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Is he effay, eff ay?
no and its extremely disrespectful for him to dress like a slob everywhere he goes
Russia is really losing to this manlet. Sad
No, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Russaboo who hate Jews.
idk if he is effay but he is /fit/ for sure.
No but rishi looks even worse. British politicians since the 80's have been wearing these daft suits where the fabric is so thin it looks like polyester even if it's actually wool. It looks so daft. Look at any old photos of Nye Bevin, Anthony Eden or Enoch Powell and you'll see their suits have a bit of weight to them in the material so they drape decently and give off a dominant and authoritative vibe even if you're actually just a trade unionist who'll seize a mountain of gibs and then destroy British prosperity with crap industrial strategy and erosion of property rights.

Rishi, by contrast, looks pathetic. He looks like he's being made to wear a suit. Zelenskyy at least looks like he's wearing something he's comfortable in, even if the effect is obviously curated and fake (look at those clean new trainers). British politicians aren't even required to wear suits when they're not abroad. The only rule for MPs is that they "wear a jacket" in the house of commons. Watch any footage of the house and you'll see this is interpreted very liberally.

Also, Zelenskyy looks like a budget version of the PIRA or UDA. British and Irish people have already mastered that aesthetic and pull it off much better.

This. He could at least put on a service shirt onunder the jumper and maybe some more formal boots if he wanted to kee the paramilitarist look.
Another stupid thread to instantly hide
>vatnigger seethe
2 more weeks ivan right ivan?
what a slob, with all the millions he's been handed at least he could've buy a nice suit. Classic jew.
Zelensky is trying to look like he is constantly at war, since 2022, but he mostly just looks like he is at the barracks rather than the battlefield.
>wear suit
>he's at war, his people are dying, and he's wearing expensive suits, omg he doesn't care about his own people

>don't wear suit
>what a slob, he can't even bother putting on a suit

wow, 4chan is totally not attacked by russians so they can influence and indoctrinate weak teenage incels. yes, yes, keep hating your fellow people :^)

>look like he is constantly at war
that's because he is

Question for the Putin-loving Russians, was it worth it? The world actually feared your army before. Centuries worth of reputation, all down the drain...
>Steals your swag
>Still mogs you
Nothing personal, Jew.
>. yes, yes, keep hating your fellow people :^)
Ukrainians aren't my people tho?
>deranged ramblings about russia
completely mindbroken lmao.
I personally don't care about Russia or Ukraine, as long as my tax dollars aren't going there I don't care. This is the attitude any non shill should take. Otherwise you will probably stop being paid after Trumps inauguration and will have to go back to scamming old ladies at the call center
>anyone disagreeing with my Russian-sponsored propaganda must be a shill

>Ukrainians aren't my people tho?
I didn't mean Ukrainians though. Russians want you to hate your fellow American people: minorities, women, LGBT, and so on. They would do anything to divide and weaken your country.
>minorities, women, LGBT
And you think these groups feel some kind of affinity with white men? Russians have more in common with us than the aforementioned groups.
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who doesn't think Borat is funny.
Borat isn't funny. Nothing sasha has ever done has been funny. What if I did a mike myers type character as man on the street is a youtube tier idea

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