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Why does every shoe have a heel?
I am not a Butcher trying to keep my feet out of the blood, I am not a Horseman stating in the stirrups, I am not a manlet trying to deceive others about my height, nor am I a woman.
it wears faster than the center, so it makes sense to have more material there
>just shorten your Achilles tendon, goyim.
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You jest but this is why western society can't squat with their heels on the floor
You’re onto something for sure. They often put thick meme heels on running shoes pretending it’s a comfort benefit but they make you run worse
It's called the market
No reason to ever squat in a civilization. If you can squat, it implies you went out of your way to practice squatting. Squatting is an example of conspicuous consumption; the person can waste time every day practicing their squat, a useless skill nobody needs in their actual environment, therefore they must have a lot of resources to waste. Meanwhile in the third world, a full ATG squat conveys no social status, because everyone has mastered it due to milling around all day anyway. They would laugh at the idea we consider squatting to be some valuable ability because they would recognize the superiority of our lifestyle in more important dimensions, like having mass-produced porn and videogames.
> the person can waste time every day practicing their squat
As opposed to what? What would not be a 'waste of time'? Wagecucking for the boss instead?
It's low tier shitholes who are schizophrenic about being 'productive' all the time. First world countries have more than enough productive capacity to enjoy life and train their bodies and develop themselves as they wish free of any economic pressure
Wagecucking is lower-status because it provides you with something useful (the wage). I'm saying squatting is only identified with status because it's useless. It implies that you have time beyond wagecucking in which to develop useless skills. That's conspicuous consumption, it says "I am wealthy, I have time/money to burn." Just like wearing nice clothing (including heels) and knowing the rules of putting together an outfit and understanding the trends around us, we value the squat precisely because it represents the ability to waste time engaging with such a pointless thing to an advanced level.
Why do your feet have heels?

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