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and vice versa

Report and hide off-topic/spam/derailing
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giwtwm in the middle
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Last one hit it's page limit. Post dudes getting fuck against their will.
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Those who get turned on by rape are sick fucks
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You like it, don't lie.
Or rape victims coping with trauma... or normal dudes that understand the concept of fantasy and consenting nonconsent.. but ok man go off.

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To celebrate the end of the first season, let’s have a thread of the Windbreaker boys. Bonus points for blushy Sakura
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Ugly garbage
the only ugly thing about it is the font and lettering

As a goth male myself, I need to find me a goth alt-twink to annihilate.

I mostly have femboys, but I'll take anything for more goth boys and men
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i wish western twink artists didn't draw such long skinny pencil dicks
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Is goth still a thing in current year?
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>a persistent subculture that exists in a niche

All pics are welcum from AI to western art and bears to twinky femboys :3
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>Branded Fusion's artwork is basically Albaz being vored by Aluber
>Branded Lost's artwork is Albaz being put on BDSM chains
In retrospective Abyss lore was something else
Weird-looking manboobs
They look like juicy pecs to me, brah.

No hyper/macro. Eastern art styles highly preferred but not required.
All bodytypes and male characters from the Persona series are welcome.
Report any off-topic/spam/derailing and keep discussions civil.
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makoto yuki makes me rock hard
Bisexual Adachi is so interesting. Only middle-aged man seem to approach him because he's just fresh meat, so he still becomes bitter with the world. The motivations wouldn't change too much.
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other object heads too
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What does this general think of Emio?
the bed would be nothing but smithereens
Here you go~ UwU
I'd sit on his face to be honest
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This thread is for Anime/Japanese-style art. For anything else, make your own thread. All bodytypes welcome.

Report and ignore the trolls/off-topic shitposting.
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- No arguing, no derailing, no off-topic shit.
- Ignore (do not respond) to the roastie bitch that cries about bears/chubs/fembois and report her.
- No cartoony art. High-quality western art is fine but keep the saturday morning cartoons on /aco/.
- No hyper or absurd proportions.
- Fat and conventionally unattractive males are welcome.
- AI is welcome, but don't spam with it.
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shark boys, octopus men, and other undersea creatures/monsters. Post whatever style of males as long as they fit the theme.

If the usual retarded cunt comes in and derails over le 'hentai' 'ugly baras' 'femboys' or whatever else, ignore and report her dumb shitposting ass.
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That’s kinda hot.
It's annoying that there isn't more sexy fanart of OreFuro characters
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I heard of that before, is it any good?
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Twink death is dom rebirth, change my mind.
Twink death isn't real. Being afraid of aging is a luxurious mental affliction provided to us by modern life. I love older men and twinks both.
twunks can age very well by keeping fit, wearing sunscreen and finasteride or hair implants if necessary, twinks need to gain muscle to avoid too much skin sagging
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>you need plastic surgery and pharmaceuticals to avoid aging!

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The last one got knocked off during the shitposter usual mass bumps. Be civil and don’t argue or whine. If you hate a post then click the hide button and continue jerking your cock, nobody gives a flying fuck about what you dislike.
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Sauce? I know it's Twitter, but reverse image searches gave me nothing.
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Small characters topping OK.
Bara, cds, and traps all OK.
Genderbends OK, as long as they are male.

No hyper, lactation, urination, gaped/prolapsed anuses, bitching/derailing, or female characters in any context (watching, background, etc).

Keep other gacha games in their own threads.
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Haven't played in a while, is this a new char?
Yes, a super rare male banshee as well
The most powerful operator among Rhodes Island's Elite Operators
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>cute ansel art ruined by a cringe flat cage

A non-violent way of conquer people
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Tbh I'd love to be a late 19th century trapper with a hot yet competent native "companion". Also we need more eskimo, inuit, first nations content.
Pic unrelated, but the only thing I have.
Not big into rape, more of a paternalist.
I feel bad for him but it's still hot.
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Search comic associate to the boy...
Isn't this the animation where they didn't censor the tribes people fucking each other? What's the title?
it's a screenshot from onyx equinox edited

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