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What's /fa/'s opinion on male doing fillers to looksmaxxing their face?(I don't know the lingo kids use, sorry) Have you done it yourself? Would you do it?

Seems pretty reasonable in my opinion. Most women are on some sort of fillers (at least in my part of the world) anyways. Is there anything wrong with a guy doing the same thing? Celebrities do it all the time, why shouldn't an ordinary guy do it to?
Looks good, but since it's just fillers and not an implant I'm guessing you have to do re-do it constantly and that fucks up your face eventually.
fillers look only good short term
over long term they migrate, granulate and attract water and make you look bogged
sorry, but its the truth
prove me wrong, i hope im wrong, but this is the reason im not getting fillers
You can tell a disingenious clinic when after pics have make up applied, better haircuts and "glowing" tone + make up + tan.
I once called out a clinic on this and she denied it vehemently although in after pic it was clear the woman was wearing make up and had better skin tone apart from bone alterations.
Incel to faggot. That's my opinion.
OP here, I fully agree. It is a well proven fact. But how else are you going to look like a gigachad? Get fat graft sculpting on the face or out implants on the inside??

You are absolutely right, I overlooked this fact, well, the facial structure is different, can't deny that.
> But how else are you going to look like a gigachad?
Osteotomies only and accept you ain't gonna look like giga chad.
Best you can hope for is Le Forts, maybe some implants and train neck with roids religiously (thick wide neck = instant Chad appeal). I don't know how you expect fat graft sculpting to help?
Pic related - Philipp Kirkorov and Timur Khaydarov (one of the most famous plastic surgeons in Russia right now)

The surgeon gave him good looking abs, all through fat sculpting. And he has done it on places other than the abs.
Looks the same, just light on eyes.

Looks better before.

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