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he’s actually a 700 year old middle aged divorced dad in a midge body
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What's with this spam?
Some autistic faggot's been spamming multiple threads for weeks.
Just ignore and report, she’s been doing it everywhere because her daddy raped her as a little girl.

and vice versa

Report and hide off-topic/spam/derailing
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anime r63 thread is here >>3043454
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Find me a western male character who's as unique and attractive as these rule63 designs then lol
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>On my way, fag
go fuck yourself
uh oh angry tranny

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Hey everyone! Hotcha still hasn't posted June's pack, so while we're waiting, I managed to get an image extractor running in order to datamine all the images from both Hotcha's games: Drake's Dungeon and Sewer Meat. This way if you'd rather skip all the blabbing and just get to the art, you now have an option to do so in the Datamined Images folder in each of the respective game folders. Oh also, Hotcha posted some unused alts for Father's Day for one of the Thade CGs for Drake's Dungeon, so I've included them in that CG folder under "Unused".

Drake's Dungeon includes art CGs from 3 artists and in total:

>Hotcha: 14 Image Packs, 136 Images total.
>Patrick Fillion (Class Comics): 6 CG Packs, 22 Images total.
>Dizdoodz: 5 CG Packs, 31 Images total.


Sewer Meat is obviously significantly smaller with just 16 images, but I've also included the WIPs. Enjoy!

Does anyone have Hotcha's full comic of "Bull Brains"? Thanks.
You do not get the thanks you deserve
Thank you btw

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Small characters topping OK.
Bara, cds, and traps all OK.
Genderbends OK, as long as they are male.

No hyper, lactation, urination, gaped/prolapsed anuses, bitching/derailing, or female characters in any context (watching, background, etc).

Keep other gacha games in their own threads.
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Logos by https://x.com/Yodaka_Sansei?s=09
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Haven't played in a while, is this a new char?
Yes, a super rare male banshee as well
The most powerful operator among Rhodes Island's Elite Operators
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GH thread


Previous thread
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Legendary Contest
Laios from Dungeon Meshi

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Sick of waiting for an Omori thread to show up on here so I'm starting one. Post trauma twinks.
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Why is the presence of a female watching hot?
too close to ntr territory desu
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Can someone translate?
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Khiara by Personalami
Height 170 cm. (5'7 ft.)
Penis size 13 cm. (5.1 inches)
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The ftmranny bumping the spam drawthread presumably.
he's so..


WHERE can a guy find more of this?! ZAM,N
dear fujoshi, this board is not for you.
there are fujoshis that like traps and bara though
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good for them, but it's annoying to hear some twat complain that liking a certain type of male isn't gay to... gay men

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The last one got knocked off during the shitposter usual mass bumps. Be civil and don’t argue or whine. If you hate a post then click the hide button and continue jerking your cock, nobody gives a flying fuck about what you dislike.
204 replies and 156 images omitted. Click here to view.

post League boys.

no AI art,
and no scat, watersports or other extreme fetishes please.

r63 female champions are fine as long as it's still /y/ material.
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This thread is focused around sharing videos and MEGA links to RTZeroBara and Saigon3D's content.
Here's the first MEGA link to Rtzerobara's MEGA folder! https://mega.nz/folder/7W4l2brZ#hxJY30MXM2FPAyFk8zQH6A
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email poopoopeepee69@yahoo.co.jp if you want the link
email link owendean771@aol.com pls
email leonkennedysmpregvaginadrippingfromhetaliagermanycum@fujoshitsneed.lolcow.pt
We need just a discord server to upload the content
Please email the entirety of the package to my email bindudindu@hindu.cow thank you good bloody bitch bastard saar I kiss you

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Last one got pushed off the board for a dupe thread.

Bara, bishies, femboys all welcome.
Keep on-topic, preferably post eastern-styled yaoi, and ignore the spammer if she tries to derail.
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14 only, no other final fantasy games
bara and traps are both welcome
ignore and report the shitposter if she derails
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good lord

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ocs/characters with alt aesthetics or
vampires, goths, visual kei, decora, etc

eastern and western styles and masc/fem
are fine just stay on-topic
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Is it possible to make one of these with black lipstick?
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No hyper/macro. Eastern art styles highly preferred but not required.
All bodytypes and male characters from the Persona series are welcome.
Report any off-topic/spam/derailing and keep discussions civil.
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i want to stick my dick in yuki's ass
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