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Those skin whitening cream work?
Tri luma and other ones using hydroquinone + tretinoin do. Must wear sunscreen every single day while using them + afterwards and if you use more then 2 tubes a year of hydroquinone it can cause all kinds of problems.
The ones using kojic acid, liquorice root extract, tranexamic actid etc all in one product kinda work again wear sunscreen or you will permanently fuck up your skin from sun damage.
Wearing sunscreen on it's own long term helps for some people.
glutathione injections work or taking liposomal glutathione pills/powder kinda works probably should be paired with sunscreen.
Lots of sketchy skin whitening products contain mercury, especially the ones you see at immigrant stores bodegas etc. those apparently work but also give you mercury poisoning.
You will never be white
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The price is scam tier but nobody else is selling a highly bioavailable glutathione in enteric coated capsules (wont dissolve until after they pass the stomach)
Take on an empty stomach
Don't ask me what an appropriate dosage is the info is out there
Why would i want to be pale

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