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Haven't seen a thread for Mega Man before so I thought I'd make one. Any art style, any guys from the games. Love me some androids.

People still know what Mega Man is right?
i believe megaman has basically been folded into the robot/mecha thread
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Ah I see. I would have androids and full-on robots more separate but what do I know?
i think they were merge since back when it was merged, there wasn't enough new megaman smut that people just kept posting the same stuff over and over
same with transformer
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Glad there's finally Mega Man fans on here but I gotta say, it's kinda hard to find good Mega Man nsfw that isn't shota lol
MMZ stuff typically isn't shota luckily, but it doesn't stray very far from canon body types. So you won't see anything like what you posted being made. Hell, most of the garbage I have on hand is nearly on-model. (With some exception)
All Mega Man yaoi is hot regardless of which iteration/character it is, it's just that X or Zero art is soooo much less common. I swear 90% of Mega Man yaoi is exe and Lan which I can't post here
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X and Zero is rare? Maybe the well drawn stuff is rare. It and Dynamo with Gate are the only two I ever see. Er, EXE and Lan also. Won't deny that. Not a fan, personally.
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Kinda wish there were more instances where they focused on the characters being mechanical. The is absolutely part of the appeal for me. Not quite mechabare tier stuff but seeing them take off their helmets and have hair irks me. Make them otherworldy machines! (aside from canon hair reveals; X doesn't count....)
Also, are solo pics allowed
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> Also, are solo pics pics allowed

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