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Artist: Aquarina/Lenbarboza
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vary Nice u GOT any more?!
what year is it?
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2008 baybee
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ugly art style
comical, but not focused enough on the good part - which should be fucking. Also it should be Kōga with him, but that's in my perfect world.
Koga with who? Trick question because Miroku is hotter than either brother.
Inuyasha. Although I agree the lecherous monk is quite hot too. Sesshomaru I've never really gotten the attraction to, at least by contrast to the other three. Yes he's prideful, and pretty, but more the type girls are into I believe.
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Unf, this one too.
Ngl, the dog penis is a little weird.
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I usually really like Maoh works, but the headbang in this is just too comedic
Not really.
i wanna slap it like bongos
>making that stupid face
I would force him to eat my ass instead of fucking him.
Anyone got any lewds of Muso?
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So many AIs
What’s wrong with AI?
Some of them are way too wonky to even be hot
they look bad, lifeless, and boring.
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the ones they posted itt mostly look fine
except these that are kinda fucked for obvious reasons
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Gay porn drawn by humans have a horniness that AI can never replicate
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I agree with you that AI sucks but it's still just existing porn drawn by humans mashed together.
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Any Miroku? I know he belongs to Sango but still
Miroku was such a perv, that I'd love to do really naughty stuff to him.
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just realized his dick is backwards
that's a thing this hack sakimichan always does in her "art".
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Thank you for posting this.
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Don't die!
I'm not gonna let it die.
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