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/y/ - Yaoi

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Anime-styled catboy yaoi thread

>All bodytypes (bear, twink, etc) are welcome

>NO heavily-stylized (WoW, pixar, chibis, etc), or comic/cartoony/western art
>NO proportionally oversized cocks, no adult baby or watersports, no smell or filth fetishes, no beastiality or vore
>NO AI art

>All global rules and board rules still apply, however; please don't argue or announce reports. Silently report, hide, and ignore any rulebreaking, trolling, or derailing.
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How long you can clap the angel devil from csm.

In chapter 50, it cost's Aki 2-month's of his life span by touching angel devil's hand for a brief moment.

Let's assume that Aki only touches his hand for 3 second's, 3 second's of contacts cost 2 month's of the lifespans, so it will cost around a year of your total life spans just to be in psyhical contact with angel for 18 second's.

Average male life spans is around 72.75 worldwide, minus your current age.(average age of an anime fan is around 18-25 ) , which means you have around 47.75-54.75 year's of lifespan's to spare,

47.75*18 second's = 859.5 second's
859.5/60 = 14.325 minute's
54.75*18 second's = 985.5 second's
985.5/60 = 16.425 minutes

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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condom breaks wdyd
die I guess
Get poo on my dick
He eats fiber.

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- Japanese/Anime style art only
- No dicks longer than the guy's finger
- Don't post racebait or racist fetishes
- Ignore and report shitposts/derailing/off-topic imagery

If you want western/cartoony art or average/larger penises make your own thread.
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>3 small dick threads at the same time
/y/ is spoiling me
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- Japanese/Anime style art only
- No dicks longer than the guy's finger
- Don't post racebait or racist fetishes
- Ignore and report shitposts/derailing/off-topic
>- Japanese/Anime style art only
>- No dicks longer than the guy's finger
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Yaoi of unmutilated, in tact, uncircumcised anime boy dicks

• Eastern artstyles ONLY - no cartoons, comics, or western slop.
• No Al-generated art
• No dirtiness/filth/musk
• No gapes or prolapses
• No impossible proportions (e.g. dick as big as an arm, synthol muscles, cowmoobs etc)
• No race-related fetishes
• No flame-wars or derailment
| Report any of the above spam |
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>• Eastern artstyles ONLY - no cartoons, comics, or western slop.

and vice versa

Report and hide off-topic/spam/derailing
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goated aesthetic pairing
this feels so surreal I dated the artist who made this
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What are the most affordable sites to buy doujin from?
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>BUY videogame
>BUY movie
>BUY album cd
What do you mean??
I just got a rare doujin off of ebay that's normally $100 everywhere else aftermarket for like $15

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A thread focused on posting anonymous (or faceless) figures in drawings.

Preferred anonies in thread:
Faceless/Featureless characters, silhouettes, Y/N, stickman, OC (if you have one), etc...

Patrick Fillion characters are not anonymous and are off-topic for this thread.
Report any trolling and floods in thread. You can coom in the thread, by the way.

Return to the legacy:
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Bara and Traps are allowed
Ignore and report the spammer that complains
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duke pls
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i should play this game

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Small characters topping OK.
Bara, cds, and traps all OK.
Genderbends OK, as long as they are male.

No hyper, lactation, urination, gaped/prolapsed anuses, bitching/derailing, or female characters in any context (watching, background, etc).

Keep other gacha games in their own threads.
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Crossdressing Gays Edition

Main games, OCs, and spin-offs characters yaoi
Small tops encouraged/Report any off-topic posts

Last Thread
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It is what it is, can't get sour about every schizo loser or you'll just always be sour.
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Hello, I would like to know. What is the /y/ poster ideal boyfriend, if you were in a yaoi or BL?
Describe or draw, post what your perfect yaoi boyfriend would be..
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Not OP, but maybe some templates could be fun.
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Made it transparent for anime boy pic portion.
Oh, thanks!

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Artist: Aquarina/Lenbarboza
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Post and discuss
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What do you mean by replacing? They come with magnets usually but they're prepainted so you can't just swap them out with any random ones.
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top right kinda freaky
The 3 on the bottom left-hand side look good.
They don't print more because they think only female figures have demand? Why so expensive?

Thread for all pic related to sports [basket ball, soccer, etc] yaoi and wrestling yaoi.
Report off topic and derail, don't reply to.
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That’s Nagi..
Any pics of sweaty toweling boys

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Guys caught fucking/masturbating
No voyeurism where it’s clearly intentionally in public view
No women anywhere in the pics
No arguing
Femboys/traps and bara both welcome
Eastern and western art both welcome
Discussion of getting caught/catching others and any experiences you may have welcome
30 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
I would but I can't even tell what it was anymore. Nice website btw.
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