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anime art only, no western cartoons
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121 KB JPG
File: dio.jpg (150 KB, 850x1240)
150 KB
150 KB JPG
>try to contribute
>file too large
Ok maybe later.
File: dr2.jpg (160 KB, 850x729)
160 KB
160 KB JPG
it’s probably the file dimensions just resize in paint
File: size.jpg (45 KB, 850x611)
45 KB
File: 1710349373613790.png (3.53 MB, 1300x1649)
3.53 MB
3.53 MB PNG
who dis
Towa from Slow Damage
>resize in paint
hideous nearest neighbour downscaling tho
meant paint.net but yeah
This thread is fuckin HOT
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3.51 MB
3.51 MB PNG
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873 KB PNG
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479 KB PNG
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431 KB PNG
giw i had this
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819 KB PNG
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741 KB PNG
File: botw link - meimone.png (715 KB, 1400x1100)
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715 KB PNG

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