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Remember when shoes and jeans/shorts used to last years? Zoomers don't remember this
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I have bought nothing except cheap denim (<40 euro) and dickies as an adult, and I have pants I wore for years and years. The only thing that has failed is from a pair of H&M jeans I wore around the house (and thus constantly washed and dried), the button fell apart.
I am a zoomer(24) and I still have shirts from when I was 14 that are fine. Namely band tees but also regular shirts and sweaters.
Zoomer detected. You used to be able to buy cheap shoes and they'd last forever. I remember my vans would last years
High quality shoes haven't changed in decades. If you buy cheap plastic crap, skill issue

My Adidas Stan Smith are like 7yo now. Indistinguishable from 2yo when thoroughly cleaned.
White vans for the most casual of business casual jobs still do last for years. What are you doing with them?

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I cosplay Virgil Hilts mostly.
Flabby ass
If I had 7 figure wealth I'd constantly wear fits inspired by fictional characters.
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>see a German
>dare him to shoot you
"Bro, I am just cosplaying Deathkorps of Kreig, I am from Florida. Also, Jewish."
I think most of us here started dressing like characters from movies we found cool

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Post your watches, talk about life, food, travel, girls, nothing is off topic, we’re all frens here

>Your budget
>Preferred brand or manufacture
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot, etc
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz, etc
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, chronograph, etc
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet, etc
>Wrist size or desired

Previous thread: >>18380008
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Every watch with khaki in the name is among the best swiss watches you can possibly get under $1000
I think it's nice.
I have an irrational hatred of roman numerals and the cartier crowns look gay to me so most tanks are no go. I'd totally wear this lorier, though.
It's a 3hz movement with no ar. I just don't see the point of it when I have one with good lume, ar, running at 3hz and -5s/day, that I can destroy and buy another one without blinking. It's a field watch, it's meant to be slowly destroyed. The intramatics have 4hz chronograph movements and ar and are ~$1,500 on jomashop with mechanical or automatic. They also look interesting with the gigantic polished pushers.
my sanda watches came with poedagar boxes.


Is making your own clothes the onda nuevo? It does require having a brain and patience but I think it may be making a comeback
no, it's always been a hobby for weird losers with too much time on their hands and an old ass sewing machine (le vintage from le epic goodwill!!)
how do i end up with the right amount of time on my hands?
sounds like sour grapes from someone too impatient to learn a basic human skill
You are making this post for a reason aren't you? What are you waiting for?
I don't know how much cheaper it'd be to buy material rather than buying the third world country produces. But I'd like to try since no clothes on the market perfectly embellish clothing like how I would like to.

peak woman aesthetics
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Alex Gehring of Ringo Deathstarr
shoutout /shugazi/
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Is that alfigarden on top left?
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>peak woman aesthetics.
>be born with high cheekbones, curvy nose, no skin conditions and $300 weekly treatments.
>on my bloody FASHION board?
screw you all and this lottery of a life

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are zesty nigras the next big thing in fashion?
who are some black celebrities that AREN'T zesty. I can barely even think of any. Denzel maybe but he's like 70.
nevermind i forgot about the new gladiator movie.
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>walking down a dark ally way
>bump into this

what do?
Denzel was a gay nigga in that movie lmao

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How does /fa/ feel about his clothing?
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I like some of jos designs but would never wear them
Pretty based. Meme your dreams.
thats whether he actually ships your clothes or not
>look him up
>he just sells clothes that other people designed
>every once in a while he will doodle on them
cool I guess?
i like those carls jr pieces

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What's the meta for male hair in 2025?
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Sir I'm indian, I do that?
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Try not to act like a typical oriental. Since the old testament it's a cursed land.
How I ask for this?
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Gigachad haircut, just ask your barber.
Look, you know how you've got your hairline, then lower down your temples, then all the way down to your nape, for hair to grow?
follow that. a hair shape that goes down in back, longish on the sides, but up front is folded down or swept into some manner of .. well that's up to you. Not saying pompadour, but stick to the natural growth pattern and exaggerate it because you're a mature male

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Do these looking stupid? Just got them delivered and I didn't realize they looked like that st the back. Is this even wearable? lol

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I wore them today and it felt wrong. luckily I don't think too many people saw me. looks like I'll be returning them. I'm fuckin through buying shoes online.
Yes they look stupid, and that's because you are asking.

Get a solid pair of cowboy boots, something nice but used, from facebook or something. If you cannot wear cowboy boots in stride, you are a fag, if you can bear it until you do not care anymore, you can wear anything, and the cowboy boots will grow on you.

Do what I said and you'll look incredible.

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Post hot bitches dress good
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fuck OP
you first
That is a minor
So what

Can you rock grillz as a whyboi?
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objectively speaking it doesn't have the same visual contrast as it does against black skin, nor compliment the skin tone as well.
i think grills look the weirdest on asians. but i haven't seen an indian with grills yet. they look terrible on women too even black girls.
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Not only can you, you must.
grills and gauges are low class.
>but why doe?
Because I decided?
>& u r?
Dat nigga. Pause.

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2025 new year/new you edition

post thinspo, post/discuss your ideal body, be thinspo

be polite but don't be an idiot either

no concern trolling

prev >>18339583
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do I need to worry about how much fat i'm getting in my diet? almost always winds up being under 10g per day and I don't want to mess up my hormones. male btw
Try to reach 20 grams a day by including nuts, avocado, seeds and fish to your diet.
Personally, I appreciate the effects fat has in my body: my skin is usually very dry but it gets better when I eat good fats (fried shit gives me acne).
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patrician thinspo couple.
just try to eat some omega-3s, healthy fat is important for vitamin absorption and brain function. 10 g is ultra low fat and some shit durianrider would prescribe, you could def stand to up that to closer to 30 g.

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I've picked this mahogany/burgundy colour for my shoes and belt, sort of like picrel. It's a great colour but I'm having a hard time finding other products that match them. How do you match your leathers?
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Nice for a clown.
you sound like you just don't have the confidence to pull that look off.
Throw them in the trash and buy color 8 shell cordovan instead.
Good taste.
Always felt like anything outside of standard brown or black shouldnt be matched. its a statement piece. wear it in a more plain outfit just to add something

My friend offered me a free (military owned and operated) gym that I'm allowed to use, but I love my long (shoulder length) hair and my stubble, which I'll have to give up to be able to use it
I think I look like a gremlin without long hair but the women in my life prefer it. I work out fine by myself, I have a pull up bar and calisthenics rings but are the free weights, sauna and swimming pool worth the hit to my self identity
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What a fake "dilemma." Stop bothering people with this stupid shit.
Is it not a dilemma cause the answer is that obvious? Cause I can't see it
you shouldn't change yourself to fit in a shitty crowd like that
also they're going to touch you inappropriately in the sauna if you go there
not if you touch them innapropriately first
I don't believe this story. so all guests on the base have to shave their head before they can use the gym? bullshit.

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