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The Fragrance Groups 101 chart
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The Fragrance Flowchart for Beginners
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Tried pic related today and really liked it. I don’t know if it has a leather note but the drydown reminds me a bit of a Chanel fragrance, maybe Egoiste or Antaeus, though this one smells much more woody. Got a 2ml decant so will be wearing out again to figure out if it’s bottle worthy.
garbage as always
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>Guerlain Vetiver
>Nicolai Vetyver
>Parfum d'Empire Vetiver Bourbon
all of them are fucking great

no u
Mowgli and Nicolaitranny - two fingers of the same fragile hand
gonna throw on some victoire right now
fantastic as always
yes it's very good
kys indian
cope, seethe, mald and dilate
SOTD the best Dior of the last 15 years
pic unrelated
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our response?
the Parfum was better, but it's pretty nice for a sport flanker. very incensy
I agree, but DHI and DHP are not versatile enough IMO. DHS shouldn't have been a sports flanker anyway.
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You don't need more.
i need to get my hands on the PdE sample set already, i’ve been taking my sweet time with ordering it
seethe harder mowglischizo
the bar is on the floor in that regard, friendo
>our response?
the idea of fragances that smell like laundry detergent is pretty cool tho
examples anyone?
estee lauder
cool water
azzaro chrome line forgot to mention
Is anyone else getting bored of fragrances?
>i need to get my hands on the PdE sample set already
do it, you even get a 20 EUR voucher for a full bottle purchase
it's a shame they don't send out samples for Ruade as it's too expensive (420 EUR for a 50ml bottle), do yourself a favor and check it out in a store if you can
top3 (yeah, Luca Turin was right again):
>Vetiver Bourbon

imo all clean musks fit this bill, some examples:
>Nasomatto Silver Musk
>Etro Musk
>EP The Musc

i really want to try ruade, that fucking sucks. i don’t own any ouds (so far my favorite ouds so far have been the cartier ones) so i’m interested to try a truly uncivilized oud. is it something you’d recommend blind buying? i’m kinda tempted to leap on the jomashop bottle.
>some examples:
didn't mention kiehls
he neither
MFK 747
CdG Marseille (not laundry detergent but savon de Marseille)
don't blind buy a 420 EUR frag, it's just silly - i'm sure you can find decanted samples on the internet
also i don't find it uncivilized, it's basically natural oud and hay in a sophisticated 'horse-y' way, imo it shares notes with some of Corticchiato's Corsican Heritage frags (like Corsica Furiosa or Mal-Aimé)
check out Dusita Oudh Infini or Rogue A'Oud Ancienne if you want a stinky oud in your collection
it’s on jomashop for $200 for 50ml which is really not that bad. i’ve done crazier blind buys before, so i’m kinda tempted. it absolutely sounds up my alley and a serious oud is something i’m genuinely missing in my wardrobe, so i may spring for it. i do like mal-aime a lot as well (the only PdE i have a sample of), so that helps.
i have a sample of rogue’s a’oud ancienne and it’s really just too vile for my taste. it truly does smell like horse manure.
buy it now
Guerlain Vetiver EDT or Parfum? And which one is better for warmer weather?
i’ve busted my spare income allowance for the month on clothes. next month or september probably.
EDT, the parfum is a waste of time.
Parfum, not even a contest.
+1 for EDT
the Parfum is worse for more money

gl;hf (also fuck you, that's a great price)

>Parfum, not even a contest.
lol wtf
tell us why you would say that
if you’re a retard, yes
i was eyeing some bottles of used cartier l’heures for like $650 (a really good price for like 7 bottles god damn) but i might have to blow all my spare dosh on those and ruade next month. i have too many fucking hobbies man.
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Because I have that isn't broken.
my condolences
yeah, retard was right.
the answer is EDT, to both
explain, elaborate, seduce me
>wanting to be seduced by another man
average prada l’homo wearer
checked and true
frag for these digits?
Always EdT for Guerlain.
>And which one is better for warmer weather?
Neither, realistically? Parfum is really good, though.
untrue, the current EDPs for the feminines are quite a bit better than their EDT counterparts
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What fragrance to use if I abuse Linux?
sotd jules
pic related
what smells like this soap?

looks nice on paper, have any experience wearing it?
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Let's settle this once and for all, what is /our frag/?

Should work for any occasion, any season, any time.
New York Intense
cool water
Something disgusting in any case, as demonstrated by the two previous replies.
I bought a 5ml decant of creed aventus and a 100ml bottle of cool water on sale, which was cheaper than 5ml aventus. And i like cool water more.
that’s because cool water is good and aventus isn’t
It has to be Aventus. Not because it's the best frag ever, but because of the rabid fanaticism it inspires on both sides. This play is nothing but an argument that never ends, bottle that up and you get Aventus.

Also fuck you to the coward janny that banned me for a couple days because of bulge posting, my dick was covered. You can post bulge on Instagram and not get banned you jealous bastard.
based and bulge pilled
of course the faggot pajeet thinks aventus is worth jack shit lol
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Has anyone tried this before? How strong is the incense in it?
>2. Date with german mid 30 women
>meetup at my place
>french kissing and petting at my couch
>grab her ass and pull down her bra and suck on her nipples
>rubbing her clitoris too
>not went any further but she wants a relationship
I think i got a german GF, nice. All hail Aventus.
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Is this fine for the office?
not if you want to smell good
Care to give a recommendation for a suitable fragrance instead of just being a contrarian nigger?
Should I reply to you, coomer mutt?
>having an informed opinion is contrarian
obviously not
What's the most fruity feminine smell I can pick as a guy without being faggy?
Sotd: light blue intense
I smell like salty water and that's a good thing
you smell like someone who doesn’t actually like perfume, more like
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Many complain that fragrances have become weaker and that they don't last or perform unless sprayed over 10 times. But did those people think about the business point of view? How is someone supposed to make money from something that costs 50$ if people are only going to buy it once a year? Prices have to go up and performance has to go down, otherwise no more fragrance because no more money.
Light blue intense don't smell like salty, but plasticy-citrusy, almost like hairspray.
Try OG Kenzo Homme instead.
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did anyone try the new Rogue frag?

>Absolue De Mousse
>Resinous, mossy, bitter-green, spicy, floral. Introducing Absolue de Mousse, an olfactive journey that delves into the very essence of Mousse Illuminee. You will be immersed in a symphony of oakmoss and treemoss, harmoniously blended with myrrh resin and labdanum. The result? A sweet, captivating note that radiates throughout the fragrance...
Rogue is an amateur clone house that operates at a competence level which is objectively inferior to even Middle Eastern clone brands. Just further proof that branding is all it takes to sway fragtards.
Cringe af
Should you spray fragrance on your skin or clothes?
>SOTD: Asad
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Leans feminine with sweetness and florals. You can look at Botafumeiro note pyramide which I feel is a much closer representation of the actual smell. More smokey than incensy. Overall when I smell it I imagine a freshly baked cake with fruits, a sticky sweet glaze on top and just a tiny bit of smokey char at the bottom.
You have to try, some fragrances smell better on skin, some smell the same, some lasts longer on clothes or on skin etc...
It depends on what you want/like, most of the time you do both.
I don't get citrus a lot. For me it's salty musk
on yo ass
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I completely gave up on niche houses. It was interesting at first to smell like a plank of wood or a barnyard with rode. But in the end of day i wanna get laid and scents like Allure homme sport, Cool water and Aventus will do the job.
Pink To Pink by Lataffa
what is l’homme supposed to be cloning again?
lol, lmao, rofl even
post top5 frags so we can evaluate your objective opinion
no, but been meaning to try for a while. i picked it for the name
Why are you so obsessed with German women? What's so special about them anyway?
I've tried Kenzo Homme EDP (very nice, "dark" leathery aquatic), EDT (pretty good classic aquatic but smells like nail polish remover to me), and EDT Intense (not as good, kinda screechy tropical fig scent, meh)

Are the other flankers worth trying?
This one is better
Rogue is massively overhyped brand in these threads considering he has only one good fragrance, Mousse Illuminee.
don’t reply to the coomer mutt
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Post your most used fragrance
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I am about to coooom
And you niggas called me dumb for saying it's real. Lol
fuck you for meme-ing it into reality
BDC Elixir next
I want to try this. Is it good?
all roger bird frags are overpriced slop
roja dove is a scam designed to take full advantage of the unceasing waves of rich oil money arabs and indian brahmins that flood harrods in london every day.
"Trivial, cheap-smelling woody lime thing"

also this >>18190518

to make it even more obvious, he used to have a of frags named after gulf states just to pander to his clients who are willing to pay 500 USD for 50 ml.
Roja is also a perfect example how fucked up the "niche" category is.
Cloning designer scent DNAs, claiming it's made with better oils and make it 10x more expensive than designers.
At this point i can safely say that most niche are a scam.
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Hello /frag/ vacationing in Seoul and have access to way more selection than my home nation. I am looking for recommendations because I am not very knowledgeable in this area. Following the guide posted:

-Provide your age range
-Provide the season or climate you intend to wear the fragrance in.
Tropical 80's and 70% humidity
Provide your ideal price range for buying a recommended frag
$200 or less
-Provide some details on what type of scent you are looking for (favorite notes and accords, hated notes and accords, etc.)
-I like Ferragamo UOMO signature and English Laundry Cambridge Knight
Provide some details on your intended aesthetic and setting for wearing a scent (frag for school, the office, dates, casual daily wear, etc.)
-Daily for the office. UOMO Signature was my daily but I cannot find it.
Any experience with Carthusia? Looking for something cheaper than Acqua di Sale with the same profile
the artsy niches are ok, but they have dogshit performance most of the time
Best fragrance to attract Russian chicks in Dubai?
Is anywhere selling decants of this yet? I didn’t even see it released.
L'Wallet Intense
yes, Ecuación Natural has it
>sotd: the one in the OP
the only patrician choice today
montblanc individuel
probably a toss-up between Heritage EdT and Habit Rouge EdT
those 2 + Shalimar EDP are my top 3 frags ever made
Pretty bottle and expensive price means it's good
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I’ve never ordered from Ecuación Natural, they primarily service Spain, correct?

Do they also ship to the US?

I’ll have to look at some other major sites after I get out of work. Thanks for the heads up on the release!
they do ship to the US but you will probably have better options there (like ordering the 30ml bottle from Rogue)
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Unironically recommend this as a cheap summer frag that's not just another citrusy smell.
Opening is very minty a bit on the synthetic side, but quickly dries down to a very nice refreshing black tea with slight minty-citrusy notes.
Mechant Loup or Premier Figuier?
does cool water pass as a good gym scent
It's a much more earthy, gentle fragrance that lacks the soapy sparkle of Illuminee. But it opens with a really vile funk that I can't put my finger on. I don't know if it's worth suffering through the opening to enjoy.
Luckyscent has samples.
Kek. I was thinking the exact same thing in a much less humorous way.

Even at the modest price of $85 not going to blind buy a 30 ml bottle.

Ahh thank you, I’ll have to pick up a sample with my next order.
Fragrance to attract white women as a man of dark complexion?
see >>18190574
where would pic related fit onto this chart? it's the only fragrance i own / am familiar with. i have gone to department stores and sampled some other options but they all just smelled like "department store cologne" to me -- so it's hard to have a reference for smells besides "leather" "tobacco" "tire rubber" etc.
probably somewhere up by Le Male EDT - both have that vanilla/mint/tonka vibe, but i don't get lavender with Eros EDT
correct (confirmed by digits as well)
in the dogshit section
mediterraneo is god tier but not sure if its any similar
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is fantomas actually wearable or is it a total meme?
it's definitely wearable if you can find a good occasion for it (contemporary events come to mind but ofc ymmv)
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What's the best frag with this kind of DNA?
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Ted Lapidus Pour Homme - $20. Need it or Keep it?
Is Cool Water Reborn good?
I like it. it's like kouros but pineapple/honey instead of cinnamon. i didn't care for lapidus sport though.
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rate my collection so far
pretty good, tuscan leather takes me back to memories at the strip club
Been wearing D&B blue intense that I was gifted. Also have 4711 and Cool Water. I use 4711 at home because it's so light and short. I have had negative reactions to Cool Water from women so it's stuck on the shelf.

I want to get a cold weather fragrance for the upcoming seasons. Thinking G&B The One EDP because it's apparently light and I can't stand very strong scents, even the Light Blue I can only stand one spray.
How are 2024 batches of CDNIM

Performance still beast mode or is it watered down?
I was hoping to sample it but perfumedcourt shut down. $20 isn't a bad blind buy and I do need an animatic. mostly I've been intrigued by the memes.
literal impoverishment in olfactory form
more like gay
Club de Nuit is one of the worse fragrances I've ever felt. Pure synthetic ink
>dry down is better
No, the dry down is also trash
Yeah I got a 2024 batch and it’s weak as fuck, I’m returning it and getting Afnan Supremacy not only intense instead…

I had a 2022 batch I gave away and it was beast mode sad it’s shit now
Is there anywhere I can buy Caron Le 3eme anymore, or am I stuck buying it directly from them? Is the same thing going to happen to Yatagan soon?
I got PUH through Fragrancebuy last month but that's the only Caron I saw, besides Yatagan
Fragrance that can make me smell like an outlaw biker like Hells Angels?
something really gay like le male
Since you're not really a biker, John Varvatos
Boss Bottled Night layered with Tom Ford Neroli smells good and refreshing
You need more if you want performance. My Encre Noires have next to no lasting power on skin. They burn away to a vague sweet-sour skin scent residue within half an hour. They last for weeks on wool, but the projection is odd even then, sometimes being distinctly noticeable across a room, often not seeming to project at all.

I like their scent profiles a lot (well, the original and extrême), but I've had enough of intensely synthetic fragrances that seem to overwhelm the senses.
It smells like ass. I expected it to macerate and improve, but no. I expected the dry down to improve the smell, but also no. Most of all, the lavender is too strong for my taste, and the other notes do nothing to help it. It's just ass and reminds me of febreeze. Just get The One.
What are some fragrances I could wear that would make people think "this guy is a rapist"
most old school masculine frags will do the trick
i'm still pissed off
sneed it. it's nice, amped up on the honey and slightly less funky than kouros. al rehab lord is similar to those two too.
i like the sports flanker but it's very different
If you're in the EU:
Aventus, Allure Homme Sport, Cool Water helped me so far. Avoid oud, sweet bombs that's all for attracting black/brown women.
>German women
Stop posting this hoe please
You hate the coomer mutt now huh?
Aventus is overrated as fuck. It's like the Tesla of perfumes.
Hilarious comparison. The fruity-chypre with musky drydown is unbeatable.
Bottle of Leathered Cum by Gangbangers
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[Songtext zu „Mit dem Schwanz in der Hand“ feat. D-Bo]

[Part 1: D-Bo]
Ich bin immer noch der Meinung, man sollte Frau'n akzeptier'n (Yeah)
Und ihn'n die Chance geben, sich selber zu blamier'n
Sie woll'n Emanzipation und ihre Stärke demonstrier'n
Ich werd' sie weiter abservier'n, mit mei'm Lächeln verwirr'n (Ah-ah)
Sie bieten mir die Stirn, ich biet' ihn'n mein'n Schwanz (Yeah)
Sie denken, ich will Hochzeit, doch es gibt nur ein'n Tanz (Ah-ah)
Komm, Baby, komm, Baby, dreh dich um, Baby
Du denkst, du bist heiß, doch ich nenne sowas dumm, Baby
Ich gebe zu, du machst mich schon an (Yeah)
Doch was soll ich machen? Schließlich bin ich ein Mann (Ah-ah)
Dann fällt mir ein, warum du überhaupt am tanzen bist
Der Beat kommt vom Hok, der Typ, der Emanzen disst
Du guckst mich an, als hättest du's ja eh gewusst (Yeah)
Versteckst dabei nur, dass du länger überlegen musst
Ich guck' dich an, runzel' mit der Stirn (Ah-ah)
Lache innerlich und du denkst: „Der hat mich gern“
Ich seh' dir in die Augen und sehe nix (Ah-ah)
Du laberst mich an, ich verstehe nix (Ah-ah)
Du findest mich süß, bei mir regt sich nix
Du redest vom Kuscheln, ich denk' an Sex
Cool, aber hässlich oder hübsch, aber dämlich
Oder schlau, aber fett oder schlank, aber dreckig (Yeah, yeah)
Ist die eine Seite top, ist die andere Seite schrecklich
Also Kopf runter, leck mich, kein'n Bock? Dann verpiss dich
[Hook: Bushido]
Keine Kriege wegen einer Bitch
Der Flow ist männlich, Nutte, also scheiß auf dich
Sonny Black, mit dem Schwanz in der Hand, du bist nix
Öffne nur aus Liebe dein'n gottverdammten Schlitz (Uh-ah)
I will consider this strong advice to never wear it. Thank you, generous fellow!
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If I wanted to smell like, say—an epiphany on a cold, clear winter night, Sirius's bright eye sparkling, the Pleiades kindly twinkling, and the Winter Hexagon hovering like heavenly nursery mobile, what would I wear?

If I wanted to be kissed by the Muses until I was quite red, and fondled like a perfect baby with eyes full of heaven, but then also seduced by their bright, swift feet in the moonlight like a hunter who has the prey in sight and blood pounding in his ears like a hurricane in a boatsail, what would I wear?

Were I to be kidnapped by Calypso and made her man-puppy-servant-dog for many years upon sex-cave-island, but whimpered long nights for my sweet, doting wife across the seas, what should I wear?

If I want to smell like the sweat of an orange in the mouth of Sappho of Lesbos when her breath rushes across its skin and she lays upon her back, and her raven hair runs down in long loops upon the sand like the ripples of time-space after a binary neutron star collision, and the hot summer wind kicks the smell of wheat and honeysuckle into the deep purple skies, and her moonlit eyes sigh with longing for me—a perfect man who will not be born for 2500 years, thus a pure and divine romance which will forever be unfulfilled, what do I wear?
Sauvage EDT bro
Lapidus, Bogart, Kouros
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I was checking the archives and one of you guys were recommending this.

Does anyone have it? What does it smell like? Where can it be worn? What would you compare it to?

Maison Margiela Under The Stars
Everything I come across that is "office appropriate" is a fresh scent. The cold weather fragrances are all date night supposedly. Is it possible to cover both bases with one cologne?
I'd say Eau des Baux is completely fine as an office frag, I use it that way myself in the colder months.
i will use Divine Vanille in the office for fall/winter

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