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/y/ - Yaoi

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ITT: any images posted in 2024 and onward (JST)
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yeah yeah retard you’re mass bumping with no content and replying chatgpt tier garbage
stupid bitch
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It works fine, try not being a dumb double digit IQ cunt. ^_^
love varre
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almost every thumbnail ITT is broken

I joined the Black Clover train hella late and I’m wondering where all the yaoi is at?

I can barely find anything despite the amount of male characters in it. Please share anything but I’m partial to Yami.
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>AI fart op
OP here to add that I also read moon runes and am willing to translate any Black Clover pictures you like

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The last one got knocked off during the shitposter usual mass bumps. Be civil and don’t argue or whine. If you hate a post then click the hide button and continue jerking your cock, nobody gives a flying fuck about what you dislike.
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I love Reigen, but this feels cursed
Too detailed compared to the face, is probably why. The artist is pretty good though.
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Post boys getting their minds toyed with.
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ooh youre getting horny..
ooh you want to suck on an egg and shove pickles in your urethra
*snaps fingers*
did you get hard
damn youre all really this mad that my dick works?
that a yes?
post art retards

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Any new content?
Check kemono.
It's been down for about a month now for all patreon imports, and Hotcha hasn't been updated since July.

Only way we'll be getting content now is if someone manually posts it here.
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Hey everyone, two new packs were shared with the drive, Bull Brains and GokuVR, enjoy!

As usual, if you have any of the other missing packs like these ones were, send them my way at crimsonsamf95@gmail.com

hey, do you know how long it will take you to get the other packs from july on, if you will get them?
also thanks for sharing as always, you’re the best

Post hot guys getting railed by orcs & goblins.
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>>3065216 have a link for that hypno file? Now I’m curious
What's this from?

Stupid Sexo Flanders edition
*Previous Thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3053775
*Request Thread: >>>/y/airt

>To make a new thread, wait for page 8 at bump (and/or image) limit in catalog.



Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I prompted piers nivans for the guy at bottom but that pokemon guy appeared instead
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still working on the october pack of gens but doing some of this guy as well

Elden Ring: >>3054686
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Why are the Sorcerer boys always so hot?
anything of pate getting assraped? fuck that guy
Great thread

Khiara by Personalami
Height 170 cm. (5'7 ft.)
Penis size 13 cm. (5.1 inches)
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They're pretty rare but there are some like that.
Heyo, what you gonna SAY-O
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what are you working on? tell us about that yaoi story you're writing, show off your OC artwork, or discuss ideas for that yaoi VN you know you'll never make
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Even if you have shit art someone will read it, then your art will get less shit over time.
>Even if you have shit art someone will read it,
not true at all, tons of vns flop
And you don't even hear about the 1000s of webcomics that don't take off at all.
Is it cool to post art/fanart we made that don't really fit any of the other threads, or by OC did you mean strictly original characters? I remember there being a general OC thread on /y/ before but it seems to have disappeared for a while now
Projects are projects, what have you been working on?

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post og shit
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probably No because caths are terminally terrified of homosexuality
Didn't dig out anything yet, but I'd like to thank the anon who came up with this thread, it's truly a goldmine.
yuck, please delete this at once!
sperry, post more

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General thread for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney / 逆転裁判 and all of the sequels.

Subby Edgeworth Edition

>Ignore and report shitposts/off-topic

>Previous Thread
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sub edgy is kino
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All pics are welcum from AI to western art and bears to twinky femboys :3
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sorry about posting some stuff under the wrong thread guys ... some of us gotta catch on to how to use the site lol sorry about that
Fuck off faggot, you're not and never were funny
Off topic, not YuGiOh.
What is this trash?
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why this thread is so unpopular? was it the low output of animated gay illustration?
probably because there is little content for it

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he’s actually a 700 year old middle aged divorced dad in a midge body
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clean it up you lazy unloved fat tranny janny
She’s too busy fingering herself to it.

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