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Characters from the series Naruto & Naruto Shippuden

Last Thread: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3002523/
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Oops, wrong thread, apologies.
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Its ok.
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Based and redpilled
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You have more of this artist?
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Bit of a rare pair but weirdly hot
I recognize Shikamarus dad, but who are the others supposed to be
Inochi/Ino’s dad… and Ao, one of the Mizukage’s bodyguards.

Inochi and Shikaku make sense. The fact someone threw Ao in there is hilarious and random.
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I kinda like when Sasuke bottoms better.
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Always wanted to fuck Chouji when I was a teen
based and foodpilled
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more sharkboy please
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Anyone got anything of Rinji from the Guren arc?
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Sasuke needs to be raped and ryona’d.
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my favs
Finally some Hashirama
How come there's so little of him around
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He has a decent amount for how little he was shown
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Hunky Hashiramas
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Why is Ishiki nsfw bare bones???
unpopular sequel even less popular character
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kinda hate Sasuke, but him taking cock from daddy Naruto is way too hot
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based, bottom sasuke is the only way
More Sasori
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I never could figure out what those things on the wire were
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Itachi's necklace pieces, I think
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>same posts every thread
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man, i'd love to give naruto a long deep rimjob. sasuke and kakashi too.
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Any GuyxKakashi stuff?

I dont get why its so rare really, considering Guy has a body close to Asuma for bara hotness and is v. good looking with his hair slicked back. And, given Kakashi's characterisation, I don't think he (Kakashi) is an uber-top. I like to see him bottom.

Plus they are arguably one of the most likely canon m/m pairings in the show(s)
Never in my life I see rock lee this cute and even getting fucked up, wtf. I need more lol
Pixiv artist ID was 19643043 but they deleted all of their stuff, I haven't had luck finding more.
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>I dont get why its so rare really
The green jumpsuit, brushy brows and bowlcut REALLY don't do him any favors.
You're right though, he has a 10/10 body and a great persoanlity to boot
i love guy's hair and eyebrows..
Is Aizenhawer still around. He makes the nicest-looking Naruto art IMO.
He is but most of what he does is TDI or Danny Phantom stuff. He drops real good art once in a blue moon
This is cute, I miss old yaoi
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Anybody has Pain? I don’t understand why he’s so impopular between fujos since he’s one of the hottest characters
Who’s the artist?
There's Yahiko yaoi, Pain is probably unpopular for a mix of being annoying to draw with the irises and piercings and being a dead husk.
>Who’s the artist?
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