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Keep futas in >>>/d/ tourist
get the fuckout of my thread karen
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Back to lolcow, hole.
guess i should have copied this from the other threads for the autistic karen

>Bara, bishies, femboys all welcome.
>Keep on-topic, be civil, report and ignore the spammer if she tries to derail and complain.
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Salsa? I can’t read moonrunes.
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what’s this from
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more like this plz
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My husbant
Who is he
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This reminds me of Loveless
I see it
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Love when bottoms do that tongue out puppy eyed stuff when they jerk me off
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cute little cock
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Wasn’t he invisible?
keep shitflinging in >>>/trash/, autist
Is he a genshin char? Looks familiar
Really? I'll have to keep this in mind, to me it just looks silly, but maybe bf would like it
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cute cocks
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