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I was at the second hand store again today and liked those dresses.

Should I get any of them? Transgirl obviously.
Buy a rope hon these are all ugly
I think they are hontastic, go for hem honey
they are not slutty at all
Thats the point.
>not trying to dress as slutty as possible as a trans woman
what are you even doing with your life?
I'm not sure you should be wearing women's clothing.
They all suck, but if you're babytrans it doesn't really matter you should be trying different clothes and experimenting with your wardrobe until you get a feel for what is cool
Hey babe
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So true.
Did you end up buying any
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Just this one.
post fit baby
This is what your mom wore to get pictures taken at Kmart in the 80s.

Ywn be me, but she should post it

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