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Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

>https://pinboard.in/u:yrecs (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >https://rentry.org/BLreq
Project JUNE Download: >https://projectjune.dreamwidth.org/473.html
Tiermakers: >https://tiermaker.com/user/579020

Bonus challenge:
What is a common personality type you don't like seeing in BL, and what would you do to improve/change it?

Previous thread: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3035486/
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For me, the word has the same disgust/shudder-inducing energy as "moist", "belly" and "hubby" but good on them for all the Danmei love. Wonder if any will get the Donghua treatment like Korean stuff. Just finished Hyperventilation & the special.
Wait, Hyperventilation apparently came out in 2017 and I can't find a manhwa to go with it. I'm an idiot.
But I still loathe the word "spicy".
Isekai Salaryman BL maybe A Nobles Vacation.
Shutline got animated as well.
The VAs are aural sexo. The last time I watched Korean BL was a few years ago, when I binged on stuff like You Make Me Dance and an actor/chef thing that I can't remember the name of.

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new link? it expired.
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bumping your thread cause it's on page 11 and there's 2 dead threads at bump limit next to it
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i want yakumo to have sex with me so bad
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Hot af
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could someone post an archive link for all the h-vids?

Just a thread for rubbing dicks
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With that description I thought chilchuck but thats >>3055355 clearly not him. Who is it then?
This bitch really gonna complain about supposed shota while posting the ugliest tumblr art imaginable.
This should be the default form of gay sex, not anal.
I thought the default form of gay sex was jerking each other off, done that way more times than anal.
Most men just treat that as foreplay. Anal has been deeply ingrained as the "real" sex for gay men, probably because it closely resembles straight sex (peepee go in hole). But personally I find it underwhelming, a pain in the ass -heh- to prep for, and absolutely disgusting if not prepped for.
To me, frotting is more intimate, mutually pleasurable, and clean. Not saying anal should NEVER be done either, I'm just saying it shouldn't be considered the preeminent form of gay sex.

Previous thread >>3038623
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Any male Fate/Grand Order character (incl. f-2-m rule 63 guys) is welcome. Baras welcome, femboys welcome, bishonen welcome, all pairings and sizes welcome.

The only rule is no western art or hyper, keep that shit on /aco/ and /d/. Obviously no shota/furry or anything else that breaks board rules. Don't reply to trolls/drama/whatever just report them and hide the posts.
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This thread is focused around sharing videos and MEGA links to RTZeroBara and Saigon3D's content.
Here's the first MEGA link to Rtzerobara's MEGA folder! https://mega.nz/folder/7W4l2brZ#hxJY30MXM2FPAyFk8zQH6A
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That IS the real link. If you can't find the new stuff just sort it by date added
Please send me to, press@msz.gov.pl
retaaarrddd thats the link in the op!!
someone pls send real july link to retropal35@ymail.com
thankgod, thankyou for the july folder link
pls send real folder to me too

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ocs/characters with alt aesthetics or
vampires, goths, visual kei, decora, etc

eastern and western styles and masc/fem
are fine just stay on-topic
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>thick luscious pubic hair
why isn't this more common
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kissable tummy

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TGCF, MDZS, SVSSS, 2HA, and all other ancient Chinese BL wuxia gays. Previous thread: >>2894576
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women belong on /d/
That image belongs on /d/ and degenerates like you belong on a cross
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"Twitch chat" edition
Previous thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/2988436/

1. Thread is for ART related to YOUTUBER/STREAMER of all sorts. | NO REAL PHOTO / IRL CONTENT! For such content, check: >>>/hm/celeb
2. USUAL BOARD/GLOBAL RULES APPLY - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. Contentless bump(s) are also not allowed.
3. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on.
4. OTHERS: "Hardcore" yet not /d/ worthy? As long as it is related to the thread & abides /y/'s rules then it should be fine, just please don't spam & keep it to a bare minimum.

>To make a new thread, wait for current one to reach page 8 (while at bump/image limit) in catalog.

*Artist List (Youtuber-focused): https://pastebin.com/YyFEHtxH
*Legacy Threads: https://pastebin.com/aspkSPCt

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Love seeing these snotty youtubers getting BLACK'D.
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A new one
Big growing muscles
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Dirty Deeds Edition
Previous: >>2886421

Something something add Pizano#6160 for access to the Discord (They probably won't let you in)
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He can switch its place with a bigger one using his stand, can't he?

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Anyone else play? Got any fan art?
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Does anyone have the updated mega?

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no bitching about pairings or character
no art that looks western cartoon style
bara and feminine are OK
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I'm offended that this ancient image hasn't been posted yet
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*pspspspspsps* (trying to attract some 腐-anons into this dying thread]

New Hoyo game. New porn.
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Yes, He's too cute
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A thread focused on posting anonymous (or faceless) figures in drawings.

GreenAnon Edition

Preferred anonies in thread:
Faceless/Featureless characters, silhouettes, Y/N, stickman, OC (if you have one),...

Report any trolling and floods in thread. You can coom in the thread, by the way.

Return to the legacy:
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Fuck off, faggot.
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