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cute cocks

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Aka Attack on Titan.

**Don’t enter if you don’t want spoilers, the manga ended 2 years ago and it’s not 4chan’s job to baby you.**

>Post: Any male ships/characters, small tops/doms, big tops/doms, bara (e.g. Reiner), traps (e.g. pts Armin), gyakuryona, rape, pre-timeskip OR timeskip, and content with spoilers.

>Do not post: Images with women in them, foot/muskfag shit, off-topic art, flame wars/bait, beastiality, men with breasts, hyper/oversized cocks, gaping holes, guro, lactation or other strange/disgusting content.
140 replies and 114 images omitted. Click here to view.
Lol your posts are terrible bro
I love this image it's like Armin was blackmailed to fuck him
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don’t care if they’re having sex, just show me the PITS

femboys/traps and bara/fat both encouraged!!!
no derailing or arguing or you will die irl! you will explode!!
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boys who like being fucked, even if they don't like admitting it
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The term 'blush' brings up what you're looking for
Sounds like a woman with extra steps
>feminized male on regular male
But enough about you.

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Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.

Top PoV: >>3033206
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Sabudenego does some good work and combos-n-doodles has a very good art style.

But nothing gets me as fucking hard as Kirsi
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anintofu artist, I like his art and his dark doujins I love how this femboy wizard get destroyed.
patrick fillio
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yo daddy
his art would be good if it weren't hyper shit

boys with cute ears and tails!
much more obedient than catboys

bonus points:
>collar and leash
>"good boy"
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Some good chastity/feminized bois
No purely dom/top bois
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o sweet summer child
shut up
get a janny application if you care so much
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Leon on an all onions diet
no, i mean it. yes i know theres so much worse. but i simply hate this specific one

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>>3053476 >>3053683
>>3054288 >>3054289
>>3054325 >>3054321
>>3054327 >>3054329
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I still can't figure out what triggers the Fillion spam in any given thread.
because he's a god tier artist
>"god tier artist"
the way i fucking kek'd hard to this retard
that fag can't even get to the mainstream of yaoi because people already have better stuff to look at
Do you have a hard time comprehending English? That response isn't relevant to the post you replied to.
it's just ugly to look at

Japanese or Korean doujins?
Which are better and why?
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I hate korean art, they all have these stupid faces
i hate korean fujos they draw like shit and are obsessed with woman tropes on men
you're retarded. japanese porn is some of the most disgusting stuff (compliment). korean stuff is all cringe fluff in comparison.
All korean guys look like this ngl
they both look white asf

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a woman made this thread
kinda based if true ngl
The OP posted that lol

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Small guys with big guys! Body size difference mandatory, cock size difference optional.

No hyper and no pixar-style or cartoons.
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I just prefer not having it sorry anon
WHEN did that happen??
might have happened in the second to but it's definitely in the 3rd one
Oh I remember the one little panel now lol. It's the same fucked artist that made that disgusting snuff doujin Deadly Love, isn't it.

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Just as the title suggests, a femboy thread! Does still have to be yaoi though, considering the board :3
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guys in skimpy clothing
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Stop spamming this shit.
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lol make me

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