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14 only, no other final fantasy games
bara and traps are both welcome
ignore and report the shitposter if she derails
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I could not get into this mmorpg but the men are super fuckable.
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The lack of proper Zenos art is disturbing
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Never cared much for femboys, but FFXIV sure changed my mind with that.
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same tbbqh
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garlean cock
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He is only attractive to women
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I don't agree, but I will admit that most of his fanart is drawn in a style that only appeals to women.
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anyone have art of zenos on top of fandaniel fucking his throat? Saw it a while back and thought it was super hot but forgot to save it unfortunately
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Who’s the cat?
it’s an oc
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i don't even play this game but the porn is tight
It's not worth playing for anything other than the porn anyway.
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Second this comment. The game is mid at best, but the community is absolute dog shit and full of snowflake retards who need their egos stroked. Trying to find any kind of roleplay is best if you're specific races. (If you play Elezen for example, then you're getting 0 dick.)
Male elezens used to be really popular with fujo erpers, what happened?
unironically ffxiv has the best community i've seen in an mmo, it's huge, active, lively and full of all kinds of people. yeah, a lot of "snowflake" types are on there but i'd rather have that than hoards of "cope and seethe" 4chan fags like wow or bdo. game is definitely mid tho yet it's the best mmo out there rn
fag detected
>gay is le insult
Where do you think you are retard?
The community sucks, the only braindead retards that like it are newfags too skullfucked by all the porn allure to have ever played the game outside of textfucking to realize how mentally ill, closeted /pol/tarded, and passive aggressive all the players are. Go back to /vg/ to circlejerk your shitty game more.
fag detected
alright, i feel a little shitty for trolling but lets be honest, not all people in this world can be generalized into one category, yes those players exist and yes there are many, as there are on any online platform these days. if thats all you can focus on then be my guest but sorry for trying to be normal on this hellhole of a forum
You call that low quality spam response trolling? Lmao.
>sorry for trying to be normal
Lmao x2.
if you wanted to be normal youd contribute instead of shitposting
you just prove his point and youre an insufferable troon too
im not a professional edgelord like you are, sorry daddy. im going to go cry in the corner by myself now

lol it actually makes me sad how easy it is to piss people off on this site but i did fan the flames, sorry i couldn't help it this time
No you're just a boring, passive aggressive, underage tranny with nothing better to do than 'troll' a gay porn board.
Just report and ignore her.
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I really think you’re the mid one. At the moment xiv is riddled with people like you- IMVU porn addicts. The game is there to actually be played, not to be used as an ERP porn generator. Usually people like you fall into this defeatist and casual playerbase who are actually super shit at the game and don’t delve into content more difficult than normal mode. I can sort of tell given the circle jerking shit you’re talking about, because you’re so self concerned that you actually think that just because people are interested in the games actual purpose and content that it means they’re circle jerking - because you’re THAT pathetic that you’d rather blame other people for your shortcomings.

I would agree that XIVs community has strayed very, very far from what it was 10 years ago. But I can just tell you’re one of the grey parsing shitters who think they know something when they don’t.
not this shit again
I do agree on some level. The "cope and seethe" NPCs just repeat the same old retarded shit and becomes boring after five minutes.

>IMVU porn addict
If you think I'm an IMVU-porn addict, then you're fucking wild. ERP has been in this game for over half a decade and it's well-established and rooted in the game. Yet, I made a valid complaint about Elezens getting 0 action and suddenly I'm demanding a porn generator or some shit. No???

>super shit at the game
Nope to either of these things. I do raiding and a lot of the high end shit. Just haven't bothered with Ultimate, because of horrible experiences with it and the current "flavor of the month" trend plague.

>grey parsing
>your shortcomings
I used to be a Phys Ranged main that parsed purple. I was forced to go into the healer role, because people pussied out when they made healing more complex than "spam glare and occasionally heal" in Eden's Promise Savage. Quit your damn yapping.
Anyone got Zenos, preferably bottom one? I found only a few yaoi drawings at all with him - most are straight.
>Personality/mana excretion with dudes

I'm gonna need more please
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This is all I have other than some weird clothed penis abuse stomping pic from 2017. I never save them because the art styles always suck, picrel.
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Can I has more eritemi? I only have sfw images of them......
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I don't have full blown nsfw.
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miqo'tes make my dick so hard
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also taking this as an opportunity to dump some zenos, fandaniel, and asahi pictures, sinc ethey're most of what i have.
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stopping here for now, have a bonus hermes because this thread has a lack of him.
i wanna cum in his hair
Yes! Thank you!
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mini fandaniel dump to celebrate the newly-broken syrcus tower.
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good lord

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