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>No western-style/cartoon art
>No females anywhere in the pictures
>No furry shit
>No musk, dirt, odors, or filth
>No heavy censorship
>No bitching or arguing
Bonus points for small tops
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Outta my thread shitposting retard, he has a dick in either version of your retarded agenda.
Nigga pussy don’t look like that.
Stop disrespecting your mom.
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Fuuma Kotarou
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Any short twinks/femboys fucking the ripped thighs of a big muscledaddy?
I wish but it's pretty much nigh impossible to find.
take an anatomy class retard, vaginas are way lower down and don’t bulge hard through fabric
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this is my fetish
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Mm.. giwtwm
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New fetish unlocked
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Based thread. Wish I could find some of these with chubby guys with thigh squish that wasn't fat old man cartoonshit. Or muscular biker legs with some plush.
I’ll look for some
yea you're right it doesn't exist
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>find a really well-drawn thigh sex pic
>it's cuntboy
every fucking time
As long as it's not a fucking cartoon we're good here.
nah /y/ janny hates if you post cuntboys or even cloacas, i don't save them anyway cause i prefer dicks
Great thread, intercrural is the core of sex with boys, very underrated

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