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/y/ - Yaoi

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New one because the old one is being spammed and janitors are absent like they are in the BG3 and Dungeon Meshi thread. Do your jobs.

Yaoi of unmutilated, in tact, uncircumcised anime boy dicks

• Eastern artstyles ONLY - no cartoons, comics, or western slop.
• No Al-generated art
• No dirtiness/filth/musk
• No gapes or prolapses
• No impossible proportions (e.g. dick as big as an arm, synthol muscles, cowmoobs etc)
• No race-related fetishes
• No flame-wars or derailment
| Report any of the above spam |
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Every single person who is aware of your unfortunate existence would cheer at your suicide.

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- Japanese/Anime style art only
- No dicks longer than the guy's finger
- Don't post racebait or racist fetishes
- Ignore and report shitposts/derailing/off-topic imagery

If you want western/cartoony art or average/larger penises make your own thread.
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>- Japanese/Anime style art only
>- No dicks longer than the guy's finger
>- Ignore and report shitposts/derailing/off-topic imagery
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Go jump in traffic you retarded spammer.

Yaoi of unmutilated, in tact, uncircumcised anime boy dicks

• Eastern artstyles ONLY - no cartoons, comics, or western slop.
• No Al-generated art
• No dirtiness/filth/musk
• No gapes or prolapses
• No impossible proportions (e.g. dick as big as an arm, synthol muscles, cowmoobs etc)
• No race-related fetishes
• No flame-wars or derailment
| Report any of the above spam |
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off-topic garbage.
Stop spamming, you useless unloved retard.

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Last one got pushed off the board for a dupe thread.

Bara, bishies, femboys all welcome.
Keep on-topic, preferably post eastern-styled yaoi, and ignore the spammer if she tries to derail.
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Offtopic, just shitty white guy art next to an anon hand.
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Yaoi of previously female characters but as males.
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Based, shame what happened to Rumi later on.
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Who’s he?

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Sick of waiting for an Omori thread to show up on here so I'm starting one. Post trauma twinks.
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there was one pic somewhere of basil asking sunny to choke him harder, but I can't find it anyway. Would anyone happen to know what I'm talking about?
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I think they should trade back and forth t b h
I think you know in your heart that despite being more of an overall bottom, sunny gets those dominant/power hungry urges.
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glowing peenor of censorship
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>No western-style/cartoon art
>No females anywhere in the pictures
>No furry shit
>No musk, dirt, odors, or filth
>No heavy censorship
>No bitching or arguing
Bonus points for small tops
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Does it really feel that good?
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If you get a good frotting angle and use lube so the thighs don't chafe.

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A thread focused on posting anonymous (or faceless) figures in drawings.

GreenAnon Edition

Preferred anonies in thread:
Faceless/Featureless characters, silhouettes, Y/N, stickman, OC (if you have one),...

Report any trolling and floods in thread. You can coom in the thread, by the way.

Return to the legacy:
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Fuck off, Faggot.
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well. the drawthread got cleaned of spam, as did the Street Fighter thread. i guess the Anonymous, Elden Ring, Micro Dick and half of the Baldur's Gate 3 thread just aren't as important. never seen so many posts wiped without a boardwide wipe, how strange
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Just as the title suggests, a femboy thread! Does still have to be yaoi though, considering the board :3
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bro has a 12 pack
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This outfit is referencing some character, blue haired dude with what looked like a noose mark, and I cannot for the life of me remember the character or the artist's name.
When you commit 41% and stop bringing twitter morals to 4chan LOL
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I just love Latinos....
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, let's post those tan boys.
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Why is he obsessed with getting his cock milked?
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No problem anon
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What five animals are these from left to right?
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Dog fox cow (best) Bunny cat
humans, those ears and tails are fake
is this AI? the penis is coming out of he belly lol
are we really at the point where retards think artist anatomy mistakes = ai
nipple chains are so damn hot

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Let's have a thread about the fine art of bondage and ropes
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what about latex
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anime art only, no western cartoons
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don’t care if they’re having sex, just show me the PITS

femboys/traps and bara/fat both encouraged!!!
no derailing or arguing or you will die irl! you will explode!!
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holy shit this is so fucking hot.
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i accidentally made a thread instead of replying
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