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>slepth with dozens of women, get complements from them and cosmetologists, look 5 years younger my age
>clearly see asymmetries in my face, hate every detail of it
how do I lookmaxx naturally?
what are some legit tips?

When I like how I look I feel like Gaston but when I don't like how I look I feel like shit
>Cleansing: acquire 2% salicylic acid (even this is strong, dilute with wet hands when applying) and witch hazel (not in alcohol). cleanse with witch hazel primarily and the acid only when neccesary, probably only once a week. cleanse at night to get the shit of the day off your face
>Washing: turn shower tap to cold when washing your face
>Moisture: as needed. I recommend aloe based. Seed oils ok since it's topical. avoid literally any petrochem ingredients, and desu you can find plenty of options that dont have any garbage in them at all.

>dial in how often you need to shampoo. its probably not every day.
>you can make your own petro free shampoo using ratios of oils, castille soap, and aloe
>if using product stick to clays with minimal ingredients, desu petrochems might be not that bad here but dont buy the cheapest shit. hanz is fine.

>8 hours of sleep on a routine schedule. this one is pretty simple but apparently nobody does it

>15-30min of cardio daily. personally i like jumprope since i dont have to get rained on.
>regular lifting sessions: probably minimum 3 weekly. not even big weights

actual facemaxxing
>the only part of mewing you should worry about is tongue posture. eventually it becomes natural.
>breath only through your nose

aside fromt his its just having not retarded facial hair and not retarded hair. work on them as needed. obviously tweeze your unibrow.
There are no lookmaxxing tips other than basic hygiene and maintaining body weight in the normal range.
That one weird freak who has spent millions to avoid aging has tried literally every method available from skincare to diet to weird fucking laser, blood, supplement treatments and has literally achieved nothing
Nothing will fix asymmetries, even surgery can fuck it up if the asymmetry is too subtle

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