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Bara and Traps are allowed
Ignore and report the spammer that complains
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Zagi was the hottest aside from Raven but there’s no porn of him.
I’m new to this board. Why are most of the posts on this board of overly masculine men? Do people not know that “yahoo” literally means BOY LOVE? Not MAN LOVE. Anyways, this was one of maybe 2 threads that didn’t make me instantly vomit, so thanks OP. Does anyone know of a website that isn’t completely fucking gay? Would like to look at actual yaoi, not a bunch of hairy guys fucking.
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Sorry I don't really know, even on pixiv you will see a decent amount of bara.
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Is this worth playing? Kinda want to draw them but having no attachment makes it soulless.
IMO it's the best Tales game, but the combat can feel very clunky especially now with age. The story and world and characters are all really enjoyable. If you like any other Tales game I would say go for it. There are other cute boys that don't have much porn too like someone else mentioned.
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he looks good with glasses
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i always wanted to top the prettyboy with long white hair
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Knight Schwann bottoming is so god damn cute, more please.
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More of him plz
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>no Zagi porn exists
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there’s a couple but they’re weird
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Fuck off
Stop posting off topic shit in random threads retard.
ignore and report her spam
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That's my bad actually. Had a brainfart and thought i was in the catboy thread.
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Another deleted pixiv.
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Got more of Duke?
I don't think more exists.
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From the AI thread
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I’d believe Flynn was packing.
Too big for Yuri, doe.
all knights have tiny dicks
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Based thread making me horny for nostalgia.
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yuri lets raven plow him every day
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Party bike
i need to commission something of him getting fucked
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