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ITT we post pictures of faggots who have gotten themselves into a tight situation. No bara please.
58 replies and 48 images omitted. Click here to view.
18-23 is the only acceptable time to waste time on 4chan wdym
This. Life starts after 23, when you get a job. Everything before then is just an excuse to bide your time until you can move out of your parents house.
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Let's have a thread about the fine art of bondage and ropes
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Hot asf

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A new one
Big growing muscles
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Cute twinks, traps, femboys, bara, musclemen and ikemen in maid attire, ready to serve their masters.
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Come be my maid and I'll buy you multiple maid outfits.
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Previous thread: >>3009275
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New thread?

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Anyone else play? Got any fan art?
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Whatever these types of pictures are called. Post his reactions as it gets deeper and deeper.
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>surely a contentless bump will help this shit thread
Shit art.
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lets make it more memey
maybe it will help this godforsaken thread
yiffy robot lol :D

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thread for posting and discussing whatever you want
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that's not bishonen lmao
Not sure why but nsfw-ish memes hit different for me
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Nta. Take your meds, you’re the one sperging out in a thread you clicked out of choice.
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I guess yaoi fans and bnwo fans don’t have much overlap
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hot MAGAtard

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TGCF, MDZS, SVSSS, 2HA, and all other ancient Chinese BL wuxia gays. Previous thread: >>2894576
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More in the mega folder
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women belong on /d/
That image belongs on /d/ and degenerates like you belong on a cross

65 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
Very nice

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if I like yaoi but only if I already like the characters does that make me gay
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>gays don't exist! straights don't exist! everyone is a degenerate like me
Back to tumblr, roastie.
this post has gone to fucking shit.
Nobody here is an adult capable of letting someone else have their tastes without sperging out. Just look at the PF spam in half of the threads.
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u rang?

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ITT: any images posted in 2024 and onward (JST)
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its not?
no it's an oc
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What’s the addon that turns pixiv filenames into links
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54 replies and 43 images omitted. Click here to view.
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A non-violent way of conquer people
78 replies and 35 images omitted. Click here to view.
im half pinoy and i have this fantasy
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Tbh I'd love to be a late 19th century trapper with a hot yet competent native "companion". Also we need more eskimo, inuit, first nations content.
Pic unrelated, but the only thing I have.
Not big into rape, more of a paternalist.
I feel bad for him but it's still hot.

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