Gen Z(oy) killed fashion for good. It all looks like gay and shit now. Bravo broccoli faggots.
It's a good thing. Good fashion exists so you can stand out from the mass. (/fa/ is the epitome of the mass).
>>18368146Good. Fashion is for consoomers. Now we can all go back to wearing clothes that are actually practical, functional, and say something about you as a person, your community, and nation, based on your culture and individual taste, and not what the fashionjew wants you to buy this season to fill his bottomless coin bag with more shekels.
if you actually care about fashion you'll learn to sewnothing more effay than making your own clothes
>>18368146Make your own trends..
>>18368146Fashion died a long time ago, fren.
>>18368146zoomer style is best described as "wigger but gay"