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Sick of waiting for an Omori thread to show up on here so I'm starting one. Post trauma twinks.
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Can someone translate?
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>No western-style/cartoon art
>No females anywhere in the pictures
>No furry shit
>No musk, dirt, odors, or filth
>No heavy censorship
>No bitching or arguing
Bonus points for small tops
50 replies and 35 images omitted. Click here to view.
As long as it's not a fucking cartoon we're good here.
nah /y/ janny hates if you post cuntboys or even cloacas, i don't save them anyway cause i prefer dicks
Great thread, intercrural is the core of sex with boys, very underrated
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something size differencey
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Yaoi of previously female characters but as males.
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not a genderbend
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cute cocks
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all artstyles and bodytypes welcome, ignore + report bullshit and unrelated imagery
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I’m sad that Miku is the only popular vocaloid and formerly popular characters like Gakupo, Len, and Kaito are essentially forgotten now. There are some cute vtuber designs in here but I can’t get off to them because I don’t like virtual streamers.

Does anyone know of any active vocaloid BL artists?
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robi__ni and kaitothigh on bird app
thanks for not letting this thread die lol
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All art styles are accepted!
Any pairing is poggers!
Small tops are fine!
Report off-topic images and complaining!
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How do we feel about them? I love Griffith
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>I love Griffith
Some kind of way
Makishima <3
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don’t care if they’re having sex, just show me the PITS

femboys/traps and bara/fat both encouraged!!!
no derailing or arguing or you will die irl! you will explode!!
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Cody is cute
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god i wishbthat was me
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>small tops encouraged
>report any trolling or off topic
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guys in skimpy clothing
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lol make me
The fuck's your problem?
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What five animals are these from left to right?
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post guys with long hair shoulder length or more- any bodytypes and art styles
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It depends entirely on exact hair style and cultural norms of the moment.

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Any male pokemon characters.
Report off-topic images and derailing.

Prev: >>2986920
Pixiv Tag(s): pkmn腐
142 replies and 101 images omitted. Click here to view.
practice makes perfect, keep at it
Wow! Hot
Sis here, thank you!
I'll draw again but it will take time...
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Muscle arms practice because I could really use it...

Post diaper boys
No scat, shota, or furries

Sister /d/egen threads
Farting >>3031548
Petrification >>3040945
Smegma >>3039731
Muscle Growth >>3033541
64 replies and 48 images omitted. Click here to view.
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another cloth nappy edit i just made (body taken from ahbagel, forgot where i took the head from)
Very cute, nice work.
I love this so much...

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