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Now I need help putting together a closet. I've posted before about my internship, but now I'll have some money to get some real stuff. Please help me out.
Hope you enjoy your new job and have great success, you look like a happy well adjusted person and deserve it
Please not again
Don't forget your pocket square
I'm honestly just happy that someone in my age bracket has found success.
A rare instance of genuine positivity on this shithole of a website.

You will do well in life
White and light blue dress shirts for the week. Start with plain if you're not used to it, then when comfortable you can buy shirts with patterns like stripes.

Same for any suit and/or sports jackets you buy. Start with the simple stuff first before experimenting. Navy Blue and Mid to Dark Grey are your best bet for now. If going the sports jacket/pants route then again keep it simple and go with blues, browns and greys for your pants. These are your basic business colours, other colours are mainly for more casual affairs.

Not sure if you're going to wear a tie or not but again err on the conservative side, simple plain and striped ties. Here you can get a bit fancier with colour but again keep it on the muted/darker side rather than the bright side.

As for pocket squares, again go with a simple white in a presidential fold, and maybe a fancier one for casual Fridays (if a thing).

Shoes are the simplest thing here. Basic black leather dress shoes, derby or oxfords are fine. Scope out the field and see what others wear to decide where to go next in regarding adding to your work wardrobe.
this guy looks like he has a sister who’s a proper fucking whore
imagine Cooper rape
Full sprezz
not this gay ass nigga again for the umpteenth fucking time
just get a nonblack suit already ffs
he, or rather the guy obsessing over him, made this thread last year already
Genuine good advice
Genuine happiness for another. Also anyone can make tons of money if they're able to sell.
Kinda takes away from the positive feeling of the thread but whatever
Is there anything useful to say on where to get dress shirts or is it all the same?

Sadly so far I've noticed more money is more quality as always. It's not a big problem.
Buy nice dress shirts, new with tags, on sites like ebay. Don't waste $60 on a crappy shirt when you can get a really nice, $300 shirt for less.
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no one stands out
Imagine some absolutely confident, tall, grinning man wearing a grey, glenn check sports jacket and some flannel trousers. I;d choose him as my consultant every time.
Unfortunately the majority of firms that hire consultants are very conservative, which makes you wonder wtf they really want
t. business change analyst who is forever arguing with boomers who hire me to give them bad news and for some reason they expect me to give them good news
I'm a fucking business CHANGE analyst, why hire me if you don't want your business to change
consultants are supposed to be boring and unemotional
Reminder you are already ridiculously privileged and a zogbot NPC
Hello sirs
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good morning saar
buena suerte
>40% of post is him sucking off his new employer
Why do normoids feel the need to do this? Do they not know how pathetic they come across? Do other normoids find this behavior dignified?
why are you back? can you post more of your hot sister?
Have you been on LinkedIn? That's how everyone talks on there.
would you rape cooper, be honest
it's called "Valentino" you absolute faggot
>t. wagie
Yeah imagine having to suck off your employer every day after you already got the job, including on a public platform no less kek. How humiliating. Thank God I’m in a powerful labour union.
It's 2024, boomer. People don't get to stay at one job forever anymore. You have to constantly keep your options open.
>we recommend firing half of your employees
Yeah there’s no way this schizo is actually self posting lol, I didn’t even need to check the old thread(s) of this guy to know that
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Congrats! You are now in a position to completely emulate and dress like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Time to read up and buy some double breasted suits! (You are living my mid 20s dream, lucky bastard. Medical school sucks Xd)
>after careful review, we recommend you outsource your labor to india
RSM, a classic big five firm.
why are you asking lolzchan for anything to do with your life?
why are you obsessed with american psycho?
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>cooper's back
What are we talking here, 5'6"?
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that's an overcoat retard, Bateman wears blue or grey suits
This is too flamboyant for consulting
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What are the good brands? Is going full Ralph Lauren tacky?
Cute couple
cooper post your feet
Aren't you the guy with the hot sister?
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What watch is this?
Short torso, small neck, small head. Would do skinny tie or bowtie - full size tie will emphasize how small he is. Wear slim fit shirts and pants. The problem is a jacket - I’d go for a japanese style cut as opposed to an italian slim suit (armani style). Japanese would be closer in their frame
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>small neck
You’re just making shit up
rolex cartier skydweller
casio cockwatch wristlet edition
I’m going to tell your employer that you’re posting on an antisemetic racist image board again. Nigger
/fa/ is a non racist board
>reflects your personality
Wrong. Your outfit should be about who you aspire to be
stop posting the guys who fucked your gf on anonymous nigerian cooking forums
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>casual friday
Good Morning Sir!
Sure thing nigger
Do finance bros still wear Patagonia since they’ve become louder about being an activist brand?
>Technological Risk
This poor guy has no idea, he might as well have become an auditor
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Greetings from Spain

What’s wrong with technology risk?
This board is light on actual advice
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Buenas trades. Anything I should buy while in Spain?
It's incredibly boring, you basically read the most tedious documentation all day long.
Did you travel to Spain and go to an American diner you philistine?
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What do you recommend working towards?
>why do you ask for fashion advice on a fashion board
Anything that's not technology risk, compliance, governance or audit.
This board is shit yes but also OP isn't genuinely asking for advice, there was a thread earlier where someone spammed pictures of this guy and pretended to be him and OP is just doing it again to troll.
>the polo of watches.
you'll never get to big4 with that attitude
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Chicos, me mudo a NY para un trabajo de consultoría. ¡Ayuda! ¿Algún consejo de moda para vestirme profesional sin perder mi estilo?
aye dios mios las creaturas americanas
Yes. In fact, the banks themselves have become more progressive and so their ass-kissing social climbing employees have adopted more progressive values as well, not to mention the majority of analyst cohorts are female and non-white now.
>moves to spain
>gets that weird spaniard look
what's going on here?
I've seen this thread at least four times already, why do you do this?
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¡Saludos desde Barcelona! Que sigan llegando recomendaciones. Os lo agradezco a todos.
lighten up on the coke. it's wearing out your face
what the fuck happened? put on sunscreen
classic friend zone selfie
Why do the euros that americans hang out with are ugly af? I see handsome american dudes go to euro to make friends and their euro friends are ugly as hell
High status euros don't want to hand out with random Americans.
Euro influenced
Business card?
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sovlless chudlet..
How's that success tho, looks like a boring / soulcrushing job to me
we use linkedin now
Come back and tell us if the Wall street coke orgies are real
Bateman was an investment banker in the 80s.
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El viaje continúa hasta Valencia. Gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo.
I don't understand the fascination with this guy
he's from arkansas, that definitely counts as insanely successful within his context. he probably has few peers who have even left the state let alone been to a foreign country or gotten a job in new york city
flagship state schools have hundreds of students that could get accepted to top private schools. lots of the get into big 4 accounting
Maybe Michigan and UCLA, Not fucking Arkansas.
Amigos, sigo absorbiendo influencias europeas. Las traeré de vuelta a América. Os aprecio a todos y cada uno de vosotros.
You're evolving from your H&M days.
what in the world?
>we are now in an era of blogposting that completely throws out any anonymity, leaving very little to the imagination
Just take this shit to Kiwifarms at this point lmao.
Can someone please DM the fucker and tell him someone’s been larping as him for months? Ideally, send a cum tributed pic of him as well.
Thoughts on Cooper’s white brother?
They don't look related
Didn’t answer the question. Which one are you fucking?
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Left has better body and frame. Right has better face. What's going on with the middle?
middle is the sister. long story.
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El viaje a España va bien. Sigo revisando este hilo periódicamente.
You already dress better than 90% of fa
why are your shoes blue?
Nice stock photo fag
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the sister
is this the gender swap app?
You’re retarded.
Let me guess, Ole Miss?
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What societal, professional risks can be expected to the person of shit posts on 4chan with own identity?
And if the risks are considered negligible to the client despite the potential risks are significant. how to advice it as a risk consultant?
>moving to Barcelona
>achieving fluency in Spanish
you look 14
4chan has been normie since 2015. Unless you're posting heinous stuff, no one cares.
where can I find more of this minx?
Imagine being this wrong
The female half, right?
NYC is a shithole, if you're not remote, it's not worth it
Viva Franco. Arriba España!!!
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Amigos, mi estancia en España ha sido maravillosa. Ya no me siento como un turista. Me estoy convirtiendo en uno más del pueblo.
This isn't your blog
Imagine jizzing on his smooth tummy and nips
It is extremely common for people from the Ozarks to move to NYC, Cali, Texas or Florida once they get degrees anon. There's not much industry there (and that's a good thing).
stop please just make it stop, I'm so tired of seeing this
>Ole Miss
do people who went to that school have a certain... reputation? I've run into a few "big fish in a small pond" types on the internet who think they're hot shit because they went to "ole miss". I get the sense that it's like the fat chick who thinks you were hitting on her because you weren't overtly rude as soon as you saw her fat face
Every flagship state school has it's own prestige, even if it's a shitty state.
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I see what you're trying to do and unfortunately it's not working.
Timmy looks better post-twink

This is not candid. You posed for this, dork.
Take off the scarf and this is a good look.
Said no one ever
Looks like a corpse that smelled its post-mortem fart
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Amigos, el viaje continúa. Espero que todo vaya bien. Como pueden ver, necesito ayuda para encontrar un atuendo. Sigo comprobando periódicamente y estoy agradecido a todos ustedes.
>not MBB
That’s a yikes from me, chief
t. Engineering consultant
I went to my undergrad at a small state school because it was cheap. I went to an Ole Miss for my masters because it was paid for through TA stipends.

Met a lot of people from out of state who went there for undergrad because it was free. Seems pretty common practice to recruit smart kids from out of state.
You're still a twink. Cherish these last few years.
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>excel monkeys
Why do those "interns" look middle-aged?
Consulting is a stressful job. 60+ hour work weeks is the norm.
SEC grads don't go to MBB
Vanderbilt grads do
Im more jacked than these guysz tallee and i have longer hair too
The boring rich t 20 private college haircuts
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These guys are soul less
>first job

What are consulting them on how to be broke?
>not smart enough for tech
>not brave enough to start something new
the profile of a consultant
entry consultants are just paper jockeys
impressive jawline.
This. This is what they all look like. It’s just ugly Indian people.
Trout-shouldered, what a shame.
Timex or Casio on a grandpa-bracelet.
oh neat me too but in Vancouver
do not do this
niggas making 6 figs lol wdym how

sure you might find it boring but a lot of consultants work in it for 2-4 yrs then pivot into something new that they found on the job that interests them more, at that point they've got a lot of money saved up so they can go work at some niche company that pays a fuck ton of money or go start their own venture

basically you're a gay neet
it's hard to put away money when you're living in nyc
>target schools
the ceo of carlyle went to rutgers. just get your foot in the door.
It's a misleading job title. More than 90 percent of so-called consultants don't actually consult anybody on anything, but merely do the footwork for the people who do the actual consulting, i.e. experts on some subject or other. So they're basically assistants TO consultants, not really consultants themselves in any meaningful way.
A consultant is just a super assistant.
It's a lot harder when you're not making 6 figures
Wall street isn't a high-t career. It's just for people slightly less autistic and slightly lower IQ than code monkeys.
Obviously. But going to RSM in nyc to think you're putting away stuff to quit in a few years isn't a great path.
no way these are interns
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De vuelta, amigos. Volveré a América este mes. El trabajo comienza pronto. Gracias por vuestras aportaciones hasta ahora, ¡y espero que haya más por venir!
simple outfit but looks nice
>success, you
The real Cooper disappeared long ago
You expect him to become a fluent spanish speaker in a few weeks? He's probably using a translator for everything anyway.
Can't wait for the Manhattan fits. These Euro outfits are too relaxed.
probably interns from 15 years ago. Zoomers are much better groomed these days. They know everything only internet autists knew a generation ago.
OP, or whoever OP is impersonating, is a good looking guy
Different firms have different dress codes. What are you consulting for / what firm? Get a bunch of Oxford shirts, a 1/4 zip jumper (to hide unironed shirts) and slacks + black and brown suit shoes.
If you're in tech consulting you can wear chinos and sneakers
Also one rule I was told: match your client. If your clients are bankers, you need to suit up. If you're visiting a construction site, dress down.
Strategy consulting lad. It's big 3 or bust
People intern at McKinsey during MBAs/PhDs too. They have a entry track specifically for experienced people and they frequently have new joiners who had been in industry for 5+ years getting handheld by 20yr olds
>big 3 or bust
some of us are just not elite.
Are these all Americans?
This is a fashion board, not your blog
Yup strong jawlines and straight white teeth
Euros have crap teeth
I enjoy whatever this is (I learned not to wear black suits)
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Morocco. What a place.
>putting a durag over a 7th grade public school fit
congratulations, anon!

I would advice to go for casual bussiness attire first since it will kinda be your uniform for day to day and try avoiding suits at the begining if you can. Some solid button ups (and just because you can now buy more expensive dont sleep on some mall brands like banana or express, those bangladeshi slaves can blow your fucking mind in quality for 30 dlrs), an elegant umbrella, cool raincoat, good set of trousers, solid jacket, coats for autunm/winter. Buy aventus and fuck what faggots say. Keep jewelry and expensive items (suits beign one) on the low until you can actually afford them or have a great vision on how to style the most out of them, though you can give yourself a treat every semester or so like a watch, coat or accessory set to keep you motivated. Also, good quality leather shoes.
>this thread is still up
Yeah here's what going to happen. OP's going to continue to pretend to be this random guy using pics stolen from said guy's instagram and he's going to bump his thread until it hits the reply limit then he's going to make it again and repeat. Why? The inner workings of the "neurodiverse" are a mystery.
>real advice
Anon, I...
Theres plenty of neurodiverse normies
OP here. I'm back in the states. Will comb through the thread in the morning. I need rest.
OP here
Im gay
When do you start? Tuesday?
6 figures is barely middle class in every major US city now
Why would anyone want a pajeet consultant?
It's LinkedIn, and he has zero experience on his resumé.
He just graduated.
not op, but we started summer internships last week
>expect some business casual advice
>get some weird euro travelog
OP is a troll, someone was pretending to be this guy on a previous thread and now he's extending the bit.
what's the bit?
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fiance guys are the butt of the joke
Is that your sister, does she like white dudes?
Not sure really, people just really like pretending to be a normie they know in person on here. Maybe it's some kind of gay revenge fantasy
it's people seething that guys in their 20s are making 6 figures
Why would someone ever need to consult a 22 year old lol
sambas are now on AF1 normie level in europe.
young consultants make spreadsheets
> AF1
I haven't seen anyone under 35 wear these. Sambas are the zoomer shoe.
Very funny, but that's not me anon.
linkedin is publically available stuff, anon

Cum stained world of warcraft t shirt
>typo in bio
arkansas education
Is this what consultants do? Let you know that they can work with Microsoft office?
There's a lot more to Office than what you learned in 3rd grade computer lab. Knowing it as a consultant is like knowing how to code for a software engineer.
Office jobs are emasculating, I did it for 5 years after college, sit at a desk all day, get up chit chat with mostly female coworkers since female to male ratio is way off

Stupid shit about carpel tunnel and fucking lower back pain from sitting or whatever

I went back to blue collar pretty quickly, I hate driving to work, dealing with people,

Currently I talk to nobody, lock my car, open bay doors, air compressor on, youtube wireless earbuds

That ka-chunk feeling of a snap-on locking mechanism unlocking, opening the drawer seeing all the chrome sockets and wrenches neatly ducking organized and labeled much better than that office bullshit imo

Plus you get to make shit, when I did computer bullshit all my stuff was an excel sheet, at the end of the day all of it was excel

At the end of my day now it’s all products, and I see that shit being used to create more shit
most people like socializing with co-workers. not everyone is a lone wolf type.
I like it but even I admit that it can get tiresome
I did work from home for 2 years. Started off fun, but I got cabin fever.
>Currently I talk to nobody, lock my car, open bay doors, air compressor on, youtube wireless earbuds
is this supposed to be appealing?
nice larp, redditor
back to your cage, wagie
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could be that he browsed colleagues in the sector and saved some in his inspo folder (I do that to study how people got a principal dev position).

I refuse to believe that someone would post his real self on 4chan. That'd be peak retardation.
4chan is as normie as Reddit these days
Southern euros have such weak physiques, even when they work out they look frail and feminine. But with technology any manlet can fight, that's how Rome beat Gaul.
I was ill for most of my 20s, starting at 19,I'm now 29 with little work experience as my illness effected me both physically and cognitively, redendering me effectively disabled. I'm now much better but not perfect. So, you guys got any tips about a job I could get given my current history? I'd rather not be flipping burgers for the next 45 years. I was thinking maybe getting into something like fx trading. High risk high reward is what I'm interested in.
>I'd rather not be flipping burgers for the next 45 years
Robots will have taken over that job long before then.
>fx trading
It's certainly doable. I know someone that's trying to get into it right now and he's shown me some info since im curious about it. From what i've seen:
-You need to be as consistent as possible at the bare minimum. If you have set trading hours, say 6am-12, you need to be there 5 days a week. This is for roughly 2 years straight before you even become profitable (winrate of above 60% or so).
-This is because the only way you git gud is essentially to learn where you're fucking up and getting familiar with the pair you trade.
-Backtesting is a good idea as well. Fxreplay is probably best for that.
-Demo account trading at first is a must
- This video from this guy seems to be good: https://youtu.be/WYq7A8rggmg I genuinely don't know where the good courses start and bad ones begin, but paying for a course is likely a bad idea. r/sharedcourses has a lot
-r/forex will say to do babypips. That's not entirely necessary as it's just a way to familiarize with a bunch of basic terms. I'd say follow that vid and mark up charts (s&r on several timeframes) first thing and doing babypips as well just so you know what you're doing. Their wiki has a bunch of stuff too that's useful.
If you're already in a full-time job, it's pretty much pointless unless you're already really smart. You need time to learn this, and it has to be consistent. It's boring just staring at a chart all day, waiting for when a good trade is coming up.
So i'd say upwards of 40 hours a week spent demo trading and backtesting, as well as some videos. Using lots of indicators is also likely useless.
There's no one way to tackle the actual learning, as everyone learned from a different guy or course but the actual thing that gets you to profitability is many many hours spent on this. You don't need to be particularly smart, if you understand the terms and what's happening you're probably smart enough.
If you're not willing to put this kind of time into it then don't even bother.
As i side it's roughly 2 years of doing this consistently to be profitable and snowball into actual income. If you're competent enough or just lucky it can be a year. Don't think it's really plausible to say it'd take any less than that though, given what you've said
If you're solely interested in high risk high reward, do options trading.
You simply can't be proftable in forex if you're just doing extremely risky shit.
Options is trading and understanding companies so you get good moves. No idea where to start there but r/options has a lot of info.
You can definitely get lucky but as far as having an income goes, there's probably thousands of hours that goes into it as well.
Trading is BS. Basically nobody makes a living doing it. Military is off the table for you for obvious reasons. Basically you just need to identify a respectable traditional profession and knock out whatever education and skills you need to enter it. You can trade forex on the side. I’m sure it’s going to be tough and all and it’s not the best place to be but it’s not the worst place to be either. You’re still young after all. You’re just going to have to put in the work if you want to succeed.
As the other guy said, you're probably best just doing a trade like electrician or hvac. You're already 29 so getting money now and learning skills and getting certifications is your best bet.
If you're a neet and can be a neet comfortably for the next few years, sure try daytrading, but it is not easy by any means and will eat up more time than just doing it on the side, which is hard because trading hours are generally early and in the afternoon.
I genuinely see you as having those two routes, but if you are serious about trading you truly have to be serious; wasting years of your life in return for nothing is retarded when you could've been in a decent career by then with some money. But that's your choice!!!!
>High risk high reward is what I'm interested in.
Don't wreck your mental health doing this. You think you wasted a lot of time, but you still have a lot of time to build cautiously.
Yea, but you have to start and be consistent. The two hardest things.
I commute into NYC with Metro North and see at least five of these guys every morning. It's the middle of June and they're still wearing those fucking vests.
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How much do non-incel gap years cost?
Dressing with the seasons is a capitalist meme. Your body should acclimate itself
>this is the type of person advising corporate america
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It's really hitting. Finally moving away from home for real. Not college. Not a Eurotrip. A real job in a new city.
>posting in /fa/ for a year and fashion is getting worse
checks out
>2/10 elbows too pointy
>a disabled mong who self-admittedly does not have the cognitive capacity for anything harder than a mcjob trying to daytrade forex
Please post the chart of your account here once you've nuked it to zero
I'm sick of seeing this nigger on this board.
15 years ago they would have been sporting ties and they would never felt pressured into hiring a female nigger
Is she 4'10"?
Only on /fa/ do we have a schizo using a thread as his blog for FIVE FUCKING MONTHS without it getting deleted
not op but I think it's a fun thread with some decent advice.
and goodbye
Who is paying Cooper's bills?
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la abominacion
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Independence day fit
This is a bad fit. Don't get fooled by the good face and hair.
Its over.
Whats bad about it? the clothes looks? their shape?
Holy shit, it’s the dog fucker from /k/. You’re a fat fuck by the way, that’s why your back hurt and you have carpal tunnel from doing a job that a woman can do. You’re weak.
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The diversity-challenged half.
How the fuck has this thread survived 5 months?
Face looks old. Like 40-45.
You people are insane. I bet this guy still gets carded.
Nice looking swing. You look like you're 90lbs though.
what the FUCK this thread is still up, everyone who bumped this needs to die, I hate this board
this one is twice as old
here ya go


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