
Black slim straight jeans cuffed up so they sit at the top of the shaft of the boot
yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing with pic rel. it's been some time since I've made purchases, and everything seems to be baggy nowadays.
Levi’s dark wash 501s

remember when overalls looked good?
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why do women look so damn good in mens' overalls
Asians aren't real men
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what does this woman work where this is acceptable?
she works at the slut factory, obv

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How can I get my gf to wear these types of clothes in public so I can do this pose?
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>10 years
Why are all you amershits mentally ill.
That's never been a real thing though. No women would do that for free accept like the 00.1% who are just ugly or very mentally ill with a fetish from all the American brainwashing. It's always only been a fantasy but not a good one the pathetic ill people worse than pdfilez that have the fetish use the cuck fetish in the same way zooshit exists. It's a degradation fetish. They like seeing their ugly gf fucked by Tyrone who is equivalent to a dog in their eyes or a better more accurate equivalent a monkey. So you see not even the lowest common denominator a cuck, likes niggers
Sweatie, OP is the mentally ill subhuman here who wants to make his girlfriend parade around dress like a whore and enact exhibitionist cuckold play. So I'm telling him to skip the bullshit and just hand her over to Tyrone, since she's going to leave a cuck like him for someone masculine and alpha anyway.
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Well yes but there's been much improvement over that decade

Greyman general #1 post your cloak of invisibility fits ITT

The term 'gray man' (or 'grey man' in British English) describes someone who looks unassuming and who doesn't stand out from the crowd, but is in fact well equipped for an emergency situation. In crisis situations, there are benefits to going unnoticed and blending in.
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Dark colored baseball caps are a must. That's what rich people use to blend in with the normalfags
Is there something to be said for wearing environmental colours to blend in? ie: wearing greys/blacks in urban environments, wearing greens/browns/reds in natural environments?
Pro tip, if you are purchasing stuff that's specifically marketed as grey man stuff or trying to look like you're concealed carrying, you're doing it wrong. Real grey man is nike adidas puma etc
No, you need to find the median of the fits people around you have.
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Shia LaBeouf graymaxxing

what are the best foods to eat and to avoid for clearer skin? general tips also appreciated
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only ever consider chemical or combined sunscreen if you're fitz 4+ as you probably won't find a mineral one that doesn't casper the friendly ghost you.
>mineral (zinc oxide usually) only
>depends on your skin type
>avoid strong scents
>asian sunscreens may be better
>cheap shit bad
Thank you smart anon. This is all good advice.
the pilling is the main thing that separates good ones from bad ones (for your skin everyone's a bit diff)
once you find one that doesn't pill and doesn't leave too much of a mask its all splitting hairs past that.
>There are no foods that'll help your skin.
true but there's plenty that will fuck your skin up. seed oils, high grain diet, etc cause inflammation. they also fuck your teeth up. going on 40 never had a cavity.
also many medicines can roach your skin.
can probably ignore any posts that aren't made by me unless they're also willing to prove they aged well.
there's a lot of really poorly aged people who go on forums and spew advice like its worth taking from them. reddit's a bit better about that than here cause you can profile stalk the people you take advice from.

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what’s the final verdict?
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Anon, that Nike link does not say that you should replace your shoes every two months. I've read it repeatedly, Ctrl+F'd, and it's just not there. Can you show it?
lmaooo they edited it out
waybackmachine that shit
>Popular Ways to Prevent Sneaker Creases
>Buy new shoes. At risk of stating the obvious, one way to avoid the problem of creased shoes is to buy new ones!
it used to say every 2 months on this part. you can search archives and see me posting it and anon's reactions to reading it if wayback doesn't have it. very recent edit.
Thanks anon, I've tried Wayback and I can't find it back to when it was published in 2021. I'm having an error with it though so will check again and see if it's visible. If you or anyone else finds it I'd love it as a screenshot for posterity because 2 months out of a pair of (overpriced, plastic) Jordans is lunacy.
just get airmax plus's

What’s the ideal shorts inseam length?
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the correct answer.
Americans will always live rent-free in the Europoor mind
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Just say you're ashamed of your legs
A well adjusted MAN wouldn't walk around in shorts in public like a manchild. He would wear trousers like a proper adult.
Nobody asked for your homoerotic fap material.

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Are my work boots effay?
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>live like a hermit and save most of what you make then use that money to make money later.
I tried that and lost $100k gambling stock options.
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Jesus. That is really super. How did a nitwit like you get so tasteful?
what do you expect you're a degenerate gambler
>How do you know they are selvedge?
Chainstiched hem. The texture and color of the denim, the fact that the denim is hairy the, color of the thread used. It's pretty obvious even without seeing the selvage
> I dipped my toes into selvedge relatively recently with a discounted pair of Lee 101Z jeans. They're so soft and they look great. 14oz Japanese right hand twill.
Nice, i picked up the left hand twill version of those a little while ago, good price NWT on ebay. Been enjoying them. Construction isn't as meticulous as some of the premium jap stuff ive gotten but as far as i know it's reasonably accurate to vintage lee pairs.

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Left or right?
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a nigga on /fa/ is asking a legitimate fashion question and it's about which two products he should pick from.....and both are good
I don't understand
I like the left one, but the collar on the right looks cool
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Dubz is the winner

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Help me out gentlemen, does it mean anything for a girl around the Nashville area to have red painted nails?

Usually they do blue or blue hair just to represent the local team(s). What should I conclude from the red color?

also pic related is a pair of $350 myrqvist derby boots
That red looks nice :)

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I hate men's summer fashion so much. Basically your options are dressing like a toddler on Nantucket or a Deep South estate attorney.
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No, the slimmer you are the better.
Videos like this don't help in dispelling the notion that all gymcels are closeted homosexuals. Why do they need to wear clothes that look like blouses and leggins/yoga pants?
look closer he has normal straight fit or maybe even relaxed fit jeans on in every clip in that video. he has big glutes and legs so he fills them out. i know two guys who are so big they can't wear jeans at all and the only pants they can wear are bespoke or those giga stretchy yoga pants type shits. granted they're both linebackers one played in college one's retired nfl.
or just stop whining and wear whatever you want?
What’s wrong with button down shirt and shorts?

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What else gets better, instead of worse every time you wear & wash it? Things that just last forever.
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linen/flax starts off shitty usually but improves with age and is pretty durable for the fabric weight.
same for hemp. but few brands make 100% hemp that isn't too scratchy for more than just outerwear. naked & famous did some rather soft non blend jeans with hemp a while ago though so it is possible.
Thanks for the tip!

As a city worker, I need someway to clean the subway funk off my jeans. If I can’t wash away the homeless juice, at least I can iron it.
>homeless funk
stick to blue jeans over black ones. the dye in indigo jeans is one of the more antimicrobal substances known to man. no difference if its synthetic or natural indigo dye both are.
>What else gets better, instead of worse every time you wear & wash it?
Oxford shirts 100% cotton ofc

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This, though OP pic is an example of a woman for whom high waisted just won't be flattering.
as opposed to low rise jeans and crop tops of yesteryear where you could actually see their hips and if they're actually shaped that way or being stuffed like a turkey into jeans?
No, low rise jeans and crop tops elongate the torso by blending it into the hips and only highlighting things from the crotch and below. They make women's bodies look like that of teenage boys.
Those aren't low rise, i can't see her hip bones peeking out
i mean yeah if you're trying to make a 35bmi woman look feminine stuffing it into an hourglass shape pair of pants and putting her in a baggy top will do it

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