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what is the name of this style?
Rich kid with zero talent
>what is the name of this style?
The 1990s
80s Armani.
I don't support jewish owned businesses sorry not sorry
Unironically, Dark Academia
There is no name, you faggot zoomer. Not everything is some "style" or "core". It's just 1920's-40's style high rise trousers and suit jacket.

but also looks late 80s early 90s
He looks 20 on OP and iirc he recorded the first Goldbergs at that age so this was around 1950s. But he was also an autist shutin that dressed with what he had available.
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dunno but damn I love david byrne
talentless hack who shat all over every piece he ever put his grubby hands on
play us something you stupid faggot piece of shit.
not sure how this is relevant to gould’s interpretations of pretty much everything in his repertoire being objectively eccentric for the sake of it.
I dunno I kind of like his Inventions, especially the one you can hear him whispering
>especially the one you can hear him whispering
you mean literally every recording he ever made? also his inventions and sinfonias are terrible, his bach is just bone dry and so insufferably affected.
I may be a normie but it seems like Gould brought Inventions to the mainstream, even with the affectations and eccentricities of his personal style. I would be interested in a more modern interpretation, something less dry. For modern listening, like in a car. Maybe Olafsson.
G angsta
G enius
G lenn
G ould
G onna
G et

Never share an opinion ever again. The world does not deserve to endure such stupidity.
i can assure you that the inventions and sinfonias were well within the repertoire of concert pianists long before gould was even a twinkle in his daddy's nutsack. also, olafsson is a terrible pianist. you could try someone like koroliov, hewitt or andras schiff.
is sucking men off a hobby of yours? or only mentally ill canadians?
Charlie Chaplin. AKA hobo.
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Gould is the condom of classical music. Filters out any bad seed from besieging the purity of the womb of classical.

you people are so insufferable, if we can even call you people
>koroliov, hewitt or andras schiff
thanks for the rec
>immediately thinks of dick-sucking without provocation
You don't need to pretend to be straight any longer.
this poster doesn't know anything about music
without provocation? >>18187196 clearly exists, and is as homosexual as it gets.
tell me which piano daddy of yours i insulted to make you sob so profusely.
you are unable to discern appreciation for artistry from homoerotic feelings.
because you are gay.
popular mens fashion tiktok accounts core
European mogs

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