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post guys with long hair shoulder length or more- any bodytypes and art styles
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based nejiposter
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thread for posting and discussing whatever you want
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Thanks for introducing me to this artist
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Yep, I think this might be the artist. Thanks for linking me that post, finally some good stuff

all artstyles and bodytypes welcome, ignore + report bullshit and unrelated imagery
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Based. I don’t mind shota but that is a step too weird.
I want to defile Hex Haywire's freshly graduated corpse...................
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Arcsys properties.
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GH thread


Previous thread
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Are you able to post the lively scenes from them?
Path of Attraction

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Bridget by daisy mitsumata
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Posting in an EPIC thread.
what makes feet good or bad anyway
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>small tops encouraged
>report any trolling or off topic
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cute cuts
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Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

>https://pinboard.in/u:yrecs (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >https://rentry.org/BLreq
Project JUNE Download: >https://projectjune.dreamwidth.org/473.html
Tiermakers: >https://tiermaker.com/user/579020

Bonus challenge:
What is a common personality type you don't like seeing in BL, and what would you do to improve/change it?

Previous thread: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3035486/
287 replies and 69 images omitted. Click here to view.
>she's still pissing her diaper
lmao pack it up and shove the tampon in lil cutie, you will never be white or have a penis
aw i missed the tantrum, what did she post that got deleted
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Is there anything like 'Hamu And The Boy Who Cried Wolf' but longer? I hate that it's only one chapter.
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Hotano bros... its over
while back we had a random short convo on western artists and i think i mentioned one that did genderswaps of disney princesses. just randomly found the artist and changed my mind, it wasnt as "okay" as i remember. still, i think some of its okayish for western style art. artist is Ripushko, does pretty much just gay disney stuff. who is ukrainian? is that...western?

anyways ignore this mostly, just a random thing i wanted to add to that particular convo

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>Last Thread
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No hyper/macro. Eastern art styles highly preferred but not required.
All bodytypes and male characters from the Persona series are welcome.
Report any off-topic/spam/derailing and keep discussions civil.
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Whose ass is that
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Where are all of the yaoi hentai eroge? There’s basically nothing ever released that isn’t a visual novel- especially when you consider how many straight porn games come out every day. Imagine a David Cage game, but it’s a choose your own homoerotic gangbang.

Why is this such an untapped market? Do other gay guys not like jacking it to interactive porn?
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The gay game landscape is looking bleak.

The two big name RPGs were End of Dreams and Chin Chin Quest.
To be fair, Funa (creator of ChinChin Quest) has developed a lot of mini games over the last 5-6 years. And lots if illustrations. But there's not a lot of progress being made on Chin Chin Quest 3.

At the start of this year he began releasing Quest 3 in parts on this Fanbox. It's up to part 5 right now, which doesn't amount to much. Compared to the first 2 it's barely a game, and sorta meandering like he's making it up as he goes.
Do people actually like porn rpgs? I don't get the novelty, if I have to do a bunch of work to get my dick hard between teases I end up losing interest.
To recap, the first 2 games were basically an isekai fantasy world. 2 Quests related to 2 wishes granted by the genie character; leaving the 3rd wish yet to be asked.

But Quest 3 starts out on modern earth, as a sort of reverse isekai plot. With the Swordsmen from the previous games appearing in (Japan?). The wish granting desire genie from the previous games is missing. So it's a mystery how the swordsmen appeared in this other world, but there's some kind of magical leak. There's a street drug going around turning guys into nymphomaniacs who meet up to fuck in a park at night. The drugs end up being concentrated magic that makes them horny then violent. It's connected to the missing genie somehow.

I think in part 4, they visit the demon world, and similar to the park in the Human World, there's a "Pleasure Forest/Ruins" where demons go for kicks, but they come back more aggressive. I think the battle system is supposed to open up here but it's just a W.I.P. with nothing implemented. Besides taking out enemy HP, they have a desire gauge you can "break" using sexy skills. They meet this asshole dragon-man at this make-out point (or whatever you call it), but his powers don't work on the party because they're protected by the genie I guess. So he leaves.
Then they go to a "Heaven world" and talk to God. Yes. Because genies work for god apparently. Don't ask me about the cosmology, I have no idea how any of this works. My impression is that it's similar to Dragon Ball Z's universe with some Christian-like inspiration, but it's hard to tell until I see more. The world building is kind of rough and the narrative up to this point is hard to follow.

Anyways, the dragon-man was some kind of desire devourer. Or a minion/aspect of this ancient entity that's supposed to be sealed away in the Fantasy World. But he's breaking free. That's all I know.
It's all nuanced and subjective. I don't think it has anything to do with porn, but instead, it's the psychological engagement of RPGs compared to Visual Novel narratives.

You can see yourself in an RPG world, because you're running around in the context of open public-spaces and there's internal logic that could support you there whether you're conscious of that "sense" or not. While VNs follow much closer to a character's daily schedule and social life. A workplace and social clique is a smaller private affair you can only observe.
It's sounds corny, but some authors call this "psychic distance"

I don't need to explain how arousal is a natural sensation that porn appeals to. You get it. We all get it.
It's harder to explain the sense of freedom and liberty that rpgs offer. Or even what makes it engaging in the first place. Except that it's sorta intuitive as a survival instinct.
I would just call it immersion, but what you are immersed in is...is this holistic matrix of context entertained by your imagination. Society and civilization in general are also similar set of rules which we have presumably evolved and conformed our nature to. You see?

Even women find yaoi appealing because because they can project themselves into intimate male relationships free of courtship rituals. That relationship is just another dominion to revel in.
spot on. vn doesn't give the same experience as rpg where you're seeing what you're doing, while vn, you just pick a choice.

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Last: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3012747/
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Used to be one of my favorites to jerk off to
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here i made an edit to make it more palatable
lmfao, took me a second
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All Faerun men welcomed. No spamming.
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Contemplate suicide.
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Stupid Sexo Flanders edition
*Previous Thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3053775
*Request Thread: >>>/y/airt

>To make a new thread, wait for page 8 at bump (and/or image) limit in catalog.



Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I put everything you need to know
oh and one more thing, would you mind if i repost the skeletor image?

and if you don't mind then how would you like to be credited? (or remain anonymous?)
bro there's a skeletor LORA on civitai you can generate pics yourself
Oh i know, i've been generating things on my own, just wanted to know if the OP mind if i repost really

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#2 >>3010525
#1 >>2950563

This thread is for editing still frames from official 2D sources.
Let’s all be polite and stop saying some show is ruining the thread, or focusing hate in requesters, it just clutters the thread. If you think that someone is being a troll, just ignore and post edits/anything interesting to be edited.
138 replies and 80 images omitted. Click here to view.
you forgot some of the trunks behind his leg
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Leaving this one here just in case anyone is interested. I just wanted their pants down, asses and cocks out if you can. I wanted to edit it so they are ass to ass on a double ended dildo but exposing their asses and cocks so is proving hard for me so I need a little help. Pants town, torn open either is fine. Thanks guys.
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Can you make Crimson Chin naked and a bit hairy?
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Can you help make Goku have sexy pubic hair like >>3042216# ? Please.

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