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File: fashionable bongs.webm (2.82 MB, 576x1024)
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Do you know what's wrong in this picture? Can they be helped?
Inbreds, it’s already fixed as they are only 25% british in london now
They have a severe case of tan surprisingly since londonistan is very bleak though their skin cant' tan hence they run into tomatoes. they're skinny fat as well. overall they're not too bad looking just need to lose weight and use sunscreen. the first one looks like a retarded val kilmer might look like the real thing if he did what I SAID.
It's just your typical dough-faced Brits. They could lose weight and get plastic surgery.
Put on 10 years with healthy habits and they're alright
Needs a beard to hide the weak chin
Are they reenacting their high school prom?
These are Irish Gypsies, not Brits.
>replace inbred brits with inbred pakis and africans
I don't think you've solved the problem there pal
I don't know. Inform me. The first one's tie is horribly tied. The second one's suit doesn't quite look like it fits. The third man looks like he's gripping a mug of beer somehow, and the forth one looks like he can't wait to get home "to da missus" and flop onto a sofa which makes up the other half of his backside on a good day.
>Do you know what's wrong in this picture?
terminal angloidism
>Can they be helped?
'fraid not
They're Irish Gypises, not Anglos
They are Irish Gypsies, not British
>1st guy:
Awfully looking tie and knot, awful belt. Suit fits okay tho

>2nd guy:
Also awfully cheap tie (applies to all of them), shirt collar looks very strange to me. Overall still okay

>3rd guy
Wearing the shirt open with the tie, the vest looks kinda off, but not too bad

>4th guy
Same issue with the shirt. He is the one who sould be wearing his too tight suit open and not closed in a wrong way

>5th guy
Quite similar but not as bad as number 4

Their shoes also mostly look cheap. Overall a lot of signs which scream that they have close to never worn a suit in their lives and are from a lower class background.

I think they can still all be safed if they lived in a country with proper culture. Not the last guy in the car tho, he is fucked forever putting a ring that bimbo.
suits are rented so none of them fit right.
especially that poor guy with the white tie.

they all need their own suits that they can get tailored right.
they shouldn't be wearing belts with a waistcoat in the first place, suspenders
Why are british people like this?
if they were measured for those rentals id go back and slap whoever served them that day
Great post.

The overall confused look on their faces and their poor physical shape just screams low class. They look very coarse.

Not confuse low class with having limited money or being from a humble background mind you, can still have limited financial means and look elegant.
Not a single one of them is in shape and most of them are fat
Blue suit. That explains it all.
The lad in the car is her father.
I can't believe these are my ancestors
I refuse to believe it
don't the people that loan the suit usually tell you how to wear ir?
their suits don't fit and they all look like they've been forced to do this
they can tell you how to wear it until they go blue in the face, buddy's belt is still going to show out from under his waistcoat if the rise is too short.

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