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shark boys, octopus men, and other undersea creatures/monsters. Post whatever style of males as long as they fit the theme.

If the usual retarded cunt comes in and derails over le 'hentai' 'ugly baras' 'femboys' or whatever else, ignore and report her dumb shitposting ass.
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requesting tentaspy
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>Why does your dad let you have TWO dicks??
Wadanohara throwback
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>nitter is dead
>tfw no way to follow merfags on twitter anymore without making an account or hosting your own instance
Sad. And just when coral island was getting popular.
Can't you just make an account with a burner email?
Holy fucking nostalgia.
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The milotic tail is a cool touch
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Tbh I prefer the asshole on the back
what would sex with a merman feel like?
very slippery and wet
fuck a fish and find out lmaoooo ayo
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>1 more day until mermay
Any good pics come out?
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Just use Mastodon like a well-adjusted person.
Isn't mastodon just for loli shit
you're thinking of baraag
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Idate? based.
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surprised anyone else here remembers it
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Do their penises rub together inside?
That’s kinda hot.
It's annoying that there isn't more sexy fanart of OreFuro characters
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I heard of that before, is it any good?
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