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Previous: >>2958414
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Anyone else play? Got any fan art?
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??to have the images
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updated mega please
i do!! which boys do you like the most? i like olivine the most since he's a submissive bottom with a huge rack. the second favourite one would be morvay, i love how slutty he is
is there even a non-updated mega that hasn't been taken down?
there are some h scenes on myreadingmanga and x
god that is SO hot

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Sick of waiting for an Omori thread to show up on here so I'm starting one. Post trauma twinks.
215 replies and 142 images omitted. Click here to view.
Me on the right
This is hot

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ITT we post pictures of faggots who have gotten themselves into a tight situation. No bara please.
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- No sexual intercourse or guys giving handjobs to other guys
- No arguing, no derailing, no off-topic shit.
- Ignore (do not respond) to the roastie bitch that cries about bears/chubs/fembois and report her.
- No cartoony art. High-quality western art is fine but keep the saturday morning cartoons on /aco/.
- No hyper or absurd proportions.
- No farting or dirtiness.
- AI is welcome, but don't spam with it.

Handjobs: >>3028002
65 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
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ocs/characters with alt aesthetics or
vampires, goths, visual kei, decora, etc

eastern and western styles and masc/fem
are fine just stay on-topic
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- No arguing, no derailing, no off-topic shit.
- Ignore (do not respond) to the roastie bitch that cries about bears/chubs/fembois and report her.
- No cartoony art. High-quality western art is fine but keep the saturday morning cartoons on /aco/.
- No hyper or absurd proportions.
- Fat and conventionally unattractive males are welcome.
- AI is welcome, but don't spam with it.
37 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.
who was the guy who made you realize you think glasses are hot, anons
some fallout character, i don't remember his name
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As a goth male myself, I need to find me a goth alt-twink to annihilate.

I mostly have femboys, but I'll take anything for more goth boys and men
65 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
Ok, bleached edit it.
Manually drawing over it with any art program.
Or masking and fucking with hues and saturation, but that doesn't look nearly as good.
wtb buff metalheads and emo twinks but they’re fucking
this this this this this

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This thread is for Anime/Japanese-style art. For anything else, make your own thread. All bodytypes welcome.

Report and ignore the trolls/off-topic shitposting.
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Guys with beautiful feathery wings. Angelic boys with halos too.

[Keep any retarded religious/anti-religion fetish-play out of it and no penises as big as, or bigger than, a forearm, please.

Bara and traps are both fine- small tops too, chub and hairy also not a problem. Ignore and report all the shitposting and schizo derail posts.]
126 replies and 99 images omitted. Click here to view.
It's from the Gay Harem thing.
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is that any goodb

All pics are welcum from AI to western art and bears to twinky femboys :3
129 replies and 102 images omitted. Click here to view.
What is this trash?
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Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.
91 replies and 72 images omitted. Click here to view.
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who is he

Elden Ring: >>3054686
17 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
Great thread
off topyk
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Bridget by daisy mitsumata
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Best boy.

Yaoi of previously female characters but as males.
91 replies and 66 images omitted. Click here to view.
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any daisy?
shame about the censorship, but thanks anon
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