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I love Cosmo but I like to see him beaten, humiliated and lose his fights. i love how he lost this fight it makes me want to rape him. I can't believe there is no doujin of him getting his ass destroyed after losing a fight.

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Berserk with emphasis on Griff being a slut for cum.
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nuh uh
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Painful anal. Bonus points for tears.
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Wow this is amazing. I love guys being forced to take a cock in their ass and a sound in their dick at the same time

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what is this, conversion camp?
that only made me gayer
This looks hot!
I wish I could do that!
by Doll aka Calmboy

Appreciation for the best possible underwear. Sporty men images preferred, sweaty even better
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boys with cute ears and tails!
much more obedient than catboys

bonus points:
>collar and leash
>"good boy"
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aaaaaaaah garu is soooo cutee
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>I just want BE a submisse catboy
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can I post foxboys ITT?

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Ignore and report trolling and off topic.

Previous: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2951972/
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u a pedo
This website is not for you.
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Shinji's butt is built for cock and I'm gonna be mad if the next Eva iteration pairs him with another w*man at the end

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What are the most affordable sites to buy doujin from?
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Based. Ebay is a hidden trove sometimes. If you know moon runes it open a whole new world. If not, there's still lots to be found. Sometimes you can contact a seller once you have bought from them before and they can look for things for you. I had a supplier like this for a few years. He stopped selling, though.
How does ordering from them work? They actually have one I want that's never been scanned

don’t care if they’re having sex, just show me the PITS

femboys/traps and bara/fat both encouraged!!!
no derailing or arguing or you will die irl! you will explode!!
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A.I generated
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Also A.I
Bing: We won't generated explicit materials
Also Bing: Armpits have sphincters sometimes.
>Also Bing: Armpits have sphincters sometimes.

please post these, I love armpit orifices so much, see >>3059047. If it's too degenerate for the thread in your opinion, upload a rar of the ones you got

and tell me what you're doing to generate them

There's some I have with deeper holes but I don't think any are of men and suitable for /y/ as a resukt

Bonus points for cleaning blowjobs
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Faggy bois must tongue clean their dom's dirty cock
Stupid question, how does smegma taste?
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it doesnt really taste like anything yes ive tried it

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giant man
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Drawfag? I tried reverse searching this to find the artist on both SauceNAO and Yandex to no results

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Previous thread: >>3028937
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Let's post some Endhawks! And remember: Absolutely no top Hawks!!
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Dirty Deeds Edition
Previous: >>2886421

Something something add Pizano#6160 for access to the Discord (They probably won't let you in)
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anime soon guys
896 days.
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if the fandom doesnt pick up when sbr gets announced im gonna learn to draw. need more peak

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