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Hi all! I'm a new artist dedicated to making art just for gay men.

The series I just started is called The Brothers Rugby!

Fourteen Brothers. One Team. All Gay!

X.1 = Act 1, Establishing

X.2 = Act 2, The Fight!

X.3 = Act 3, If they win! (your choice!)

X.4 = Act 3, If they lose! (your choice!)

In every shot is all fourteen brothers. Every chapter has a unique theme story. In each one can you find the rugby balls? The new brother flirting with the enemy? What vehicles the twins are riding this time? The item acquired in victory carried on throughout the next chapters?

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12 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
pseud lol
Adding Chapter 3 here instead.

The Match! (3:2)
Who doesn't love a dive bar?
And the alternate BDSM ending!

Go to finslandofgayart.blogspot.com for more art, games, and more!

Thanks for your time!

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Just as the title suggests, a femboy thread! Does still have to be yaoi though, considering the board :3
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I Need a femboy bf lol
Best femboy in demon slayer
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I love this manhwa, dark fall. I like how this femboy leon, ruler of this world, is betrayed by his men and they stole his powers and each one turned him into their personal bitch.
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Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.
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Japanese or Korean doujins?
Which are better and why?
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you're retarded. japanese porn is some of the most disgusting stuff (compliment). korean stuff is all cringe fluff in comparison.
All korean guys look like this ngl
they both look white asf
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Korean doujins have glowing invisible dicks. Do not like

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What are the most affordable sites to buy doujin from?
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That's not a yaoi website
finally found the sauce https://skeb.jp/@puni_101010/works/71
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Thank you!
What do you call this where he sticks his tongue out and throws his head back when he cums?
The ones I've seen are just tagged ahegao.

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Last thread (>>3032923) reached its limit. Lets enjoy the Faerun men.
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Better off just sharing this stuff in other relevant threads and let this one die.
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Literally this whole board has sucked extra hard (and not in a good way -_-) for like the past year+
I wonder if it's the same janitor who did the whole "no small tops" thing

Where are all of the yaoi hentai eroge? There’s basically nothing ever released that isn’t a visual novel- especially when you consider how many straight porn games come out every day. Imagine a David Cage game, but it’s a choose your own homoerotic gangbang.

Why is this such an untapped market? Do other gay guys not like jacking it to interactive porn?
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nobody cares roastie
>(or what you call in the west "bara")
gachi muchi is a newer subgenre and refers to chubby muscle bros instead of the average-realistic bodytypes of regular bara
That's too bishi for you? Just admit you have an ugly bastard fetish.
I'm seeing a lot of hentai games using AI-generated images. But there's nothing out there for gay games.

Even pixiv's category for AI-generated gay images is a surprisingly scarce 15 pages or so, with 90% of it being fanart of popular characters. Not a lot of OCs out there.
If you download HF patch for Koikatsu party you can give the girls dicks

And there's Heat Anthro romance simulator if u want furries

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Ryona/wounded amputees also accepted
If fresh try to keep to bandaged stuff

Old: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3020839/
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Very based thread.
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what are these guys from

Bara and Traps are allowed
Ignore and report the spammer that complains
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i need to commission something of him getting fucked
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Parental Incest

Continuing from >>3003538
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Does anyone have art of Sasuke and his dad?
Good evening, I am looking for a story that I saw years ago on a site which unfortunately no longer exists, I no longer have the name of the story but I know that the artist is Cry Angel Shinaboo. The story itself is that of a Native American father who initiates his son into a coming-of-age ritual (there is a wooden dildo at the beginning then just sex between father and son) at the end , the boy is covered in sperm and his father allows him to return to play with the other children. (P.S: This was tagged at the time as Tarzan but there is no connection between the Disney character and the story itself)
Thank in advance.
I looked far and wide and the only things I can find from that artist are disney related shota and beast porn, you might want to try asking /r/.
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thread for posting and discussing whatever you want
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do the mario
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Male nudity in official non-hentai anime/manga/comics thread. No fan art/edit.
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this, stop trying to police the thread discussions
as long as the posts are ontopic who gives a shit
we have worse things to worry about like the fillion/offtopic spammer bitch
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Here's deku's bare ass if you were curious
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Did we ever see shoto naked???
I’m more interested on Endeavor’s nudity

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Guys with beautiful feathery wings. Angelic boys with halos too.

[Keep any retarded religious/anti-religion fetish-play out of it and no penises as big as, or bigger than, a forearm, please.

Bara and traps are both fine- small tops too, chub and hairy also not a problem. Ignore and report all the shitposting and schizo derail posts.]
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This isn't related to angels but bad end Aobas make me rock hard.
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69 replies and 48 images omitted. Click here to view.
You do not get the thanks you deserve
Thank you btw
hello, hotcha has released the June Art Pack, someone who has it minds to share please?
anyone has the new pack??

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