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anime art only, no western cartoons
17 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
giw i had this
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Any male Fate/Grand Order character (incl. f-2-m rule 63 guys) is welcome. Baras welcome, femboys welcome, bishonen welcome, all pairings and sizes welcome.

The only rule is no western art or hyper, keep that shit on /aco/ and /d/. Obviously no shota/furry or anything else that breaks board rules. Don't reply to trolls/drama/whatever just report them and hide the posts.
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He is, not much of him tho

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Any monster welcome (not furry ofc)
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Spit, drool, facials

need a cute guy to spit in my mouth fr
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What are the most affordable sites to buy doujin from?
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Smallbrain, could not figure this shit out.
get the fuck out of this board and let the faggots talk
That's not a yaoi website
finally found the sauce https://skeb.jp/@puni_101010/works/71

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Grade the pic before you, post a new pic, get a grade for it.

Previous: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2931850/
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Muscular Kevin is so hot, and so it's the dialogue.
i'm really not into the bottom's haircut but everything else is good
The art isnt bad but hard pass on HH
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>small tops encouraged
>report any trolling or off topic
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174 replies and 131 images omitted. Click here to view.
need more where griffith doms the shit out of guts, like cmon he seems the controling type (also love me some good muscle bitch)
I don't see any deleted therads
Sauce? Google lens is useless.
lol the face in panel 3 killed it

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A thread just for twink yaoi
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#2 >>3010525
#1 >>2950563

This thread is for editing still frames from official 2D sources.
Let’s all be polite and stop saying some show is ruining the thread, or focusing hate in requesters, it just clutters the thread. If you think that someone is being a troll, just ignore and post edits/anything interesting to be edited.
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Requesting straight erect penis shooting cum
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Can I get an edit where Iida’s ass is bigger and fatter, sorta like a cyclist? Bonus if you can get the towel off Shoji. Please and thank you!
Quickly did this on my phone
This one is so funny to me for no reason
Is the black shit normally there?

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Let the musky rank mancunt odor flood your nostrils and mouth. No tr*ps/f*mboys allowed no scat and NO SMALL TOPS.
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spread it baby
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Why doesn't this thread already exist?

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I love davedirk so much it's unreal
just realized i saved the small versions of these, so not gonna post any more
just reverse image search if you want the rest
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In the Name of God, the Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful.
Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.
The Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful.
Master of the day of judgment.
Thee we worship, and in Thee we seek help.
Guide us upon the straight path.
The path of those on whom Thy grace is,
not those on whom Thine anger is,
nor those who are astray.
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You’re blaspheming by posting this in a Jewish holy thread.
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Superhusbands! No top Tony!
7 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.

Post some Starker, ladies and gentlemen. Remember: NO TOP PETER!!! HE IS THE UKE!
5 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
>no X top tranny is back
>fillion spam in full swing
wow shocking

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