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The faggot
She literally looks like the female equivalent of that genre of man
I'm literally gay and she's way more fuckable than those guys in the OP
this is the third thread about the mullet + mustache combo on the catalog, can't we talk about something else?
Weird Al
Idubbz doesn’t seem to age, what is his secret?
He's 30?
it's called "/fa/ just discovered this almost five year old trend in the past week for some reason"
corny ass mullet mustache combo ass mfs. proably wear white tank tops and doc martins, lil sissy boys
such as?
it ahs to be the same 2 indians or something, this shit has been vaguely mainstream since 2019
Low T
i look like this....
People dig it though, the haters are probably chuds that are too scared to just be themselves
the willing to throw away dignity for arthoe poon (really wish i could say i blame them)
art hoes haven't been a thing since pre-covid
the pedo stache is egregious, sorry but everybody thinks you touch kids.
Looks pretty average for 30.
this type of dude will absolutely weaponise therapy speak in order to rape women
nope, this type of dude became what he is by dating a girl who's into therapy speak
this is what you genuinely consider to be your 'authentic self'? i'm very sorry to hear that, and i'll be sure to send my thoughts and prayers to your family in hopes that you recover from this terrible plight as soon as possible. please, get well soon.
Closet paedophile.
Presents himself as cool and edgy on the first layer, then as a fucking good person on the second layer then he's a sex pest on the layer below.
It’s the snake in the grass
doesn't seem to age? lol just look at one of his vids from 5 years ago. it's just that men don't age like milk usually. if they don't turn to fat slobs. he'd look even better if he didnt go for that gay LA cowboy look
Why are you making this thread every week on different boards? Did that guy fuck your mother?
different people anon, someone is living rent free in your head
Its called post-ironic white trash

She's cute but she's actually crazy, like cut herself and wreck up your house crazy
This checks out, she looks like my ex who was exactly that
The stupid liberal
safe edgy
the local pedophile
fashion is a 20 year cycle, they're just nu-hipsters
>Trust Fund Sleaze
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Groomer core
the pussy getter
how many more times are you faggots going to make this exact thread
zoomer .pdf file
>too scared to just be themselves
ah yes being yourself by wearing a uniform
Guy that gets really performative about some gay abstractions like waycism or gender but will also try to fuck a 16 year old as a 26 year old
serious question: what men do younger women/teen girls like? I mean apart from timothy chalemet and tom holland, I cant even think of any actors and they are both pushing 30…and in terms of music, they seem to just listen to the same the millennials listened to so those guys are all mid 30s
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Is this a good look

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