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Ignore and report trolling and off topic.

Previous: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2951972/
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I don’t care for NGE but these pics are good.
More with penis size difference
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Shinji's butt makes me so happy
NGE is amazing tho
I just don’t like mecha or fantasy anime. Wrestling anime are better.
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They are so cute together.
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someone post kaji pls, he's the hottest guy in the show
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Aww, poor shinji. Don't worry, he's about to be plapped to heaven through prostate orgasms.
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top shinji
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wish there were more of it
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Fuck... Bottom Shinji is so hot
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Why is bottom Shinji so much more popular than bottom Kaworu?
Bcs Kaworu is gay space jesus and Shinji is pussy scared to live. Its obvious who dominates who
I feel like a bro that dies for your sins would also let you fuck his ass any time you want. Shinji seems more like he'd overcompensate for his lack of masculinity by refusing to bottom.
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>AI slop
it's just 2 images just hide it and move on
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>Shinji seems more like he’d overcompensate for his lack of masculinity by refusing to bottom.
See, you say that, but that’s what makes Shinji bottoming even hotter for me. All Shinji has ever wanted was to be loved, and he believes this “love” is gained from exhibiting traditionally masculine traits (piloting the Eva, not running away, being more like his father, being dominant, etc). Shinji suffers because he doesn’t meet this standard (he likes cooking and cleaning, he’s passive, he struggles with taking initiative). It’s no secret that Shinji having daddy issues and complicated relationships with women all warp his view of masculinity, making him believe you have to be masculine to be loved as a man. Also, Shinji suffers from the hedgehog’s dilemma, and he can’t connect with others out of fear and insecurity. He believes that if he forces himself to be masculine, then his suffering would go away. So, the fact that Shinji spends his entire life building a masculine persona of himself but immediately reverts back to his true submissive self the moment he meets Kaworu makes my dick diamonds.
But eh, different strokes for different folks.
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bottom kaworu
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Is the canon option, but switch is the hottest. Shinji’s ugly ngl, bottoming (switch) Kaworu makes me hard because his expressions are sexy. I think fujos self insert as Shinji so they default him to bottom. All real men are switches anyway.
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>Shinji’s ugly ngl
Stopped reading there. You have shit taste. Shinji is the cutest boy in the entire series.
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I wanna help Shinji discover his prostate.
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based, shinji topping is good
>bottoms can't be masculine
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Shinji is not ugly!!
I'm just imagining pulling down those shorts and taking turns.
Yeah he is
Retard. I love me some fem tops and masc bottoms. But Shinji is spiritually a bottom and none of you Bushwick fags can convince me otherwise.
This boy was born to take cock
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Poor Shinji can't help being so much smaller!
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I wish I was Kaworu shoving my fat cock down his throat...
I want to abuse shinji!
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Tell us about it anon.
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What is it about these twinks? I'm particularly fond of 2914 and 2928.

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