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Passionate tongue action
Lip biting
Swapping spit
Tongue brushing
French kisses and throat swabs
Nothing gets my cock at rock more than a good man on man snog

No arguing or trolling, if you don’t like something don’t look at it
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IdoraaD on twitter

post League boys.

no AI art,
and no scat, watersports or other extreme fetishes please.

r63 female champions are fine as long as it's still /y/ material.
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43 replies and 38 images omitted. Click here to view.
i need miquella to milk my cock with his footpussy
Radahn in Mohg's body is a nice twist.
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boys with cute ears and tails!
much more obedient than catboys

bonus points:
>collar and leash
>"good boy"
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Some good chastity/feminized bois
No purely dom/top bois
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newfag please
Onions is an auto filter word.
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to think a stupid fit meme would become a filter kek

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Grade the pic before you, post a new pic, get a grade for it.

Previous: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2931850/
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i like the body shapes and normal cock sizes
Saving bump
Stop spamming you fucking retard, none of the threads are at risk of falling off right now.
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6/10 pretty good but the blurrr

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he’s actually a 700 year old middle aged divorced dad in a midge body
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Why are you spamming?
Hope she dies in her sleep.
we all do but just i+r

Anyone here have more art by Op_na?
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Why is it delicious twinks like >>3055318 are always paired with mindbreak sissificiation shit? Does every artist who loves drawing svelte fuckable non-traps also have a humiliation fetish?

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now i know this is a dead pairing from a dead fandom. but maybe there's some other person in here who happens to share the same passion for this as i do and wants to contribute
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Probably someone who wants to see more, calm down.
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Delinquents and genies fighting and fucking, Bucchigiri?!
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Of the off chance it wasn't apparent, this is a doujin preview, it's not the full comic.

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Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.

Top PoV: >>3033206
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anime art only, no western cartoons
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Page 10 bump

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14 only, no other final fantasy games
bara and traps are both welcome
ignore and report the shitposter if she derails
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good lord
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#2 >>3010525
#1 >>2950563

This thread is for editing still frames from official 2D sources.
Let’s all be polite and stop saying some show is ruining the thread, or focusing hate in requesters, it just clutters the thread. If you think that someone is being a troll, just ignore and post edits/anything interesting to be edited.
114 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
This one is so funny to me for no reason
Is the black shit normally there?
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Please nude. Please.
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Please make him have a handsome dick and tits.

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get dat ass ate

no musk/farting/dirtiness
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cute undies
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