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Grade the pic before you, post a new pic, get a grade for it.

Previous: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2931850/
Bit young for my preference.
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Two dudes are kind of same-y and I would personally prefer a bit variety - the big hairy dude is cute and the butt grope saves it.
10/10 Perfect art style and something about himbo jocks are so cute to me.
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10/10 Ari is always godtier wao
This one is so tender too
Too feminine, roastie shit. You looks like a woman face with a man body
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Good but the proportions are a lil off
This be /y/aoi not meme cartoonslop
Gb2 >>>/aco/
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6/10 I like the art the set up/scenarioless so
stop posting this shit
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6/10 not my taste

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proporsions are horrific like holy shit whats going on with his back and ass
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7/10 Very cute art style and love the body and the hair it has
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nice art, but too much hairy
3/10, too girly.
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Good lord
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Cute looking guy but the way that his bellybutton area is poking out of the water is... Off looking to me.
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Cute design, nice piercings. However, his penis thickness and placement look weird and so does his sternum.
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I like everything about this, but the fact that we can't see his face really kills it for me.
these threads are always just
>his elbow is pointy 1/10
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love it nice pose character and artstyle. Show us come cock though
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who is the guy btw?
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nice body
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Pozzed femboy trannoid shit.
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7/10, the pov is nice but not a fan of musk
0/10 you have to be trolling
Love the caged top, but the bottom doesn't excite me.
Love the switching also really pretty style

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