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Dark Academia and other cores that make you look smart.
Post inspo, talk about our style God Waldun, shitpost; just keep it chill, y'all.
who is this babyfaced gook?
Some YouTube loser /lit/ talks way too much about. I think his PhD thesis just got rejected or something.
Maybe he needs to shave his head, get tattoos, get gun and knifes, maybe take some roids and rec drugs
Dark academia only looks good if you are absolutely shredded. Otherwise you pass as a pretentious prick
the definition of a non-entity
A godawful BookTuber who can barely speak, doesn’t have an intellectual bone in his body, and sure as shit can’t write (his attempts at writing a novel were, frankly, pathetic), but is desperate to live some kind of literary lifestyle (aesthetic).

He’s kind of a joke. They don’t seriously like him. I mean, maybe they like him as a person but they don’t like his work or whatever.
The hugest problem in the world are people who give people like him attention, like you.
Actual Trad/Ivy/Prep and not /trad/ivy/prep/

But if you’ve ever worked at a university, you know the smartest guys on campus (kings of the pseuds basically) are always rocking a bar version of Gorpcore or Targetcore.
I only know who he is because I use /lit/ and have his books a try since I like to support new authors. I don’t follow his content and I certainly don’t subscribe to him.
The best thing would be if you completely ignored him.
>tee with armpit sweat stains
>blue jeans that fit poorly
>foam sneakers
>big backpack
that's it, that's professorcore
For what purpose? Just to be spiteful? Why?
Because non-entities are ignored. Do you normally stop and care about what a fly is doing around you?
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behold this Lynchburgian gentleman who does math for a living
You just know his cock is 4 inches long
gorp died like 18 months ago man lol
Which is perfectly adequate
Damn. You are retarded.
Damn, you are actually. Little tip: if every gorp reblogger just puts black dudes in streetwear on their account and even Uniqlo sells gorp, it's over.
Learn how to read dumbass. They’re not ACTUALLY wearing gorpcore.
>deep voice with puritan chud aura
uh based
400k subs. He's hot right now. And you are shit. Seethe kek
So /lit/'s version of ja/ck/ then, got it.

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