Happy 2025 everyone
Happy New Year, everyone!! Genuinely, this thread/template gives me something to do and lay out a general aesthetic for myself in a way I wasn't really able to previously.
>>18353299Really boring. The gymwear/business casual style is pretty bad. >>18353415Good music. I would go for band tees or almost anything other than the wal-mart graphics.>>18353422Really boring. I don't why, but that rocko's modern life t-shirt being on your chart is jarring.
>>18353429You carry bottles of cologne around with you?
>>18353485I carry the bottle's fragrance
Happy 2025. I know all the music is basically RYM core. u gotta give me some time to develop my taste ok>>18353415Dig this. Gregg Araki is based. Aren't heavier than a death in the family songs all just from 77 live tho?>>18353422Uber, lyft, or morgan freeman. Im thinking the rockos shirt is for casual or at-home days. It is a bit jarring to see alongside everything else.>>18353429Not really my thing but its pretty interesting. keep doin you
>>18353299this is so corny holy shit
Frankensteined some of my previous grids together>>18353299Bald. Boring.>>18353415Based as usual>>18353422Sexcore Andrew Tate faggot>>18353429Would kneel if I ever met this guy>>18353685Pretty based ig. I'm also still working my way out of RYM/Spotify algorithm core. Getting there one step at a time.
>>18353299bald>>18353422show no love to homo thugs>>18353429bee in my dell>>18353454at least your mind is made up on the womangood cars, music is generic as hell>>18354353edc rat
>>18353299Bored enough to make this, but not enough to respond to anyone
>>18354769Glad that mofucker Ramsay was eaten by his own dogs. For me he resembles the incels here who can't get laid.
>>18354821He constantly got laid and was a Chad tho wtf are you talking about
>>18354821>>18354847It's a fictional character.
>>18354847He forced sex and only attacks with his guards, a giant pussy. He probably would be a chud. I rewatched his fatally scene, very enjoyable.
>>18354869He's a piece of shit but he was driven, handsome, intelligent, capable and charismatic. Chuds are none of those, they just seethe at everything all day and do literally nothing else.
>>18353415Some more curation needs to be done, esp. with the style itself, but overall quite tasteful. 5/10>>18353422Gay normie core.>>18353429KINO. 10/10>>18353454Unquantifiable.>>18353685Good but a little uninspired save for the house for the ol' in and out. Great physique aims though. 7/10.>>183543538/10, ensure the rat is trained in firearms safety.>>18354694Based only if genuinely committed to this Aryan warrior lifestyle. Feels like a bit of a larp though.>>18354769Your boredom shows a bit.
>>18355744What is a your job?
>>18355777Why do you talk like Mario
>>18356053Mamma mia, just answer a the question.
>>18356062I wasn't a the guy you asked and I don't a have a job
>>18355744Source on this pic? He looks so cool i'd like to have a better pic as to potentially mimic him better
>>18355777Full-time dissident.>>18356146I found it on pinterest, but it funnily had an old /fa/ link attached to it that's now gone. So he might even lurk here.
>>18356463Are these all AI images?
>>18356473Nah he just fucked up the aspect ratios
>>18356463sipping johnnie walker with tristan tate in the war room i bought a property in egypt
>>18353299-for being bald+ epic body ideal+ aristocrat lifestyle/ ok style, reminds me of MFA/Reddit though+ awesome girls- not into the car+ solid music, especially departure+ love the home/ alright EDCs8/10>>18353422+ hair, body, music, home 6/10>>18353685+body, lifestyle, car, music, home, EDC-style7/10>>18354353great music but horrible girls lol5/10>>18354769>>18356463solid 6/10>>18355744good body and EDCsgreat lifestyle, style, girls, car, music, home9/10
>>18357013>great music but horrible girls lolYeah my taste in women is kind of unhinged but it's not like your basic bitches are any better. Except for Audrey from Twin Peaks, could have had her on my own grid
Thoughts? Made it just now
>>18357068I really like the EDC and the foundation you've got for style. I think if you spend a bit more time on it and add some unique flair you'll have a great one.
>>18357068>>18357112Foundation consisting of underage girls and nazis
>>18357053Elon? Really? You have to explain this to me
>>18357148Ive always liked villains. Admittedly, I have no clue what he is like as a person because I'm very out of the loop with everything. Evil looking men just arouse me endlessly. I also dont follow any celebs or anyone literally at all and I remembered seeing him years ago and wanting to fuck him so I put him in.
>>18357112Thank you, maybe i will.>>18357147I'm not a nazi, as for underage girls i have no idea what you are talking about.
>>18357154Elon isn’t a villain. Unless saying stupid things on Twitter is somehow diabolical.
>>18357176I think doing shit like blocking california's senate from moving forward with a project that would make public transport widely available by offering a "solution" that is just a subway that relies on your personal vehicle (as he just started up Tesla, a private transport company) and abandoning the project, resulting in no solution to the problem but generating a profit for him is pretty evil
>>18353299+body, style, doubles, and hot take Stanley Tucci is a great way to embrace baldness0 EDC, girl- house, car>>18353415+ Bourdain, house, hair- Ivy Wolk specifically (hearing her get absolutely talked over by D and A was one of my favorite episodes of Redscare though)>>18353422+body- literally everything else, it's honestly kind of boring and uninspired>>18353429+Style (best instance of abnormal style I've seen anyone pull off here), hair, car, body, lifestyle, EDC- The house is kind of stuffy and weirdReally great one though, overall
>>18357181Part two because the system thought it was spam>>18353685+Style (incredible), lifestyle, body, Grace Charis (should probably add golfing to your lifestyle though), car, music (huge doors fan too)0 Bike isn't my style but I see what you're going for- nothing, honestly really like this one>>18354694+ hairstyles that aren't completely buzzed, tattoos (you retvrn types are usually agains them, I kind of dig the contrast), cars, lifestyle, american spirits0 very few girls can actually pull off that haircut, good luck- Euro style skinhead aesthetics just look tacky, so are camel crushes.
>>18357183Part three. Does anyone know not how to trigger the spam detection, this is kind of obnoxious.>>18355744+ Hair, style (one of the best examples of formalwear that isn't stuffy and boring), the hilux technichal, the lifestyle in general.0 The girls aren't really my type but do youone of my favorites>>18357013+ The body, Daddario, the home (haha I've used a few of those pics myself in these threads), lifestyle, honestly really good chart all together- The EDC is kind of boring for how much effort was put into the rest (otherwise really good)>>18357068Low effort but the body and style is actually pretty good. Rate others though.
>>18357184>EDCIdk. I'm pretty minimalistic and just carry those things. Usually no watch either.
>>18357184>Rate others thoughOk>>18353299I like the girls but other then that i'm not a huge fan plus you're bold. 6/10>>18353415You're gay but plus because i like your humble abode.6/10>>18353422You're a gay.5/10>>18353429Style is outrageous and i'm not sure what is going on at life style but other than that i really like it.7/10>>18353454I think you might be a closet homosexual.3/10>>18353685I like this a lot but big minus for being a hippy.6/10>>18354353I like all of this.8/10 also why would you carry a gun if you got the rodent with you?>>18354694Very schizo4/10
>>18357480Cont.>>18354769Other than edc i really like it.7/10>>18355744Really like it but the prettyboy hair/face clashes with the lifestyle.8/10>>18356463lolA solid 7/10>>18357013Great, love the girls but minus for edc, too much tech8/10>>18357053You're a faggot. Gortash? Raphael? If it was Astarion or Halsin it would be ok, but those two faggots?3/10>>18357068That's literally me.9/10 minus for low effort>>18357181Really like it all around8/10
>>18357481>but the prettyboy hair/face clashes with the lifestyle.
>>18357481>>>18357068 (You)>That's literally me.>9/10 minus for low effortNow that i think about it i would give it a 7 or 8 out of 10 because i hate the nazi vibes. I'm not a nazi i don't like fascism or racism. I just really like that sleek hair and those clothes, especially having the pants in you're boots or just having it tight around the calves.Tips or ideas for reducing the nazi vibes but keeping the aesthetic?
>>18357483That statue does not give me the same vibe as the hair/face on >>18355744I think the statue would be something more like this.
>>18354353Mangione is a patsy fraud
>>18357180Lmao I didn’t even know he did this, weak. Anyone who takes away public transport that we desperately need these days is an idiot. Think of how much more fit the average citizen would be if he could get the train somewhere and walk around.
>>18359193>44>lovelikewise, great hair and facei should start including my own laptop setup too
>>18359193it was all so perfect, then you HAD to add that unsightly thing (glock)
>>18353415 >>18353429 >>18353685 >>18354353 >>18354694 Trannies allert
>>18359546You just went into the thread, replied to a bunch of random posts, typed "tranny" and closed the tab, didn't you baitnigger
>>18353299 9/10>>18353429 8/10>>18353685 8/10>>18357181 7/10>>18359193 7/10
>>18353415You seem really based good taste in everything. Cure is one of my fav movies too. Maybe drop discord if you wanna be frens
>>18359852and they're going to open the thread to check their (You)'s and there (You)'ll be, replying to them
>>18353415Tranny hereI’m literally the in between of yr bf/gf
>>18359919>>18359951disc: billy.not.rly
^forgot the chewing gum... can't go eat out without this.
>>18360072this feels like a woman larping as the man she wants to manifest
>>18360080Bruh... I stayed up all night to put that together and you give me that? [spoiler]actually I wasted most of the time looking at pretty girls pics while I was filling up the middle square[/spoiler].Well, it's just my goals I don't want to forget, for 2025 and after.
What in exact terms are you people so desperately trying to express with these little mosaics of random pics?
>>18360277Fashion sense? the /fa/ kind of things or something like that.
>>18360277idealized version of themselves for purposes of self expression and connection with otherslike humans
>>18360280Do you think whatever you call ‘fashion sense’ is achieved or expressed through making collages of disjointed pics?>>18360287Do you think making collages of disjointed pics can connect you to others or be a way to express yourself?
>>18360292Are you training a bot rn? Because you'd have to be retarded to be asking these questions, already knowing the answer.
>>18360292Are you on your period?
>>18360296>>18360299I’m just mesmerized at how people can waste their time playing these games
>>18360301>he said, wasting his time whining that others are playing the game
>>18360277These kinds of threads have existed since the early 2010s, they used to be simpler (just body, hair, style, girl), they were just as common on /fit/ as they were here. Then the "lifestyle" and "home" sections were added, making it a vertical 2x3 chart. That didn't last long before EDC, Car, and Music were added, which is what we have today. Looking back, the amount of effort people put into these now is way better than a decade ago. They're just fun. I enjoy looking at others as much as I enjoy making my own.
>>18358028really wish actual crackheads looked this cool. The car/EDC combo to me is what I think I love so much about this. Just bummin it.>>18358201Another borderline insane one but I really like it. Lifestyle looks fun, not sure Tekashi 69 would be my type though. You plan on traveling a lot, or just existing outside in one general place?>>18359193don't listen to the haters, the glock is pretty sick, and goes well with the rest. Lifestyle and home look comfy as fuck. I love the style, it just seems like more of a techwave aesthetic would be appropriate given the rest of the grid. Either way though, one of my favorites.>>18359915Love literally everything about this one. Ripped with tattoos juxtaposed with such an old-school aesthetic is what I love about it the most. Good shit.>>18360072The only reason I don't think this is a parody of some finance bro is because of how high effort it is. Only thing that doesn't quite add up is you would think the girl would have more of an athleisure style. I think going for a more ivy-league and less frat style would help a lot, maybe a less boring house. Those style of mcmansions are one of my least favorite things in America.
>>18360072I like this.>>18360292Yes.
>>18360403>They're just fun. I enjoy looking at others as much as I enjoy making my own.Okay but what do you understand, of a person, from a jumble of inconsistent thumbnails? Me, I get nothing. I know it’s like talking to a wall, since you are all now acting like a bunch of subredditors who are angry and downvoting hard because I questioned your silly little game, but I’d still rather try to enlighten your weak minds about how retarded and stereotyped all of this looks, and how it’s basically just an attempt to boost your ego on an internet forum, whereas fashion is essentially meaningful as long as you go out and live it. These collages are simply ridiculous and full of pre-packaged concepts of yourselves, things that you aren’t but you tryhard to be, i.e. memes, regurgitated memes. You can now proceed to refuse my analysis, and please make sure to make an upset and angry face.
Well, here's mine.
>>18360437>you're acting like redditors>let me enlighten your weak little mindsThis guy
>>18360416>parody of some finance bro>high effortWhy a parody of that specifically? I'm into trading as a side job, I invest all my savings in long-term growing stocks but I'd like to make it my main job within the near future, I'm working on learning scripting for day-trading in order to achieve that goal. The collage is high effort because I don't like leaving things unfinished or unpolished, and I've been using graphic editing programs since 2002 so it's not really that much effort if you are used to editing.>you would think the girl would have more of an athleisure styleI'm not sure what you mean but I just chose pics of girls and styles I saw in my city and that left me enamored. I'm not into overly sexy women, like those with fake boobs who wear miniskirts and high heels. Modest and on the petite side are more in my strike zone.>more ivy-league and less frat style would help a lotIndeed I agree and it's more appropriate for men in my age range.>mcmansions Lol it's not that big though, it's 150 square meters indoors at most including attic and excluding the garage. I like the interior smooth and light colored because I don't like breaking my back every time I need to clean my house, even more so if I get a cute wife, I don't want her to hate cleanliness due to curly furniture that's hard to clean and stuff like that, had that experience at my parents' house.
>>18360427That body type is the hardest thing to achieve, I've always been a fan of his but I had no idea he gained 22 pounds of muscle mass within just a month time until I found that magazine's pic yesterday. That's something to look into. The most I ever gained was like 3-4 kg and it cost me 300 euros worth of meat, in a month.
>>18360502Having cartoons in the body is pretty cringe. You carry bottles of wine around with you? And zinc?2/10
>>18360502Based armwrestling fan, i wanna be your friend anon
>>18353299I know the quality is shit, had some issues with the max image size>inb4 get out normieFuck off 4chan this post is not spam it won't let me do proper rating
>>18360900Why even make this, this is the most uninteresting, souless, vapid, dull and stupid chart ive ever seen. No shred of personality and character whatsoever can be taken from it. Even in a place where you are anonymous you chose to be boring, i can't even fathom how insufferable, weak and pathetic you are in real life. Complete waste of a post.
>>18360403I love a bit of 4chan history, thanks>>18360416Sometimes I feel like I don’t have a type, just a favourite skin tone… on someone 5’7 or less with an artist career and fashion sense. lol. My plan is to backpack down the coast of my island in the warm season. I’ve been holding off because I wanted to do it with someone but I can’t find anyone who wants to even walk the forest with me. People barely have time for their “friends” these days let alone wanting to exercise I guess. I want to sleep on the beach because I feel the safest there and at least in the good side of my town there aren’t hobos there. Also obligatory music festivals for a couple weeks a year. Volunteering and sleeping in a tent is gangster. Last summer I got drunk af and went across the street from one, ran up the forest behind the school, and ended up in a graveyard and still had time to get back before my shift and stop being drunk.
>>18360900Cool, rabbits are epic. I prefer a Guinea pig but they are both snuggly animals
>>183609006/10 -1 if women-4 if trans
>>18360900Size or dimensions? you can upload up to 4.00MB file size. To reduce size while keeping as much quality as possible without reducing dimensions you can export to jpg with Gimp (File> Export As> Filename.jpg) and change compression percentage accordingly. Usually 90% compression works fine with most images of this size.
>>18353422poofta>>18353429loool i bet you think your proper smart dont you>>18357013>>18353685you have to be over 18 to post here>>18354694grow up looolany lads in this thread or is all just soft ladyboys
>>18360908half of the charts in here are bland slop, it's really embarrassing. I know /fa/ died years ago but holy fuck it's bad
>>18361052The effort people put into charts can sometimes reflect how willing to improve they actually are.Women and fags care very little about improving themselves since they keep being told to just bee themselves.
>>18360900Is that The Hague? Looks dutch, I feel like I've actually walked past both of your home pics once
>>18360908Hating on mainstream things doesn't make you smarter or more interesting>>18360918I don't own any sadly, but I'd love to adopt two in the future :)>>18360968I'll take the 5/10 as a compliment>>18360973I tried uploading it as a jpg but it didn't work alas, I'm too lazy to learn about compression honestly. I made this very quickly and just wanted to post it and threw a rage-fit because the algorithm thinks my ratings were spam>>18361141It is, I am from Holland and I want to live somewhere nice in the city, I currently live in a very ugly looking city
>>18361147>Hating on mainstream things doesn't make you smarter or more interestingYeah but you're REALLY boring
>>18359202Listened to some of your music, gonna need some more recommendations>>18359202>>18359297fixed
>>18361147lol do you live in like Almere or Zoetermeer?
>>18359193What’s the car in the top right?
>>18361300Which did you like best? I've got plenty of recs in all directions.
>>18361300Nice. Never forget those feels.
>>18361410top right as well as the one with a girl is the NSX NA1. real neat storyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v2HHOcnl5E>>18361480If you wanna send me stuff on discord telnet23Ill take Basically everything
>>18353299I love the bald embrace >>18353415Love the red background, and everything is great but love the hair most>>18353422lmao
Tried rating more people but getting spam filter message>>18353429Best lifestyle>>18353685Love the body section >>18354694Everything works amazing, well done I can see the vision
>>18361861Based evil bald dictator from the future
>>18361861You don't have to do all your ratings in one post
>>18361147>gets called boring>proceeds to respond with the most boring answer imaginablekek
>>18361300You look like you've never had a genuine friend and everyone you know ends up hating you after a while.
>>18360683I am French, and yes I used to have zinc daily, and also carrying it to not forget it. Also Son Goku is peak white boy physique.>>18360856Thanks fren, where is yours?
>>18361861nothing quite like doing intergalactic scheming with the boys
>>18362723I still haven’t seen a single nu-dune film
sry for kwality. a lot of people skipped mine in the last chart thread so posting again...>>18353299gen x stepdad>>18353415(may have rated yours before not sure) you are a swarthoid lover and a phag but also massive respect for today is the day>>18353422going to be shot by inner city blacks award
>>18364328 is mine. had to chop up my ratings to find whatever 4chungus is detecting as spam. fuck this website>>18353685yeah you're definitely not of age lol>>18354353j*wess lover+ violent sexual fantasies? never again means never again pal>>18354694still hot>>18354769put your serious hat on before you make one of these
>>18355744nice music life style and cars>>18356463serious hat needed stat>>18358201you do know sixnine is a guy right?>>18359193it's sort of classy albeit spiritually brown. love slint>>18359915very cool if you're actually old
>>18357013boring postmodernist and rym music. not seeing much personality>>18357053odd guy>>18357068low effort but gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you used the time you could have been making this to lift or something. also it's super gay for a man to not like cars.>>18357181thank you for loving your wife>>18358028pretty girls. i hope you are handsome because theres no other way ur pulling off the meth head fizeek/lifestyle
>>18360072unnerving. khaki cargo pants fetishist>>18360502anime automatically makes you spiritually brown even though you're chuddy. nice cars>>18360900i love you but please listen to better music and enrich yourself with unfamiliar things/media. unless you're a tranny then i hate you>>18361031lol'd a bit>>18361861born in the wrong generationok all done spamming up the thread now. once again fuck this website
>>18364338>put your serious hat on before you make one of theseno, id rather not be gay like you Mr. Transexual
>>18353299absolutely awful chart, op. no taste no coordination. start over>>18353415better but still normie and inconsistent, tasteless in a lot of things like car>>18353422tasteless normie shit>>18353429interesting, coordinated and tasteful. nice>>18353685tasteless retard dog shit>>18354353le edgy but u have no taste and are clearly a stupid child>>18354694tryhard and really bad taste in almost all of it. somewhat coordinated at least but needs a lot of work>>18354769normie, stupid, uncoordinated. pointless>>18355744some taste in some things but needs a lot of work coordinating it more and pruning>>18356463lame ass shit
>>18357013normie plebbitor>>18357053le ebin im not like the other boys, but tasteless and discord fed. retard>>18357181somewhat coordinated but needs a lot of improvement. the leica camera made my physically cringe/ clothes and cares all over the place>>18358028not bad but thats because u played it safe and simple. the EDC needs a lot of work. might be good for others with terrible grids to start simple like this one and build up>>18358201lame wigger schizo zoomer shit. looks like nothing and is poor>>18359193individual squares reasonably tasteful but lacks coordination between squares. those clothes do not go with those cars or edc at all. work on that
>>18359915pretty good coordination over all but need to up taste level on some parts>>18360072some parts well coordinated, some really not. especially EDC is so off.>>18360502not bad. interesting. coordination works even if unique. taste is pretty there. nice base to work on>>18360900normie and banal. very little taste>>18361031lame plebbit crap>>18361861interesting. bit repetitive. but worth working on>>18364328terrible coordination. the fuckin cars lmaoo
>>18364969>>18364970>>18364971Sorry anon, but pic related is the only thing i could think about after reading you write about "muh coordination">yuh squar not like othur squar, me know squar is squar and not triangel, me put squar in squar
>>18364969>>18364970>>18364971Of course you didn't post your own grid
>>18364986butthurt much? hehe>>18364998why should i? u arent worth it
>>18364969>>18364970>>18364971It's so obvious that you are this guy, you dickhead:>>18358028Your grid was the worst one btw.
>18364969>18364970>18364971low tier b8no (You) 4 u
>>18365013>butthurt much? hehekek, I'm just a lurker here, still haven't made mine. I just though your post was pretty funny. Let me tell you anon, you are taking yourself way to seriously. In a room with high status people you would get bullied and your opinions would be ignored or be made fun of. You are so pathetic that even in a board where you are anonymous, you still lacked the guts to post your own chart. Honestly that is so fucking funny, you are such a colossal faggot for doing that kek
>>18364986>>18365035he kinda right tho
>>18365040stop samefagging
>>18364969>>18364970>>18364971Unfathomably based desu
>>18364971>interesting. bit repetitive. but worth working onThanks man, I will. Agree with your other critique. Spot on.
>>18364971>terrible coordination. the fuckin cars lmaooi dont understand. am i supposed to dress my cars up and match them with my outfits? do you think someone who wears a lot of blue should live in a blue house with a blue window and a blue corvette and a blue girlfriend?i think you are some sort of solipsist that believes everyone else should be really simple and one dimensional like cartoon characters. or you are just a negative nelly troll and going to boil in liquid shit in hell
>>18364328Dasha-Nekrasova-if-she-was-actually-cool core>thanks for loving your wifeShe's pretty wonderful, I'm a lucky guy what can I say
>>18364970>leica made my physically cringeDo you mean that in a "I only shoot large format hasselblads" kind of way, or a "But my cell phone already has a camera" kind of way? Hating on Leicas is only cool if you're doing it from an even more pretentious angle. Otherwise you're just another T7i Rebel shooter seething that his wedding photography LLC didn't take off.
for some reason i can't rate because it thinks I'm spam
>>1836561010/10 king
>>18365610it thinks it's spam when you reply to too many ppl in one postjust rate and copy the extras to clipboard for follow-upalmost exquisite taste btw monsieur, i think the style itself needs a little more personality or cohesion to it but other than that and the edc, great9/10
>>18365656ah thanks. 4chan used to be okay with mass replies but i guess because of AI infection now jannies are placing limits on user interaction
la lavian bump
I hope this thread is still alive>183656108/10>18364328Cute 8/10>18361861Based Mishima enjoyer 9.5(lost points for the car)>18361300Basic 5/10>18361031Kek, 1/10 if true>18360900Basic but respectable and cute 6/10It thinks I’m spamming so I removed the reply
>>18366936bisexual music taste
>>18367469the bisexuals make the best music
>>18370036Why would anyone make a pot that big?
>>18370036You carry a tub of protein powder around with you?
chart thread im drunkkkkkkk
>>18354769Cute and funny/10
>>18370036Where is the source of the cartoon in the upper right?
>>18372073Honestly, the only one i have seen that actually doesn't take itself seriously. The other ones feel like pretentious, soulless, fake deep garbage.
>>18375012>sincerity is cringe, everything should be ironicI hate this mindset, so many people think like this nowadays
>>18357486>Tips or ideas for reducing the nazi vibes but keeping the aesthetic?1. pay a surgeon to cut your dick off and carve out a pus filled flesh tunnel2. dilate
>>18361300>>18366936decent style but get off of tiktok>>18364328marry me>>18361031oh lord>>18360900eurofoid
>>18359193where is thec color?
>>18357068kinda chuddy
>>18377121this one is pretty cool, you should add more to it>>18375718>marry mewhen an fa guy meets a cgl girl, the stars shine a little brighter...
Good luck with this everybody!
What is the source of this image?
>>18378116kind of my Brit counterpart >>18360900Haagse troela
>>18373102>>18378803why are you like this
>>18360900 please broaden your music tastes. very cute style though, 6.5/10>>18364328 i like this a lot, very cohesive aesthetic 10/10>>18378857 nice 7/10
>>18379230why aren't you?
Back after 3 months, lot of good boards on here for once.
>>18380613Me>>183570139/10, probably the best one overall. One of the rare classy boards that doesn't scream LARP.>>183570538/10, best gay grid I've ever seen on here.>>183643288/10, best girl grid here. I've had that picture in the top right of your man/girl section as my phone background for 2 years :/ love everything except for your style.
I finally made mine, I have seen these threads for a long time and never took the time to do it.>>18354694 and the "English aristocrat" (not in this thread, sadly) are the absolute best. The spirit is impeccable, 10/10.>>18360502, >>18364328, and >>18380377 are also really good. Not my vibe, but I get it, 8/10.
>>18360900I like the pink princess pilates aesthetic.Adriana Lima and Ariana Grande face/hair ++Petite svelte body ++Lifestyle with health, fitness and academic focus ++Outfits are cute and match well with overall aesthetic ++Taste in men somewhat questionable, but I guess fits with the overall theme -Transportation matches fit lifestyle ++Music taste could be expanded -Home not really my taste -Edc makes sense but could be expanded a little . What's the watch?Overall 6/10
>>18378116nice and modest, + for cars, edc, and lifestyle. style is sort of reminiscent of a bisexual le cottagecore "soft boy" but thats not your fault. branch out with music plz>>18378857sovl (besides volkswagen product tho i kinda like this 1). goodluck with marriage>>18379292very cute nona i feel like we could be friends, but pls no eating disorder. also>ethel cainits time to take the terfpill
>>18380377sh-shes just like me... eerily similar to mine, great stuff>>18380613nice stuff, your hair really suits your face (from what i can see) and style. ex-emo im assuming from the mcr? nice type in girls too. fairly conventional chart but well-made nonetheless>best girl grid here. I've had that picture in the top right of your man/girl section as my phone background for 2 yearsgreat minds>>18381016wow i love this, super well made. if you ever add to this you should put more musik. also what is fa chuds' strange inclination towards brunette women?? i dont get it
>>18381311>wow i love this, super well made. if you ever add to this you should put more musik. also what is fa chuds' strange inclination towards brunette women?? i dont get itThanks a lot, now that it's done I will improve it from time to time.Why don't you get it? Dark hair with green or blue eyes is a classic European phenotype. I think that growing up and living in North Atlantic Europe, where the majority of girls have these characteristics, has made me love them all the more.
>>18372073Thanks fren, i haven't really participated in the discussions tho. Which one is your chart?
>>18378116Updated version.>>18378857Thanks my Dutch? counterpart, loving your one.>>18381309Yeah was always kind of a softboy but feel like I'm beginning to change. It is hard to get by in life by being a pushover.
>>18379292what is your rym
I want to make a /fit/ version of this, what do you think I should replace? I want to add something related to nutrition/routine and join home, EDC and Car into lifestyle. Any recommendations?
>>18384327There already is a /fit/ version, you newest of newfags.
>>18384327Every board has it's own chart you plebitor