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Knife-ear anime yaoi

>All bodytypes (bear, twink, etc) are welcome so long as they're elves or the focus of the image is on an elf
>High quality and relevant AI is welcome- high quality western art, too

>NO heavily-stylized (WoW, pixar, chibis, etc), or comic/cartoony art
>NO proportionally oversized cocks, keep cages to a minimum, no adult baby or watersports, no smell or filth fetishes, no beastiality or vore

>All global rules and board rules still apply, however; please don't argue or announce reports. Silently report, hide, and ignore any rulebreaking, trolling, or derailing.
60 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
>draw human with pointy ears
>call it an elf
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Wendy Pini drew this amazing sketch of Skywise and Cutter for the silent auction to benefit the LGBTQIA…-friendly geek convention Bent-Con. She said that Elfquest is really the love story of these two soul brothers

boys with cute ears and tails!
much more obedient than catboys

bonus points:
>collar and leash
>"good boy"
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aaaaaaaah garu is soooo cutee
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>I just want BE a submisse catboy
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can I post foxboys ITT?

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Sadly, fireden is dead (for now, hopefully), so no link!
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i wanna rim that sumo assssss
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Ignore and report trolling and off topic.

Previous: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2951972/
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u a pedo
This website is not for you.
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Shinji's butt is built for cock and I'm gonna be mad if the next Eva iteration pairs him with another w*man at the end

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Characters from the series Naruto & Naruto Shippuden

Last Thread: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3002523/
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Might delve too far into shota territory for /y/, but I am baffled we never got good part 1 naruto x boruto porn considering the time travel arc has them litterally looking at each other blushing in bed

if anybody has good art of that, link me

there being so little haku porn is also baffling considering the popularity of femboys. I guess maybe Part 1 of naruto was published too long ago and he's too minor of a character?
Based taste, that's my favorite Naruto ship as well. As dumb as that arc was, thank you for making the OTP possible, Kishimoto. Boruto clearly wants to get fucked by his dad, and Naruto is many things but not an incestuous child fucker. That past arc opened the door to the best possibility. After losing Sasuke, Naruto is definitely open to a rebound and has no idea that Boruto is his future son, and Boruto would definitely use that opportunity. There are some miscellaneous stuff for the pairing here and there,. Here's some for you:
Funny enough, the Homri set predates the arc.

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What are the most affordable sites to buy doujin from?
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Based. Ebay is a hidden trove sometimes. If you know moon runes it open a whole new world. If not, there's still lots to be found. Sometimes you can contact a seller once you have bought from them before and they can look for things for you. I had a supplier like this for a few years. He stopped selling, though.
How does ordering from them work? They actually have one I want that's never been scanned

Post men from the games. NO SMALL TOPS!!
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don’t care if they’re having sex, just show me the PITS

femboys/traps and bara/fat both encouraged!!!
no derailing or arguing or you will die irl! you will explode!!
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A.I generated
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Also A.I
Bing: We won't generated explicit materials
Also Bing: Armpits have sphincters sometimes.
>Also Bing: Armpits have sphincters sometimes.

please post these, I love armpit orifices so much, see >>3059047. If it's too degenerate for the thread in your opinion, upload a rar of the ones you got

and tell me what you're doing to generate them

There's some I have with deeper holes but I don't think any are of men and suitable for /y/ as a resukt

Bonus points for cleaning blowjobs
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Faggy bois must tongue clean their dom's dirty cock
Stupid question, how does smegma taste?
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it doesnt really taste like anything yes ive tried it

i love this guy in the gayest way possible
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giant man
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Drawfag? I tried reverse searching this to find the artist on both SauceNAO and Yandex to no results

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Previous thread: >>3028937
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Let's post some Endhawks! And remember: Absolutely no top Hawks!!
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Last one got pushed off the board for a dupe thread.

Bara, bishies, femboys all welcome.
Keep on-topic, preferably post eastern-styled yaoi, and ignore the spammer if she tries to derail.
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Because BWC is hot
Staightened/relaxed hair looks weird on men, including mtf trannies and sissy fetishists. The only one that can really get away with it is Kat Williams.

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“Bishounen are young boys with a beautiful face.
They are commonly depicted as being slender, with big, beautiful eyes and no body or facial hair. They typically also have longer hair.”
Please no bara or femboy!
AI is ok
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