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katsuki bakugo
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Last thread (>>3032923) reached its limit. Lets enjoy the Faerun men.
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So you're banning people who are reporting the off topic spammer instead of cleaning up the fucking thread? No wonder /y is such a dead fucking board.
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last one: >>3018162
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note: downscaled screenshot. original resolution by deadbeatincubus on twitter
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1) Be nice to drawfags, they're drawing for you for free after all. If you're looking to add criticism, please do so in a respectful manner.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for you for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. Use catbox if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Don't bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8) When the thread reaches bump limit, please wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra time to archive deliveries in the booru or r34
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:

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u mad asf
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idk what is going on in the other thread so
requesting young cricket from warioware being forced to wear embarrassing and revealing outfits like pic related, please
Still hoping that someone will pick this up.
Nobody's drawing shit for you when you bump the troll thread.
Not a troll thread.

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Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

>https://pinboard.in/u:yrecs (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >https://rentry.org/BLreq
Project JUNE Download: >https://projectjune.dreamwidth.org/473.html
Tiermakers: >https://tiermaker.com/user/579020

Bonus challenge:
What is a common personality type you don't like seeing in BL, and what would you do to improve/change it?

Previous thread: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3035486/
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Dainari Shounari
surprisingly wholesome
this was the author's first BL story and it may have not much, but it's a short and sweet story about a guy and his Instagram crush. like the minamilst art and would love to see the author make more BLs in the future possibly.
Yes!! It may have been a simple story, but it had a really nice vibe. It was the little details that made it shine, and I really enjoyed the artist's almost retro style. Definitely one to watch out for.
I probably don't read nearly as much BL as I thought or just don't pay much attention, but are there other BLs where the main guy is explicitly bi? And not necessarily heteroflexible/is straight but gay if it's you" trope. I don't even mind it since I'm aware BL is fantasy and not necessarily meant to be realistic, but I find it's easier to get the relationship going if at least both or one of the guys are already into men. Bonus if they're a cute alt guy like Minori. picrel

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Last one hit it's page limit. Post dudes getting fuck against their will.
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damn. wish I wasn't broke
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just make a rape thread for eastern only fanart dumbass
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other object heads too
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sex with cyrix
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What does this general think of Emio?
the bed would be nothing but smithereens
Here you go~ UwU
I'd sit on his face to be honest

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This telegram channel has most if not all of them: https://t.me/nucarnivalroomeiden They always post new ones. No rooms 1, 3, 4, unfortunately.
Still exists, we can only share the backup indirectly tho
Sauce. Tried the game but looks too fujo for me
new link? it expired.

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Artist: Aquarina/Lenbarboza
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- No sexual intercourse or guys giving handjobs to other guys
- No arguing, no derailing, no off-topic shit.
- Ignore (do not respond) to the roastie bitch that cries about bears/chubs/fembois and report her.
- No cartoony art. High-quality western art is fine but keep the saturday morning cartoons on /aco/.
- No hyper or absurd proportions.
- No farting or dirtiness.
- AI is welcome, but don't spam with it.

Handjobs: >>3028002
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>No western-style/cartoon art
>No females anywhere in the pictures
>No furry shit
>No musk, dirt, odors, or filth
>No heavy censorship
>No bitching or arguing
Bonus points for small tops
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>find a really well-drawn thigh sex pic
>it's cuntboy
every fucking time
As long as it's not a fucking cartoon we're good here.
nah /y/ janny hates if you post cuntboys or even cloacas, i don't save them anyway cause i prefer dicks
Great thread, intercrural is the core of sex with boys, very underrated

post guys with long hair shoulder length or more- any bodytypes and art styles
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blessed thread

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"Twitch chat" edition
Previous thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/2988436/

1. Thread is for ART related to YOUTUBER/STREAMER of all sorts. | NO REAL PHOTO / IRL CONTENT! For such content, check: >>>/hm/celeb
2. USUAL BOARD/GLOBAL RULES APPLY - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. Contentless bump(s) are also not allowed.
3. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on.
4. OTHERS: "Hardcore" yet not /d/ worthy? As long as it is related to the thread & abides /y/'s rules then it should be fine, just please don't spam & keep it to a bare minimum.

>To make a new thread, wait for current one to reach page 8 (while at bump/image limit) in catalog.

*Artist List (Youtuber-focused): https://pastebin.com/YyFEHtxH
*Legacy Threads: https://pastebin.com/aspkSPCt

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who’s the aizu and why is she angry
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just ignore

it's just the same spammer deciding to take name, easier to spot and hide posts now so a good thing
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asking for rare jerma pics if anyone has them

all artstyles and bodytypes welcome, ignore + report bullshit and unrelated imagery
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I’m sad that Miku is the only popular vocaloid and formerly popular characters like Gakupo, Len, and Kaito are essentially forgotten now. There are some cute vtuber designs in here but I can’t get off to them because I don’t like virtual streamers.

Does anyone know of any active vocaloid BL artists?

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