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Previous thread: >>3028937
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Whats the source
>dead thread
>vanilla drawings
Hope the fujos are happy
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We are, thanks
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i'm male but it's nice not seeing smegma, crap art, and gaped pozzholes. i'm all for fujo supremacy
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uh oh tranny roastie meltie
Is this one safe from the ugly westoid art spam
she's so easy to bait lmao
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>Bison and schizo tinfoil post deleted with the spam
mmmm yeah.. shoot that's really unexpected sheesh.
Fillion spammer is the bishiehating misogynist? Wow who could’ve guessed.
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I just like how they claimed the thread is dead when it isn't and these threads have been consistently kept alive by posting porn of the new boys. The cope is funny.
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jamie is sexo
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Dubs of truth
Thank god there’s no westslop of Jamie.
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he's impossible to make ugly, even if you applied f*llion's hideous comicslop art style to him he'd probably still be hot
This is hideous art though, stop posting it
Keep crying.
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>top Jamie
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Where did their jaws go?
3d models are so ugly. It’s a good thing thing fanart exists.
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Why do you keep spamming completely unrelated shit in these threads?
friendly reminder to report for off topic
looks like gay yaoi porn 2 me
This is a Street Fighter thread, sperg. You're posting random shit completely unrelated.
this is a futa weebshit thread which belongs on /d/
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>so mentally ill that he's now shitposting other off topic images in seething rage
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Everyone on this board is an insufferable retard, summer can't end soon enough.
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Your definition of femboy is completely fucked
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Thank you for this
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Where are these from?
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Fuck off already faggot
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why is there a sperg who keeps posting ugly unrelated porn?
Fillion and generic off-topic spam from some lolcow autist that's hated there too has happened for years in a ton of threads. According to other anons it's the janitor doing it to make people angry and talk more, and everyone gets banned for reporting it so it could be, but really who knows why retards are retarded.
damn dis investigation is crazy
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>According to other anons it's the janitor doing it to make people angry
Explains why all this ugly non-SF art is still here despite being off topic and clearly trolling
It's happened for years, if you go to IRC they tell you to use feedback. If you report you get banned. Deal with it or abandon the board like everyone else. They will never give a shit.
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Heeeey, there we go.

Love the Luke and Jamie stuff, but this is cool.
Ngl I was going to post Ryu but I know you guys don't care for him, just wanted to post something since Fillion spam is shitting up half the goddamn board currently.
it's either a bot or a janny but don't mention it because it has the term on ping
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>I was going to post Ryu but I know you guys don't care for him
Feel free to post any SF boy you want, friend
That's nuts, what on earth is the point of this?
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love that it's almost universally accepted that Jamie wears a thong and Luke has a massive cock
Is there a scan of this anywhere?
No, this fandom sucks at acquiring or sharing any new doujins. There's fucking 47 LukeJamie doujins and they will never reach us
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this isn't SF
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They're a chronic shitposter, just report them for offtopic
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>shitposter finally got purged
Thank fuck
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Fucking STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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off-topic garbage.
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Filliongapefag's seething so hard it's ban evading for the 5th day in a row and spamming a dozen different threads with random garbage.
It's good to see them finally get banned/threads get cleaned up even though they keep evading. Anon >>3064080 is smart to point out which posts to report
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Not SF
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There is no wrestlerfag you schizo jeet autist. Stop leaking your made-up drama into all these other threads. You're so retarded and obnoxious.
Thanku janny
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this needs patrickj fillion
Fuck off troon.
lmfao who tf faps to this shit
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Offtopic and ban evading, you had a 30 day ban on the public bans list last time for spamming Fillion shit. This was less than 3 days ago.
Thanks for tagging all them, makes it easier.
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Just spam her threads. Jannies don’t care so it’s ffa lol.
Fuck off. Off topic.
post fat baras fucking traps or muscle flesh tumours or whatever she seethes about
These posts still need to be deleted for offtopic and ban evasion, mods need to get on this
If you think that's bad you should see the drawthreads.
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wtf they were fine a few days ago. Looks like the images show up if you click on them though. Might have something to do with the cancerous off topic spam, who knows.
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Thumbnails aren't showing up in the thread
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This art is peak, that physique on the right with his long hair is so sexo
Sauce on image/video? They look good. Please?
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Based normally proportioned bishounen thread.
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we really need more bishie threads and less hyper bara shitpost spam desu, like pre-coronavirus /y/
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Off topic
real manly men r sperier
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Nice pics, the ones that are actually Street Fighter.
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