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Why do girls like pink so much?
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>the color of their pussies/assholes
Not those negros of color. They're like well-done steak on the inside.
Captcha: TKDDN
Black pussy is highlighter pink and kino af
>four examples
look i knowyoure retarded because you have xy chromosomes but you have to know that these women are whores and they will fulfill their role in society (liking pink and being a slave to male desires)

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What do japanese people wear?

Is there connotations attached to certain clothes or fashion styles
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Oversized western clothes among the "real" japanese, western-style work clothes among the ryuukyuus. Don't know about northern Japan.
Women will often wear skirts, but also generally prefer wide cuts (except for collar and wrists, where clothes are normally pretty tight).
Basically anything that'll hide how anorexic the average japanese is.
>Proves their point

American girls wore stuff like this 20 years ago, only credit i'll give japs is they add a slight bit of their own style to their mimics. Unlike koreans who just outright steal other people's culture without adjusting anything
These anons know what's up

t. Spent a lot of time for work in Japan in the last two years
Uniqlo, j crew, north face, beams

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How do I ask the barber for it?
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just keep the sides clean and let the top grow out longer. Don't need to show a picture to the STYLIST just tell HER you want the sides and top to be different lengths.

I almost always use a female stylist/barber over an all male barbershop 90% of barbershops in my area is just a place to get a fade and gossip. The stylist I have now always recommends stuff that might make the cut look better and usually it does.
specifically tell the stylist you don't want to use clippers. Scissor cut only.
I do ask for scissor cut.

wow who would have thought of such a ridiculous idea
if I keep the sides "clean" which is what they do, it just exposes my tiny round skull and monkey ears.

How the fuck do I have mental problems???
and I do show them pics.
Either they say shit like "that only looks good for a photoshoot, you'd need another haircut a week later" or they ask me "so what exactly is it that you want me to do?"

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is 24 too old to dress like tik tok zoomers (oversized shirts, baggy pants etc)
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Not even zoomers dress like that anymore
24 is a zoomer dumbass
24 is a zoomer, and no, it's not, unless you look way older than you are
no, only if you are balding
what you tgink will be hot?

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where do non-fascists discuss clothes and style these days? is everything on discord?

4chan is for western chauvinist chuds and incels
reddit is for office workers hoping to be taken seriously for the first time in their lives
i miss styleforum and superfuture, but they've been dead for years
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Have you put it back?
There is hardly any of this! You are full of shit!
>4chan is for western chauvinist chuds and incels
I simply call it "home".
define "fascist". someone whose activism and political views are not exactly the same as yours? lmao get fucked retard
Where do fascists discuss this stuff? I can't find a Telegram channel devoted to this, it's all just memes and jew infographics.

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Hygiene/skincare General #12 post your routine edition (again)

Previous >>18191053

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Is toner supposed to make your skin a bit red and have a "burning" sensation?
I don't know if "supposed to" is the right way to put it, but it does what you describe.
i need help anons pls tell me how to reduce acne scars
Cerave retinol serum
>Wash everyday with conditioner
NTA is this analogy accurate:
Conditioner is like a soothing moisturizer for your scalp with the benefit of strengthening hair strands, and as such should be used daily. Shampoo is the cleanser. The scalp, being more sensitive, shouldn't be cleansed daily, just every few days to deal with buildup that daily rinsing doesn't address.

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What are some good ways to hide your fat using clothing?
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She was 300 lb stress eater. Something about stress/cortisol causes your body allocate all of your body fat into your mid section for some reason.
plap plap plap
For women, hiding or obscuring the upper arms. Women have developed a lot of ways to hide how fat they are, but you can always tell exactly how fat a bitch is from the condition of her upper arms.

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How do you beardmaxx?
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No, I'm not a homosexual.
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meh, beards can change your perceptions quite abit, it's not cringe to acknowledge that.
bald marvel retards gooning over their beards, have givin all bald beard ballsack heads a shittier look.
>your perceptions
others perception of you is what i meant
Be a pedo?
The girls at my university call the shaved-head-plus-full-beard look "the upside-down mullet".

If you've lost the battle against baldness, don't try to overcompensate with a beard. Just lose weight and hope you have a good jawline and cheekbones; go full Mr. Clean.
>B-b-but I don't have a strong jawline.
Yes, you do. Lose more weight.

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Humble beginnings edition

>talk about Chinese watches that you like
>ask for advice on Chinese watches that interest you
>show Chinese watches that you own

Everyone and their watch is welcome no matter the price, make, movement or quality.

This is the first attempt at this general, there is no previous thread.
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>is the hype worth it?
Never has been and never will..
I would guess it’s like cheating on your Anon. Though no one would ever expect anything, you know deep down it’s not a real Rolex, it’s fake and you paid a bargain for it. It might look perfect on the outside, it might even function just as well as the real thing. But you know what it is on the inside, and how dirty you feel wearing it on your sleeve. With San Martin they at least have their own branding; it might look like a Submariner but you can be guilt free knowing you didn’t give into temptation.
I don’t understand how people put steel bands on the SNK and I guess also this clone of it. It’s clearly modeled after a compass - it just looks absurd to have a field watch with a steel band
>fake gold
I don't know if I'd dare, I'd want to because I have a thing for rose gold, but I think I'd puss out.
>you could purchase something nice.
That you'll get just as bored of just as quickly as an AliExpress shitter, then when you sell it you'll lose the cost of said AliExpress shitter anyway. Imagine trying to flex when being this fucking ignorant to the allure of AliExpress shitters.

Opinions about:
Clothes types
Clothes sizes

No specifics. No "my creed aventus fragrance" or "look at my Mercedes watch".
Only general thoughts about how, when, why things should be worn/used.
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From ugly to beautiful
Ugly to beautiful
Praying your internet goes out today so you can take a much needed break from whatever media has mindbroken you makeupschizo
Just fooling around that's all. More importantly I want people to talk to me about various topics, and I don't like being ignored.
Don't tell the police ok? I'm probably on thin ice right now.

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Am I the only one in 2024?
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ive noticed alot of mexicans do this and it sorta looks good
for me its brylcreem
Ah, so this is where the pic of the skinnyfat manlet dressed in heritage cones from.
Yeah, I dress in a similar way, but more casual and in a poorfag version.
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This sounds like a thread for me. My style is basically "Wish fulfillment", wearing all the shit that I thought was cool when I was a little kid. (And can now afford!)
>French army ranger boots, black
>Skinny black jeans, wax coated for a shiny finish OR matte black selvedge jap jeans
>Giant belt buckle shaped like a skull
>Cut-off-sleeves tee from a Metal concert or some kind of skeleton-print shirt from a Halloween store
>Big leather jacket
But sometimes I want to look a little more cleancut, and I've been incorporating pseudo-western elements so I can still look like my idea of a "cool rockstar" without being too scruffy. Something toned down enough for the office. Lots of pearl snap stuff, maybe with a pattern along the shoulders or with turned-out cuffs so you've still got flair. Thinking of picking up picrel - I saw a similar shirt in The Bikeriders (great movie) and I liked it so much that I had to find something similar. I also have a whole separate ecosystem of belts/boots in case I want to wear one a brown jacket. But black is cooler.
Unapologetically based.

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Try your local gay bar. They might have cut the ass out of it though.
for the fig jam??
found it >>18251080
I don't know what you mean, but you might find a mixture of lube and shit has run down the insides of the legs as well.
that's what I meant

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My top looks so off compared to the bottom. The top looks incel while the bottom is pretty chad desu.

What to cop to fix this?

>don't want any button up, collars and shit
>casual, but high quality
>no bright neon fag colors
>relaxed fit
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Purple only looks good on niggers. Swap it out for a nice wool sweater in navy, burgundy or dark green.
no you're fat so you automatically stand out
No, the shoes are too involved, if you want to look like an NPC just buy some Sketchers or Nikes or NBs
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>the shoes are too involved
I want to be an "elevated grayman"
I'm happy with the bottom half though. I just need to fix the top

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how do you like to carry your everyday carry?
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Is it because of gypsies pickpocketing you or something? Why would you need a purse?
in the pockets of my work vest because i actually work instead of larping
>>inb4 a million fucking tiny things nobody would ever need
>>inb4 cash like a retarded boomer
>>inb4 black leather gloves, ski mask, rope, etc
>>inb4 keys on carabiner to LARP as a janitor
>>inb4 graffiti pens
>>inb4 zippo omg so cool and mysterious
ya got me :^(

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in b4 fag etc..idc.

i want to dress more feminely, but i dont want to be the stereotypical "femboy" thigh high, cat ear hoody thats not really my personality.
im more looking at dresses, maybe somewhat preppy/dark academia items that a guy* could wear but that are more feminine. any ideas/suggestions greatly appreciated so i avoid pic related..

*im not trans, im not a woman and im well aware of it.
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White man thread
curry eater thread*
I think you should be proud of being masculine and wear the mantle of your sex, but if you are set in your ways, korean men have a much more feminine style compared to americans. I'd start looking at their patterns of dress. Note they usually have a long and loose fitting top, pants are typically straight, not tight, but taking up a smaller profile, and tend to lean more bookish with long hair, middle parts, and round glasses to give a lot of space around the eyes. It works for them while not being overly macho and honestly pretty androgenous, maybe it will for you
dont make him a retard
if you wanna dress feminine it depends what exactly you want to wear. you gotta decide what length skirt you feel comfortable in, what colors you prefer, ect . what exactly do you mean by "more feminine"
Listen he's already made that call. I just think the honguls have a pretty good look that doesn't really lean into the masculinity angle. Doesn't work well though if you've got some muscle

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