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19m fashion student, wannabe rapper
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Hey I see you post a lot (you are very identifiable even when posting anonymously) and sometimes I see other people call you a mulatto. Are you really mixed black and white? If so, I have a theory you're obsessed with "purest white" women because you subconsciously hate the nonwhite part of yourself and want extra strength bleach for your gene pool. Let me know your thoughts on this. Regards, Anon.
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I don't like it, but it's interesting enough to respect.
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cool cars (except the lancer)
good body and style
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What I filled in last time but didn't feel like posting. Not sure how much it still applies
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like the phone case, everything else so bad i feel like this is bait. 4/10

sexcore pilled and fishermans ejoyer, but else so bland that im sure this is ai generated

quality post, especially on LIFESTYLE

good tattoo takes and MAN/GIRL. Also quality youtube ejoyer

obv best post in thread so far, all good takes except maybe hair imo, but jedem das seine amirite
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Fun style, there's a lady at the grocery store near here who wears a lot of bracelets like that.
Solid, cool.
Nice hair and body.
I like the home.
Nice EDC.
>that body
Why even pretend, at this point?
I'll admit I've sucked as much cock as anyone else on here, but she was the one.
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+Vita, +Gucci Trap House
somethings throwing me off. Real questionable vibes.
+physiques, +lifestyle, +brown girls, +wheels 4/9
+physiques, +lifestyle, +females, +wheels, +music... 8/9
+pandemonium 0.5/9
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Made some more improvements & de-nazified a bit since most people didn't like it that much. As usual, I am black, and used Music for entertainment.

I don't like rap, 4/10
Do you really like the girls pics you have on? 1/10
Pretty solid, but pajeetas? Add more shit in Lifestyle btw, 7/10
Quite nice, 7/10
Sorry that you're flat, based family man, 6/10
Solid 0/10, are you serious?
Add more shit, like 4 pics in each section minimum, improve/10
Sorry didn't see you when i made the ratings.
Add more stuff to Lifestyle, Girls are OK, 6/10
>I wish I was jacked and had a hot gf and a cool car

No shit, so does every guy. What's the point of these threads exactly?
inspo and expression.
also find great brands, images, and music from these threads.
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Based schizo
Why tf do you want to look like a rotting corpse? Get help sis
Intimidating fella
10/10, dangerously based. I'd start instictively kneeling if I ever met the person that your pic envisions
Yee yee ass haircut
Fuck off Kanye, you're still cringe
Based mustachechad. Fashion, body shape and taste in women is mid tho
>why do you want to look like a rotting corpse?
I just want to be skinny and have my bones show, especially as I've started out from a higher weight
But that's gross and also really unhealthy. Seriously, the top right pic looks like a corpse found at Auschwitz, it's probably a literal anorexia patient
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Cool gun + outfits
Mostly cool besides face and body
Cool hair, horrible everything else
Based bk hat and peacock feather
JoJo fan
Cool cars, house, guns/knives
Black nazi?
Ted was right
Serial killer vibes
>Serial killer vibes
Okay but like a sexy serial killer, right?
If top right face then a bit
>Ted was right
Not Bill...?
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Zoomer wigger at worst, for some reason you remind me of a good friend though. (some) Good music picks too.

lol, interesting

Good one, style and physique in particular. Esoteric lifestyle.

This one slowly keeps getting better. Is that Juliana Chahayed? I saw her perform earlier this month.

(more) Alternative tradewife. Such sickly thinness always saddens me a little.

Terrifying, I'm sure that is what you intended though.

Those tats are probably the most offensive thing on there. Other than that just O.K.

Home is nice.

Wat da hell


Is the hairband for heroin too? Style is pretty cool.

>hex maniac

good music and style. Not terribly cliche to say the least.
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wrong one, made a slightly more updated one
>Is the hairband for heroin too?
lmao no, it's for the bottom left hairstyle in my pic

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