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What does /fa/ think about chain necklaces?
I feel like they're one of the only ways to spice up a summer outfit as a man.

It's hard to have an outfit in the summer as a man and look good in it if you're skinny, but chains are about the only way I can think of to kinda level the playing field just a little bit.
why not spend that money on a gym membership instead
Because I don't got time for the gym and I won't stick with it.
I'd rather use gym time for book time learning a language that will stick with me and which I won't lose just because I haven't gone to another location every other day in the week.
start with some bodyweight exercises at home, then.
They can add a little spice if you're a goody two shoes sheltered nerd type. Just a whiff of streetwear/third world mentality to balance out an otherwise limp dick persona, but not too much to make you look like a scumbag.

If you have more of a lower class accent or are already very streetwear/fresh off the boat-ish, you probably want to be avoiding those things and sticking to nice watches as your male jewelry but for effete, NPR-listening liberal elitists they're just what the doctor ordered.
Not enough
We should go full trinkets core like back in the days when jewerly gave you status
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Youre a spastic if you unironically think chains make you a man
A small one maybe 3mm looks good. The more subtle the better but you still want something durable.
Who said it makes me a man?
I don't give a fuck about that, I just want to look good. Not even necessarily good to women, but anything that makes me look better than not having it.
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I've got some chains
Can you really tell the difference between White-gold and silver? I need one.
They make me feel gay like all accessories besides a watch and wedding ring
A gold chain makes you think about taking dicks in the ass, sucking cocks and loving other men?
That’s really gay but that ain’t got nothing to do with the chain bro
Summer outfits are easy as pie especially if you are skinny just look up the talented Mr rippley or plein solei and la piscine or go check Asian streetwear if you like this styles more there are lots of possibilities
Regarding the chain if you are skinny go for a slimmer one like 3-5 mm. It should be at least 14k and not hollow. Also don’t buy a store one. Go to pawn shops
>once a week
>reading comprehension
White gold is a bit more dull and does not tarnish or change color, silver can look extremely bright and white, especially if it's coated with something like ITpro Lux, but will eventually tarnish and need cleaning. Personally, I think a clean silver piece looks better than white gold
Thanks for the info.
I'll probably get White Gold then. Because I'm very bad at maintenance in general.
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cleaning the tarnish off of silver isn't hard.
dunk it in hot water with baking soda and aluminum foil, maybe a splash of vinegar.

the tarnish will flake right off.
always amused me. men wearing it reminds me of the two coins set on a dead bodys eyes, or molar gold or a golden earring of a pirate. it strikes me as turning it into the money left fot the last walk, to lower him into the ground
Even the oldest warriors wore chain adornments in their neck. It is extremely stylish only if you dress well. It does not match streetwear at all and you will look immature or like a retarded douchebag. With dress shirts, pants, and shoes with a good watch, it adds taste.
Only brown people and wiggers wear chains
I wore one for a bit - not for me. I see the appeal but it doesn't work for me. I got earrings instead and wearing both was way too much.

If I was to wear one again, I'd wear it very tight - almost like the closest you could get to a choker without it being a choker
> If I was to wear one again, I'd wear it very tight - almost like the closest you could get to a choker without it being a choker
Opened this thread to see if anyone dropped suggestions for this style of chain. I don’t even know what to call what I’m searching for. Gold choker isn’t exactly it
>It's hard to have an outfit in the summer as a man and look good in it if you're skinny,
>chains are about the only way I can think of to kinda level the playing field just a little bit.

wearing chains is mentally immature, that's why it's popular among blacks.
>wearing chains is mentally immature
Why? Don't hit me with some NPC response, either.
You're going about it the wrong way. You choose the style of link that you want, and then customize the width and length. You can get any width and length of almost any link style, you just have to know what link you want.
Tooth pick kid thinks learning some random language is going to help him. Keep coping as you read your fiction books brainlet. If you get a chain you will look like all the other twig butch made white kids that wear them : corny
Just like wearing skate shoes or being 30 and white with flashy Jordan's on. If you can't figure it out then you are at the right mental maturity. I doubt anyone telling you why would change you just like those 14 year old emo kids
Calling anything no when you are wanting to dress like every npc college dork that would get his ass beat lol
Well for starters I'm not White.
If I get fit now but lapse, I'll have to start from zero (mostly), but once I learn a language It's mostly with me forever.

Brains > Brawn. I can get fit later, language studies are more important right now.

The fact that you had to use analogies rather than explain what makes chains bad for men to wear, is exactly what I'd classify as an NPC response.
Try again, robot.

>Calling anything no when you are wanting to dress like every npc college dork that would get his ass beat lol
What? ESL retards shouldn't speak when grown-ups are having a discussion.
You're the only robot trying to wear the most no you can possibly imagine and asking about making you double insecure than the average person. 100% some npc dork that never leaves his room. Who's going to judge you? Your mom lmao. The analogy is perfect. Why explain to child ? You won't listen. You have to learn yourself sheltered bitch boy. Itll fit your mental maturity though, so get a chain. You literally are as npc as it gets the whites that wear them in swarms are influenced by niggers and youre influenced by all of them around you =npc
You are pointing out a clear typo mistake.. That's not esl. Not even close. For someone keen on learning languages you can't differentiate between esl and an obvious typo or auto correct ? When they are pretty obvious. Or you're just a newfag who doesn't understand the ESL meme. No silly npc, a simple error like that isn't ESL. NPCs never get anything right.... It doesn't work as a owned you either brain dead newfart from YouTube hahaha dewd you wrote your instead of you're ! That's as about midwit McDonald's employee as it gets . My condolences you are going to have a hard time here
I guess I learned that talking about wearing chains upsets ESL third worldies.
I guess it makes sense, you break your back to mine the gold for us, but yet you're still too poor to afford it.

Either you're a samefag, or I really have upset a swarm of ESL third worldies.
Using the word grown up? Lol are you that 11 yearold trying to be mature. I hope you don't refer to yourself as a "grown up" especially around people that you know in person.
only slaves wear chains
Only 3rd wolders want to wear gold chains so your insult literally makes zero sense on top of the fact you said you weren't white so you are 3rd world lol. What upsets me is when newfags use insults wrong though not chains. It's just there's a reason why only white kids under 21 unless a man child wear them
Also if you most know turbo virgin since your IQ is too low since you are bad at solving things intuitive to most that have average IQs spell check is changing npc to no . Plus ant extras is because my bitch uses small keyboard settings. But those are all obvious typos. How you would spot an esl newfag is if they say something in an odd way that differs from how native English speakers would say it not spelling newfag
You're English is shit. Hit the books, Pablo.
I'm not arguing with you until you start typing like a native speaker.
what type of chain and what length is generally recommended for an every day wear? something that doesn't stand out too much but accents an outfit nicely.
3-4mm, 22 inch gold rope chain. You're welcome
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Only acceptable option. Anyhing gold or bigger is flashy and feminine
how do i know the mm?
I've heard that a good tip is to wear two different necklaces, like in pic related
I think it looks better than just a chain, even though wearing necklaces isn't my style.

What do you think /fa/? Is this combination better than just a chain?
they look pretty try hard in my opinion.

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