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The better Yuri. Breedable twink slut.
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Does anyone have more like this?
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i like the underwear censoring, it leaves a lot to the imagination
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don't you think YoI is already gay with as it is?
yea why
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We must go gayer
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Yuri’s ugly face ruined it.
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he’s cute without glasses
Welp, after 7 fucking years they decided to tell us we won't have a movie.


Man, I live for Nikkiyan's Otayuri. I remember her Total Flex comic where they fucked each other and had this too tier post sex conversation; such a shame Tumblr purged it.
makes sense, iirc a large number of staff quit mappa recently. Probably the people heading the project left and it was becoming a money pit for mappa.
tldr of the situation from a friend with a good understanding of the company is that mappa doesn't want to use their already paper thin workforce for a movie they'd need to split profits on.

the show was super popular, but unfortunately avex has ownership as well and takes home the bigger split since they originally helped bankroll the series.
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flexible boy
Need more Yuri!
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