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Bonus points for cleaning blowjobs
8 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
I don't like the way that is worded.
Something about it seems off.
Faggy bois must tongue clean their dom's dirty cock
Stupid question, how does smegma taste?

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Sadly, fireden is dead (for now, hopefully), so no link!
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A bbm cyclops is bullying you till you go out with him, wat do?

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/fujo/ - A general Boys Love thread #148

>Previous thread

>Who are we
/fujo/ is a general for fujoshis to talk about their ships, share fanart, and also discuss original BL

>Sites recommended by fujoshi

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Nobody is fetishizing ugly gross fags I assure you.
wouldn't it be more accurate to call it romanticizing? since there are a lot of gays who are into hard-core fetishes from the start and not doki doki heart racing drama relationships.
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I fetishize the clergy.
Based fetish
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Priests, monks, every other title, they are all for being debauched.

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Cute twinks, traps, femboys, bara, musclemen and ikemen in maid attire, ready to serve their masters.
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Whoever this is, I require more.
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Just post anything ZZZ besides the furry one I guess (Eg. Lycaon and Ben is not allowed here)
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>besides the furry one
but that's the best one!
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Blame the jannies for not letting us have some spicy stuff here
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Be honest: What would be your reaction?
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Damn, I love the taboo around these pictures

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Small guys with big guys! Body size difference mandatory, cock size difference optional.

No hyper and no pixar-style or cartoons.
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giant man
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Useless little man clitties! 1 inch and below.
Remember to report all off topic images :3
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Sharing Avan from Jock studio
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Please post more pics OP
I love him, he's such a slut, he's going to take so many dicks.

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Haven't seen a thread for Mega Man before so I thought I'd make one. Any art style, any guys from the games. Love me some androids.

People still know what Mega Man is right?
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Kinda wish there were more instances where they focused on the characters being mechanical. The is absolutely part of the appeal for me. Not quite mechabare tier stuff but seeing them take off their helmets and have hair irks me. Make them otherworldy machines! (aside from canon hair reveals; X doesn't count....)
Also, are solo pics allowed
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> Also, are solo pics pics allowed


what are you working on? tell us about that yaoi story you're writing, show off your OC artwork, or discuss ideas for that yaoi VN you know you'll never make
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If anyone needs shitty music or shitty voice acting for your project, I am always down to help my fellow faggots make filth. Especially if it's monster related filth, but not necessary. I am monster.fukk on discord :)
I don't know how to print my 60 pages gaysex doujin from China. If I printed in Japan, the censorship is required. Printing locally are very costly and they don't want to print adult manga. such is the life in the islamic caliphate. Selling the digital form will risk disgusting pirates to leak the content. at least from scanning the printing, I'll add my own security measure to prevent photos or scanners to pick up the drawing images.
I want to write a story about a bunch of crazy guys in disturbing relationship dynamics
if you're too protective no one will read it, it sounds like you need to make a compromise if you aren't able to make a printed version. if you sell it or post it you can't really stop people from enjoying or sharing it. that goes for physical and digital.

post League boys.

no AI art,
and no scat, watersports or other extreme fetishes please.

r63 female champions are fine as long as it's still /y/ material.
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annoyed as fuck because there's a really good new pic of darius bottoming but it's ai slop god DAMMIT
you cant say that and not post it
op said no slop and so i dont really wanna break that but it's on rule34.xxx, most recent image
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Does anyone have the Sett x Shen comic by yueongg?? it used to be on their discord server but they deleted it

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