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Parental Incest

Continuing from >>3003538
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God I wish I was fucked by Minato
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Does anyone have art of Sasuke and his dad?

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Femboy Link
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is this from a playable game or is it just an animation?
linky feet
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sauce? goes very hard and so am i.

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no bitching about pairings or character
no art that looks western cartoon style
bara and feminine are OK
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Sadly yes, MikaLight art is hard to come by. There was once a oneshot doujin with a Japanese title in it (never translated it into English) that I found linked on Tumblr years ago which was hot af. Think it was Light coming home one night and he gets pulled down into bed by Mikami, they make out, strip down and then Mikami fingers Light before fucking him. Probably gone now…


Archive of Our Own (AO3) has a lot of good ones. Some on FanFiction.Net (FF.Net) as well but good ones are harder to find there than on AO3. That’s pretty much it as far as I know.
Please does anyone have the rest of their Ryuk/Light? They've been locked since December and changed their name twice. I just wanna see the forced kiss one more time
I want him to keep that straight blank ass face no matter what you do to him.
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I'm offended that this ancient image hasn't been posted yet

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Old thread >>3038631 facing impending death, starting a new one.
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Where are all of the yaoi hentai eroge? There’s basically nothing ever released that isn’t a visual novel- especially when you consider how many straight porn games come out every day. Imagine a David Cage game, but it’s a choose your own homoerotic gangbang.

Why is this such an untapped market? Do other gay guys not like jacking it to interactive porn?
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Gay games I'm aware of that aren't furry or a VN:
Clashing Rods: Fervent Frotting
You're a demon and have sex combat with other demons - as well as an angel - via frotting. Think there's only 4 opponents, so there's not much, but there's a certain novelty to it. Only free game on this list that has finished development.

Lust Hunter Gay Edition
Something I've been meaning to play, but haven't yet. Supposed to be an RPG card battler.

The Family's Curse and also Grizzly Grove are both sandbox twine games. Not sure if you'd consider them to be VNs or not

Incubus Realms - Escapism
A point and click adventure game that's been in development for 4 years and is still in alpha. I honestly thought it was a dead game but it got an update in May of this year.

There's also a Bara Fever Fest game jam ongoing on itch at the moment - if you're into that
I found some browser games similar to the Humplex Manfuls on Itch. But now I can't find them again.
Norn's Dine releasing in 2024. A new yaoi romance/sex game.

New preview with illustrations and CGs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf1YyUg60q8

Looks insanely hot, all the characters look attractive as fuck.
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Will be available in English, and it's also planned to release on Steam.
keep us posted, didnt see a release date but looks great

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now i know this is a dead pairing from a dead fandom. but maybe there's some other person in here who happens to share the same passion for this as i do and wants to contribute
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Probably someone who wants to see more, calm down.
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Previous: >>2978018
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Pokemon's best dark skinned boys. No top Leon
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Ok just one more.
Leon’s more masculine so he should top desu
Ehrm I said that was the last one, for now.

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Previous version: >>3021816

Robots, mechas, machines- get your NUTS and bolts here
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my bad
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- No arguing, no derailing, no off-topic shit.
- Ignore (do not respond) to the roastie bitch that cries about bears/chubs/fembois and report her.
- No cartoony art. High-quality western art is fine but keep the saturday morning cartoons on /aco/.
- No hyper or absurd proportions.
- Fat and conventionally unattractive males are welcome.
- AI is welcome, but don't spam with it.
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General thread for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney / 逆転裁判 and all of the sequels.

Subby Edgeworth Edition

>Ignore and report shitposts/off-topic

>Previous Thread
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Ryona/wounded amputees also accepted
If fresh try to keep to bandaged stuff

Old: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3020839/
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No drama.
No western-styled art.
No replying to trolls, ignore + report.

Be nice.
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So you won't read her coming out story that's in the actual fucking game?
Heart of a woman is transgender. Okama are older transgender women much like otokonoko refers to young transgender girls. You would know this if you understood Japanese language and culture.
Please read Beasts! It's a good episode
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ywnbaw tranny freak
now enjoy this image of a man getting thing shoved into his ass
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Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.
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very cute
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Just wanted to update my sisters on the status of Reo Getting Fucked By Old Men.

There's more Kino available. This time it's a proper doujin:

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Blue lock porn?
Jesus Christ they didn't de-censor Reo's Bunda

I am glad I didn't waste money on this sloppa recap. My boyfriend did.
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Is Tokimitsu in it?
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