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Discuss /y/ and yaoi meta ITT.

1. USUAL BOARD/GLOBAL RULES APPLY - no yiff, cuntboy, futa, shota (twink/short guy is fine), hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. Use Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme. NO CONTENTLESS BUMP(S).
2. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on. If you want to contact the mods:
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>>3053476 >>3053683 >>3054288 >>3054289
>>3054325 >>3054321 >>3054327 >>3054329
>>3054326 >>3055224 >>3055207 >>3055208
>>3055206 >>3055223 >>3055212 >>3055210
>>3055211 >>3055399 >>3055400 >>3055401
>>3055402 >>3055395 >>3055395 >>3055397
>>3055398 >>3055407 >>3055408 >>3054325

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Disgusting and unsurprising if true.
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Unfortunately we need to do you know what on a massive scale (compared to this board visitor population) to see any change.
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it's been done by multiple people, how massive does it need to be?
I love senpai from friday night funkin'

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Guys caught fucking/masturbating
No voyeurism where it’s clearly intentionally in public view
No women anywhere in the pics
No arguing
Femboys/traps and bara both welcome
Eastern and western art both welcome
Discussion of getting caught/catching others and any experiences you may have welcome
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Sabudenego does some good work and combos-n-doodles has a very good art style.

But nothing gets me as fucking hard as Kirsi
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patrick fillio
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yo daddy
his art would be good if it weren't hyper shit
such is the problem with most western artists

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In the Name of God, the Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful.
Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.
The Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful.
Master of the day of judgment.
Thee we worship, and in Thee we seek help.
Guide us upon the straight path.
The path of those on whom Thy grace is,
not those on whom Thine anger is,
nor those who are astray.
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You’re blaspheming by posting this in a Jewish holy thread.
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Free Palestine
Suck a zionist cock, slut. Palestinians would stone you for coming here.

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Which doggo boy has the biggest penis
Lettuce find out
what you just posted. Gorou is too much of a [spoiler]good boy[/spoiler] to possess something like that.
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He’s a slut!
I don't get the point of this thread

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A thread just for twink yaoi
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Anything is cool, western/eastern & bara/femboy idc post what you got :)
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Pokemon's best dark skinned boys. No top Leon
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Leon’s more masculine so he should top desu
Ehrm I said that was the last one, for now.
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usually Rule 34 is your place to go, like trist_ava
Fugtrup too
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This isn't 3d you fucking APE.

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boys who like being fucked, even if they don't like admitting it
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The term 'blush' brings up what you're looking for
Sounds like a woman with extra steps
>feminized male on regular male
But enough about you.

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Men with dirty cock
No tr@pshit or bishitnen allow
No fxking hairless women porn

Brothers to thread are
Bara >>3042861
Uncut >>3044502
Hairy Holes >>3047516
Masculine Fart >>3031548
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please make the world a better place and kill yourself
i can't tell if you're trying to roleplay or what
what's the purpose of bumping the thread if you actually hate it
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You WILL eat his oily chunky sour bacterial slime
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Khiara by Personalami
Height 170 cm. (5'7 ft.)
Penis size 13 cm. (5.1 inches)
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he's so..


WHERE can a guy find more of this?! ZAM,N
dear fujoshi, this board is not for you.
there are fujoshis that like traps and bara though
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good for them, but it's annoying to hear some twat complain that liking a certain type of male isn't gay to... gay men
2000s yaoi paddle fujos were based and loved trappy ukes bro

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Post 'em bishie boiz..

Business as usual;
- no western art
- be civil
- don't argue
- don't feed the anti-trap/bara spammer if it posts
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The card game? I think everyone plays the jp version now.
japanese servers only, reddit has tutorials for it
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hot expressions
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