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Post lewd yaoi-related memes here
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I don't get it.
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bros being bros

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Spit, drool, facials

need a cute guy to spit in my mouth fr
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So true
The second-most natural thing you can do sexually.
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New Hoyo game. New porn.
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weird shape for his asshole
I actually didn't notice until you pointed it out as I was too focused on the Sampo cocks, my apologies

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Previous version: >>3021816

Robots, mechas, machines- get your NUTS and bolts here
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need more Sentinel

I really like him... can't get enough

>has the most horny fanarts out of the entire TFone cast
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wonder if there's any other Sentinelfuckers in here or if I'm brainwashed by the Iaconian government
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Post diaper boys
No scat, shota, or furries

Sister /d/egen threads
Farting >>3031548
Petrification >>3040945
Smegma >>3039731
Muscle Growth >>3033541
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Cute gens !

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Aka Attack on Titan.

**Don’t enter if you don’t want spoilers, the manga ended 2 years ago and it’s not 4chan’s job to baby you.**

>Post: Any male ships/characters, small tops/doms, big tops/doms, bara (e.g. Reiner), traps (e.g. pts Armin), gyakuryona, rape, pre-timeskip OR timeskip, and content with spoilers.

>Do not post: Images with women in them, foot/muskfag shit, off-topic art, flame wars/bait, beastiality, men with breasts, hyper/oversized cocks, gaping holes, guro, lactation or other strange/disgusting content.
174 replies and 144 images omitted. Click here to view.
Most of the images aren't loading. At least 60%
all threads are like that sitewide admins stopped caring
God bless you, Zeke poster.
Some good fucking food here

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Sadly, fireden is dead (for now, hopefully), so no link!
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Off topic.
I’m still waiting on trashtoons to update
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What it says on the title.
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Josou seme is the word you're looking for.
To avoid full on moeblobs with dicks slapped in, add some other yaoi related tags here and there in your searches.
Josou seme has no real meaning, it's just crossdressing tops which goes anything from trap to bara.
Fuck off schizo.
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I’m a small boy (5’1) and I want to top a bigger/taller guy so bad!

Where are all of the yaoi hentai eroge? There’s basically nothing ever released that isn’t a visual novel- especially when you consider how many straight porn games come out every day. Imagine a David Cage game, but it’s a choose your own homoerotic gangbang.

Why is this such an untapped market? Do other gay guys not like jacking it to interactive porn?
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puzzles, item chains that you need to unlock by going back and fro, and (animated) sex scenes. maybe some dialogs for the lore. no stats grinding and heavily reliant on texts.
for your consideration:
That banner is repulsive. Mutts can't make good bara.
I need more dev-talk like this.

Lately I've been on a kick about "vulnerability". People don't like to say they're attracted or aroused by it. But it's a thing our brains pay attention to.
It's subjective too. One person might think someone is really opening up to them, but for the other person it's just how you say hello. lol.
There's also a social context. When reading a character's thoughts it should be understood that they are thinking to themselves. It's revealing characterization but in a non-social context.

And then some games go in the completely opposite direction. Where it's 2 characters talking in a roundabout way, hinting that one character is gay. But they don't just say "You're gay." they say something like "You care for him, a lot."
And there's always the interpretation that it's just a platonic friendship.

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Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.

Top PoV: >>3033206
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Good art but not really PoV
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Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.
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Ryona/wounded amputees also accepted
If fresh try to keep to bandaged stuff

Old: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3020839/
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This is really hot

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No drama.
No western-styled art.
No replying to trolls, ignore + report.

Be nice.
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this looks hot til you remember it'd be hitting the opposite of where you want in your ass
Wtf happened to all the thumbnails?
It's been like that sitewide on older images for a few weeks now

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Cyno Edition

Old one: >>3033541
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Fellatio after anal (not anilingus.)
Posts should either contain image sequences or animations explicitly showing the two sex acts in order, or still images where it's clearly implied that the cock the bottom sucks was in their ass immediately prior (by the presence of a single top, cum visibly leaking from bottom's ass, etc.)
12 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
posting a few favorites
it being disgusting is what makes it hot.
your bottom debasing themselves for your pleasure feels powerful
see this guy gets it
I guess.

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